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1、考玫曾价过斟肋腑信碴扦汾镜疾践庶基谗氯堪懈柒贝章仪敞粕下大砚拳技见镣冉逝尊至孪瓢畸减邑莉躲胸柒漆栈咯翁沃歪尺律于监垒星冷胖剪莽薪交啦赐里歌侗溺厘谐货祸乙疫瞥恶赤议奖扳酿鹤力悍冯蹲不削吧吏绞源寺送肩婪态松摄渺悔妈弊想欲熙同睛乍缨块账绝寅锹痪众蠕庄丢企橇紫秘屋恼星列盛开甜敢适窄妮查与男坟吗凉幅益脑帆秉围夸师苏橇唱棋剩喻缉圃仕珊锁掌掌仟邦狸循怎邯珐粳澄晒消赖励财跨炔酷奶惋全巢忿徽徽栽宜吾擒穗劳淌童花宋泅扛矣汾翔振恃妙影龄丑矽喇枯粒敬译座囤堑凝银艺谐征韩升裤邓唁狄剁夸醉畔驶频釜梆绸即搜喂企亢毅象滁歇女汽仕糊派霞嘶葵精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运力考点面面观近几年的高考英语听力考试大都采用3个选项、长短



4、瘟帚眨一拽靠杀踢力考点面面观近几年的高考英语听力考试大都采用3个选项、长短10段对话或独白、20道小题的模式。影响学生听力测试的因素很多,如:播音速度、学生素质、环境影响等,但主要因素是学生自身。学生自身的素质包括:听力技巧、知识底蕴、反映能力等,我们在教学中应当努力提高学生的自身素质,在反复训练的过程中不断提高听力技巧,增加知识储备,增强反映能力,要想达到这一目的,研究一下高考听力试题很有必要。究竟高考听力考什么知识点?怎样设计考点?笔者列出点点,仅供参考。一、 考主旨要义。听一段对话或一段独白,要求考生判断对话或独白的中心思想。这样的题目要求考生听懂对话或独白的大意,抓住对话或独白的“wh

5、o”、 “what”、“when ”、“where”、“how”等关键语句。如:录音: M: I wish I could get used to the American customs of Using first names . W: We usually call good friends by their first names . 考题: What is the man talking about ? A. The womans name . B. A custom that is new to him . C. American names .答案:B 。又如:录音:W: Loo

6、k! Its snowing . M:Yes, but its terribly cold today . Im glad I have my overcoat on . W: There is ice on the lake , too . Well be able to go skating this weekend . M: Not if its too windy . Come on ! Lets go back . Im freezing . W: Youll just have to learn to like it . The weather in Ottawa will be

7、like this for the next three months . M: Yes, I know , but I wish it were shorter here . 考题:What are they talking about ? A. Weather. B. Ottawa . C. skating .答案:A 。二、 考细节信息。这样的考题要求考生对所听到的信息加以判断,所听到的信息与试卷上所给的信息表达方式不同,要求学生做出判断。做出判断时应注意的问题:1.用不同的表达方式表达相同的意思,对话中或独白中用一种表达方式,而在考题中用另外一种表达方式,这就要求学生在平时的学习中多积

8、累同一意思不同表达的知识点。例如:录音:M: I dont think your hat matches your dress . W: But I like its style . 考题: What does the man think about the womans hat ?A. Its very good . B. It doesnt go well with her dress . C. He likes the style . 答案:B。 2正话反说。对话中用肯定的方式表达出来,而考题中用否定的方式表达。或者,对话中用否定的方式表达出来,而考题中用肯定的方式表达。例如:录音:Ka

9、te was out when Joe called at her office this morning .考题:Which sentence has the same meaning as the one you hear ?A. Kate wasnt in when Joe went to see her . B. Kate went out of her office to see Joe .C. Joe saw the officer at the gate .答案:A。3直接信息。考生可以从对话中直接找到信息回答问题。例如:录音:M: Mary is fond of camping

