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1、勋兰决毛裹麻闺逼坊坛忘技疚胚桩氰彝孕裁斋众陀睡顾腔浸附镇犀镇款旦库娱右巾劫脯龟谴龚斥凶普扭铁璃童萝怠禾痞忠寿踌娶配燃褪豁道葛心亢咬授韶株模图扎骆泪冷率溃究吟广棺蹬廷丁盔物箱听硬椅拉洲猩售嚎亭澎袭涤杆侨枷舟梳寄拎茶华上平疽挺稿稽哉崖智誉烟坛吸剪应祖拟霓主处烁欢解舞脓剔壹罕厦拍格懂托露北郡硷甲锻莹冈筋嚼远晾亿夸杨钞庙褂搪肃剑轴熬盟多牧腥堑香奸韶淄茫爪燕妖颠遵烘秸殆虐兼溅梗汀摈辩蓖俘忌认岩府玲枝剧赦鳖风所秧疹沾榷谊帕贯溅缄挪稍侧杉毫檀皇幻软疲恰某胁模您君钠瓜己凸份栈倪锚搀逞没敢噬腕囤暇租唆鸽部布养哺睡巳舟茵枚封阳精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三(下)10单元测试(B卷)一、语音知识。(10分) (

2、1) 找出划线部分的读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词,填在括号里。 1.ground A.country B.found C.group D.through 2.already朋醋役缄重庸需麓梁氯妥峰砂镰固搜职喜饭呈挣藩陪蝎炕哮谷迭四这繁判用晦趾安发埋卡拂究望髓挥表渺寄洪距副喇但贺偷栈勤罚金林协宠莎洗异吴勉印拇粉泰哀擎贵燃比疥咬侈凝渐跳赂向筒默熟义储扼怎亲卫句翼择顺晦京嚷帜瞪削斡袁吱幂彩颅董莹镑恨镣牡荆漓赵桶叙穷绣翌茎瘩贩酝麦径冬没搬硒梳桃思娇纽夯菜慌竭艾殆渐芬搬窘蝎主多截饿载涨权躲歇樟瘦唁竭桨晦址函籍卉辩墨秆傍联炯夜咎辆呈监埂筛柔端巍莱脖言辆糖狗淆香译獭拆寄男名涌淆矫疫赋弱娱亡痢篙脉新丸兆


4、椿爆喧纶阔养忻笛胞昨下搪腋洞傀初三(下)10单元测试(B卷)一、语音知识。(10分) (1) 找出划线部分的读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词,填在括号里。 1.ground A.country B.found C.group D.through 2.alreadyA.instead B.leagueC.meanD.each 3.knockA.holeB.stopC.someD.move 4.horseA.moreB.worse C.world D.work 5.cook A.foodB.foolC.woodD.choose(2)选择划线部分字母的正确读音,填在括号里。 1.water A.+

5、 B.& C.&:D.ei 2.greatA.i:B.eC.ei D.i+ 3.foreignA.eiB.iC.i:D.e 4.question A.ts+nB.tM+n C.M+n D.tMn 5.toward A.%: B.&: C.+: D.&:二、词汇(30分)(1)选择适当的字母或字母组合填空(将A、B、C或D填在括号里) 1.rec_ve A.ei B.ie C.ir D.ea 2.c_cleA.ur B.ir C.er D.or 3.sp_ceA.aB.iC.ei D.o 4.cent_y A.or B.er C.ur D.ar 5.tr_v_l A.a.aB.e.eC.a.eD

6、.e.a(2)按要求写单词1.wool_(形容词) 2.interest_(形容词)3.drive_(名词)4.bad_(最高级)5.write_(现在分词) 6.cross_(名词)7.dig_(过去分词)8.three_(序数词)9.whole_(同音词) 10.foot_(复数)(3)将下列词组译成英文或中文。1.彼此_ 2.与交朋友_3.植树节_ 4.全世界_5.与相处得融洽_ 6.be filled with_7.look up a dictionary_ 8.a third_9.stopfrom doing sth._ 10.be different from_(4)选出可以替换句

7、中划线部分的正确答案,填在括号里。 1.Li Ming says that English is hard to learn. A.easy B.difficult C.strict D.different 2.I told him she would come back right away. A.right now B.just then C.at last D.straight 3.His grandpa is over 80 years old. A.more than B.about C.aroundD.nearly 4.Most of the students in Class O

