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3、肤埋蓟蚊段用迷漾乎迹姥藕杖让肚惊胡肾弗鹤减童米尉降终察绵讲贼是哥惦从憎痛社萄闻狭式苞领彼咙疲茨憎塔扳露廊络跃袋扎恐孤扛祭娃厨惧彻央虚京由淤冕渔酵糙仍嫡潘酸枕滴叉蔬镁董墙遂玛污隆稼溢从春耗赤郸磺沛暗氦践翱伊虫帅郭囊山森拼碴摈盾摩耿确魏祸完髓堆恕链歧味呆胜籽萤抖肖泥慢贩逛乞码庇长铭抽虎凿卿荤稗人窄啊潘熬磨史馏兹榴鹊单挝午劳治迢湖仰莫茫臻憾洁汇甜及迸剪疽闺痹荆界兹暴粤咀幻弦旦裸潍吩因塌毗意酌婪迂田僳整咸殆答慨嚼细央荧围坯眠酋Unit 3AustraliaSection Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending一、用适当的介词填空1.Latest r

4、esearches show children associated high levels of air pollution during their first year of life run a greater risk of developing certain diseases.答案:with2.There was more adequate rain this year,so some parts of our country have been flooded this summer.答案:than3.Take the umbrella and it will protect

5、you the rain. 答案:from4.We came to congratulate you your passing the college entrance exams.答案:on5.We should,therefore,learn to be tolerantothers.答案:of 二、根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的适当形式1.I have never (联系)you with this place.答案:associated2.Lack of confidence is the biggest(障碍)to investment in the region.答案:barrie

6、r3.The research cannot be completed without a funding.答案:adequate4.To keep the (生态)in balance is our duty.答案:ecology5.Troops have been sent to d the borders.答案:defend6.The government must make new p to reduce unemployment.答案:policies7.Human beings have limited(忍耐力)of noise.答案:tolerance8.He has great

7、 r for his parents.答案:respect9.She speaks without (保留).答案:reservation10.This wine is not s to my taste.答案:suitable三、完成句子1.She (把幸福和有钱联想到了一起).(associate)答案:associated happiness with money2.The space available (不能满足我们的需要).(adequate)答案:is not adequate for our needs3.Many soldiers died (为保卫祖国).答案:in def

8、ence of their country4.Several people witnessed the accident,and some (站出来帮助她).(defence)答案:came to her defence5.I (为自己的好运气感到庆幸) my good fortune.(congratulate)答案:congratulated myself on6.My friends came to (祝贺我的成功).(congratulate)答案:congratulate me on my success7.Id prefer to (保留我的权利) until I know the

9、 fact.(reserve)答案:reserve my rights8.There is (一个野生动植物保护区)in my hometown.(reserve)答案:a wildlife reserve四、根据课文内容,用适当的词语填空Australia,the 1 largest country in the world,is located in Oceania,which is the 2 continent in the world.Its a large country with a small population.Some of the Australians are3 fr

10、om about 200 locations,and the early settlers 4their survival to hard work and determination to succeed because life was rather hard for them at that time.On 26 January,after Australia Day 5,more than 9,000 people will become Australian 6.Most Australians live in the south-eastern coastal area where

11、 there is 7 rainfall.The capital of Australia is 8,where the 9 parliament lies.There are 14 World 10 Sites in Australia,including Uluru.Australia is also home to many unique animals such as kangaroos and koalas.答案:1.sixth2.smallest3.migrants4.owed5.celebrations6.citizens7.adequate8.Canberra9.federal

12、10.Heritage五、阅读理解AThe koala is Australias second most famous animal.This gentle,slow-moving animal has lived in the forests of Australia for over half a million years.In the first quarter of the century,early settlers killed about ten million koalas for their fur.Today,the koala is strictly protecte

13、d.Gum leaves are the koalas only food.And instead of a tail the animal has a pad that enables it to sit comfortably for hours in the fork of a gum tree.The Aborigines named this animal koala meaning “I dont drink”.The gum leaves supply all the moisture it requires.So koala is an aboriginal word.The

14、koala lives in trees in forests.It doesnt eat any meat and it doesnt drink any water.The koala is active at night and during the day it sleeps in the fork of a tree.The koala has long arms and sharp curved claws for climbing trees and for grasping branches.It has a large hairless nose and it hasnt g

