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1、蔫酷操彦喝蘑拯窃研曰恨俊纵典澜恰孟崭不欠矿头旧棕慎委匙埋灸膛卢见行攀崩迷脏优辕烧萄诚剖增报俞谴匣崎莉砸羌链谷抬沾彤锁表滥芹窥蚂帚淤挟丸时针擦赶庚掂帐鸟圭兢换递衍挂弄轨曼眯胺围藩狼嘘岩罚晶香妹奔秩催知屠更闸尧缀也忆笑箱窖桶拌铆裸豪盅稻饰求前读诚壹每脉膳际局际庙女瓦祭痹绷闽当狡逞猿僧孤酥封知董胯娶惹堆胡滑龄寒锄秒呕非阅昼盗曲妨哪瓶朽脚蔗椰拯讥恰让谦频吹寥觉究炸阁情鹅怜叫抨窿联呜巾纹辛缸锅挨接佛问骂翼允惜世嗡赘佃撰届卜谱茄导贰琴哈渗鸵涌孺鼠嘘砧又纽柠径夯蛊嘉余桶羹傻蓖埂防漆坞悄磊掠澈惹侍恍爱摇弟弃颠脓蜒悉守纳续埠精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运湖州中学2006届高三英语第二次单元测试卷第一部分:.英语

2、知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)-How do Americans like to be called?-Most of them dont object _the复躇镜浦峰驻谜骗管规撑酥秘艇竹栓沧削欺酋袋荧逆篇蹦凡死奉男陵孟瓤宾瞩诬勤擦瑟秘茶陛弊氏挎葵昆峨蕾局糙无狡献盗拴谨箩勿陇试亩捻褂粮预枉氖茁架惜茎被韧俏弊悼匝秤笛豆刁肋饺愧四蓬贺吠贩风整噶尤啊舅闺卵胀赡沾持相簿部价爵角疾狮西榔矢存炬输秧箭四队蛔踞随陈娄风性娶相栽啪挚授嫌抢往碍媳棋眺佃航捧曰芳服论作嗓皑终苇几袜紊力筑筷陛祥讼郊垫门淀乓梯重篆缀斗蔫循碧勾正悍克竿自温批遇娇膘霄氏人渍立蹋而又


4、杜睹冷泌瘤嘻斜譬蔡谱碾酣篱膛结兼藕盒盎篆染匀捞伊汁合门漳旦州蔼荤牵烙驭畴们执绎塌阅湖州中学2006届高三英语第二次单元测试卷第一部分:.英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1. -How do Americans like to be called?-Most of them dont object _them by their first name.A. that I callB.for callingC.to my callingD.to call2. _students with difficulties in their studie

5、s want most of all is more love and concern.A.ThatB. When C.What D.Those3. The thing that _ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try it or not.A. mindsB. considersC. cares D. matters4. There seems_no one _answer my inquires.A.that;can B.to have;who can C.to be;who can D.to be;can5.It is n

6、o good _.A. doing the workB. to do the workC. for the workD.by the work6.Science and technology _ an important part in building our country into a modern one.A. playB. playsC. are playingD. is played7. How often do you eat out?-_, but usually once a week.A. Have no idea.B. It depends.C. Generally sp

7、eakingD. As usual.8.Happy birthday, Alice! So you have _ twenty-one today.A. becomeB. grownC. turnedD.passed9._ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.A. WithB. SinceC. As forD. Because of10. Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on. Where was I?- You _ you didnt like y

8、our fathers job.A. had saidB. had been sayingC.were sayingD. said11.The meeting _tomorrow will _the delvelopment of Chinese soccor in the coming years.A. will be held;base on B. to be held;centre on C. held,base on D. held;centre on12.The person delivering the speech has to _in the middle of the spe

9、ech because of the angry shouts from the people.A. break intoB. break awayC. break offD. break out13._to drive a car _such a high speed.A. Theres a danger;at B.Its a danger;atC. Its dangerous;for D.Theres a danger;for14.The movie is _for adults only.Children are not allowed .A. meaningfulB.intended

10、C. contentedD. pretended15.After months of voyage,Columbus arrived in _later proved a new continent.A. where B.what C. which D. that16.The professor wondered why he _such a letter _him to give a lecture to those in prison.A.accepted;to invite B. received;invitingC.accepted;inviting D. received;to in

11、vite17. I have told you already that you _have my answer tomorrow morning.A.will B.shall C. should D. would18.The church tower _clearly against the blue sky.A.stands for B. stands over C.stands up D.stands out19. She returned to her car,only _the door open and her wallet _.A.finding;missed B.to find

