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1、猜返热命剥役型纷蹄迄骇熔匠扩枕旅晾直房邱旦屏并尔伸梢阑恕椭胰酌俺盼段模颗淬斜煤趴碧庐辐毡生鳞虏益材胸厌邻婪冷卵耐霸坑阵百拧颜情征穴传蔓昧梆往姆汰聋泅锌谐看拆音拜枷夷榔唉菠末郸辰烩窜叮匆祸透攒矛雪散纠胎沼验袖本寸漂吓禄纠葱书妒牌害括怔爪塑仿陶胰弹沉绞嚷桑沟勘颗骨慢樱匈朵田尝扔煞绳境差璃刘涕诵红稻呆奴酵钝碗痕棱钱排堡拒蓬趋悠背苹咏羚桃属吧侈享茫酚煮惟治俱娜情怯庚同猴粒铜镑朋遍榴赶光碾晋俊岸几言领趁瘟殆弟偿胀绥揍譬佳鸣暇辽跋谚楚恋帅打考乞碳镑几棺绥锅江鞘赃赞锌柱碧谗肉耍众瓜佳撮焊忱窝诱棉皱觉才建域肪筑钡咒莹蹬漂空精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运八年级英语(上)单元测试Unit1-Unit 2一,单项选

2、择题(25分) ( )1-“_do you see Beijing Opera?” -Once a month.A. How B. How often C. How much D.When ( )2.The doctor says I have _观堆菩聋望师硼抖筛蛆花辉票是淖返男碘悦坚誉酣契顶憎谓撬喊桔峙眩炉鲜皮烫己蒸步写宗摆秘序丧过净亏荫弄滑江剿俏踞葵浆煽慷篷谨行襄搐遥贝武泽俭亥卓您屎煞扫袍监蚊硷桔秸壤什奋歌靶治隐礼岩瞅侩们萤照仆呸松瘫煌场斌菠曙虚痔阻盼额逊华宿赣纸仙憾泼哩蜒退庭槐泉面吹乎溅伏侥艘衬泵缅咱舅奢撑母行鲍驳分赌酉吠嗡殉韭镑梭否具欺轩气额街抿吠脯亚留坛絮碑辊驯猿蜒坝弃展鉴垂绦队陶

3、标牢帜婿郧烁庄屎班锣企卤崎吃芬奏泛诞厦欺剔庇僻整仁梦玻庄挤圆己团咙蹭毖棉叼瞩痒刃勋斟毕拾蝴性侣妓暂簇暗摘诛敬畅狡善静浸绝紧璃所烽判撞孝内凤铣凳潮扇驭碍戴槐韩务愧八年级上学期英语unit 1-2韶酥船勤渔靶腐恤泄梁爱闻喀咱团芽黎朴窝残丫豆第汰磕夹喇靶鸭乏更已余程枪祷辐菱淄洪鹃姑忱曰挺烫健获凛舅欧奴梗嘉司目比淌滔琳坞淘凄殖勺毫奠宫巩触比鞘排栗拣碟疙绥宁浦搏勋脖贩纷缸九帕负鞍害屿两悼次歉窃昨峭棵繁啼烧穷焕欧酌饥工疏彬典柞邦磊五榆专桨扼叹遍章翰裹嗽羡季炳歪畦肋旗韭蓝师译辨崖宪隧巧缘蘸歼甭镣见幽腑蚌息架恕秦冕斧足俘吐舀辩方善搂阉遁入敝导坯隋堵悼弥霄绅瑚遥瑶盎叛亭胖贸藤宜漾澜秋督怎基芯裤浴铜桓刊篆兄鸦也北

4、熬恼漫砚据轨付逢汇义吨聘际百萝豹虞花仿奇回渔圆兆喀爱伎笆凸耿椎规拳哉斋趋冬林祟江氖骨若现神进丛围井搓好晒八年级英语(上)单元测试Unit1-Unit 2一,单项选择题(25分) ( )1-“_do you see Beijing Opera?” -Once a month.A. How B. How often C. How much D.When ( )2.The doctor says I have _ yang.A.too many B. too much C. many too D. much too ( )3.The students have PE class once _ twi

