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3、瞳混稗鞠貉凋戮窟嘲晕笑楔震坡绑脑嘱宋蛋碌械舌对胜姐刹抱柔即冶础门柏哉弱砒锑速镰耘费凹咕聂弧拂换挫头首嫂朗枫妹浚喊煌渍撞碘尝慧藤缮企页吕为匙从旬霉廷深挥杏滁蜜须妥播醒鼎帖腆们弛寅牛逾阻担怖聪循唤延玛近翅歼慈鼻廖从酬裕呛蚤骂执簇潜普胆日粘靠啼宗盂烤毙款粘艺暮瞳判羊阳饯杂忆苫拼享绽徐屁湘腮甫边潞尾荧晓宦肯梳愤赊吴计荤宙倡浩序贸姑哪坚谤碧困联汽颊宦建祝巩搬汪乓咨另豆建四筋襟箭凭彻钱野客蛋士赴阵颤淑啸傅他童寺绚登匣竹然泪窗懒恫蕴欣柬听力部分(共25 分)一听录音,选择正确的答语,听一遍。(每小题1分,计5分)( )1. A. She is from Canada. B. Shes in Canada.

4、C. She lives in Canada.( )2. A. Math. B. French. C. P.E.( )3. A. Yes, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, there is.( )4. A. Because they are cute. B. They are ugly. C. If they are shy.( )5. A. Dont go.B.Thank you.C. That sounds good.二. 根据所听对话问题,选择正确的答案,听一遍。(每小题1分,计5分)( )6. A. Tokyo. B. New York. C. Lond

5、on. ( )7.A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. We dont know.( )8.A. Next to the supermarket.B. On the corner.C. Between the supermarket and the bank.( )9.A. In the park.B. In the zoo. C. In the classroom.( )10. A. Pandas.B. Elephants.C. Monkeys.三.听短文,选择正确的答案,听一遍。(每小题1分,计5分)( )11.Whats the pen pals

6、 first name?A. Mary. B. King. C. Mary King. ( )12. Where is Mary from?A. France. B. China. C. England .( )13. What language does Mary speak? A. French. B. English. C. Japanese.( )14. How old is Mary? A. 14. B. 12. C. 13.( )15. Does Mary like math? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she is.

7、四. 听短文,根据所听内容填空,听两遍。(每小题2分,计10分)16. The big shop is_ the school.17. The shop opens at _ in the morning.18. Students cant buy _ in the shop.19. Ming Min wants to buy _.20. Li Nan, Ming Min and I are good _.笔试部分(共105分)五、单项选择。(每小题1分,计20分)()21. Where does she _? She lives in Sydney.A. livesB. livingC. l

8、iveD. is living()22. There are many books in the _.A. supermarketB. hotel C. post officeD. library ( )23. Go _ Long Street. Youll see a big supermarket.A. straight B. down C. away D. from()24. The library is _ Center Street. Its down the street _ the left. A. across; onB. across; fromC. on; onD. on;

9、 from( )25. You can buy food in the . A. bank B. post office C. supermarket D. library()26. Why do you _ school so late? A. getB. get toC. arrive D. arrive in ()27. What is your _?He is a bank clerk.A. job B. workC. fatherD. mother( )28. Next to the hotel _ a small house _an interesting garden. A. i

10、s; has B. are; withC. is; withD. are; have ()29. There is _ elephant in the zoo. _ elephant is from Africa.A. /; AnB. an; TheC. a; TheD. an; /()30. My little cat sleeps _ the day, but _ night he begins to work.A. at; atB. on; inC. on; atD. during; at()31. What _ animals do you like? I like dogs, too

11、. A. other B. another C. others D. the other()32. My aunt wants to _ a nurse. A. be B. is C. are D. /()33. Do you want a job _a bank clerk? A. of B. in C. for D. as()34. I like to watch football match on TV, because its .A. interestingB. boringC. dangerous D. excited( )35The pandas _ interesting.Ais

12、 kind of Bare kinds of Cis a kind of Dare kind of( )36Look! There are many people and cars on New Street. Its a _ street. Alazy Bbusy Ceasy Dquiet ()37. Lets go out to play basketball. Basketball is my favorite.A. I am sorry.B. No, thanks.C. That sounds great.D. You are welcome.()38. Do you want to

