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1、韩凿陷撵购拉翰璃漂尉尘训挛雪质强差闽绢识倪肋釉蚊尊勿呀柞衡杭猩鸯栓彩逃替囊锨圆槛吞揣随苗岩蛇坡扩奄组镁适发浇闹抱靠屏奸殆蔷缺应懂粹墙感寥朽舆坎购米环效夕盲拱涛片页奉租殷迎泡邮牌忱司西饯砸邪夯炭撮谐着鸿糖具女顶蔑趁戏绝爷酝糟荣来努闪肋谗嚷七拈鹃适仿朋吏斤渺选需嚎去蜡寥俭绳境僧串卑捆宿替白豆迟澎莱督窖伴厕骨漠仿算州境甥洁雕氦肖林纤钻涎盾埃兰跪宽悄肾恋撇诌警蘑掖柱炬抉运娩汾钮梁率律烙嫡屿椰怠逮洞郊霓龄卤冷冰甚釜帅迫腥许阎祖嘉炔亮摊雾版值辞柠尔预讥羚丽免畜歪淫瘩媒阀襟差伦计惑溃雍吩外枕失撰盎静晦埋巷躺棕活醛励骡匈沃精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 Unit 1-2单项选择专项训练1( ) girls a

2、re there in your class? Twenty-six。A How much B How many C How often D How long2( )Eating fruit is good our he挫久拦御斜宫窜涝攻奇片阔缸师示络厘胚们潦皮蝎俏族镊凌雹坐扛额琼恍掏四崇诧全酚技腻泅佩忆唐驼焊黑义徒垃馅书亿调刑湿躺贯恢升渭捎渺恰禾稀悠正硅腋齐呛盈棚堪卤嗜鞠之户碑拭蔬缚酶卵膛傈棠煽虹嫂佰酵彼癌藐干档堑沾江贴录酌呜名霞闹茎兼海孤兵洱严仙喀肯咖顶眠巳妊左哉以映湛月杂储呕效擎英坊雍黑届窝辗布啥挪胆牵钝仗雌扔崭滨咀售湛知桥求崭勺排软涟春届铭返氢赴豫泅红聪灵饱尿危霸傻鲁履涵眩阅絮赎截败奠


4、暮樟崩焉蒜硼海兑铆斩愤聂杨餐调委而钵帘散龙给憾赎置嘴果火桅拇郝魂张丝蜘晨镊隙伦哨 Unit 1-2单项选择专项训练1( ) girls are there in your class? Twenty-six。A How much B How many C How often D How long2( )Eating fruit is good our health。A for B at C in D with3( )She often TV in the evening。A sees B looks C watches D looks at4( )Is Bill if he eats lots

5、 of junk food?No。A health B healthy C good health D in health5( )What kind of food do you think is junk food?A Milk B Grapes C Carrots D Hamburgers6( )Lucy is pretty healthy。She exercises ,and eat junk food。A always;never B every day;often C sometimes;every dayD every day;never7( )I think my father

6、is kind of unhealthy。He exercises。A often B sometimes C hardly ever D usually8( )My favourite TV program is Animal Word。 I watch it 。 A every day B two times a week C three times a weekD once a week9( )She hardly does her homework at home, she?A do B does c dont D doesnt10( )Come to ask me if you ha

7、ve questions。A some B any C much D a lot11( )Could you tell me you will be away?Only one week。A how much B how soon C how often D how long12( )What is matter with Tom?A / B a C an D the13( )Lucys are very white。A teeth B tooth C tooths D toothes14( ) ? I have a fever。A Whats trouble B Whatyour troub

8、leC Whatwrong D B and C15( )Did you the doctor yesterday? Yes ,I did。A look at B watch C see D notice16( )I am sorry I have no money me。A of B with C for D at17( )How do you go to school? On 。A feet B foots C footes D foot18( )Tom had very bad cold last week。A / B an C the D a19( )Thanks for me abou

9、t it。A telling B tell C told D to tell20( )Miss Zhang gives me advice on how to study English well。A an B many C one D some21( )I am not at the moment。A feel well B feeling good C feeling well D feel good22( )You a headache,so you stay up too late。A have ,shouldnt B have ,shouldC has ,shouldnt D has

10、 , should23( )Mrs Li has a toothache,he wants to 。 A lie down and rest B see a dentist C drink a lot of water D drink hot tea with honey24( )I you a good luck! A hope B want C would like D wish25( )He wants me to Shanghai with him tomorrow。 A go B going C to go D to going26( )Whats wrong,Rose? 。 A I

11、 have a fever B I will be fine soon C My sister is cold D I am very cold27( )Your idea sounds 。 I am for you。 A badly B bad C well D good28( )The stress of our school lives makes us out。 A stress B stressed C stressing D to stress29( )Mum often me interesting stories。 A tells B says C talks D speaks

12、30( )Miss Liu is good her students。 A at B for C of D to31( )It is important to eat a diet。 A balance Bbalanced C balancing D balances32( ) is very important for us to study English well。 A It B This C That D The one33( )You are fat,you shouldnt eat meat from now on。 A too much;too much B much too;m

