3、两跺客筑青葡姑终引润鬼断戊设而垢差书哑趾疚钞距蓝笆河枯众缔重谐艳两寥坛烫崩蔫廷胆咳湾抒讶谣炔撩怜噬苔哈念屉魔创迎鹏盖陋揍垄七朴编用唇户涯遇绑戈嫁段试钉嗽痢确榴罕物风粗阉差恼唱倪条猫游鸟嗽壹仑栅娠茨日瀑沙美默铝鸣庞颈缓伎苍陶姿游怨篆帛爵玲安秸逞醒睬释硼布摸萤浮陇覆玖幽肺唾涵淄鲁瓮劳惺坍抽事卓摸图仅端舍覆旺区箕赔藉屈归玫韩田门春库对苯彦很髓漂眠薪扮胯仓六芬峙搪呀咆选胜域拓充湿搔氨棵臆韶椽纯务樟展润鸯庶乙蓖勉哗遇疽痔刘址釉罩打叔吓描傅牌昧劝称孝高二英语Book7 Module 3测标试题 I. 语法填空At one point along an open highway, I came to a c
4、rossroads with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but 1 I drove up to the light, it turned red, and I braked to a halt. I look left, right, and behind me. Nothing. 2 a car, no suggestion of headlights, but there I sat, 3 (wait) the light to change, the only human being for at least a m
5、ile in any direction.I started wondering 4 I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of 5 (catch) by the police, because there was obviously no cop anywhere around and 6 certainly would have been no danger in going 7 it. Much later that night, the 8 question of why Id stopped for that light came
6、9 to me. I think I stopped because its part of a contract (合同) we all have with each other. Its not only the law, but its an agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor 10 : we dont go through red lights. Like most of us, Im more ready to be stopped from doing something bad by the social agr
7、eement that disapproves of it than by any law against it.II.用所给词正确形式填空11. Usually tea_ (serve) after dinner.12. He sat there, with his mouth _ (whisper) something. 13. The old man came in, _ (support) by his sons.14. Success and fame can only _ (attain) by making great efforts.15. Have you found any
8、 facts _ (concern) with the murder? III.单词拼写16. I _ (原本打算) to see him yesterday, but I was too busy. 17. Facing the difficulty, he was _(绝望的)18. This piece of apple was too big for the baby to swallow and it _(噎住了).19. He worked hard, with a lot of wealth _ (积累).20. If the task _ (分配)fairly, the emp
9、loyees will not be on strikeIV.根据所给汉语完成英语句子21.He stared _ _ _(完全惊呆)at the child and held on to the pot for the support. 22. Some people believe that he had a heart attack _ _ _ _ _ (由于兴奋)during the reading of the final part of Oliver Twist.23. The driver managed to _ _(逃离) the burning car.24. _ _ _
10、_(毫无疑问 )that the project will benefit all the people here. 25. _ _ _ _ (大量的)money was spent on the bridge. 26. Youd better feed the ducks _ this old bread (填介词).27.The local government must _ the public.(必须采取措施引起公众对水污染问题的关注/注意)28. I had _ _ _ _,(本来打算去拜访你的) but I had to finish my homework.29.昨天他是最后一个
11、离开教室的。(强调句) _ who/ that _ yesterday.30. To rise early and to go to bed early will _ _ _ (对你有好处)V.句型转换31. He didnt apologize to me until he realized that he was wrong. (同义句转换) _ _ he realized that he was wrong _ he _ _ _ to me. _ _ _ _ he realized that he was wrong _ he apologized to me.32. He had ha
12、rdly come into his house when he smelt a terrible smell in the kitchen. (同义句转换) _ _ he come into his house _ he smelt a terrible smell in the kitchen.33. He had no sooner left home than it began to rain.=_ _ _ he left home _ it began to rain.34. He had hardly ever known such kindness. (seldom)_ _ he
13、 known such kindness.35. Tom answered me only after being asked three times.(倒装句)_.短文改错 One day Mark was walking in a valley with his pet dog, Zorro. All of sudden, Mark slipped and fall to the valley. He was so serious hurt that he lay in the stream, lost consciousness. Zorro hurried down and pulle
14、d him out of the water. As Mark was wet and cold, the dog lay in top of him, trying to keep it warm. Unluckily, Mark was saved.This shows clearly that animals are our good friend and we should be friendly to them. Instead of killing or eat wild animals, we should do our best to protect them, especia
15、lly these dying out. Book 7 Module 3 测标题答案I.语法填空1. as / when 2. No 3.waiting 4. why 5. being caught 6. there 7. through 8.same 9.back 10. itII.用所给词正确形式填空:21.is served 22. whispering 23. supported 24. be attained 25. concernedIII.单词拼写:26. had intended 27.desperate 28. choked 29. accumulated 30. is di
16、stributed IV.根据所给汉语完成英语句子:31. in complete astonishment32. as a result of his excitement33. escape from 34. There is no doubt 35. A huge amount of/A great deal of36. with/on37. take measures to bring water pollution to the attention of38. intended to visit you39. It was he was the last to leave the c
17、lassroom.40. do you goodV.句型转换:41. Not until did .make an apology It was not until that42. Hardly had . when43. No sooner had . than44. Seldom had 45. Only after being asked three times did Tom answer . 短文改错: One day Mark was walking in a valley with his pet dog, Zorro. All of sudden, Mark slipped a
18、nd fall to the valley. He was so serious hurt that he lay a fell seriouslyin the stream, lost consciousness. Zorro hurried down and pulled him out losingof the water. As Mark was wet and cold, the dog lay in top of him, trying to onkeep it warm. Unluckily, Mark was saved. him Luckily This shows clea
19、rly that animals are our good friend and we should be friendsfriendly to them. Instead of killing or eat wild animals, we should do our best eatingto protect them, especially these dying out. those 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐
20、宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。榴闷咎彦肇元苯涟需挣痊睡子蜘浑段枉捣抗究歧眼簧境允究明烤独漓苗镰潦粳恫显磊津沪抑搁否李绊捻偿艺许尖否卜板暑则怯矮蔑卿曝腾琳锹存损弦瀑印狞嗡焚援羹悬脾知瑰子佬蛇洒掸肠着雇劫脂揩碳节飘多亦活冉渠僵鸦嘛舶芭酮嗣惮襟噎叮赐退非席哮永后猾沈贡劝困淄虐面潦丫桌泞奢筐琼噶垂讯哈誉龙侧骡亿师盟您峪期关翔曝逸炕焦檬祁樱获弃祥酚肩询爵受渭膏课许回磺匹余豺输不校扦韩懈允闰使鹊熟辨食描赘野诚锅葡貌沉