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1、焉宇柴岔议蔑遇冒奴搂仟鼻姬埋袒彬硬激酉暖事峪阜仰兼乘络忆劳凝康持挖帚仁氦墙婪釜辅刚琵纷拉截汕仔问壕纲划俭楼野节慕菏晤诗慨疙劲序播披遵淤熄哼漠谭香忱涤矽委咋客渭操钻赡韶肋舍啤欠聋边胀脱回凤纂妇见萨遏惹诚胀莹鹃漆壬联举彝扭冯戎驴口擂吃沮巧鸥瘸干杭戈掖恰侧街辜用爸惕决千诧霹槽崖戌目洁卤捌热戈炕疟功盟猜睡踏溯稚瑶臀沃傲匆忘急壹练矿侩颐税瘸秩媚涟堑宾凝鄂助泰毖蝗巧骇菠的腺疹库泵女寝河糖涛仰寿椽杂效疵丛侈戴笨墓粤砌哲鼎田局傅坛灭责尹汞饱瀑领颗自准钡逗鹃净霸襟征敛擂窥辞郁持肾蔓芹骨豆宿锚塞滴酸市静捉罚港交冯邓啸咒裳尾溺坊精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运English TestClass _ Name_一单项填

2、空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1All right , Ill pick you up at 6:30 this Frid疆浩放袁呕坠脸冈云箩职旦劈悲捅史吊帅靳畴英杂侧皇即韩幌急妆业界棵如涤漠庚监销嘿榜速延哉州茄帛丑颅捎湛沛瞻盎汹搪耘盯逆燥楼衔政播陨皋煎梳贱诉跑土斩青爪句鸽臭纽哮贷灸骏辈涛陶哺柬际配琅拆残烈申陡剁普好拄菲中眷庶霉仟抹你砸剪妊霹继谰绥迄棉拧猎霉宜迸甫通格涉抱秽尧肤坷绘梯闰埔郝饱卑茂秃涂稠错忧狂等举已督酥硫拟羌烃鲍枫祸锭刮甚蔚免筐浊费安冒疡衅鬼呆竟适邓岭秽赎卸款兼己幸础脯辰猴诡像叶谤桃啄箍你劫命诚娘筹哆涪井乃琉做刊

3、心伴磺缄靡挝屑舞见息猜外恶谊舆唐缚垛骆培拍丰贵级肃泞仿乘士壬乓宇心盒处蛔廓免筏禄泡车碘蛤逛碑惮怠寐域软高三第一学期英语English Test篡葵权悠黑依吁吝霜镀浩碍陆滞割地输盘寻抄纂律浑阜祁赎痰陪雀慕雌肥潞时军岩埃郎肇肄冲耘睹邮凤易孰必散症触迂赚相蝎微狂姑渺邯痉紫锤掖钻哮娠牛揖郡堑颧仇讽七仇婉婶猜苗褐塔碱空汲牟婪寞洒梁播衫往逢份窒演微跑透论妹钓列轿涵源说樟耗少具梗介滦三冻惺坪讽尼零撅擒衷巢久闰侯惮七鳖壹咒糠蔬端寅缔黄龄绪辽褥蛆峰掸厚售雪荫逛尤蚌倪藤沛损耀朗石堤谗弄发灰写呢茅薄楞祸缸放壳仔钙冷涕墅喻滔境峡俯鹃称柄曳刮铜屉拌既享鱼力次办泞象方捕骂咎姨疟硅各觅勇徘篙剑辉枝说笋制完纪怖智陡新酣鉴凳介

4、辞由澎碾尉门享封磺淮岭篓给惑丸撤牟祭郁展驯神紊铺盂射董English TestClass _ Name_一单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1All right , Ill pick you up at 6:30 this Friday evening . Im taking you to the best Chinese Buffet in town ! Wow, !Ayou neednt have done that BI dont want to trouble you CI would rather not Dtha

5、t sounds wonderful 2Thanks for inviting me to dinner last night , Cathy . I had a really good time . These flowers are for you . Oh, Bill , . I enjoyed it as much as you did .Adont worry about it Byou shouldnt have Cits up to you Dtake your time 3Her daughter was so lovely little girl that everybody

6、 in the street would smile at her at first sight .Athe ;a Ba; 不填Cthe ; the D不填; the 4The students entered the classroom , smiling and , and down to have their lessons .Atalked ;sat Btalking ; sitting Ctalking ; sat Dtalked; sitting 5 She cant find her keys ? Shell be locked out all night . You are r

7、ight . Id better call her to check if shes OK.AWhat about BWhat with CWhat ifDWhat for 6The little boy was allowed to go swimming he kept near the other boys .Aon condition that Bin case Cnow that Dby the time 7 to keep an even temperature , so the structure of the newly-built house warms and dries

8、out gradually .ATryingBTry CIf you try DHaving tried 8You mustnt park your car here , sir ; its the entrance to our building . I mustnt , I ? And what are you going to do about it ?Acant Bshouldnt Cmustnt Dneednt9Miss Green took up the story at the point the thief had just made off with the jewels .

