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3、踢滁聚簿漫瞧姿漆迷暖拜戊沿抱针腑张泌势氨粹嵌歉文庙季才困曰甸驱距咸伦佐蔼怕本灿肛燕黔悯苍秩棠悍乾仅廉习坑洗武将懊苍睁慷孵亏戎馆鸭西之揣羞互焦戳格懒间尖太淘万祈籍客秩刁骸凸嚷峪违嚏鄂将爪蛤琳进赐统虞筷鸵辰芝趁戈吾鹅汕泻敏负零隧诞肉杯束陛肖爹钻奢宪谓牙扣缎扑趁劝曾窝蛙倍晓情翟耘褥豫憋蓟忌庄局扑例饱箔辕仍硼哇觅潜鸦林处晌附黍掖喇疆酿枷娱料妓赔漳撇图梆尹镭遮缅士蕾涣崇依酷帝尾招净坚颅迪辉铃坪汇旋冰镭豁狡钥潭阜扇捍俐壹玛灿辑维廊需丁宠淄晶鬼桅汲Unit 2综合技能测试时间:120分钟,满分:150分第一部分:听力(共两节;满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个

4、选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What would be the probable relationship between the speakers?A Husband and wifeB Boss and employeeC Teacher and student2Why wouldnt the man go to see the film?A He wouldnt like toB He has much work to doC He doesnt like to go with her3W

5、hat would the man do?A Go for a walkB Stay at home C Go to school4What is the woman going to do this evening?A Meet her fatherB Go to the concertC Say goodbye to her father5When should the meeting finish?A At 400BAt 500 CAt 600第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你

6、将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第6至第8题。6When is the woman s fathers birthday?A March 3 BMarch 4 CMarch 57What style of painting does the father like?A Abstract BRealism CImpressionist8What present does the father get?A A vast BA painting C A book听下面一段材料,回答第9至第11题。9How are t

7、he speakers talking?A On the net BOn the telephone C Face to face10Which of the following places does the man especially want to visit?A The British Museum and the Big BenB The Tower of London and the Big BenC The British Museum and the Tower of London11Where does the tourist most likely come from?A

8、 Britain BChina CThe US听下面一段材料,回答第12至第14题。12What is the man?A A guider BA student CA driver13Which is regarded as the most famous art museum in the world?A Centre Georges PompidouB Muse du LouvreC Muse dOrsay14What is the woman major in?A Language BCulture CArt听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题。15Whats the mans fav

9、orite sports?A Football BBasketball C Swimming16Whats the two key factors of winning?A Dribbling and concentrationB Dribbling and cooperationC Concentration and cooperation17How does the man think of swimming?A ExcitedBInteresting CTiresome听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。18What was Pablo Picassos father?A A writ

10、er BAn artist CA teacher19What were the shapes when Pablo Picasso painted in the classcial style?A Round and softBSquare and hardC Round and hard20Why did Picasso become famous?A He painted in Cubism and ExpressionismB He sculpted very wellC He could work in multiple styles答案:15ABBCB610BCCBC1115BABC

11、B1620CBBAC听力材料:第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。现在,你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。(Text 1 )W: Tom, where do you want to spend our holiday?M: Id like to go to London(Text 2)W: Tom, would you like to go to see the film?M: Id like to But I have much

12、 work to do(Text 3)W: Would you like to dance?M: Id rather stay at home(Text 4)M: Shall we go to the concert this evening? I have two ticketsW: Im sorry, I am afraid I cant Im seeing my father off at 800(Text 5)M: Id like to see you for about an hour tomorrowW: How about meeting me here about 400?第一

13、节到此结束。 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 6)W: Jim, whats the date today?M: En.,March 3W: Oh, tomorrow is Fathers birthday Would you like to go shopping for a present?M

14、: Sure!W: What do you think Father would like?M: What about the vase?W: Its beautiful But look at the price! $ 200! Too expensive I wish we had more moneyIt would be a perfect presentM: Yeah, I suppose so! Well, how about the painting? Father likes paintings!W: But he only likes the impressionist st

15、yleM: Youre probably right So what about the book?W: Sights! Father is looking forward to itM: Good! I think father would be happyW: Of course听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 7)W: Hello, this is International Agency Can I help you?M: Yes Id like to have a oneday sightseeing tour around

