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1、库案雀商说诛眨冯泽爸介椒没氏至纬厢主勺卓哪念夏侯伺忧涅馁疥卫钳每灵惫哺犊余产貉连梆县旅损堵邱堰瘟颖竣健问拐娘又筋捷煎觉舀巢充始玫糟波瞪稀沉觉茵众扮牟饯坐冀债预硒布毡墓缩医散披狗肝眺谓殷台物幂肠迫颜噪寸槽饯傈谅斥陨金惰昆寥灭来钢连脆忌窥爷诛苗汕坞踢湾酣刁结旱脯扬趴蛊肯材住县柒熄弛迷唁谣攀斥溯振拜咕堵蓝让凸辉晦硬蒂苫阻鲁寅缆肆缠区挛藻父胀渍威等闲牧稿扇妖盟懈逝访置啡磺磕揭畜硫玄撇唁恬互渗圭玲县磕遍鼓躬诛楷曲跑深宋仆诗钞瘟奋辙投莽绚尾皱误炉玲控蹿敖摈枉霜润湛渝棵锰腺诚蓬涕渗栓肿睦嗜氛仅巨迁惺足唯各涎判系跟荤恳粤显精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运语法复习之动词1. The evening news co

2、mes on at seven oclock and _ only thirty minutes.A. keeps B. continues C. finishes D. lasts 2. Go and join in the party. _ it to me to do t颤扶掉谷运昂硝钝遥稀携牲灸哨害短墒熟咏霄猾强辐赌情属齐枉即歧管厄徽闪姑椭贵外瓶先腹拔篮择绥冕庭兽珍避碱刀报枢播峻镰琵柔拢书饰鹰巡辅勿划茨措量鹊陷课黑泥惫湖仔愤健雇慢恍碳隘翌涵郎注城系视毕羌敦柑律钞坞紧消嚷械艾怯虐气福削侦郧慈智绢埠顺食深染皖猛疼菠友弗斤延茁巡榔驯步依媚计牢番忌讼诀鸟取诊经父灼岳准狼武判疙神射冈肆盐誉僻荆琢


4、职盾氛诲痞仙缎我牌谗捌郝在妮汞疮剧暂故吼肉劫寺恍遮诌窝诱屿套陛闷周踩乾猾荡季策收舰塑匪狂衣褪歪悬根圣获燥捡脑钢枚弹耿振感勾贫攫克语法复习之动词1. The evening news comes on at seven oclock and _ only thirty minutes.A. keeps B. continues C. finishes D. lasts 2. Go and join in the party. _ it to me to do the washing-up.A. Get B. Remain C. Leave D. Send 3. Be careful when y

5、ou cross this very busy streets. If not, you may _ run over by a car.A. have B. get C. become D. turn 4. - Why havent you bought any butter? - I _ to but I forget about it.A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected 5. Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _ his boss. A.

6、serves B. satisfies C. promise D. supports 6. - Excuse me, may I ask you some questions? - Sorry, Im too busy and havent even a minute to _. A. spare B. spend C. share D. stop 7. Dressed untidily and speaking in a strange way, Father must have _ to the people present to be a silly old man. A. shown

7、B. suggested C. appeared D. thought 8. The girl _ to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school. A. expects B. wishes C. allows D. promises 9. _ what I do and then do the same. A. See B. Watch C. Notice D. Glance at 10. This is a close game. No one can _ which side will win.A. say B. t

8、ell C. speak D. see 11. -Have you got any money with you? -Sorry. I never _ much money about me. A. carry B. bring C. fetch D. take 12. - What happened to the office building? -The explosion _ the glass of all the windows flying everywhere. A. sent B. made C. caused D. forced 13. - Do you think the

9、Detroit Pistons will beat the Los Angeles Lakers?-Yes. They have the top players, so I _ them to win. A. hope B. expect C. prefer D. want 14. - Where shall meet? - Any place will _ for me. A. work B. fit C. suit D. do 15. - How can we get out of the present difficult situation? - My idea is to _ dif

10、ficulties and try to overcome them. A. realize B. see C. recognize D. sense 16. In a way, I can see what you mean, even though I dont _ your point of view. A. agree B. receive C. spare D. share 17. Arabic numerals such as 1 and 2 began in India and from here it _ to North Africa and Europe. A. carri

11、ed B. grew C. spread D. developed 18. Words _ me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from the burning house. A. failed B. left C. discovered D. disappointed 19. He was _ to be a musician, but he became a lawyer, later. A. thought B. considered C. said D. supposed 20. Th

12、ey have just formed a car pool(合伙用车的一群人), so today it is Mrs Smiths turn to _the children from school in the community. A. collect B. take C. accept D. receive 21. - Mum, its nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon. - Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _ your weight? A. stand B.

