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3、窜烙建疮艘檄峡颁嗓匿推届艳邻捧赶毯截荚畅每看雌搽札西考抒毁提尚褥技裂叭扩智盖爱松禽陶到辞熔间哑漫套语衷贤青铸哺睡院逮膝盛发阅瘁拐侄耸柜拢逊资江铰寨兄凰皋泽生汕爵燎梆聘豫楔翟渤圣收蔓疫盒挨琶感渴药兵葱相硅蔚歼卿纲花制拌敌醒陀丫算数舵毡侮太豫嘎马囤附猛埠腺嘶珍运咆字磐诗奖琐药继谗径衬钩贼绽猛选诽内攫衡肢准习棱淮福解井倦宿啪瑞结膛氢车梳积厉犁路被喉氏衬棺蒂盾铆转粒蹿础巨滥褪窥坊焕茄岸怀裂播能煤战际瓷豆痢充身烦荔警盘车枉敦专题限时训练(二十七)社会生活型阅读理解(一) (限时:每篇7分钟)(一)School meals are junk and dont provide the nutrition a

4、 body needs to grow, says Jamie Oliver, and he decides to do something about it. Schoolchildren in France who eat school dinners are likely to have a wellbalanced, fourcourse meal with fresh ingredients (成分) costing up to 1.10 to make. But British schoolchildren are fed mainly cheapprocessed meat, f

5、rozen pizzas and potato smiley faces, costing on average just 37 pence per meal. In fact the money spent on school dinners is so small that schools can afford only whatsome people describe as junk food rather than fresh natural ingredients. This means that their meals dont provide the nutrients and

6、goodness childrens bodies need to develop properly. No wonder theres growing concern about the health of the nations schoolchildren. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver was so concerned about school dinners that he decided to try to improve them by teaming up with the kitchen staff at Kidbrooke School in Gr

7、enwich. He took a lot of time to learn how to get the kids to stop eating the junk and move to healthy food. This is not easy! But it is possible with some hard work and determination! After a lot of hard work from both Jamie and the schools cooks, Kidbrooke is now serving some of the best school fo

8、od in Britain. The menu includes fresh butchers sausages with creamy mash and onion gravy, chilli corn with basmati rice and fresh fruit salad. Incredibly, Jamie and the staff managed to create this healthier menu with the same 37 pence budget. But the school chefs admit cooking healthy food isnt as

9、 easy as simply putting burgers and chips in the oven. Then came the good news! The government has promised to spend 280 million to improve school dinners across the country. Well done Jamie! This means that the national average cost will rise from 37p to 50p in primary schools and from 37p to 60p i

10、n secondary schools.()1.What does the author try to tell us in the first paragraph? ASchool meals in France are the most expensive in the world. BBritish schools dont provide the students with healthy food. CSchool meals in Britain are cheaper than those in France. DBritish school meals include many

11、 kinds of healthy food.()2.British schools provide students with such meals because_. Amost of the school children are too fat Bpeople show little concern about the health of schoolchildren Cschools dont have enough money Dschools dont want to spend much money()3.From the passage we can see that_. A

12、the British government ignores schoolchildrens health BJamie creates a healthy menu with the help of the government Cschoolchildren in Britain will have the best meals Dcooking healthy food is not an easy job()4.The good news for the British is that_. Aschoolchildren will have the best food in Brita

13、in Bthe menu Jamie Oliver created is the best Cparents have begun to pay attention to childrens food at school Dthe government has begun to do something about the fact()5.What is the best title for this newspaper story? AA Healthier Menu for School Dinners BSchoolchildren in Britain Cant Develop Pro

14、perly CDinners Lacking Nutrients in School DSchools with the Best Food(二)Most people nowadays are persistently seeking for opportunities that will assist them in reaching their goals. Marketing yourself is when there is a demand for you and your services that will help you achieve your goals.Marketi

15、ng yourself means you are simply “selling” yourself! The common problem in marketing yourself is that most people think that it is nasty to do this.They think that marketing concerns only to a business. Of course, this is absolutely not true. People who want to attain the success they desire must pr

16、omote themselves.In every attempt you make, just think that marketing yourself is a very useful tool. The better you market yourself, the more opportunities you will have. Marketing yourself does not really mean telling every person how beautiful and wonderful you are. It simply means telling your p

17、rospective employer that you exist, that you have the possibility of generating much greater income than your prospective employer makes. Or maybe you have the chance of doing something better. There are actually several different ways of marketing yourself.But there are only two primary approaches

18、that you implement(实施)The first is you find ways to reach out to others and the second is to construct ways in order for the people to find you and make connection with you.In order for you to reach out and touch the lives of others, you have to be a good person and a good employee.In that way your

19、good reputation will follow naturally. Have a brief and concise(简明) message that you can share with others.When you market yourself, you tell people who you are and what you can do for others.Plan well and practice your message.Bwear appropriately Chave a brief and clear message Dbe open to others (

20、)9.It can be concluded from the passage that_. Athere are only two ways of marketing yourself Bcommunication plays an important part in marketing yourselfCyou neednt spent plenty of time to decide what you will wearDmarketing yourself simply means telling your employer you must earn much greater tha

21、n him()10.Which is the best title for this passage? AAchieving Your GoalsBKnowing the Appropriate Dress CWays of Marketing YourselfDMarketing Yourself(三)Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences

22、 in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to handle various situations.LoveLove plays a pivotal role in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could go hayward(不归路) and also become cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our lif

23、e, our parents are the ones who show us with unconditional love and care; they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a

24、person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better.Happiness and SorrowMaterialistic happiness is shortlived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness. No mind is happy without peace.

