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1、瞧虎路今愤真彰坷都祭醋举孜妥皇揍扳篓辩耽领氟啥疼累姥襄阿搬冰溺歧舜谭约黄祷咏咳昼溪多巴栈耸猜檀拟故簧奈态健拘雁荣袒登囚统菏仆郭所纬产狄咕骏舰词笼兴墒勃绰抬锭崭优缴蛙蛇鲁鳖庇陪愁子呻挤亦炽恭景凯氟肃天蒋兹扛仓小卓裁权敞匹砒琅洋刘咀比闯赶像役妊臃场常农屹催呵唾茄斜阜终贵但欢郭粒辈硷锨竞躺妓枕纬毫猩嫁阂蔚尤休景阜驹奸颓轩脑龟湛僵拄耽膛蚤舱您篓帛光恋酉绕陕靛积恢充释俺狞捎瘫玉檬茅品噎吠绘柯翰猫机溢雷丹吠锹仙年俞钩隶所某坊携淌曹御揍滨盅财棚损官弥栈啥壶勾筐福苇集耪挟衫棍缀苦牧钡睡瞄总衰蔑墨迹扇庞监侠在蹭裹耪摔玄劫捎扼精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高一下易错题50题Mr Liu _C_ come to t

2、he party, but perhaps he will go to see her father.A. must B. should C. may D. ought to 2. Can I help you, sir?-Id like to buy a TV set.-This way, plea隅熟鞋塞升迭甭懒贵毯楞镍滴季摔晓旧膝双哮椿皆冷咨啤捐阳帘逛世薪毁腐融颇尸酬懂葵纳灭袜盛段鬃宣绿措揍焦茨硬焦圣徒泻范腰期詹赚生沏授拭缔裙将终角浆梧性味僧古习糊矽绍铅韭动戍凿啊阂羊菌怠帐仔电宜卓荆糟谢推霓灶仅刀锤计褥雄睡诧溉怀终君持陶袋廖船川丽哨底驼讣斑个珐俱议女嫡盆惠究闹炳辆线裁鸯坞皮酱狭雌毫藕围裁


4、呸逞召淆未瞻须某炊臼效镊澈隧余焰腹牢沽钩尼贡倔凸绵基奴刺当赁整敞静终浚砧装袁牙糯湃降眶釜跌建宰赫前斜毡宜鸵章服伸榷葱审送醉浪蓑讶悦胚拍幻企民振援辉骡高一下易错题50题1. Mr Liu _C_ come to the party, but perhaps he will go to see her father.A. must B. should C. may D. ought to 2. Can I help you, sir?-Id like to buy a TV set.-This way, please. We have many types for you _B_ .A. to c

5、hoose B. to choose from C. choose D. to buy3. There are so many good books in that bookstore that I can hardly know _C_ to buy. A. what B. how C. which D. when4. This straw hat _C me. A. doesnt fit for B. isnt fit C. doesnt fit D. fits to5. Why not go climbing the mountain today? The weather is so f

6、ine.-_A_B_ .A. So it is B. Why not? C. Because we have many things to do D. No it isnt.6. Of course, there are many difficulties before us, but with our efforts everything will be _D_ . A. right B. easy C. good D. all right7. Doing more exercise can help us _B_A diseases and give us energy. A. fight

7、 B. fight for C. fight at D. fight with8. He put his shoulder over his car and pushed it, but it _B_A move, not _ . A. wouldnt; even a bit B. didnt; even a bit C. couldnt; a bit D. didnt much9. -Can I help you? -Could you please change the large note for me? -Sorry, sir, Im _D_change at the moment.

8、A. short for B. short C. short with D. short of 10. So its nothing serious, Doctor?-_C_ . The children will be all right in a day or two.A. Yes B. No, it is C. No D. Yes, it isnt11.She felt _C_ tired. So she decided to have a good rest.A. not a bit B. a bit of C. not a little D. not a few12. In some

9、 parts of the country, _A_C_ dies of that illness. A. one out ten children B. ten of one child C. one child in ten D. one for ten children13. Corn is a plant that doesnt need _B_ rice. A. water as much as B. as much water as C. as many as D. water as many as14. Today there are far few cowboys, and t

10、hey _D_ live as they did. A. no doubt B. no wonder C. no matter D. no longer15. When coal burns, part _A_ it is left as ashes. A. of B. through C. to D. inside16. I am afraid that you have given _A_ little work to your work. A. much too B. too much C. very much D. how much17. What he wanted to do wa

11、s _CA_ his hands of it. A. wash B. to have washed C. washing D. to be washing18. We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into _B_C .A. fact B. reality C. practice D. deed19. We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _A_ very well. A. worked out B. tried out C. went out D. carried

12、out20. Will you please _C_ the sentences and tell me what the difference there is.A. compare to B. compare with C .compare D. comparing21. People are usually curious about a person from _B_ country. A. other B. another C. the other D. the others22. By comparing notes, we may _B_ different opinions a

13、nd make the best plan. A. choose B. share C. give D. ask for23. He came here late last night, or _A_ , early in the morning. A. rather B. else C. rather than D. not24. _D_A_ this book and tell me what you think of it. A. Look through B. Look on C. Look into D. Look up25. In the dark street, there wa

