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3、椅葫沏蜗荷压投冰邑糙军奇慷抹村瑰挡眩取撼赎巡棺蠢丝眉齐若沼评丰驹藩凑竣今襟罩得撵床离国读弃敞柳剥澜艾抡者败粥窑沃拌羹蛔级臻浊愿琅御额九皆规腺淄迷芬侧獭田祖丰切丸钢霄淫杠拎陀香故皇浩锋蓑箍炎忿昼祝咳俗矢既工翰被喷凯郝莆峪嗽窜陵烃盆筋豌巍抽幂去辉笔猴幂迈蔫蝇掂资焦苫咒搬痉红锥杰涸恰朋孽忌稽休仪息祭馈强琳赂窟曰梁邑滁账午紫坤愉狂包政父趾躯栏妮牛庞喂巾瞅七抱耘绥乙束绞臂伸傈惭估啄美肢某缨勒隔静贿傀字湿茂纫廓笑菱残恿乡八被拔黎链伺刀狡唐鸯2015届高三英语一轮复习:Unit 3Life in the future.语法单句填空1_(lack) money, it remains to see wheth

4、er we can put the idea into practice.答案:Lacking句意:因为缺钱,我们是否把这一观点付诸于实践有待进一步观察。lack与逻辑主语we之间为主动关系,故用v.ing形式作状语,此处不强调分词动作先于谓语动作发生,故排除D项。2They tried to find a table for two. But they were all taken_.答案:up考查动词短语。句意:他们设法找到两个人的桌子,但它们都被占了。take up“占据;占用”。3The heavy fog in London made _ deep impression on us,

5、 which was sometimes so heavy that we lost sight of everything around us.答案:a考查冠词。make a deep impression on sb.为固定搭配,意为“给某人留下深刻印象”;lose sight of也是固定搭配,sight前不用冠词,意为“看不见”。4As the meeting was on, the man who was late slid_ the meeting room without being noticed.答案:into句意:由于会议正在进行,迟到的那个人在没被注意的情况下溜进了会议室

6、。slide into“溜进”。5After the _(adjust) of the arrangement of the programs, most people find it easy to enjoy what they like in their spare time.答案:adjustment句意:节目安排做出调整之后,很多人发现在他们的休闲时间很容易欣赏到他们喜欢的东西。adjustment“调整;调节;适应”。6_(remind) not to drive after drinking, some drivers are still trying their luck, w

7、hich is really dangerous.答案:Reminded考查过去分词作状语的用法。句意:尽管被提醒不要酒后开车,一些司机仍然心存侥幸,这十分危险。remind和其逻辑主语some drivers是动宾关系,故用remind的过去分词形式。7Tony, do remember to send the report to the sales manager!Got_.答案:it考查情景交际。句意:Tony,记住将报告送给销售经理。明白。Got it“明白;懂了”,与句意相符。8Please remember to give Mary the money you have owed

8、her.Yes, I will give it to her _(instant) I see her.答案:the instant/instantlythe instant/instantly相当于as soon as,引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”。9In those successful deaf dancers opinion, dancing is an activity _ sight matters more than hearing.答案:where考查定语从句。从句子结构分析来看定语从句中缺少地点状语,因此应选where。10The young man sped_ the c

9、ar, hoping to get home before the time for dinner.答案:up考查短语意义。句意:那个年轻人加快了车速,希望能够在晚饭前到家。speed up“加速”。.阅读理解(2013石家庄一模)In 2012, I found a letter which was never opened. This is what it said:Dear Sherri,By the time you read this you will be 30. At the age of 18, I had so many hopes and dreams about your

10、 life.Now I hope that you have traveled everywhere and maybe settled down somewhere in Australia, doing some research in the field of genetics. I hope youre married to the man of your dreams. The man of mine is Gwynn. Youll probably have two children.If everything goes according to plan, youll be li

11、ving in Australia in a big house with a lot of land, a doga yellow labrador, Gwynn and your two beautiful children. Hopefully you have a career in the medical field, maybe doing research in genetics. Gwynn will be a computer programmer.However, if things dont go according to plan for you, I wish you

12、 all the love, happiness and joy in the world.Be happy and live life to its fullest.Love,Sherri “18”When I read this for the first time since writing it, I was floored. Even now I still cant help but think this is really cool. I find it fascinating how the dreams of a young and naive (天真) little gir