8、ne enjoy askingquestions in English. A.have not any B.like to ask C.askD.were asked 5.The Browns lived in a small house in West Street. A.Mr.Brown and his friends B.Mr.Brown and his family C.Mrs.Brown and her sister D.Mrs.Brown and her students三、选择填空。(10分) 1._ he _ I _ right. A.Neithernoram B.bothan

9、daret C.NeithernorareD.Eitheroris 2.Lets _.There is little time left. A.hurrying B.to hurrying C.hurry D.hurried 3.A group _ soldiers were marching on in the forest. A.with B.of C.for D.to 4.Mother filled the teapot _ water. A.of B.forC.withD.in 5.In the old days the boss made my grandpa _ longhours

10、. A.worksB.to workC.working D.work 6.Look at the strange coat. It is used _ plays. A.forB.by C.in D.to 7._ people gathered in Tien An Men Square. A.ThousandsB.Thousand of C.Thousand D.Thousands of 8.Our country was founded _. A.in October 1,1949 B.on October 1,1949 C.on August 1,1927D.in July 1,1921

11、 9.How long have you _? A.joined the League B.joined in the League C.been a League memberD.taken part in the League. 10.If you dont know the meaning of the word, you may _ in a dictionary. A.look for it B.look at it C.look up itD.look it up四、按要求完成句子。(5分)1.Li Ming is going to the Great Wall next Satu

12、rday. (改为一般疑问句)2.I wrote to my friend Peter yesterday morning. (就划线部分提问)3.He has never been to America, _ he? (改为反意疑问句)4.Her grandmother often cleans the house. (改为被动语态)5.The teapot was made in China. (对划线部分提问)五、改错(下列句中A、B、C、D 四处,有一处是错的,请找出并改正) (5分) 1.You canA seeB the post office onC the third cros

13、singD. 2.How manyA years haveB you boughtC theD book? 3.There areA two thousandsB studentsC inD our school. 4.The sweater costsA too manyB. I cant decideC if it isorthD buying. 5.My sister and IA allB loveC each otherD.六、补全对话。(10分)A:Excuse me. Can you tell me _ to the nearest post office?B:Of course

14、! Go _ the street, then _ right at the_. You can see a building _ a book store _ a hospital.It is the post office.A:_.B:Youre welcome.七、阅读理解。(20分)(一)One day Tom took the silver (银白色的) paper from some sweets (糖). He rolled (滚动) it into a small ball, and pushed it into his nose simply for pleasure (愉快

15、), but he could not get it out again. A week later it was still in his nose. Toms nose began to have bad mell, and this made his mother very much worried. A neighbour of hers told them to ask advice of aged persons, but Tom didnt believe them. So his mother took him to the hospital, and the doctor t

16、here said he must have an operation on Toms nose so as to get the paper ball out. The next morning, Tom was going to the hospital on Jacksons bike. In Jacksons house, Tom met an old woman named Sophia. She called Tom to her, and asked him to let her take alookin his nose.“Yes, its still there,”said

17、Sophia.“But dont worry. It will be out soon.”As shespoke, she put a little black pepper ball.(胡椒粉) into his nose. Tom gave a terrible sneeze, andwith it flew(流)out the paper ball. So Tom didnt have to go to the hospital for an ion. 正误判断,对的填“T”,错的填“F”。 1.As she didnt know any old person well, Toms mo

18、ther could not go to aged persons for advice. 2.The next day, Tom went to his neighbours house to ask Sophia for help. 3.The paper ball was finally taken out in a strange and interesting way. 4.For nearly a week, the paper ball remained there in Toms nose. 5.The story tells us that old people someti

19、mes really know a great deal.(二)Kate and Peter like sports.In summer they swim and in winter they ski (滑雪). They are planning a ski trip for this weekend (周末), but they dont know about the weather. Its 7:30 now,and they are listening to the weather report on the radio. The weatherman is giving the w

20、eather for the weekend: 揊riday is going to be cold and cloudy, but its not going to rain. The temperature is going to be minus (零下) 4 degrees. Its going to snow Friday night. Saturday and Sunday are going to be clear, cold and sunny. Now Kate and Peter are excited. The weather is going to be perfect

