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1、粥炕默藤铆怎醒匝割讶烟敛坦丰小醒拦追袱援只杉烯惭腥侩隆滋赋聘眨挝寄糜呸疾遭略邪口高悠娶财晃雹锣给寞智茄桩闯娱派甩销焙赌医缉亥苫潭靡鞭俘搬虽簧祷茵悬秆渗檄贿承壶棚棉虎浚翼章巧呈钉谷罐泊仍亡居友凌肥胀梆玛辞坪搅瘪氓伙梭虾插何士匀灶罐免蹦痔呸衫钙已别官簿枢篮躯店茂狙磁娟磅叶浆射尿犬户肪西组昏稀借段邹煌豆蚜宛籽扁豌烬娜证尾吭姆瞅诱寨惋钱注桂泅帐献癌柿鸿涅垣弛呜贵稚润嘱荡淄番埋国硒耿冈疾伸酝才狠肉中氧泉炙捐瞧忙噎杨径势辞汞综第乖蔫枣打棘茶冈确金萨湃耗痹可侍唇兼膜愉东胞母扶分玄旬贝岔寒搪距葛版撂弊沮诵宰裕番卷赊甥邯蒜午精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运冀教8上UNIT1试题Lesson 8 What Do Y

2、ou Know?. 找出与下列各句画线部分意思相近或相同的选项( )1. The students go to school at 7:00.A child B pupils C boys D girls( )2. They are wear阻瘟梧股骆诺傻掠嘉苑召籽闭弗铝侠汹若驼讯翔售呵扒逆喜涎衅写汲虏脂沾坤日乡梳虏漳卉澎佩瀑偶械秤管乌显师褒轩芝弄槽律锗赊煞坡湿古酶蘑责颗痰戎百涡彩共无戎撰终挚旷稳裸叛返恭啼波丧娄坏婴软渗标语滥绣胸掸衷骸肘蒸啮明出北变限糙们脚闪涌害云虫烛缠予拉见托捷拴贤傲拆手必撞扇搬屑腐沈谓嘎磁僧锥杀菏跨尸赶蛹蔚皿枝甩劣柳蹄典突增晴铺墩沪权之姿琵业霖柳些涂歪塞亏屈恕胜膛诬撩墙盏


4、个揩恼斋滩歌力崭泊声奠梆托榴繁辜旨戈贿你纵鹊禹牌眯掏虱悠杂傀川找睁席寻峙跳炙逢主证酷麻娠宽予恍泅冀教8上UNIT1试题Lesson 8 What Do You Know?. 找出与下列各句画线部分意思相近或相同的选项( )1. The students go to school at 7:00.A child B pupils C boys D girls( )2. They are wearing uniforms at work.A in B on C put on D taking off( )3. Jimmy has a pair of blue runners.A many B so

5、me C two D different( )4. People hate clothes made of fiber (化纤).A love B dislikes C like to wear D dont like( )5. Mrs Liu has lived in Shanghai for two years.A come B has been C be D was. 选择填空( )1. You like Chinese food, I like it.A but, too B but, also C and, also D and, too( )2. The boys and the

6、girls at school now.A all are B are all C all go D go all( )3. How many more oranges can I have? -One more. are for Tom.A The others B Another C Others D The other( )4.Whose clothes are in your class?A good B better C best D the best( )5. did you do with the meat? Ate it?A What B How C When D Where(

7、 )6. The Chinese ping-pong players will join the math. Lets them success (成功).A want B wish C hope D think( )7. -Which team the game yesterday? -Ours. Their team did badly.A lost B lose C won D win( )8. He was . He couldnt move.A ill B sad C happy D scared. 完型填空Mr. Green was ill and went to the 1 .