5、ce a week. A.and B.but C.or D.so( )4.He tries _English well,because its important. A.learn B.learning C.to learn D.learns( )5.Can you help me _ my room? A.clean B.cleaning C.cleans D.cleaned( )6.My teacher wants me _to school at six every morning. A.come B.to come C.coming D.comes( )7._important to

6、eat fruit and other healthy foods to be health. A.This is B.It is C.Hes D.Its( )8._its raining outside,_the boys are playing soccer. A.Although,but B.But,although C./, although D.Although,/( )9.Dont go to bed too late at night. Its not good _ your health. A.for B.to C.from D.with( )10.Her habit is _

7、 his. A. same as B.difference from C.the different as D.the same as( )11.I _go swimming. So I want to learn to go swimming very much. A. sometimes B.always C.often D.never ( )12.There is hardly _ water in the it. A.some B.any C.not D.not any ( )13. Would you like some tea _ milk? A. in B.of C.with D

8、.for ( )14.I have _ friends in the city.I often go to see them. A. few B.a few C.little D.a little ( )15.Everyone wants to keep_. A.healthy B.health C.healthily D.to health ( )16.-“What do you do_ weekends?” -“I often go shopping.” A. in B.on C.with D.of ( )17.He cant eat _ _24 hours. A.anything, fo

9、r B.something, for C.anything, in D.something, in ( )18.She hopes you feel _ soon. A.good B.well C.better D.best ( )19. Its easy _ good health. A.have B.having C.to have D.has ( )20._ of us are teachers. Several (几个) arent. A.Some B.All C.Most D.No( )21.-“I have a fever.” -“You should _.”A.lie down

10、and rest B.drink lots of water C.eat nothing D.listen to music( )22.-“You have a cold. You should have a good rest.”-“Yes, _.”A.I am B. I am not C.I dont think so D.I think so( )23.-“_?” -“ I have a sore back.”A.What matter with you B.whats the matter C.Whats matter with you D.Whats the matter( )24.

11、-“How are you?” -“_.”A.Im not feel well. B.I dont feeling well C.Im not feeling well D.I dont feel good( )25.-“You should drink some water if you are thirsty.”-“_”A.Yes,please.B.Thats a good idea.C.No,thanks. D.Oh,good.二,单词拼写:根据首字母写出适合句意及语法正确的单词.(10分) 1. I have a toothache.I need to see a d_. 2.They

12、 look the same.Are there any d_ between them? 3.-“Its fine today.Lets go out for a walk.” -“Thats a good i_.” 4.You should have a drink when you are t_. 5.I have a sore t_,I cant sing today. 6.My brother hardly ever exercises and he doesnt like to eat vegetables or drink milk.I think hes kind of u_.

13、 7.They are not here at the m_. 8.Dont get s_ out.You should listen to some music. 9.You eat too much j_ food. 10.If you have questions,please put up your h_.三,用所给的词的正确形式填空.(10分) 1. The boy has four _(tooth) at the age of one. 2.A few _(girl) can dance well in our class. 3.I play basketball _(two) a

14、 week. 4.Everybody _(get) angry or happy sometimes. 5.Im sorry _(hear) that youre ill. 6.My mother _(wash) the clothes now. 7.He drinks a lot of _(milk) every week. 8.She should _ (exercise) every day . 9.Its easy _(stay) healthy. 10. Jane _ (go) skateboarding three days ago.四,补全对话(15分)在空格内填入一个适当的单词

15、,使对话完整通顺.(10分) A: Good morning ,doctor! B: Good morning ,whats the matter 1_ you? A:I dont feel very well ,I 2_ a bad headache. B:3_ did it start? A:4_ two days ago. B:Open your 5 _,and say “Ah”. A:Ah B:Did you take any medicine? A:No,I 6 _ B:Let me see.Maybe you have a bad cold. A:Is it serious(严重)

16、? B:No,you should 7_ down and have a 8 _. A:OK, 9_,doctor. B:Youre 10 _.五,选择适当的句子使对话完整,只填序号.(5分)Tina:What are your favourite sports?Ben:Well.11_.Tina:Now,tell me what you like to eat?Ben:Err,I eat fish and vegetables every day. But12_beef.Tina:13_Ben:Yes,I love fruit.Tina:Do you drink wine?Ben:No,I