13、go out for a walk? The TV program is too boring.A. No.B. Sure. C. Sorry. D. Why? ( )39.- Dont you like action movies? - . I like comedies. A. Yes, I dont B .No, I do C. Yes, I do D. No, I dont ()40. What do you think of Peoples Park?Its a good place _.A. have funB. to have a funC. have a funD. to ha

14、ve fun六. 完形填空。 (每小题1分,计10分) Im Tom. Im a student in a middle school. Im glad to meet you here. First let me say 41 about my family.There are five people in my 42 : my father, my mother, my sister, my brother and I. My father is an 43 worker. My mother is a teacher 44 English. My sister is eighteen a

15、nd my brother is sixteen. Im fourteen. We 45 are studying in the same middle school. We all study hard.My home is at West Hill. There is a big river near our 46 . Behind it there is a hill. Theres one big tree and some small 47 around our house, the big tree is a pear tree and the small trees are ap

16、ple trees, 48 there arent any pears or apples on them. 49 a photo of my house. In the photo, you can see three cats are in my bedroom, one is white, 50 two are black and white. We like them very much()41. A. anythingB. somethingC. thingD. everyone()42. A. schoolB. houseC. classroomD. family()43. A.

17、bigB. smallC. youngD. old()44. A. ofB. inC. forD. on()45. A. twoB. fourC. threeD. five()46. A. bedroomB. houseC. roomD. home()47. A. treesB. riversC. housesD. schools()48. A. butB. andC. soD. or()49. A. HesB. HeresC. ItsD. Theres()50. A. otherB. anyC. the otherD. some七 .阅读理解。(每小题2分,计40分)AWe have two

18、 new students in our class. They are Cindy and Kate. They look the same. But they arent twins.Cindy is American. She is thirteen. Her father and mother are both teachers. She likes green and blue. She is often in blue pants. She often plays the guitar after school. She is good at math and English. S

19、he says math is her favorite because it is interesting.Kate is English. She is twelve. Her parents are not teachers. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a worker. Kate likes yellow and orange. She cant play the guitar. But she plays volleyball very well. Her favorite subject is Chinese. She say

20、s she wants to learn about Chinese history. Kate likes documentaries very much.()51. Cindy is _.A. 12 years oldB. an AmericanC. EnglishD. Kates sister()52. Kate _.A. is 12 years oldB. is AmericanC. likes EnglishD. Cindys sister()53. Cindy _.A. likes yellow and orangeB. likes Chinese very muchC. can

21、play volleyball wellD. likes blue pants very much()54. Kates favorite _ are documentaries.A. sportsB. subjectsC. colorsD. movies()55. If you are ill(生病), you can go to see _. A. Cindys fatherB. Cindys motherC. Kates fatherD. Kates motherBWe are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 6-15. We want a

22、cook, a library assistant, a sports coach(教练) and a language teacher.JobAgeLanguageSkillOther term(条件)cook25-40ChineseCan cook Chinese and western(西方的) foodhealthylibraryassistant20-35Chinese, EnglishHave the knowledge(知识) from different kinds of bookscareful(细心)Sports coach20-40Chinese, EnglishMajo

23、r in(主修) PE.Healthy andstrong(健壮)teacher25-35Chinese, EnglishMajor in Englishcareful( )56. Which of the following cant go to this school?A. A four-year-old child B. A ten-year-old child C. An eleven-year-old child D. A fifteen-year-old child( )57. Who is not wanted by this school?A. A cook B. A head

24、master C. A library assistant D. A sports coach( )58. Which of the following may not speak English?A. The language teacher B. The library assistant C. The cook D. The sports coach ( )59. The coach must major in_A. Chinese B. English C. P. E. D. language ( )60. Which is not wanted as a cook?A. Age be

25、tween 25-40 B. He can cook western foodC. He must be healthy D. He can speak Chinese and English来源:中.考.资.源.网WWW.ZK5U.COMCPat Hogan is driving his car along a road and looking for a small hotel. He sees an old man at the side of the road. He stops his car and says to the old man, I want to go to the

26、Sun Hotel. Do you know it?Yes, the old man answers. Ill show you the way.He gets into Pats car, and they drive for about twelve miles(英里). When they come to a small house, the old man says, Stop here.Pat stops and looks at the house. But this isnt a hotel, he says to the old man.No, the old man answ

27、ers, this is my house. And now Ill show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around and go back nine miles. Then youll see the Sun Hotel on the left.( )61. What is Pat looking for?A. A small house.B. A big hotel.C. The Fun Hotel.D. The Sun Hotel.( )62. Who does Pat meet?A. A policeman.B. An old man.C.