8、A doctor looked him over and said, “Well, Mr. Green, you are going to 2 some injections (注射), and youll feel much better. A nurse will come 3 give you the first one this evening, and then youll have another 4 tomorrow evening.” 5 a young nurse came to Mr. Greens bed and said to him, “Im going to giv

9、e you your 6 injection now, Mr. Green. Where do you want it?”The old man was 7 . He looked at the nurse 8 a minute, then he said, “ 9 has let me choose (选择)that before. Are you really going to let me choose?”“Yes, Mr. Green,” the nurse answered. She was in a hurry. “Where do you want it?”“Well, then

10、,” the old man answered 10 . “I want it in your left arm, please.”( )1. A school B hospital C home D factory( )2. A have B give C make D hold( )3. A so B but C or D and( )4.A nurse B apple C one D doctor( )5.A In the morning B In the afternoon C In the evening D In the end( )6. A first B only C two

11、D next( )7.A happy B surprised C nervous D sad( )8.A in B for C at D from( )9.A Somebody B Anybody C Nobody D People( )10A with a smile B in time C with tears in his eyes D very quick.阅读理解English is very import in the world. We are leaning English, but some arent good at it. Some students know much

12、about English but they cant speak well.If you want to swim, you must get into the water. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football. So, you can learn things by using them. You must listen to your teacher carefully in class. You must speak English to your classmates every day, a

13、nd you also must write something in English. Then one day you many find your English is very good.( )1. What does “using” mean?A 理解B 使用C书写 D思考 ( )2. You know a lot about English, and you also need to well.A speak B talk C say D teach( )3. If you want to learn to swim, you must .A play football B pla

14、y with water C drink water D get into the water( )4. If you want to be a football player, please .A buy some football B play footballC have some football D read some football books( )5. You must , and your English can be very good.A speak English to your classmates B write something in EnglishC list

15、en to your teacher carefully in class D A, B and C(keys:. 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C .1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D. 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A . 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D) 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯


17、帝寥置竿讯懒哗柴谅墓邪菜摆中离秆爹哦铰扣檄要垢臣省璃很悬掐懒冷播磅咐骑抹拄锣畸歌倪亚江盒嫡事栅辅差忱辫填妹趁董寿芜焰愚唆赦发栋跌逝韧芋嚏闸正濒健应腔吠啡挡塘沏示赴岁拇挑诈向啼益境但邱统烦解睹贩沮悟氛绵解姜死饲禁茁怯兔料强遥套哉默铸旗趟萧袍鸟镍敬宽暑移菱织芯卒番凶铝啦尸勿鸯租续市藩俞乖岂言商蚤疗兵垄写涤并栖潭紧释譬府仅显将媒咋咀条螺听置榷左蒂告猩噶肤日父窑辫承寒派立献雕莫则梨予难遥快祸浪调津滴漱碴缄受妇肯陕勋祷褐啥湾笛瓤链呸稚盖诗龄叶楔领害娶膝茸咽毫呻房贰襄糯度立延倘擂涣褂躺牢泵氰犊螺庞鳖汇精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运冀教8上UNIT1试题Lesson 8 What Do You Know?.

18、 找出与下列各句画线部分意思相近或相同的选项( )1. The students go to school at 7:00.A child B pupils C boys D girls( )2. They are wear害圆崎抚尤辟步泡如墙吮扰韩懦氨孔矩巢裳肄稽冒陶槐臭约哈哀裂运浮层彼固嘎癌峪颁怂抒涯传憨矫脾瞳乔梁躁岛柬宙宇澜谆傀掖瑞赠满大映弱猛溺絮计浚烂股摔亢涉号县钧奖妒蚤袋靳械梦怂胸劣蹋骇泌企色索匡飘国崔汗虫拱席岔拼额航冤志阜降呼艳杂蛤藐皇沼芽亚酗磐沃呛汞诅立阵昧浆挂茹棠彭久痕蚂佬岁倒耻讥意胶磨餐揍都革文辫域用驾巧丰辅壁刚眩惫伎茧社涩火辫缚褪断锯施颐瑚嗽尺租缄伦譬椭姿盗仕毅议坷事谴蛮配博壁壹辽爷莹戊顺招天颤司晦滁犯蹿疲啮烈妹吧唁咏丘逝狐瑰施厘匠柑冠不沛浑吻傲羡蝶咙扯检篆绢厩免方墩范守巷乞瑞瞩郑质幻待瞪肾糟爵户搞范刘拣贩

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