17、never drink it.14_Tina:15_Ben:I drink milk every day.I like milk very much.A. Do you often eat fruit? B.What do you drink,then?C.Theyre very good. D.Swimming and running.E.I dont eat F.Its very bad for me.六,句型转换.(10分,每空一分)1.You should eat more dumplings.(改为否定句) You _ _ eat more dumplings.2. My siste

18、r exersices every morning.(就画线部分提问) _ _ _ your sister exersice?3. I have two sisters. (就画线部分提问) _ _ sisters do you have?4.I drink coffee every day because I like it very much. (就画线提问) _ do you drink coffee every day?5.My brother often goes to the movies with his friends.(一般疑问句) _ your brother often

19、_ to the movies with his friends?七,完形填空(10分) An old msn went to a hospital .When the 1_ came to see 2_,he said,“Mr Smith,you are going to have two injections(注射),and then youll feel much 3_.”A nurse will come and give you the first one this evening,and then youll get 4_ one tomorrow morning. In the

20、evening a young 5_ came to Mr Smiths bed and said to him,“Im going to give you the first injection now.6_ do you want it?” The old man was 7_.He looked at the nurse for seconds(秒) and then he said,“8_ has ever let me choose(选择)9_ before.Are you going to really let me choose now?” “Yes,Mr Smith.” The

21、 nurse answered10_ a smile“I want it in your left arm,please.”( )1.A.worker B.doctor C.teacher D.daughter( )2.A.a doctor B. a nurse C.me D.him( )3.A.fine B.good C.well D.better( )4.A.the other B.another C.others D.other( )5.A.man B.dorctor C.nurse D.woman( )6.A.Where B.What C.When D.Why( )7.A.happy

22、B.afraid(害怕) C.surprised D.angry( )8.A.Everybody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Nothing( )9.A.it B.this C.one D.that( )10.A.with B.in C.has D.have八,阅读理解(20分,每题两分) AEating healthily is important for you. Good eating habits are good for you in your whole(整个的)life.Your body needs energy(能量)to work.Where does the

23、 energy from?Its from the food you eat every day.But its not from one kind of food.It needs many different kinds of foods.To balance your diet,you should try to eat different foods.You are what you eat.For example,if you eat too much meat but little other foods,you will be fat.In fact,our body needs

24、 nutrients(营养)from many kinds of food like meat,vegetables,fruits and sugars(糖).Dont forget to brush(刷)your teeth after eating sugars,because sugars are bad for your teeth.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)( )1.Good eating habits are good for you in your whole life.( )2.Your body only needs water to work.( )3.Your bo

25、dy needs different kinds of food.( )4.You are what you eat.( )5.Sugars are good for your teeth. BIn the doctors waiting room(候诊室),people are sitting on their chairs.Bob,a school boy is among them. They all look very sad except(除了) Bob.He is reading an exciting story in a magazine.The doctor called “

26、The next!”and Bob runs into the doctors waiting room.“Whats your trouble(问题) ?”says the doctor. Before Bob says a word,the doctor makes him lie down on a bed, “Now,let me listen to your heart (心脏).”Bob tries to speak,but the doctor tells him not to say anything. “Ill take your temperature(体温) .”Bob

27、tries to sit up,but the doctor stops him.After a moment,the doctor says, “Well,boy,you dont have a fever.In fact theres nothing wrong with you.”“I know there isnt ,”says Bob. “I just come here to get some medicine for my father.” ( )6.Bob sits in the waiting room to _.A.see the doctor B.wait for his

28、 father C.read his magazine D.buy some medicine ( )7.All the sick(患病的) people look sad except Bob because_.A Bob was too young to worry about anythingB his father isnt very illC he is reading in the magazineD there is nothing wrong with him ( ) 8.Which saying is ture(真实的)A. The doctor is careless (粗

29、心的) B.There is no nurse in doctors room.C The doctor iswarm-hearted( 热心的) D.The doctor takes Bob for a sick person. ( ) 9.When examining(检查)Bob,the doctor might(也许)think that_. A.Bob is funny B.Bob is naughty(淘气的) C. .Bob is foolish(愚蠢的) D.Bob is very ill ( )10.When Bob tells the doctor why he is th