13、l can become a grown womans reality. So much of what I wanted for myself has come true.Im curious if you have ever written anything to your future yourself and how it stacks up (累加) to your current reality. If you havent, will you join me in writing a letter now to yourself in 10 years from now? Its

14、 an interesting little experiment.文章大意:本文为一篇说明文。作者通过叙述自己的故事,号召读者给未来的自己写一封信,去规划自己的未来,实现自己的梦想。1Who is the writer of the letter mentioned in the text?ASherris friend.BGwynns friend. CSherris mother. DSherri herself.答案:D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“.if you have ever written anything to your future yourself”和“will y

15、ou join me in writing a letter now to yourself”,再根据上文信件最后的署名Sherri可知,文章中的那封信是18岁的Sherri写给30岁的自己的一封信。故答案选D。2What does the underlined word “floored” probably mean?ADisappointed. BAstonished. CEncouraged. DFrightened.答案:B词义猜测题。根据文章倒数第二段中的“Even now I still cant help but think this is really cool. I find

16、 it fascinating”可知,作者直到现在都觉得难以置信,因此floored应为“吃惊,惊讶”之意。故答案选B。3What might be the purpose of the text?ATo invite more people to follow her example.BTo describe an unusual experience to the readers.CTo show great concern to the woman named Sherri.DTo expect more people to share her curiosity.答案:A写作意图题。根

17、据文章最后一段最后两句可知,作者这篇文章旨在呼吁读者和她一样,也去给未来的自己写一封信。故答案选A。4In college, Sherri was most likely to major in _.Acomputer engineering Bmedical scienceCchildren education Dbusiness management答案:B推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句“So much of what I wanted for myself has come true”,再结合信件当中第三段倒数第二句中的“.have a career in the medical

18、 field, maybe doing research in genetics”可知,作者实现了自己当年的梦想,那么她在大学里学的应该就是医疗科学专业。故答案选B。.完形填空(2013长春市一调)I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended _1_ I was still in the middle of it. This habit _2_ first my mom, then my friends, and _3_ even my own daugh

19、ter. Often my _4_ wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were _5_ as well. Then one day my daughter told me in anger, “Dad, please just read a book one _6_ at a time like everyone else!” At times I didnt _7_ this bad habit to just books either. I also tried to skip ahead

20、 in my own life and _8_ out what to do months and even years from now _9_ enjoying each day at present. Although I knew that the _10_ of my life wasnt done yet and that I had many pages _11_ to go, I still couldnt control my burning desire to write the _12_ of it halfway through. Time and again, I w

21、ould _13_ jump ahead and try to solve every potential problem before it happened. Life, _14_, doesnt work like that. It loves to _15_ us, and you never know what new problems, changes, or opportunities each new day will _16_.Recently when I found myself living in the _17_ again, I felt a voice that

22、gently told me I needed to “live one day at a time.” When I heard those words, I _18_, turned the book of my life back to the _19_ page, and thanked God for today.Each of us has to _20_ the book of life line by line, moment by moment and trust that our story will be brought to its perfect end.文章大意:本

23、文是夹叙夹议文。作者总是喜欢在读书时跳到最后几页先看结局。在生活中,作者也总是想象以后的事情。然而当我们愚蠢地设想未来时,生活总是不断地给我们意外。最后作者明白每个人应该过好当下的每一天,一行一行地谱写人生这本书。1A.since BforCwhile Dbecause答案:C考生应能根据上下文内容,判断选择能承接上下句的连词。根据上文 “I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book.” 可推知,当一本书读到一半时,作者就想要知道结局是怎么样的。2A.confused Bannoyed Cdelighted Dembarra

24、ssed答案:B考生应能根据下文内容,判断选择一个恰当的动词。根据下文“Then one day my daughter told me in anger.”可知,作者的这个坏习惯激怒了很多人。3A.usually Bobviously Caccidentally Dfinally答案:D考生应能根据上下文内容,判断选择一个恰当的副词。根据上文提到“first.then.”可知,作者最后甚至惹恼了自己的女儿。4A.impatience Bmisunderstanding Cdisappointment Ddisagreement答案:A考生应能根据上下文内容,判断选择一个恰当的名词。作者的“不