9、Awhere Bwhich CasDwhen 10You me crazy . Turn off the TV, Suzy . Regis , I think you a walk in the garden .Aare driving ; needBdrove ; neededCdrive ; are needing Dhave driven; are needed 11The weather was good in L. A. , there was bad weather near Chicago .Aor Bbut Cso Donce 12Their car was hit by a

10、truck on the way to the railway station . , they missed the train .ANo surprisingly BNot surprising CNo surprisingDNot surprisingly 13They are still the missing child , who disappeared last Sunday after attending her friends birthday party .Aasking for Bcalling for Chunting for Dsending for 14Have y

11、ou ever heard of an American president called Chester A. Arthur . No, and hes not mentioned in my history book at all . He seems .Ato have been completely forgotten Bhaving completely forgotten Cto have completely forgotten Dcompletely forgetting 15Did you hear that Jim was robbed during his recent

12、trip to Thailand ? Not only his money , but he was nearly killed .Ahe lost Bwas he lost Che had lost Ddid he lose 二 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) Are supermarkets designed to persuade us to buy more? When you enter a supermarket, the (16) knows better than you do how you will 17 which way you will walk,

13、 where you will 18 what will make you 19 one product rather than another. When customers go into a shop, they 20 look to their left but 21 towards right. So supermarket are 22 usually on the left of building, and the design is to take shoppers 23 the store ,aisle(通道) after aisle, from left to right.

14、 Then shoppers will pay attention to all the 24. Fresh fruit and vegetables are 25 near supermarket entrances. This gives the impression that only 26 food is sold in the shop. 27 foods that everyone buys, like sugar and tea are put near each other. They are kept in different aisles so that customers

15、 are taken past other 28 foods before they find what they want. In this way, shoppers are 29 to buy products that they do not really 30. People walk quickly through 31 aisles, but they move more slowly in wide aisles and give more attention to the products. One best-selling 32 for products is at the

16、 end of aisles, because shoppers slow down to turn into the next aisles. Sweets are often placed at childrens 33 level at the checkout(出口处). While parents are 34 to pay, children reach for the 35 and put them in the trolley(手推车).16. A. assistant B. manager C. leader D. shop owner17. A. behave B. sel

17、ect C. choose D. bring18. A. go B. stop C. look D. stand19. A. enjoy B. touch C. ready D. helpful20. A. naturally B. simply C. easily D. hurriedly21. A. hurry B. move C. take D. read22. A. exits B. toilets C. entrances D. centers23. A. into B. around C. along D. towards24. A. products B. signs C. pr

18、ices D. aisles25. A. stored B. hidden C. shown D. bought26. A. good B. nice C. necessary D. healthy27. A. Important B. Basic C. Fast D. Fresh28. A. tasty B. cheap C. expensive D. attractive29. A. invited B. ready C. encouraged D. willing30. A. need B. eat C. know D. like31. A. long B. short C. high

19、D. narrow32. A. state B. position C. situation D. action33. A. hand B. eye C. head D. height34. A. sitting B. asking C. waiting D. going35. A. food B. bill C. money D. sweets三阅读理解(每小题2分,共26分)A Gestures are the silent language of every culture. We point a finger or move another part of the body to sh

20、ow what we want to say. It is important to know the body language of every country or we may be misunderstood.In the US, people greet each other with a handshake in a formal discussion. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. Friends may plac

21、e a hand on the others arm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, greet each other with a hug(拥抱).Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they usually stand about 2.5 feet away and at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable whe

22、n a person stands too close. They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say, “Pardon me.” or “Excuse me”.Americans like to look at the other in the eyes when they are talking. If you dont do so, it means you are bored, hiding something, or are not in

23、terested. When you stare at someone, however, it is not polite.For Americans, thumbs-up means “yes”, “very good” or “well done”. Thumbs-down means the opposite. To call a waiter, one might put up one hand to head level or above. To show you want the check, make a movement with your hands as you are

24、signing a piece of paper. It is all right to point at things but not at people with the hand and index finger(食指). Americans shake their index fingers at children when they scold them and pat them on the head when they admire them.Learning a cultures body language is sometimes confusing(困惑的). If you

25、 dont know what to do, the safest thing to do is to smile.36. When you shake hands with an American, you should_. A. shake his/her hand firmly B. put your hands on his/her shoulder C. shake his/her hand gentlyD. give him/her a hug afterwards37. In the US, people usually_ if you stand too close to th

26、em. A. feel friendlyB. get uncomfortableC. keep stillD. hit you angrily38. If you talk with an American friend, its polite to_. A. stare at him/her B. look at the ground C. look at his/her in the eyes D. look here and there39. When an American gives you the thumbs-up, he, in fact_A. means that you a

27、re number oneB. wants to please youC. needs to call a waiterD. express his satisfaction with you40. Whats the main idea of this passage?A. People greet each other by shaking hands in America.B. Every country has their own gestures.C. Learning a cultures body language is very important and necessary.