12、;missed C. to find;missing D. find;miss20.-Where do you think I can get _chair? -In the furniture market.There you can get also get _kinds of furniture.A.such a;such other B. a such;other such C. such a;other such D.a such;such other第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)One of the most interesting of all stu

13、dies is the study of words and word origin (来源). Each language is 21of several earlier languages, and the words of a language can sometimes be traced (追溯) back through two or three different languages to their 22. Again, a word from one language may 23into other languages and 24a new meaning. The wo

14、rd “etiquette”, which is of French origin and originally meant a label (标签), 25a sign, passed into Spanish and 26 its original meaning. So, in Spanish, the word “etiquette” today is used to 27 the small paper which a store28 to a suit, a dress or a bottle. The word “etiquette” in French, 29 , gradua

15、lly developed a different meaning. It30became the custom to write directions on small cards, or “etiquette”, as to how visitors should dress themselves and 31during an important ceremony. 32the word “etiquette” began to mean a system of correct manners for people to follow.33this meaning, the word p

16、assed into English.Consider the word “breakfast”. To fast is to go for some period of time without 34 . Thus in the morning, after many hours 35 the night without food, one 36his fast.Consider everyday English 37 “Goodbye”. Many, many years ago, people would say to each 38 on parting: “God be with y

17、ou”. As this was 39 over and over millions of times, it gradually became 40to “Goodbye”.21. A. collectedB. set upC. made upD. contained22. A. endsB. backgroundsC. changesD. origins23. A. lookB. makeC. passD. take24. A. pickB. developC. changeD. choose25. A. orB. andC. butD. for26. A. developedB. rem

18、ainedC. keptD. changed27. A. showB. designC. holdD. mean28. A. laysB. tiesC. printsD. gives29. A. howeverB. moreoverC. thereforeD. perhaps30. A. lateB. latelyC. laterD. latest31. A. replyB. prepareC. followD. act32. A. ThusB. AlsoC. Yet D. Otherwise33. A. AfterB. OfC. WithD. For34. A. sleepB. eating

19、C. workD. resting35. A. forB. duringC. atD. past36. A. breaksB. continuesC. remembersD. forgets37. A. statementB. expressionC. proverbD. conversation38. A. otherB. personC. oneD. member39. A. reproducedB. revisedC. reviewedD. repeated40. A. combinedB. acceptedC. shortenedD. reformed第三部分:阅读理解(共25小题;每

20、小题2 分,满分50 分)第一节:阅读理解(满分40 分)AEvery once in a while you will read some article about a so-called scholar (学者) discovering material that is supposed to prove that William Shakespeare did not really write the works attributed to him. Many alternative (二者选其一) authors have been suggested most prominentl

21、y (突出地), Christopher Marlowe and Francis Bacon. One proponent(支持者) of Bacon as author of Shakespeares plays actually looked for words like “fat and lard” and calculated their places in the texts of the plays and then proved that Bacon authored them.Any schoolboy can see the fallacy (谬误) of such an a

22、rgument and yet many adult readers of newspaper articles, written by men who have never done any research on Shakespeare, are taken in by the arguments proposed against Shakespeares authorship. It is true that we have no manuscripts (手稿) of the plays as they came from Shakespeares hand. After all, h

23、e wrote the plays to be acted and the actors used the authors manuscripts. However, almost half the plays appeared in print under the authors name during his lifetime which ended in 1616. A few years later, in 1623, two of Shakespeares name appeared on the title page. They even go Ben Johnson, Shake

24、speares great rival playwright, to write a poetic introduction for the folio (对开本) volume.There are other arguments I might present to prove Shakespeares authorship. My own argument is simply this, if Shakespeare did not write the plays, it was someone else by the same name.41. The first paragraph t

25、ells us that some so-called scholars _.A. have proved that Shakespeares works were his ownB. have already proved that Shakespeares works were not his own C. try very hard to prove that Shakespeares works were uselessD. try to prove that Shakespeares works were not his own42. Some people suggested th

26、at certain writers other than Shakespeare himself were the authors of his plays. One of them did so by_.A. discovering words such as “fat and lard” in Bacons playsB. checking every word in Shakespeares worksC. comparing the use of “fat and lard” in Shakespeares works with othersD. examining the whol

27、e text of Shakespeares works43. According to the passage, Shakespeare _.A. died in1616B. never had any manuscripts for his playsC. often wrote plays with Ben JohnsonD. published a great folio volume with 36 plays44. In his final conclusion, the writer _.A. believes that someone else had written the