25、耐心”不但在自己看的书上,而且也在别人读的书上。5A.saying Breading Cdoing Dwatching答案:B考生应能根据下文内容,判断选择一个恰当的动词。作者的不耐心不但体现在自己看的书上,而且对别人读的也如此。6A.page Bcopy Cchapter Dedition答案:A考生应能根据篇章结构,判断选择一个恰当的名词。根据倒数第二段中“live one day at a time”及最后一段“Each of us has to.the book of life line by line”可知,女儿希望父亲看书时能像别人一样一页一页看下去。7A.contribute B

26、devote Capply Dlimit答案:D考生应能联系上下文内容,判断选择一个与介词to搭配的动词。根据下文“I also tried to skip ahead in my own life.”可知,作者的坏习惯不只局限在看书方面,也体现在他的生活上。8A.try Bfigure Clet Dturn答案:B考生应能根据上下文内容,判断选择一个恰当的动词短语。作者在生活中总是“想象”未来几个月甚至几年的事情,故选B。9A.on the part of Bother than Cinstead of Don the basis of答案:C考生应能联系本句话内容,选择一个恰当的介词短语。

27、作者喜欢想象未来,“而不是”享受现在的每一天,故选C。10A.book Briver Cpicture Dplay答案:A考生应能根据上下文内容,判断选择一个恰当的名词。根据倒数第二段“the book of my life”可知,作者将生活比作一本书。11A.forgotten Bleft Ckept Dregretted答案:B考生应能联系本句话内容,判断选择一个可放在名词后的形容词。作者的人生这本书还没写完,还“剩下”很多页。12A.feelings Bbeginning Cending Dcomments答案:C考生应能根据上下文内容,判断选择一个恰当的名词。根据下文“I. try t

28、o solve every potential problem before it happened.” 可推知,作者又开始想象未来,在事情还没有发生的时候,就开始想象它的结局。13A.consciously Bstrangely Cfoolishly Dcritically答案:C考生应能根据上下文内容,判断选择一个恰当的副词。根据下文“Life, . doesnt work like that.”可推知,作者总是在每一个潜在的问题还没发生时就尝试解决它,这是愚蠢的。14A.otherwise Bmoreover Ctherefore Dhowever答案:D考生应能联系本句话内容,判断选择

29、一个表示转折关系的副词。该空承接上文,表示转折,句意为“然而”生活并不像我们想象的那样运转,故选D。15A.surprise Bcheat Csatisfy Dfrighten答案:A考生应能根据上下文内容,判断选择一个恰当的动词。从下文“.never know what new problems, changes or opportunities.”可知,生活总是使我们感到很惊讶。16A.make Bbring Ctake Daward答案:B考生应能联系本句话内容,判断选择一个恰当的动词。根据句意“生活中的每个新的一天总会给我们带来不同的问题、改变和机会”。可推断答案为B。17A.pres

30、ent Bfuture Cmemory Ddream答案:B考生应能联系全文思考、判断,选择适当的名词。根据上文,作者在生活中总是想象未来几个月甚至几年的事情,可推断答案为B。18A.cheered Bcried Clost Dsmiled答案:D考生应能根据上下文内容,判断选择一个恰当的动词。此时作者已经明白了生活要一天天地过。所以他释然地笑了。19A.exciting Bhopeful Cfavorite Dright答案: D考生应能联系整个段落及对全文思考,选择一个适当的形容词。当内心的一个声音在提醒作者要过好每一天时,他又翻回到现实中正确的那一页。20A.write Breview

31、Cexplain Dtranslate答案:A考生应能联系整个段落及对全文思考,选择一个适当的动词。每个人都应该一行一行地谱写人生这本书。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A:Do you know what would happen in the future?B:No one knows for sure._1_we often think of the future and wonder what the world would be like_2_a hundred years time.A:Like what?B:Think of

32、 space. Perhaps_3_permanent station on the moon will have been set up. Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon_4_tourists. Cheap rockets for space travel will have been developed,_5_(permit) long journeys throughout the solar system. A:Wonderful!_6_that time comes, people will be taking holida

33、ys in space_7_visiting other planets, such as the Mars Colony and the Venus Exploration Outpost.B:Scientists of the future will almost certainly find other ways to make life last_8_(long). A:How can they do this?B:They probably will find cures_9_ most diseases. Hospitals will probably have “body ban

34、ks” that can give you almost any new part you need to keep on _10_ (live). A:Great!If so,people of the future may live to be a lot older than 100 years.答案:1But2.in3.a4.as5.permitting6.When7and8.longer9.for10.living薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。摸想好笛序基臆仔婆场万吵廊源距舷宁



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