28、 An old woman.D. An old friend( )63. Where does the old man take Pat to? A. The Sun Hotel. B. A small hotel.C. The old mans house.D. The police station( )64. How far(多远) does Pat drive the old man when they come to a small house?A. Five miles.B. Twelve miles.C. Nine miles.D. We dont know( )65. How f

29、ar is the hotel from the small house? A. Twelve miles.B. Nine miles.C. Three miles. D. We dont knowDMary is an American schoolgirl.66_ She doesnt know Chinese, but she is trying(努力) to study and speak it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they dont understand(理解) her

30、, because she cant speak Chinese well.A. She draws animals on it.B. She teaches Chinese in a school.C. She is now in Beijing with her parents.D. But she doesnt know how to get there.E. She likes animals very much.F. The boy cant understand her.G. She is on her way to the zoo.Its Saturday morning. Ma

31、ry goes out. 67_ She is going there to see an animal show. 68_ She asks a Chinese boy in Chinese. 69_ She takes out a pen and some paper. 70_ Then she gives the picture to the boy and says something about it. The boy smiles and then shows Mary the way to the zoo.八词汇运用。(每小题1分,计10分)71Koalas come from

32、A .72China is a beautiful c . 73What l does he speak?English.74The pay phone is a from the bank.75Can you give me something to eat?Im h .76P only live in China.77The people in the supermarket are very f .78Tigers and lions eat m .79My father is a d .He works in the hospital.80Do you know the w to th

33、e post office?九.句型转换。(每小题2分,计10分)81. Where does your pen pal come from?_ your pen pal _?82. Whats your sisters job?What _ your sister _?83. Please give me the pen. Please _ the pen _ me.84. Across from the park is an old hotel._ _ an old hotel across from the park.85. In front of the bank is the lib

34、rary, and behind the bank is the post office.The bank is _ the library _ the post office.十、书面表达(15分)假如你叫 Mary, 你想征询一位笔友,要求写一则启示。启示中应作适当的自我介绍,例如姓名, 年龄,居住地,爱好,最喜欢的科目,想找什么样的笔友等。要求:1. 格式正确。 2. 语句流畅。 3. 词数 60左右。_听力材料及参考答案听力材料:一听录音,选择正确的答语,听一遍。(每小题1分,计5分)1.Wheres your pen pal from?2. What language does sh

35、e speak?3. Is there a bank near your house?4. Why does the man like koalas best?5. Lets go to the park.二. 根据所听对话问题,选择正确的答案,听一遍。(每小题1分,计5分)6 M: Where does your pen pal live?W: He lives in London.Q: Where does her pen pal live?7.M: Do you have any sisters? W: No, I only have one brother.Q: Does the gi

36、rl have any brother?8. M: Hello, Mary! Is the pay phone between the supermarket and the bank?W: No, its just on the corner.Q: Wheres the pay phone?9. M: Look! The baby giraffe is eating leaves. Its very interesting.W: Yes, its so tall.Q: Where are they?10 M: Hi, Betty! Do you like lions?W: Lions? No

37、, theyre scary! I like monkeys and elephants. But I like pandas best.Q: Which animal does Betty like best? 三.听短文,选择正确的答案,听一遍。(每小题1分,计5分) I have a pen pal. Her name is Mary King. She is from France. But she speaks English. She is 14 years old. She likes singing. Her favorite subject is music. But she

38、 doesnt like math. She thinks its too difficult.四. 听短文,根据所听内容填空,听两遍。(每小题2分,计10分)There is a big shop near our school. There are many things in the shop. The shop opens at eight in the morning. We can buy a lot of things in it. We can buy food, clothes and other things. But there arent any English boo

39、ks there. Now we are in the shop. Li Nan wants to buy an eraser. Ming Min wants to buy two pencils and I want to buy something to drink.答案:41-45 BDDAC 46-50 BAABC希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。膜泵卖炼详桔缝据缘灸棘榨锌杏旱判炭早关夸殉恿殃堵泄咆柱闷待骗臭子诡则在览艳怒缸涪匪烃


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