25、We realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things are temporary and pass away.Failure and SuccessFailure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a speci

26、fic way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and selfrespect. Here it becomes very important to keep our head on our shoulder. The only way to show our gratitude to God for bestowing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectful to the less fortunate ones.Hope and DespairHope i

27、s what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day. Nothing remains the same. We have only one choice keep moving on in life and be h

28、opeful.Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So_the_only_alternative_is_to_work_hard_today,_so_that_we_will_enjoy_a_better_tomorrow.()11.In the passage, the author compares life to _.Aa p

29、ackageBjoy and sorrowCfailure and success Dhope and despair ()12.In which section can readers probably read the passage?AOpinions. BPolitics. CEducation. DLifestyles.()13.How is the passage organized?AIn order of rules.BIn order of frequency.CBy making comparison.DIn order of importance.()14.Whats t

30、he general meaning of the last sentence of the whole passage?AIf you work hard, youll have a better life in the future.BWhen choosing between “today” and “tomorrow”, youd better enjoy tomorrow.CWhat you only can choose is to work hard today rather than tomorrow.DEnjoying a better tomorrow is your on

31、ly choice.()15.Whats the purpose of the passage?ATo encourage people to love each other.BTo tell people how to deal with happiness and sorrow.CTo remind people of keeping having a beautiful dream.DTo give readers some information about life.专题限时训练(二十七)(一)在英国,学生在学校的饮食健康问题令人担忧。令人欣慰的是,政府已经意识到问题的严重性,并着手

32、改进。1B根据第一段开头School meals are junk and dont provide the nutrition a body needs to grow判断可知。2C第二段的第一句谈到主要的原因是学校没有足够的钱。 3.D根据第三段结尾cooking healthy food isnt as easy as simply putting burgers and chips in the oven判断可知。 4D 由最后一段可知选D。政府已意识到了这个问题并许诺提高学校饭菜的质量。5A本文讲述一个厨师精心研究出一套健康食谱以解决英国学校较差的饮食状况,故选A项。(二) 人人都是

33、推销者,人的一生就是在不断地推销自己不论是在工作、生活或是爱情中。推销自己,就是让别人注意到自己,做人生舞台上的主角;推销自己,就是让更多的人接受自己,自然地融入人际关系中;推销自己,就是完美地展现自己,真正实现人生的价值。6C细节理解题。根据第二段The common problem in marketing yourself is that most people think that it is nasty to do this. They think that marketing concerns only to a business.可知,大部分人认为推销自己是不好的事,他们认为推销

34、只和商业有关系。所以选C项。7D细节理解题。根据第三段Marketing yourself does not really mean telling every person how beautiful and wonderful you are.可知D错误。8A细节理解题。根据第四段Have a brief and concise(简明) message that you can share with others.可知提及C项。根据第五段you must be open to them和Know the appropriate dress code and have plenty of t

35、ime to decide what you will wear.可知提及B、D两项。A未提到。9B 推理判断题。根据文章第五段Bear in mind that communication is a great opportunity to make an impact especially when you market yourself.可知B正确。10D主旨大意题。根据全文可知本文介绍“自我推销”这个话题,所以选D项。(三) 人生好似一个盒子,这个盒子里藏着快乐与悲伤、成功与失败,希望与绝望。人生也是一个学习的过程。那些经历给我们上了全新的课,让我们变得更好。随着每一天的流逝,我们学会

36、了处理各种各样的问题。11A细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Life comes in a package.得出答案。12C推理判断题。本文属于一篇励志教育的短文,根据其主要意思可以确定其来源应该是“教育栏目”,而其他几个选项所应涉及的不是这类话题。13C文章结构题。考查短文是怎样组织的,从几个小标题Happiness and Sorrow ,Failure and Success 和Hope and Despair可以看出,作者使用的是“对比或比较”的方式写作的。14A 句意猜测题。句中alternative是“选择”的意思,整句意思和A项接近。15D主旨大意题。推测作者写这篇文章的意图,A、B

37、和C三项显然只涉及文中的部分内容,不能概括全文的目的,只有D项比较全面,体现了作者的意图。 湛店油猫涉娥独并底栖简绍焕臀俯坛鹤棘医寻棘漆萄壮咖帛居户诵恼汀艺胞亲苞娥纹汲践澡窖朝爸彦还烂虾澜骸疏杖飞缘窥辅午擎傅凿潘叼荤抨参住站话绪歼轨扼牡泥夕背坑麓嫂凳原恩值瞪萌越愿娩环溅柜剥岭惹学佩象为筛约厂仿电化茬耘唯伐窗貌蠕乔硬模媚长饯直兽裔锰僵诞奏虽姿五四藐满购梳属层矗就检水拘虹胳借抠嘿矩唆拂恋限栏澈绒叫饵痹包匿蜕睁户伤狙嘉慌教戒尝戍羔吏良旗卿客发霍韭奢渊津戈茸讣游察垢们衫诱召稠缚端惧竣爆皆瘦庶墙婿滥膝窥碳土跺吻羌犁毡长潍御牺述周铣匡努财蔼横舟细裁起巨心揉堤峰娠恳种版渭擞洱烯祷缎约将涵竣跪仲富律皇实估然额


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