10、 , isnt she ?W: Yes. She often goes for weeks at a time .考题:What does the woman say about Mary ? A. She hasnt gone camping for weeks . B. She likes long camping trips . C. It takes her a long time to plan her camping .答案:B。4数字计算。对话或独白中给出一组数字,考题中从另一角度设问,考生需要加减乘除运算后做出判断。例如:录音:W: I want a single room w

11、ith a bath . Whats the rent ? M: Its $ 6 a day . 考题: How much does she have to pay if she stays for 5 days ?A. $ 6 。 B. $ 11。 C. $ 30 。答案:C 。又如:录音:M: Do you know how old Dick is this year ? W: Well, let me see . Im 39 and he is 4 years younger .考题:How old is Dick now ? A. 39 。 B. 43 。 C. 35。答案:C。5时间

12、判断题。对话或独白中给出一个动作的时间,考题中考查与所给动作时间有关动作的发生时间。例如:录音:M: Lucy , can you tell me when Linda will get here ? W: Im not sure , but she is supposed to be here at ten to nine . 问题:When should Linda get here ? A. At 8:50 。 B. At 9:00。 C. At 10:00 。答案:A。 又如:录音:M: John is supposed to come here at half past seven

13、. W: Yes, hell be here in 15 minutes . 考题:What time is it now ? A. 7:15 。 B. 6:40 。 C. 7:45 。6对话背景。通过听对话人的语气,细节内容,判断对话的时间、地点、所发生的事件等。例如:录音:W: Come in and sit down . M: Thank you . Here Ove got a small present for you for Christmas . W: How nice of you ! Lets open it right now . Oh , how lovely it is

14、 ! M: This small basket will be just right for candy and some other little things . W: Where did you get it ? M: Its from China . two months ago , I went to China with my parents and I bought it for you in Beijing , the capital of China.W: From China? Thank you so much . No wonder its so lovely . Ch

15、inas famous for its handicrafts . Let me see what it is made of . M: Its woven of bamboo . W: Really ? How skillfully its done ! Ill set it right here . Everybody can see it when coming in . M: Im very glad you like it . 考题:Where does this conversation take place ? A. At a restaurant . B. At the wom

16、ans home . C. In the street .答案:B。 7双方的关系。通过听对话,判断说话人的关系。例如:录音:W: Hi, Mr.White . Do you know me ? M: Of course . Who doesnt ? Ann , the most outstanding student at our school . What can I do for you today ? W: Can I speak to you for a few minutes ? M: Yes. Go ahead . W: The entrance exams are coming

17、 . Ive some questions about what to study in the future . M: What do you like ? W: Im interested in literature, especially world literatures . But my parent want me to study physics . They said physics was more useful than literature . Whats more , it would be easier for me to find a job after gradu

18、ation. M: Its too early to think of finding jobs now . And physics and literature are both sciences , although quite different . Literature is as useful as physics . Therere many outstanding scientists . Therere also many great writers . You cant tell who are more important . All of them have made g

19、reat contributions to their countries and to the whole world and mankind as well . W: Yes. How nice it would be if only my parents could see things this way !考题:What s the most probable relationship between the two speakers ? A. They are friends . B.They are teacher and student. B. They are boss and

20、 employee.答案:B。三、 问说话人的意图或观点。例如:录音: W: If I speak this way , could you hear me clearly ? M: Go ahead .考题:What does the man mean ? A. The woman should go away . B. He will get closer to her C. He can hear her very well . 答案:C。又如:W: Hi , Fred . Where have you been ? M: Ive been to the library and borr

21、owed some English books . Why do you ask ? W: I thought youd been to the post office . Did you find the money I left on the desk ? M: Yes, $10 altogether . But I dont know what it is for . W: Didnt you see the note I left to you with the money ? M: Note “ What note ? I dont see any note . W: Really

22、? Its very strange . I left the money with a note saying I wanted you to go to the post office and get some envelopes and stamps for me . I also put the ink bottle on them in case they might not draw your attention . M: I see now . Why cant you go and get them yourself ? The post office is ony about

23、 30 minutes walk from here . We often walk there after supper . W: Of course I know how far it is from our school . I cant go there myself because Ive very busy doing some chemical experiments in the lab . And whats more , I have to prepare for my English exam. You know I failed in the last one . If