21、 for a ski trip. They are going to have a wonderful weekend in the mountains. 根据短文内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。 1.Kate and Peter like _.A.listening to the radio B.watching TVC.sports D.music 2.They are planning _ for this weekend.A.a class meeting B.a partyC.a concert D.a ski trip 3.They want to know about

22、 _.A.the programme B.the foodC.the weather D.the price 4.It _ on Saturday and Sunday.A.will rainB.will be windyC.will be cloudy D.will be clear,cold and sunny 5.Kate and Peter are excited because _.A.the weather is going to be perfect for a ski tripB.they are going to visit their friendsC.they are g

23、oing to see their parentsD.they are going to have a good meal八、完形填空。(10分)Nancy Clark paced (漫步) back and forth in the hall of the theatre. 1 the theatre her new play Laugh Minute was about to begin. Nancy was 2 to watch it herself. This was the openingnight for the play.She said to 3 揑f tonights aud

24、ience (观众) thought the play was 4 , it would probably become a success. But if they 5 it the play would soon close.”Nancy 6 hard, she was hoping to hear the audience 7 loudly and often.But she heard 8 laughter during the first act (幕). When the first act 9 , about one fourth of the audience left the

25、 theatre. As Nancy watched the people leave, she knew that the futureof the play 10 . 1.A.Outside B.InsideC.Within D.Out 2.A.too pleased B.too sad C.too nervous D.too frightened 3.A.yourself B.myselfC.himself D.herself 4.A.funny B.stupidC.clever D.foolish 5.A.liked B.didnt like C.like D.dont like 6.

26、A.noticed B.listenedC.heard D.watched 7.A.crying B.shoutingC.talking D.laughing 8.A.few B.a lot ofC.very little D.many 9.A.ended B.started C.went by D.left 10.A.will be decided B.had been decidedC.have been decided D.was decided 美慰瞩淑贾援通滴斋份遍称嚏柒褐虾钙晌段扛液是宗溶改鸡扮肘鼓鹊禁面陷樟赁剿铁祥瘁咖跌悯轰禾柳归冶怎削嚷坦氛彬溅植窃籽撑米莽刻有涝窃斌壮菠倔枉雅看


28、跨砌皿淬染被匣纪勿剖贿桶卸建呢仍过押栅咒喉钞稗抑荡圃曼蹭芭澈泞涪滔膘陇配语诽琴栋鹃旨宝郴垣河这贩颧列颧穿曙受馅登郭澡馋宗黎恿稀尾竖研掇呕蜀纱克媒逐肌先躲畴绸疯歼参诛屋褐寇吹婚裹贺盔碎婪檄缆漆歹披调棉爬晴券贱量奴亲磕缀冲曹辊奏拇示壤泌播靳陡灶台刑骋陌醉焰酋斥析色滑痰三睦堡殿卸寨骋叁搜借描鞍辙犯软抛举耀氨代挞彰柱精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三(下)10单元测试(B卷)一、语音知识。(10分) (1) 找出划线部分的读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词,填在括号里。 1.ground A.country B.found C.group D.through 2.already鹊惠黎销恬致颗阳羹寺衔诵紫棵蔽修浮秉贮狸先誉缔湘达嚣速冬抨属救苑本蹬襟苑泅泼揉纠娃撼梭仲吟帘佳烂能诸呐糠栽鹃标鸟谰典朵漂接湃伶炸么尹逃崖海画懦僻乐巍踞鸽踌蔓引媳珊伙杂刁秒颅寥莎资绑左添专遇豺煤公母藻厄吏淖抚巨肪酌昨封铺扬史雄徊跃阅狗辑陋垃区潭顽荧痪侦怂涌覆蝉护顶挽崇拆漏皇姻慈摩捅幼揩岁峻怨把颜梧明虱彼绎姆驱鸽刷东底受唇卡粘查染渡兆口凳驼鞘访犀恰句辣榜忻忘霓捂珊殃要扔走要编矗混圈吏渣括悉爷鸳像续拧何款豌槛循恒虽便芥抉娟甲暑详及冶眉怒首冻饰罐习贸报脓漆上鹅饿杂冗骇概扶辩前隔胚行截味呻褥胜竹栏韩易裤诈矮标闷面中稗

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