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1、英语单词字母英语单词字母C制作人:蔡巍第1页Cynicalla.愤世嫉俗,怀疑第2页Curveln.曲线,弯曲;v.弄弯,成曲线.例句:The rive curves around the hill第3页curlln.卷发;卷曲物.v.使卷曲,盘绕,缠绕;例句:A blow to the stomach made him curl up.第4页curbln.勒马链条;控制,约束.vt.勒马;控制例句:You should learn to curb your feelings第5页cueln.提醒,暗示;榜样第6页crushln./v.压碎,压坏。v.镇压.例句:Several people

2、were crushed to death by the falling rocks第7页cruiselv.巡航,游弋;旅行,漫游.例句:The aircraft carrier cruised in the Mediterranean 第8页crisisln.危机第9页crippleln.跛子 vt.使残疾;严重减弱.The business has been crippled by losses第10页creeplvi.爬,爬行;蹑手蹑脚走;蔓延 例句:The thief crept along the corridor第11页crawllvi./n.爬行,迟缓行进 例句:The floo

3、r is crawling with ants第12页craneln.鹤;起重机 vt.伸长脖子 例句:He craned his neck to see sth第13页cowardln.害怕者,懦夫第14页counsellv./n.劝说,提议;辅导 n.辩护律师 例句:His job is to counsel students on how to choose a career第15页councilln.委员会,理事会第16页correspondentln.通讯员,记者第17页correspondlvi.对应,相当于;相符,一致;通信 例句:The letters that corresp

4、ond to that number are important第18页corpsln.(医务,通信等兵种名称)队,部队;(从事同类专业工作)一组第19页coreln.果核;关键,中心第20页copelvi.对付,应付 第21页coordinatela.同等,并列;坐标n.坐标第22页convictionln.确信,深信;说服,信服;定罪,判罪第23页conictlvt.证实有罪 n.囚犯 例句:The jury convicted the accused man of theft and arson第24页convertlvt.变换,转化 例句:The room was converted

5、from a kitchen to a lavatory第25页conventionln.大会;协定;条约;通例,习俗第26页contributionla.引发争论;有争论第27页contradictionln.矛盾;否定,反驳第28页contentln./v.(使)满足,(使)愿意 a.愿意 例句:He is quite content with his life at present contaminate第29页contaminatelv.弄脏,污染 例句:The water has been contaminated by chemicals第30页consumelvt.消耗,耗尽;吃

6、光,喝光;吞噬 例句:He consumed much time and energy in writing this book第31页consultlv.请教;查阅;商议,商议第32页constitutionln.组成,设置;宪法,章程,体制第33页constantla.连续,不停,经常;永恒,不变 n.常数,恒量第34页consistentla.坚持,一贯;一致,符合第35页considerablela.相当大第36页conservativela.保守,守旧,n.思想,保守者第37页consensusln.一致,同意第38页conjunctionln.连接,连结;连接词第39页congre

7、sslvt.使面临,使遭遇;面对 例句:We need to create education standards that prepare our next generation who will be confronted with an even more competitive market第40页confinelvt.使局限,把限制于 例句:An attendant at the zoo confined the lion to the cage第41页confesslv.坦白,供认,认可 例句:He confessed to cheating an the exam第42页cond

8、enselv.使浓缩,使凝结为 例句:Condense this paragraph into a few sentences第43页condemnlvt.批评,训斥;判有罪,给定罪;迫使陷于不幸境地 de 例句:We condemned him for his bad conduct第44页concessionln.让步;允许;特许权第45页conceallvt.隐瞒,隐藏 例句:You should not conceal yourself from your teacher第46页computelv.计算,预计 例句:The losses are computed at 200 yuan

9、第47页compresslvt.浓缩,压缩 例句:The film compresses several years into half an hour第48页comprehensivela.广泛,综合第49页compoundln.化合物,复合物第50页complicatelv.使变复杂;使(病情)恶化 例句:Her refusal to help complicates the matters第51页competentla.有能力,胜任第52页compensatelv.赔偿,赔偿;填补 例句:Noting can compensate for the loss of time 第53页com

10、pellv.强迫,迫使 例句:Circumstances have compelled a change of plan第54页compactla,紧密,坚固;简练,紧凑第55页commitlvt.犯(错误,罪行)例句:The defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the witnesses of the murder committed last month第56页commissionln.委员会;佣金,回扣,授权,委托第57页commencelvt.开始,着手 例句:The second term commenc

11、es in March第58页combatlv./n.战斗,搏斗,格斗 例句:Throughout the process of reform and opening,we must combat corruption第59页columnln.柱形物,圆柱;列;专栏第60页colonyln.殖民;聚居区第61页collectivela.集体,共同 n.团体,集体第62页collapselv./n.坍毁,垮台,瓦解 例句:Talks between management and unions have collapsed第63页coilln.卷,圈;线圈,绕组第64页clockwisela./a

12、d.顺时针方向第65页clipln.夹子,回形针;剪报,电影,vt.夹住;修剪 例句:She wore a diamond clip on her new dress第66页clinglv.粘着,缠着;依附;紧紧抓住第67页clientln,委托人;用户第68页classifylv.把分类,分等级 例句:Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other?第69页clashlv.发生冲突;不协调;呯相撞,发出刺耳撞击声 n.冲突,碰撞;不协调 例句:The color of the curtains clashed with the color of the carpet第70页claimlvt.声称,断言;对提出要求,索取;使失踪 n.声称,断言,要求,认领,索赔 例句:He laid claim to the estate第71页citelvt.引用,引证。举例;传唤,传讯;表彰,嘉奖 例句:It is no use citing the Bible to somebody who does not believe in god 第72页l 谢谢第73页

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