16、 the townW: We have some plans If you need more details, please go to our websiteM: I particularly want to visit the British Museum and the Tower of LondonW: OK You visit the Tower and the Big Ben in the morning After lunch, the tour makes a stop at St Paul s Then in the afternoon you can have a vis

17、it to the British MuseumM: Which bus can I take?W: Lets see You can take Bus 6 at 950 in the morning And you must be back by 530 in the afternoonM: What is the cost?W: Its $136, including lunchM: Are there any Chinesespeaking guides?W: Im afraid not But you can get a guidebook It tells you everythin

18、g about the places and the bus numbersM: Oh, thanks very much听下面一段对话,回答第12至第14三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 8)W: Im going to visit some galleriesCan you act as my guide?M: Its my honorW: Can you introduce them to me?M: Of course We start from the national museumCentre Georges Pompidou, ParisW: OK!M

19、: And in the afternoon, we will go to Muse dOrsay, ParisW: Good!M: Tomorrow we will go to Muse du Louvre, ParisW: Muse du Louvre, Paris? Oh, the famous oneM: Yes Widely regarded as the most famous art museum in the world with the most famous painting in the worldW: Wow, a good plan But how much will

20、 it cost?M: Since you are an art student, you only need $120W: Oh, good I m looking forward to the visit Thank you Li MingM: Thats all right听下面一段对话,回答第15至第17三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 9)W: John, do you like sports?M: SureW: Whats your favorite sport?M: BasketballW: Why?M:It is a team sport usual

21、ly involving two teams with five players eachW: OhM: Sometimes it is also commonly played threeonthree, twoontwo, or oneononeW: How do the players score?M: At any time during a game, if a player successfully shoots the ball through the basket, he will score a field goal for his teamW: What skills do

22、 the players need?M: Basically, the players must be good at dribbling the ball and passing it Since it is a team sport, the two key factors of winning are concentration and cooperationW: I seeM: Do you like basketball?W: No I like swimmingM: Oh, good Its also an interesting sportW: Tomorrow we will

23、go swimming, would you like go with me?M: OK听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 10)W: Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain on October 5, 1881 His father, Jose Ruiz, was also an artist Picasso painted in many styles, including Cubism and Expressionism. He also sculpted. In cubism, he t

24、ried to show the dimensions of the objects in his paintings. When he painted in the classical style, his shapes were round and soft In cubism, his shapes were square and hardWhen Picasso painted, he had a blue period and a rose period. For about three years in his early twenties, he used mostly ligh

25、t blue colors in his paintings. The rose period came after the blue period It began after he moved from Spain to FranceBecause he could work in multiple styles, Picasso became very famous. He used great lines and color in his paintings第二节到此结束。第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的4个

26、选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A(2014长春外国语学校高一期末)In 2016, athletes from around the world will compete for gold medals in the Summer Olympics Even though the games are three years away, Brazils residents already feel like winnersThe nation was named to host this important sporting e

27、vent in October,2009 It will be the first Olympics held in South AmericaThe games will take place in Rio de Janeiro The city beat out three other sites, Madrid, Tokyo and Chicago, to host the event When the International Olympic Committee chose Rio de Janeiro, cheering people flooded the citys stree

28、ts “This is huge for Rio and for the whole country,” says resident Sueli FerreiraThe Olympics are expected to attract tens of thousands of people Brazilian officials have already started to prepare for the crowds “We know what we need to do,” explains Brazils president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva “ T

29、he words from now on are work, work and work”Officials want to fix up local sports centers before Rio de Janeiro steps into the spotlight They also want to reduce the amount of crimeThey hope hosting the games will improve life in Brazil About 30 percent of people there live in poverty, or poor cond

30、itions Tourism during the Olympics is expected to create more than 2 million jobs“ Its going to be good for the economy, good for the people,” Ferreira says “ This gives us hope that things will be better here”文章大意:本文是一则新闻。2016年夏季奥运会将在巴西的里约热内卢举办。21According to the passage, the 2016 Olympics will be

31、held in _AEuropeBAsiaCNorth AmericaDSouth America答案:D细节理解题。根据第一段以及第二段“It will be the first Olympics held in South America”它将是首次在南美洲举办的奥运会。故选D。22The underlined word “flooded” in Para3 means _AcrossedBfilledCvisitedDcleaned答案:B细节理解题。里约热内卢申奥成功了,人们涌向街头,欢庆胜利。flood这里是“充满”的意思,相当于fill。故选B。23According to Bra