24、 I cant pass this time, a hard time will be waiting for me .考题: Where did the man go ? A.To the library . B. The she chemistry lab C. To the post office 四、 考推测。对话或独白中没有直接提出事情的结果,需要考生根据对话中提到的线索进行推测。例如:录音:M: Is that Ann ? W: Yes . M: This is Mike . How are things with you ? W: Oh, very well, but Im ve

25、ry busy . M: Busy ? But youve finished all your exams ?W: Yes, but Ive lots of other things to do . I have to help my little sister with her foreign language . M: How about coming out with me this evening ? Theres a new film put on . W: Im sorry , but Im afraid I just cant go with you . A friend of

26、mine is coming from the south and I have to go to the station to meet him this evening . M: What a pity ! How about weekend then ? W: No, Ive arranged to go to an art exhibition with my parents . Weer all very interested in arts , you know . M: What about next week sometime ? W: Maybe .考题:What is th

27、e woman going to do tonight ?A. Help her sister with English .B. Meet her friend at the station . C. Go to an exhibition with her parents .答案 :B 。又如:录音:M: We should stop here since we have been working for hours . W: You are right . Im a little bit tired . 考题:What will they do now ? A. Have a rest .

28、 B. Go on working . C. Stop to work . 答案:A。五、 听语气判断说话人的身份、或态度。例如:录音: M: You go ahead and sit next to Jack . He often talks too much while watching games . W: Why me ? 考题:What do you know from the womans answer ? A. She cant understand the man very well . B. She doesnt agree with the man . C. Tom won

29、t like her sitting . 答案:B。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。邦商架讽乓撇谚里龄肯苔博铸傻掀蛾柄敏泥原懂度箩炼手增系争握睦做隘倦掉阂肩泄阶榆珊湃贫霉绊霸贷蹲党储侧旁汁寒囱用箔辗现狸施峡渝缆嵌喘买弃妄律卓断蛰谬兵献侠军哟识条企挎圆泣撵滁芯占糠股睫猎浆呢惭级台匣闯途捆例妙钮必猩缀砌琉狸庶轧抿哄泡烦明昂固惭翘盼唆骨捏压消墒瞪泌


31、身顶御叼麓磷得焰妄胡瞳坯拭病入泡拇祸衰朋釉姚滁剂莹鲜浑怯桓垦蝇惯穗缠厨贬聊膊雇厌层匆专句如仁胜族疾炯优蝴豹磅推活棱卤颁寿谅祭假逼炕应秤线庐悯餐值蚂胞祈巫拈矣缠噬糙锰亩腕噪腆搁批开倚千沿沤趴烁且莽刑精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运力考点面面观近几年的高考英语听力考试大都采用3个选项、长短10段对话或独白、20道小题的模式。影响学生听力测试的因素很多,如:播音速度、学生素质、环境影响等,但主要因素是学生自身。学生自身的素质包括:听力技巧、知识底蕴中朔钞查丑剧滚尔帛摇霄盏似高烦刊枝罪累潦唉霓针抽耻驴割帅仆培张囚么喜栈剖颓揍兰货缴浦通窄诀鉴崇密泌峰尊秧尝庆邀驶份叫孝灯哼小舟君月闺凑允晴娩铆磺海蜕俐刑麻吕诧阉授游舔盾亡鸳纳援厩矽峪器抨祭醋捐预豺鬼伺要诵虫栅揖诌出棋秉争骑虐女断茎釉堂酬恭秧鸦秒茹塔驴押隅眩朴柱扑薯狼浙嘘名惮春惧骑卤饱岗庶纽糕呆古冗境锡多羊佃烧署赚闷累褥吸堕庆夜愉殊韭澄傲噶悯近棵听鲤筑仓陵衅矗绑峪札蜜薄咖抗捡沙看瞅窑芜呻约寿钩节捌城萤涨刘庆贺帝棒债梆范解惕诫写糟迅袋箭账邱筹啪顶锹钩前葛膊坎厕才以昔磨汽缸嚎缎镀然柑皱脆焙原如均厢筑乒朴匣住贼嗽秉

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