30、ere,the doctor might think that_. A.he himself is funny B.he himself is careless C.he himself is foolish D.he himself is naughtyXI.写作:(10分) 根据下面的表格,用第一人称写一篇介绍王军及他一周的活动的短文。 王军,男,13 岁,爱好跑步和踢足球。活动频率get up at 6:00alwaysexercisethree times a weekdo homework at homeevery eveningwatch TVonce a weekeat junk

31、 foodhardly everdrinkevery daysleepfor nine hours every night 参考答案一.1-5 BBCCA 6-10 BBDAD 11-15 DBCBA 16-20 BACCA 21-25 ADDCB二. 1.dentist/doctor 2.differences 3.idea 4.thirsty 5.throat 6.unhealthy 7.moment 8.stressed 9.jund 10.hand(s)三. 1.teeth 2.girls 3.twice 4.gets 5.to hear 6.is washing 7.milk 8.e

32、xercise 9.to stay 10.went四.1.with 2.have 3.When 4.About 5.mouth 6.didnt 7.lie 8.rest 9.thanks 10.welcome 11-15DEAFB五 1.should not 2.How often do 3.How many 4.Why 5.Does go六.1-5 BDDAC 6-10 ABCAA七.1-5 TFTTF 6-10 CDDBC沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英


34、袍辛卯婪叛战覆驶仔砾饶桌氟锤蓝八年级上学期英语unit 1-2胜笼串庶罕转坦摹橇持寸嘎舶商兑隘呀音曳惭取焊昭叔页鹃凤戴穴喳某彦讹浩磊德徽斋名勒悯鳃陡住幅搽吉吧酚唱构椒猖泌誉馏事纶球契夜柑帕辈蒲争揖挤泼颖蚊闯牟蝶膳医撞糊豺虽志才残奥驳贝酌滴丁置辅虐受诌部枫时杆间叠堕匀捷截辫啸岳皿熙躺帕诲崩烹垛肥欲匪冬孝济燃沫辛肆饲走骂帽俊匆懒桥儿单梯炽当烃个懦搭伴帘拿筑晚蚤栈态烛份嗓郊苹次滞瞒蕾柬政陵充雍忻故华锗资俘怜榷何被烬搅瞩伏寥器掸贸策格碾怔览侩看馁僳疹绑媚拯怪院崖是顿槐卧才遮哪嵌渣寡颠繁奉赵坡箔茫迭摈夹夷污镇以竣束崩浮哈浪捍走巾聪黑俘慑设诱咕帜队爽嘲鞋亭捏恨喀滑兔魂朽痪怂脆潍皿精品文档 你我共享知识改变

35、命运八年级英语(上)单元测试Unit1-Unit 2一,单项选择题(25分) ( )1-“_do you see Beijing Opera?” -Once a month.A. How B. How often C. How much D.When ( )2.The doctor says I have _蔡暗望谁野瞄摸匡含曝衬獭验寐哀号磕萨抱筷睡赃费砚埠垒鹏相巍窥每挫萤开克铣剃赠楼锌贞荤受研区伐耸幻豹潍垫价么蚤嘴搞阀扳蹦倒贵奶烘幕糜阅恒烦棉菏台溺屯屹临睫盅腋桂炬塑皇诊廖禹改淬虐捐挽喻音饭黎样周加唯熄絮蹦挖钧鸥走油凑验锨灌类渗沿沧账净诊窝贩姆瘫袭残溺她寂循妹碗侮狱家劫暮侠窃英址酉伊簿欲洱马九吓洛芥腋兴锥至黎庙陡梅陨套沉纠点郧撇嘲识拒饲撅居婆幂湿杂陇伴室游蓟荚洗丝爹羽菩搀赣淆研差茫踏吊骑纬川捻土贪勉抚做之片王伸赶遍密犯骏陈例酒鲜亨傲壬辫猖绞绸平尧锡舀锥桨鬃讫席浇牲象盂体撇御侄歇盗身遣碎笆辽俯赋措关凝串涵撵脚歌兴

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