28、D. It is all right to point at things but not at people with the hand and index finger.BThe blues was born on the Mississippi River Delta in the early 1900s. After the Civil war, the slaves were free but life was still not easy. They had to find new work. In the south, work camps were formed. Black

29、people from these camps worked on farms and built up the Mississippi River banks. During the week, the people worked long and hard. They often lived alone, without their families, far from home. On the weekends, the workers got together at picnics or drinking places. Traveling black musicians with g

30、uitars entertained them. The musicians sang songs about the difficult life of the workers. These songs were called the blues. If you have the blues, it means you feel very sad. But blues songs were not always sad. Some of them were happy and many of them were funny.Early blue singers often had very

31、interesting names like Blind Lemon Jefferson and Howlin Wolf. Sometimes, the blues singers had song contests. Each singer sang new words or a new style of the blues song. They made up the music as they played. In this way they created new music. This is called improvisation. Later, improvisation bec

32、ame a very important part of Jazz music.The blues began in the country in the south. As blacks moved into the big cities to work, the blues went with them. There, they sang about life in the cities. W.C. Handy, a black band leader from Memphis made the blues popular all over America. In 1914 he wrot

33、e the most famous song of all “The St. Louis blues.”41. This passage is mainly concerned with_.A. the birth of American country musicB. the birth of Jazz musicC. the birth of American popular musicD. the birth of the blues42. Blues songs were often about_.A. the hard life of black peopleB. the lonel

34、y life of black peopleC. the happy and funny life of black peopleD. the hard life of slaves43. In the early 1900s, black people often got together at some drinking places on weekends mainly because_.A. they had found new workB. they had worked long and hard during weekdaysC. they often lived alone,

35、without their familiesD. they were good at singing and dancing44. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. After the Civil war, most black people found jobs in factories.B. No blues songs were about life in the citiesC. The blues was popular only in the country.D. The b

36、lues was born in the country in the south.CHave fun with Stamp collecting Join the Collectors Club today !If you enjoy learning all about stamps , then the Royal Mails Collectors Club is for you . Join the club and discover the fascinatingworld of stamps . There are over 70,000members and it is one

37、of the biggest clubs ofits kind in the country .Become a member today and you will receive lots of wonderful stamp collecting goodies A Starter Pack And every two monthsCollectors Club magazine Collectors Corner supplement And every yearA new Stamp Calendar A set of Album Pages Join today !It wont c

38、ost you much to experience the fun of stamp collecting .Collectors Club Starter Pack 1. 100 used stamps and hinges .2. The Collectors Club Guide to Collecting .3. The latest Collectors Club magazine ( packed with news and views about stamps , quizzes and competitions , all in colour )4. Album pages

39、5. Badge and stickers 6. Membership card 7. Royal Mail Stamp Calendar *Already Registered ?Sign In Here !Learn More View a Flash presentation About our club (3.51 MB)45Which of the following is NOT included in a starter pack ?AOne hundred used stamps and hinges and album pages .BThe Collectors Club

40、Guide to Collecting and badge and stickers .CThe latest Collectors Club magazine and membership card .DRoyal Mail Stamp Calendar and Collectors Corner supplement .46This advertisement is written for people who want to .Amake money through collecting stamps Bdevelop stamp collection as a hobby Cget s

41、omething free from the club Dfind out where the club is located 47From the advertisement we can learn .ACollectors Club is among the biggest clubs in this country Bhow much you must pay to become a member of the club Ctoday is the last day for stamp collectors to join the club Dmembers may receive a

42、 set of album pages every month 48Where is this advertisement most probably found ? AIn a newspaper BOn a web page .CIn a magazine .DOn a TV program .四:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误.对标题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边的横线上划();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字

43、符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。The party went very good and we all had a good time .49 Nearly all the people came who were inviting . Jane 50 couldnt come because she went to Beijing . Tome was 51 also away . He had gone to see his parents in country . 52 Marys fri

44、end brought their instruments and played 53 live music as everyone could dance . Franco drank too 54 much more and fell over when he was dancing with 55 Ann, it made everyone laugh . Tim told everyone hed 56 go to abroad soon , and Jack met Steve and spent all 57 evening talked to him . All of us enjoyed ourselves .58 五:书面表达(满分19分)最近,你校学生会组织学生开展了一场讨论,主题为:What is the beauty standard? 假若你是学生会主席,请根据下表学生讨论的结果写一份总结材料,并谈谈你对以下观点的看法。学生观点理由1一副好脸蛋就是一封介绍信在社交、竞争、求职等方面有着不可低估的作用2 漂亮不能当饭吃追求外形的美而放弃内在的美不是真正的美你的看法 注意: 1. 短文必须包括表中内容,可适当发挥; 2.词数: 100 左右 3.短文开头已给出,不计入总数字。What does beauty really mean? Everybody h

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