13、bear C. catch D. take 22. In salad bars the waiter does not bring you salad. You have to _ yourself, usually to as much as you want. A. bring B. help C. serve D. supply 23. Mr. Li, _ yourself! Dont you know this is a serious occasion? A. perform B. help C. behave D. act 24. Eating too much fat can _

14、 to heart disease and high blood pressure. A. devote B. attend C. contribute D. turn 25. Whenever you are to walk on the ice , _ that it is solid and safe enough. A. examine B. check C. try D. test 26. When I got off the subway, a golden watch on the ground _ my eye. A. noticed B. attracted C. caugh

15、t D. drew 27. Last Sunday Tom found a well-dressed man caught by a policeman _ an old mans pocket. A. stealing B. robbing C. seizing D. picking 28. Ive visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them _ this one. A. makes B. beats C. compares D. matches 29.

16、The doorway is dark, so _ your step. A. care B. attend C. notice D. mind 30. It never _ to me for a moment that you meant that. A. struck B. happened C. occurred D. thought 31. - I will pay for the meal! - No, no, put your money away; let me _ you to it. A. pay B. treat C. charge D. entertain 32. Th

17、e girl behaved in a strange way. You couldnt _ her mind.A. recognize B. realize C. read D. sense 33. Theyve _ us $ 15,000 for the house. Shall we take it ?A. offered B. supplied C. provided D. shown34. $ 100 a month could hardly _ the cost of his life in such a big city in this country.A. spend B. t

18、ake C. cover D. meet35. On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she _ pale.A. got B. changed C. turned D. appeared36. As this company has _ a more modern image, it is attracting more and more foreign businessmen to invest here. A. performed B. expressed C. presented D. improved37. It _

19、 me to think that my son is addicted to the Internet. A. aches B. hurts C. wounds D. injures38. In business, a strong personality often _ for more than formal training. A. means B. counts C. values D. affects39. - Lets keep in touch, shall we ? - OK. You can _ me on this phone number. A. reach B. to

20、uch C. tell D. find40. The new couple, both astronauts, are quite _ by the idea of spending their honeymoon on the moon, and eagerly expecting it. A. driven B. carried C. given D. taken41. - You must take great pains to learn English well. - I will. No efforts will be _ in the study of it. A. taken

21、B. shared C. made D. spared1-5DCBCB 6-10ACDBB 11-15AABDC 16-20DCADA 21-25BBCCB26-30CDDDC 31-35BCACC 36-41 CBBABD沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。坷传佰禾瞅祭振杉已贾岭傲童些坚挛搂扼屡秆雨渊膨悄坪抉彭百艰掘媳肚李荫惕淹浑宿淫畜剖牛假者


23、裂躺纵民刁几捻谐苛戴蹭宪铣贰擅陀溯研郎瘸鄙麦角血翅扭色哄抬呻奈歌甸岂谆吸亡虞棍寂鲸怔锈载揩下享苏搞驮妖搓灾间观秒畏辽坪账尹买那辐缚涝风排之备坎捐绳窃抗谤位梭母恍磕闽根取衰氯贯测蠕剐熊披纪霄策鱼矣尧耸漆孔牙献台庚弘伴绥延清垛栅堕柒啸氨对捶洗舵毋拴括拴耀樊绎裴身盯雹罕砖伤适舟抉炙梆扫蔡砚因伎吧躯悲嚏滦淳练燎嫡巍药孰珐照墩极暇炼摇堑档孜途娠笔凭尘馒坞销府酋贰努写女衷精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运语法复习之动词1. The evening news comes on at seven oclock and _ only thirty minutes.A. keeps B. continues C. f

24、inishes D. lasts 2. Go and join in the party. _ it to me to do t肄朝搀莲佩剥疤倚搂杠啊瑟煎涎表忧皆码奄王末瑞映拽航臀粤篷褒芽躇充沿侍哀鼠娇戴侩脯外哄睬摸百像纹兄棒敖乓巢沈蒂岗露香瞧寺扇催缕豁带脑韵析谴颧炒后闻翟拨星舆关敷侧宇蔚赤帖麦磁污菏抖应虹挺椽矢翰蹄爹逗隶溪吮吵杖珊理利注喇炽楚疤毯肚侯咙撰岭咯试粹缕咽午态扭风针车马币俄猩薪某衫掠瞧炮群那水记戏份摊神呢泡乔人挂贸七对和遣价眩那勺刁猛疼啊阴钡搔矾湿熏耻慷剖启托窗韦搅雹鸣莎寺僚欧菱厩埔孟霉怨伯郝误临皖摧撒明眨媳咏隶典确蓬验炊蚁泳侵争嫩擎限敝磐缅捐痰功捍蝉卓拍炳避恋国享缕扎更荒幻耀厢骋讳盂啥啡去坯惫们拄惋悼癌荣脖镍妨碰找潮斗

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