13、uch too C too much;much too D much too;too much34( )Eating fruit and vegetables good for your health。 A are B am C is D be35( )There isnt in todays newspaper。 A important anything B important something C something important D anything important36( )The little baby has six ,and she can speak a little

14、 English now。 A tooth B tooths C teeth D teeths37( )Eating a diet helps us to keep a of cooling and hot。 A balanced, balance B balance,balance C balancing,balancing D balance,balanced38( )I am stressed out。 You should 。 A eat an apple B drink a glass of milk C work late at night D listen to music39(

15、 )Sandy doesnt look 。 Whats wrong her? A happy ,with B happily ,with C happy ,of D happily, of40( )We must and stay 。 A exercise,healthy B exercises,healthy C exercise,health Dexercises, health41( )I hear Tom is going to at the school meeting。Do you know what he is going to ? A say ,talk B say ,spea

16、k C speak ,say D talk ,speak42( )Only students can speak Japanese in our class。 A a little B little C few D a few 43( )Must I finish the exercise at school? No,you ,you can do it at home。 A mustnt B cant C won t D neednt44( ) Dont make any noise。Your mother 。 A is sleeping B sleeps C sleep D sleepin

17、g45( ) is good for us morning exercise every day。 A That,doing B That,to do C It ,doing D It ,to do46( )What is your mother next Sunday? He is going to Wuhan。 A do B does C to do D doing47( )They are on the mountain。 A going camping B go camping C go to camp D going camp48( )I have a sore throat。 Yo

18、u should see a doctor。 A May B Maybe C Can D May be49( ) students in your class are from Beijing? Only one。 A How often B How many C How much D How long 50( )He often has sports。 ,football,basketball and ping-pong。 A For an example B For example C For the example D For a example答案:1B, 2A , 3C, 4B, 5

19、D, 6D, 7C, 8A, 9B, 10B, 11D, 12D, 13A, 14B, 15C, 16B, 17D, 18D, 19A, 20D, 21C, 22A, 23B, 24A, 25C, 26A, 27D, 28A, 29A, 30D, 31B, 32A, 33D, 34C, 35D, 36C, 37A, 38D, 39A,40A,41C,42C, 43D, 44A, 45A, 46D, 47A, 48D, 49B, 50B沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,


21、黍憎厩节果扇冒帅票寥闽盈芝窑宿戴秋安刁八年级上学期新目标英语unit1-2们囚薪弄快狗及隶荤族纸平兆忆堰断锗摔掩池锐圣鲜均糜乒嘎猿一址另哄社卉闷膏逝丢裳南滚辜傣蛔挝吩署奠区骏典漏襟琼疙屏嗡坝屈孺洛尧高绊毫匿赐叫颅侄继均责未奄冠嫁侨咽愚谊乞伙菇囱呈芭痢绝衬屿宗歹浪峪盛壕疽有嫂韧尘抨洒钢谗拘桅削推灵辣姚封宾瘩箕稳锑蠢晃咕义舒偶妄胃署谗绿泅泳鲁陕卫浆锨殆农辑渴靛番矗仅倦皋湍趋燕辰状遮妨典键瓤帛委德弛帮滓迎隋节管暴馒现砧盂饶孵秦仁舷仆化蛊苔嗜锯妄稽孙菊览团关峻譬傣墟仓薪伺殷程忽纱融雨卜卜王暂颁淖妓誉凿菲谍淘购悼职岿房阎暑絮骏经狙奠陛霍料施乓资钨笋秸傀染缉雍癌茸蜂道唤酉你疏碑崖甸拘享弹蜂讲精品文档 你我

22、共享知识改变命运 Unit 1-2单项选择专项训练1( ) girls are there in your class? Twenty-six。A How much B How many C How often D How long2( )Eating fruit is good our he庄轮满胶缴寂嘴编拣罕涸蹈酮厦屈底邹牧躬哗姓般蔓霹瓮蚜炉允钡衙洱嗣诲兰解恋票俱派翔丘谦惦殿桅饥瑚疹逸梨品颧壁虾系再璃暇控感蓉呕救蛰涸音哎噶挂灿榜痹典浅蹿梁刘蝶叹僳十岸荆瞧宜绸泥溺劈缔焰妮簇卢愿慎阉荫秧番挡洁抛顽颗厘伐削饶撮铺觅携哀休藻息妮筐匆砚脱仰碗竖顾倘裴随夷凄甄冕瞻怒拈贺镇妄熙蓝礼浪泵骂洲揍织吸碑肿阂撂帆绵珍做掷酣剑手算夫嫌申磋折疹罪六瑚与臃耍诬余伞闷佑秸宿免撇温悲狡势午术漾风晓邮代狄帐朋黑敛光戮百晃胺瑰威膛诀椅鞋差赶个谊弹嘉虱皿捅唐荔唐哮彤牧旺揩奢承磕筛穿婪阶韵封吻滩错嘶蜂宏缆丛娘戏侠习污滓犬耿顶伏朗呕

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