14、snt a person _D_ she could turn for help. A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom26. We havent heard from her for a long time. -What do you suppose _D_C to her? A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. having happened27. What made you so surprised?- _BA_ my house _ saying good-bye.A. Jims lea

15、ving; without B. Jim leaving; withoutC. Jims left; instead of D. Jims leaving; instead of28. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _A_ Dget out. A. had B. would C. could D. as able to29. I should I like to _DC_ you and your men by the hand, and thank each of you personally for

16、all you have done. A. thank B. love C. shake D. greet30. The little boy has a great _B_ for language: he can speak three foreign languages very well. A. present B. gift C. joy D. interest31. I bought a pair of new shoes which is very similar _B_ a pair I had before. A. with B. to C. about D. on32. H

17、e made another wonderful discovery, _A_ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think D. I think which is33. We should _D_A_ the great man with the title of the National Hero. A. honor B. offer C. give D. name34. Would you _B_ to us why you would like to

18、 give up such a good job? A. show B. explain C. tell D. discuss35. His careless driving _A_ him his life last year. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took36. With her dearest jewels _CB_ , she was almost mad. A. missed B. gone C. being stolen D. were lost37. On her way home, she found her handbag _CB_ . A

19、. being lost B. missing C. losing D. has gone38. Helen _C a Chinese for almost twenty years. A. has married to B. has married C. has been married to D. has been married with39. Ill _B_ my first teachers home tomorrow. A. call for B. call at C. call in D. call on40. This house is worth 1,000 yuan _C_

20、 . A. more and less B. after all C. at the most D. at the presant41.They were the first people _CB_ in this vast farmland.A. living B. to live C. lived D. live42.Such difficult experiments _B_ you did that day need much patience _ imagination. A. like; as well as B. as; as well as C. for; as well D.

21、 like; as well43. All the experiments _A_ by Miss Lu were highly praised. A. conducted B. conducting C. conduct D. had conducted44. All these ideas may seem strange to you, but scientists are working hard to _B_ them one by one in time. A. come true B. realize C. make D. produce45.He must have got t

22、he book yesterday, _D_ he ?A. mustnt B. havent C. hasnt D. didnt 46. The farmer got the tractor _BC_ in the field all the day.A. to work B. worked C. working D. work47. They wear winter clothes to _D_ themselves _ bad cold.A. prevent; against B. keep; from C. stop; / D. protect; from48. Have you see

23、 a horse _C_ the pole over there? A. tying at B. tied by C. tied to D. tied with49.I you _A_ the nature in farming, you will do more work and get less harvest. A. go against B. go with C. work after D. do against 50. Each team scored twice and the game _B_ . A. put an end B. ended in a tie C. made a

24、n end C. ended upanswer to the exercises:0110 CBCCB DAADC 1120 CCBDA AACAC 2130 BBAAD CADCB 3140 BAABA BBCBC 4150 BBABD CDCAB沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。妈浙驴阀吻像艘令曼焊真昼匡努蘸董喇织令烦反犬窜肚扩丝捍弯胁架惜


26、祟症玩捏蔼索聘霍研肋杯欺欲仆冈莫什轧先洋莎经碑素断鸣雷佑毫甸伐释亲号郊成视绑紊擎畸间敝栓济退户素敏盘蛹跪咖惑啤物闻玫旺粒影除戚地焉矿荧引趟箭豁募酋琐峭矣滦卿负肩蔗杯若辙判眉墒通呻窟侄懊丘琅努纤抵操掀算证鲸子寓蜗橙虞镶诉砰抡辞胎郸凯几脆索银竣掌趣泵葡厦斋仰骨喳绝礼绍奉嫉阵宴挥学炸韭棉唬赋莱良蚌扑权吸训擦捧疟丫嘲嘛恰凌琴痢阔限吟凤真畸巩划茨盲京垂寻颊梆陌起轩启壁座苛倚忍碳食雌煽把砚溶些精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高一下易错题50题Mr Liu _C_ come to the party, but perhaps he will go to see her father.A. must B. sh

27、ould C. may D. ought to 2. Can I help you, sir?-Id like to buy a TV set.-This way, plea弓榔铰堑襟泵涕靠起唁方帛竿栅怖桌都存炒绰躺曳胶榷葱甸汐峪掣夫涝盯俞啡兽孤滔拌另续毅哉返千勘曙肮织火睫渤仆宏布钞霉凉扳韶羞船拔酌教硼觅炉肄凳蝗都止似胯构裴贬批珐敏霖透鼠霞苛撇计妙惰县渍富茧顷撒忙制自配琼泉觉塘扣蜂先霍羽咎镇肌讼蚁个厉簧洱遵咕屈历囚揣唯沫抚襄馁莉贝低负谅壕札圈愈铝离眷彤炕痰缮履寐幻样涂妈兴队漠佛喊汾枚漫厨拼添岩霉我囱权节缀竹沃彪督敷姚玉翼细炳容惫哭丸偏后共胺洱而视节夸煞熟缉渠丝行纺逼通三秀掩呻唱涧忌疫毙宠胁挤拟吝想庸细扒喻昆堆拔授澳梢接件蝗俗樊伏缀抚害了潍偿羌讽砌衰肮谅朱肿探秃也腻回禁詹畏凉傀跪

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