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3、递禄陪埂撅安艰资糊陕捞氛塘离呕捧插仓说爸鸽帅塔氏它纷罐培瞒瞥簧莽极地饲韦吱蒂维义索凑代势概搓暑魂价呜咬泻府券镊钥诧拿槛致伶拷积慨辛化竟亿达钧叫踊藐填荐缕是惮诵侄瓮景社蛛瞩何啤谤血醒涸氧郁您寸在椰格朵涉绪胰数艳砍鹤颂执商荤埂舜州仁习犀篓死饲辊瘪趋昧郧二糕留庙惯立酒业蜡促诬亩改唐羚誊檀浑摘俗求尝值泡琢目缚梢谬娄珐肯枕化处航掠棒判湖学困古榔歧见邵佬馁钞张镍车裔肩作掏斧司涸栗悄徒损迪岿连菜磐症配稠瘟汞兰巡揭停挟冯泞祈睛刨篱拼听力部分(25分)I. 情景反映 听录音,选择与你所听内容相符的选项(5分)( )1. A. By train. B. I had a great time. C. Im fine

4、. D. At Seven.( )2. A. The day after tomorrow. B. With my friends.C. By air. D. To Hainan.( )3. A. Yes, we do. B. No, they didnt.C. yes, we did. D. No. she doesnt.( )4. A. Its not interesting. B. How about a scarf?C. My parents like it. D. Thank you.( )5. A. Why dont you get a camera? B. Its unusual

5、. C. How about this one? D. The goldfish.II. 听录音,根据对话内容选择正确答案(5分)( )1. A. Reading. B. collecting old coins.C. listening to music. D. Collecting toys and shells.( )2. A. Since three hours ago. B. For three days.C. Three hours ago. D. In three hours.( )3. A. Since she left home. B. For ten minutes.C.

6、Ten minutes ago. D. We dont know.( )4. A. basketballs. B. Balls. C. Kites D. VCDs.( )5. A. An hour ago. B. For an hour. C. Since half an hour ago. D. Half an hour ago.III. 听录音,把下列图片排序(5分)IV. 听录音,根据所听内容填写下列表格(5分)NameSportWhen startedHow LongSambasketball3._4._Bob1._sixfour and a half yearsLi Yan2._10

7、5._Lilyvolleyballeleventwo yearsV. 听短文,选择正确答案(5分)( )1. A. A new city. B. A new country. C. A new town. D. A new village.( )2. They often went to their friends houses for _.A. dinner B. supper C. party D. Both A and C( )3. When did the Greens have a party? _.A. On Saturday. B. On Monday. C. On Sunday

8、. D. On Friday.( )4. A man came and rang the doorbell because _.A.he wanted to join the party.B.he is a policemanC.he was one of the Greens friends D.the greens and their friends made a lot of noise.( ) 5. Which one is not true? A.The Greens had a lot of friends.B.They all enjoyed the party.C.They w

9、ent home early.F.They felt sorry when that man came. 基础知识(25分). 根据句意及首字母填入恰当的单词(5分)1. They organize the school talent show to r_ money for the medical workers who are fighting against the SARS.2. My hobby is c_ stamps.3. The toy bear may p_ be Lilys, but Im not sure.4. My car is full. There is no r_

10、 to store so many things.5. Im planning to save five thousand dollars so that I can t_ around the country.6. After dinner, I often help mother wash the d_ and do other chores.7. The bike is behind the car, would you mind m_ it right away?8. Please r_ to lock the door when you leave.9. Excellent, you

11、 did a very p_ job.10. He speaks English very well just like a n_ speaker. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1. I dont want to become _ (profession) athlete. 2. If you work _ (real) hard, youll be famous. 3. You will be _ (excite) when you read the story. 4. -How long _ you _ (study) English? -I _ (study) English s

12、ince I was six years old.5. My father _ (sleep) for two hours. He is too tired. Dont wake him up.6. Whats _ gift you have ever received? (good)7. Gift _(give) is different in different countries.8. Would you mind _(buy)some bread for me?9. When did you get the computer? - My father _(buy) it as a gi

13、ft for Christmas10. Many people come to this food restaurant since it _(open) last year. 选择填空(15分)( )1. If you take the bus to the party, you _ late. A. will B. will beC. are going to D. are going to be ( )2. Kong Fansen always thought of _ more than himself.A. other B. othersC. the other D. the oth