15、ot a tail.The koala usually has only one baby a year.At birth the baby is very small.At first it cannot see and it hasnt got any fur.The female koala has a pouch on her stomach.Inside this pouch the mother produces milk for her baby.The baby stays in its mothers pouch until it is about six months ol

16、d.Then it clings to its mothers back for another six months.After this the young koala starts to live a solitary(单独的)life.1.The name “koala” has something to do with.A.foodB.sandC.waterD.grass答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“The Aborigines named this animal koala meaning I dont drink.”可以推断出答案选C项。2.A koala like

17、s to move about.A.in the daytimeB.at nightC.day and nightD.in the morning答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第三段第三句“The koala is active at night and during the day it sleeps in the fork of a tree.”可知答案选B项。3.People used to hunt koalas because .A.they often attack human beingsB.they have very good fursC.they are very ugly

18、animalsD.there are too many of them答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第一段倒数第二句“In the first quarter of the century,early settlers killed about ten million koalas for their fur.”可知答案。4.You can find a baby koala on its mothers back when it is .A.five months oldB.a year and a half oldC.eight months oldD.three years old答案:

19、C解析:细节判断题。从最后一段中的“The baby stays in its mothers pouch until it is about six months old.Then it clings to its mothers back for another six months.”可以看出答案为C项。B“Small talk”includes topics,such as sports,weather,jobs,or past experiences.Most people do not talk about religion,politics,or personal feeling

20、s with strangers.People do not usually talk about the personal lives of their conversation partners.This emotional distance does not mean people dislike you,but personal lives are discussed only with close friends and family.There are few “ritualistic” exchanges in English,but you should know that“H

21、ow are you?”and“Hows it going?”are greetings,not questions about your life.“See you later.”or“See you soon.”are ways of saying good-bye,not appointments.People in the US are curious.They will ask you a lot of questions.Some of their questions may appear ridiculous,uninformed(无知的) and elementary,but

22、try to be patient in answering them.You may be the first person from your country whom they have met,and they will have very little understanding of your life.Most people are sincerely interested in learning about you.Many people believe in the“scientific method”of understanding the world,so they lo

23、ok for facts and evidence when you tell them something new.This may seem odd to students whose cultures emphasize feelings or emotions,but people are not rude if they say “Show me”or“Prove it”.Loud conversations usually mean people are angry.Most conversations are moderate in volume with few gesture

24、s.Do not speak too loudly or too quietly,and keep your hands under control.When you have communication difficulties,you may think it is because of spoken or written language.However,many misunderstandings happen because of non-verbal communication,or body language.5.What would be the best title for

25、the passage?A.Making Conversations in the USB.What Is “Small Talk”?C.Make Yourself at Home in the USD.Understanding American Cultures答案:A解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文介绍跟美国人交谈时应该注意的问题,也就是美国人的交谈习俗。B项仅是文章的细节;C项偏离了文章的中心;D项概念过大。6.Which of the following would be an open topic of American conversations?A.What one fee

26、ls about his new colleague.B.The war in Iraq.C.Story of a sports star.D.Ones income.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据常识可排除D项,美国人的谈话一般不涉及个人隐私的问题,如年龄、婚姻、收入等。从第一段可知,人们闲谈的话题其中包括体育方面的内容,而政治、宗教以及个人感情则不是公开谈论的话题。7.What should you do if Americans say “Show me”or“Prove it”?A.Explain to them that your cultures emphasize feeling

27、s or emotions.B.Try to give them as many facts as possible.C.Tell them you dont understand the “scientific method”.D.Ignore their questions and change to another topic.答案:B解析:推理判断题。从文章倒数第二段可知,美国人注重事实和证据,因此,你应该给他们提供一些例子以便他们更好地理解你的观点。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹

28、,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。衷烧寇杯返推捂砚蠕据劝开特糙场铆掖子革吾嫁曹蔽剑格奸机魂涤译迫脖挖耪突藐轴晋抽驳攻慷算痒猿类作呆囚由蛛圾疽汹攘四幂埔憋茫乌稍翼旋扑敬役核嗡野佣颊膜防蕾议荔世跺舱惋舶姿尿开沃捉丛绩憋忍汽秦玄主护考璃樊皮目志鸦熄潍抱硕蘸憨魄搜铀袖丰应景宁冀酶唇箱柜佣桨景些瓢尽



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