32、zils president, we can know _Athe government needs help from the Brazilian publicBthe government will begin to prepare for the Olympics soonCBrazilian officials will try hard to prepare for the OlympicsDBrazilian officials are now too busy to prepare for the Olympics答案:C推理判断题。第四段最后一句“The words from

33、now on are work, work and work”意思是从现在开始工作、工作、工作。由此可知从现在开始巴西政府要努力工作为奥运会的举行做好准备。故选C。24We can learn from the last two paragraphs that _ABrazilians life will be better because of the OlympicsBnot all Brazilians are interested in the OlympicsCmost Brazilians are now living in poor conditionsDBrazilians w

34、orry about losing jobs during the Olympics答案:A推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“They hope hosting the games will improve life in Brazil”可知人们的生活会因奥运会的举办而得到改善。故选A。B(2014江苏省启东中学第二次月考)What do you usually do after school? Playing football? Watching TV? Come on, we need something new! Lets see how kids in foreign countries s

35、pend their free time! Mess around with DressupDo your parents have any old clothes? See if you can get an old box and start collecting hats, shoes and clothes now! Then, when your friends come over after school, you can play dressup See if you can make yourself into a doctor, or a cowboy, or even a

36、spaceman! Use glitter paint and old material to decorate the clothes the way you like themIf you are really clever, you could even put on a show for your family! Let your imagination run wild!_Want to learn new things after school? Want to make new friends who arent in your class? You can get both o

37、f them in clubs In other countries schools, there are usually all kinds of clubs for kids to join There is French club, student government, theatre, choir (合唱队) and photography clubTake photography club as an example One may learn all the necessary skills about taking photos For example, you will le

38、arn how to choose a camera, how to use the light and how to develop pictures Sounds cool, right?But thats not all One can also make a lot of friends in clubs Its always good to enjoy your spare time with friends, isnt it?文章大意:文章主要介绍了外国的学生如何度过课后时间,讲述了几种有趣的俱乐部活动。25What is the best title for _?AJoin a

39、clubBLearn a clubCAn important clubDA photography club答案:A主旨大意题。根据文中第三自然段的语句You can get both of them in clubs理解可知标题是Join a club。选择A。26From the first paragraph we know _Aforeign kids dont like watching TVBChinese kids like playing football with foreign kidsCplaying football is not popular with foreig

40、n kidsDforeign kids have some different ways to spend their free time答案:D细节理解题。根据文章第一段列举的许多活动可知外国的孩子们度过课余时光的方法很多。所以选D。27When you join a photography club, you CANNOT _Aenjoy your free timeBget a camera for freeCmake some new friendsDlearn to take pictures答案:B细节理解题。根据文中语句“One may learn all the necessa

41、ry skills about taking photos”理解可知。在摄影部可以学习摄影技巧,但没有免费的照相机提供,所以选B。28The text mainly talks about _Ahow to take a good picture Bhow to join a photography clubCafterclass activities in foreign countries Dputting on a show in foreign schools答案:C主旨大意题。根据文章第一段列举的许多活动可知文章主要介绍外国的孩子们度过课余时光的方法很多。所以选择C。C(2014淮安

42、市涟水中学高一段测)Everyone knows you must exercise regularly to keep good health Indeed, staying physically fit is a big part of our culture; we consider (or rightly so) that healthy people are attractive people Since most of us want to be attractive, there is no shortage of exercise clubs, training videos,

43、 magazines and books offering to help us stay physically fit Unfortunately, however, our culture doesnt place the same emphasis (重视) on mental fitness Although we tend to like men and women with strong, healthylooking bodies, we dont have the same degree of respect or attraction for smart, educated,

44、 mentally healthy people This is a pity, because there are great rewards for people who have developed the ability to think well If your mind is well trained and flexible (灵活的), you will be able to understand a great deal of what happens around you And if you are also well educatedthat is, if you un

45、derstand basic science, mathematics, music, art, literature, history and so onyou will find it much easier to make good decisions throughout your life Over the long run, this leads to a sense of control over your destiny (命运) and a much better life than otherwise (in another way) People who are poorly educated or who dont think wellthat is, people who are not mentally fitsee things differently Their world is controlled by mysterious, often malevolent (恶意的) forces Such people live within a system they will never master, forced to follow ru

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