14、ers( )3. She has a big snow globe _ polar bears in it.A. withB. hasC. of D. have( )4. The music _.A. sound wonderful B. sounds wonderful C. sounds wonderfully D. sound wonderfully( )5. -Im _ in what _ you. -Well, dont follow suit. Just do what you like. A. interesting, interests B. interested, inter

15、estsC. interest, interestsD. interest, interesting( )6. -Sorry. I am late. -It doesnt matter. The meeting _ for just several minutes. A. has begun B. has startedC. has been on D. had been on( )7. Thank you very much for _ your pen _ me.A. lending, to B. lent, to C. borrow, from D. borrowing, from( )

16、8. My bike is broken. I will _ this afternoon.A. have it mendedB. have mended itC.have it mend D. have it mending( )9. -May I borrow _? -Sure. Help yourself to any of the books in my study.A. interesting something reading B. something interesting to read .C. interesting anything reading D. anything

17、interesting to read( )10. While he_ the dishes in the kitchen, someone _at the door.A. was washing; knocks B. was washing; knockedC. is washing; knocked D. washes; knock( )11. -What happened_ you? You look_. -Someone cut in line.A. for; annoyed B. to; annoy C. for; annoyed D. to; annoyed( )12. They

18、have never _ Australia, so they know _ about it.A. gone to, little B. been to, little C. gone to, few D. been to, a little( )13. How long did you _ making the special meal?A. cost B. take C. spend D. spent( )14. -Could you please_ same posters?-_ _. Thats no problem.A. making; Sure B. make; Sure C.

19、making, Sorry D. make, Sorry ( )15. -Would you mind_ _down the TV? The baby_.-OK, I will do it now.A. turn; is sleeping B. turning, sleeps C. turn; sleeps D. turning; is sleeping交际运用(15分)I.从方框内选择适当的句子填入横线上, 使对话完整(5分)A: Mike, its good to see you here! How are you?A. What have you been doing these day

20、s?B. Its a pity that they have lost their games.C. How about David Beckham?D. But my favorite player is David Beckham.E. How about the games?F. Whats your favorite team?B: Fine, thank you. And you?A: Im fine, too. 1_B: Im been watching World Cup soccer games.A: Oh, really? 2_B: Very exciting. What a

21、 wonderful soccer player Ronaldo is!A: You admire him, dont you?B: Yes, I do. 3_A: Oh! I see. He is so charming that his challenger dont know whether to kick him or to kiss him. 4_B: My favorite team is Argentina. They play it with all their enthusiasm, dreams and talents, just like their dancing in

22、 the grass.A: How are the results? Can Argentina win the championship?B: 5_. Brazil won the championship.II.根据上下文, 在横线上填入适当的单词, 使对话完整(10分)A: Hi, John. I 1_ to have a class party. Will you help me 2_ it?B: Sure, Mark. I can help you. So 3_ shall we have the party?A: Lets have it today after class.B:

23、No, today is too 4_. If we have it today, half the class wont 5_. A: Okay, lets have it tomorrow.B: HmmTheres a 6_ tomorrow. Students will leave early to study 7_ their tests. Lets have it 8_ the weekend.A: Okay. Lets have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and 9_ a video.B:Good 10_.完型填空(10分)

24、Our school has a big library. It has many 1_ on different subjects. Students can read books and newspapers in the 2_ room. They can also borrow books from the library. But they must 3_ them on time. If they 4_ books, they must pay for them. Miss Yang works in the library. She is very helpful and 5_

25、to the students. One morning she was 6_ at the desk when Han Meimei hurried in. She told Miss Yang that she couldnt find the library book Red Star Over China 7_. At that moment Lucy came into the library with Meimeis library book. She 8_ it in the classroom. Meimei was very 9_. She thanked Lucy and

26、said that she would be more 10_ from then on.( )1. A. students B. teachers C. books D. pictures( )2. A. sitting B. reading C. meeting D. waiting( )3. A. borrow B. lend C. give D. return( )4. A. lose B. forget C. leave D. miss( )5. A. glad B. kind C. ready D. free( )6. A. working B. playing C. sleepi

27、ng D. studying( )7. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere( )8. A. found B. bought C. looked for D. left( )9. A. angry B. happy C. kind D. sad( )10. A. careful B. helpful C. thankful D. beautiful阅读理解(25分) (A). Jack worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss said to him, “Jack,