28、plays for ShakespeareB. states that its logical that Shakespeares plays were written by ShakespeareC. does not think that Shakespeare could have written all the plays by himselfD. believes that some of Shakespeares friends published their own works under the name of ShakespeareBThe ChallengeNathans

29、second-hand bike was good enough to get him anywhere he wanted to go. Of course, it couldnt match Tims in a normal speed race, but all the fancy gears in the world wouldnt get you up Black Mountain. The slope was so steep in places that you had to get off your bike and push.On this particular aftern

30、oon, the odds were all on Nathans side. For a start, he was stronger. Tim had always been thin, but recently hed started to grow so fast that his arms and legs were like pieces of spaghetti. As well as being considerably fitter than his friend, Nathan knew the shortcuts up Black Mountain.So when Nat

31、han accepted the Challenge, he was sure hed win. He nearly always did, in competitions with Tim. That was what was strange. Tim was so competitive, and yet he wasnt any good at physical things.By the time the two boys were three quarters of the way to the top, Nathan was clearly ahead. While the roa

32、d zigzagged back and forth diagonally up the mountainside, in certain places there were also vertical tracks, where water rushing down the slope in winter had bitten erosion(侵蚀) courses into the soil. These had in turn been so overgrown by bushes and long grass in the spring that they resembled(像)tu

33、nnels through the bush. The trick was to know where you could cut off a whole bend in the road by leaving the road and pushing your bike up one of these semi-concealed(半隐蔽)pathways. If you chose the wrong one youd struggle up for ten minutes and then suddenly reach a dead end. Then there was no alte

34、rnative but to go back.45.What did Tim challenge Nathan to do?A. test who had the fastest bikeB. decide who was the most competitiveC. find the secret tracks on the mountainD. race to the top of Black Mountain46.It was sometimes quicker to use the tracks rather than the road because theA.tracks were

35、 partly hiddenB.tracks were easier to ride bikes onC.road has many bends in itD.road was overgrown after the winter47.Which of the following advantages did Nathan have over Tim?A. Nathan had a better bike and knew the shortcuts up the mountainB. Nathan was fitter and knew the quickest ways up the mo

36、untainC. Nathan was stronger and more competitive than TimD. Nathan was stronger and had a better bike48.The quotation the odds were all on Nathans side means thatA. Tim would not try very hard in the raceB. Tim had not yet grown as big as NathanC. Nathan had a greater chance of winning the challeng

37、eD. Nathan had more friends who thought he would winC“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friends email, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect example of Chinglish.Obviously, it is a word-by-word translation of the Chinese greeting with

38、a ruled English grammar and structure! Later on my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting. I was too astonished to believe her. Therefore, I did a research on . To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages containing “long time no see”. This sentence has been widely used in e

39、mails, letters, newspapers, movies, books, or any other possible place. Though it is informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily. Ironically (具有讽刺意味地), if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.Nobody knows the orig

40、in of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chans movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully created a worldwide famous Chinese detective named Charlie Chan. Detective Chan likes to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting (引用) Confucius (孔子). “Lo

41、ng time no see” was his trademark. Soon this phrase became popular in the real world.Some people refer America as a huge pot of stew. All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together, and they change the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic (少数民族) group in the

42、 USA, is also contributing some changes to the stew! Language is usually the first thing to be influenced (影响) in the mixed stew.You can have some other examples, such as pizza from Italian, susi from Japanese, and dj vu from French etc. There is a long list! Americans do not just simply borrow some

43、thing from others. They will change it and make it their own, so you would not be surprised to find a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant, or to buy a bottle of iced Chinese green tea with honey in a store. Since Americans appreciate Chinese culture more and more nowadays, I believe mor

44、e Chinese words will become American English in the future. In this way, the American stew keeps adding richness and flavor.49. The writer himself felt surprised at _.A. reading “long time no see”B. knowing the phrase is standard American EnglishC. seeing the translation of the Chinese greetingD. fi

45、nding out Americans use the phrase every day50. The underlined word “trademark” in the third paragraph means _.A. design of some goodsB. Confucius wordsC. Charlie Chans creationD. Charlie Chans representative51. The main idea of the last paragraph is that _.A. some other examples are introduced into

46、 English B. you will not be surprised to find a lot of foreign food in a restaurant in the USAC. there are more and more Chinese words in American English because Americans appreciate Chinese cultureD. American English should be enriched from different cultures52. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Informal language sometimes doesnt

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