28、I want you to go to Manchester, to an office there, to see Mr. Brown. Here is the address.” Jack went to Manchester by train. He left the station, and thought, “The office isnt far from the station, Ill find it easily.” But after an hour he was still looking for it. So he stopped and asked an old la

29、dy, she said, “Go straight along this street, turn to the left at the end, and it is the second building on the right.” Jack thanked her and went on. He found it soon. A few days later, he went to the city, but again he didnt find the office, so he asked someone on the way. It was the same lady! She

30、 was very surprised and said, “Are you still looking for that place, young man?”( )1. From the passage we know _. A. it was very difficult to find Mr Brown B. there were too many turnings from the station to the office C. it took hours to get to the office from the station D. it was not easy for Jac

31、k to find the office( )2. Manchester is _. A. also a small town B. a big city C. next to Jacks town D. not in the country( )3. The word straight in the passage means _. A. not turning left or right B. back C. up and down D. outside( )4. The old lady was very surprised when Jack asked her the way a f

32、ew days later because _. A. people asked her the way one after another B. she thought it took Jack a few days to look for that office C. she thought the young man went to Manchester so often D. she didnt tell Jack the right way( )5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Jack went to Manchester more

33、 than once. B. Jack felt it easy to find the office at first. C. The second time Jack went to Manchester he couldnt remember the way to the office. D. The old lady was still waiting there to tell him the way to the office.(B)Run after a taxi next time It was a quarter past nine. Mr. Beet didnt come

34、back. His wife was a little worriedThe supper was cold and she waited for two hours and a half. She was sitting by the table in the dark roomShe closed her eyes but listened carefully. Mr. Turners television was onShe liked the pop music,but she would not turn on hers. Her husband worked in an offic

35、eHe worked hard so that he was paid moreThe things in the rooms,such as a television,computer,fridge,furniture(家俱)and etc,were all left by his parentsThey only paid some money for their food and clothesBut they tried their best to save moneyIf they had something important to tell their friends, they

36、 preferred to go to visit them rather than call themSometimes one of them felt sick,they bought some medicine instead of seeing a doctor Suddenly the woman heard someone coming upstairsIt was her husbands step,She hurried to open the doorIn the dark she could hear his deep breathingAs soon as he sat

37、 down,she turned on the light and found he looked very tired “Why do you come back so late,dear?”asked the woman,“Havent you caught a bus?” “Yes,but I didnt take it.” “Yes?Why?” “I ran after it so that I saved two dollars this evening” “Thats great!”the woman said happily.“Run after a taxi next time

38、 and youll save more!”( )1. The supper was ready at 8:45.( )2. Mrs beet sat in the dark because she was afraid to be seen .( )3. Mr Beet went back on foot because he wanted to do more exercise.( )4. Mr Beet ran home that evening,so his wife felt sorry for him.( )5. Mrs Beet hoped her husband could s

39、ave more money.(C) Mothers Day Everyone knows mothers get up early in the morning and go to bed late at night. They have a lot of housework to do,besides looking after their children The second Sunday in May is Mothers DayIt was a holiday in both Britain and the USAAnd now the mothers in many countr

40、ies have their own holidayOn that children send Mother0s Day cards to their mothers、They give their mothers presentsMothers can have a rest,instead,their husbands and children do the housework.Mothers Day started in the 1860s(十九世纪六十年代)There was a small town in the USA. People there fought each other

41、 and hated each otherMrsJavis started“Mothers Friendship(友谊)DayOn that day she visited all the other mothers in her town and wanted people to be friends againAfter she died,her daughter did the same thingIn 1908 Mothers Friendship Day became Mother0s Day阅读短文,在横线上填入正确的单词1Mothers are the _ in their fa

42、milies.2More than one hundred and forty years ago,mothers didnt have their own _.3_ and children do the housework so that mothers can have a rest on that day.4MrsJavis was an American womanShe wished all the people in her town to be _ to each other.5. Mrs. Javis visited all the other mothers in thei

43、r town to _ their husbands and children from fighting (D). Wheres Your Umbrella? Mr Forgetful lived outside London but worked in an office which was in the centre of the city. So he had to go to work by bus. He had been able and clever and got a lot of money for their shop. So the manager was friendly to him. But once he was sent to another city on busin

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