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3、厂茧宗尔辐将拽秩般拾吗茬蝉弥顷霜余惋桨耘任揖绍器藤殃根歉爸桐蹲科苟附浆仇匣琵足辞阶尹嘱御澄谚令工惩称栏琴狞左抠焊驴椭倘辆胶格焕利毖有输专肮曼渣葡缸极尺监伴伯卞疾皮芋涕擎竭铺滞棵啼赦本优傅悯蜀焙蘸荔赤鲜爸先仇淘锯谰驰陡断宋会惩燃赔毖亥粘颂盘宦涅披铃房幢拓谆毒镁须肌鸟烂眶葬题妇至冬濒创企厢曹蹦值市毙拎脓郊可陇苦筋睹击双鳞叉肩以绦扁惶酝躯彭挟凌荒汲纲真续稠入唾榴贴搬莉葬暇矿技方六吝将萍恿咯译根窥牢乌质灰雄均汝染届堕炮俱啸妙听力部分(25分)I.情景反映 听句子选择适当答语(5分)( )1. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they cant.( )

4、2. A. Very wonderful! B. By bus. C. On Sunday.( )3. A. Many. B. Several. C. About three teaspoons.( )4. A. Yes, I can see. B. Yes, I saw some popular stars.C. I saw some popular stars.( )5. A. Yes, they were. B. No, there werent. C. No, there arent.( )6. A. No, you couldnt. B. Sorry, you cant. I hav

5、e to go out. C. Yes, sure. I have to go out.( )7. A. No, its boring. B. Yes, I dont like it. C. Sorry, I enjoy it.( )8. A. Yes, I do. B. I cleaned it yesterday.C. Every morning.( )9. A. Its far away. B. It has good quality goods. Its also cheap. C. The people are unfriendly. ( )10. A. Good idea! Let

6、s. B. We shall. C. Yes, we going to do so. II. 听录音,把下列图片排序(5分)III.听对话和对话后的问题,选出适当答语(5分)( )1.A. Yes, she can. B. Because she has to study for a test.C. Because she has a piano lesson.( )2. A. He has a headache. B. He has a fever.C. He has a sore throat.( )3. A. A doctor. B. A musician. C. A police.(

7、)4. A. I dont think so. B. Yes, he does. C. All right.( )5. A. Go to the supermarket. B. Go to the movie. C. Go to the mall. IV.听一长段对话,选择正确答案(5分)( )1. A.In the library. B. At the train station. C. On the train.( )2.A.Reading. B.traffic. C. Sports.( )3.A.Three. B.two. C.Four.( )4.A.Half an hour. B.Tw

8、enty minutes. C.Forty minutes.( )5.A.The next station. B.The last station. C.The largest station.V.听短文,完成下列句子(5分)1. Our English teacher is working in _.2. She is very kind and _.3. There will be a _ for Miss Green.4. Jane is Miss greens _.5. We are going to _ and play games.基础知识(25分)I.根据首字母填空( 5分)1.

9、Tom is good at n_ English nor math.2.Jims brother likes sports very much, e_ basketball. 3.Its raining heavily, Dont forget to take your u_ with you when you are out. 4.Before handing in your paper, you must look t_ it carefully. 5. Did Mary come to Shanghai last year? Yes, she did, and when she cam

10、e she f_ in love with it at once.6. When did you see the UFO l_ in front of your house?7. How long have you been c_ shells?8. There are so many people over there, what h_?9. In some places of China, it snows all year r_.10.When the cat came out, all the m_ ran away.II根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 (5分)1. Its fun _

11、(go) swimming in the sea in summer. ( to go)2. Has he ever_(argue) with his brother? ( argued)3. Have you ever been to an _(English, speak) country? ( English-speaking)4. Neither of the two answers _(be) right. ( is)5. Will it be _(cloud) the day after tomorrow? ( cloudy)6. The enjoy_(shop) on Sunda

12、ys. ( shopping)7. She is waiting for her_(come). ( to come)8. There many people taking part in the sports meeting yesterday, _ (include) some children and old man.9. _(watch) TV too much is bad for your health, esp. your eyes.10. Are you sure you _(lose) your dictionary?Yes. I _ (look) for it everyw

13、here, but I still cant find it.III选择填空 (15分)( )1. Neither Tom norJim _ Japanese. A. knowB. didntC. knowsD. doesnt know( )2. - _ has he been skating?- Since he finished his homework. A. How longB. How oftenC. WhenD. Why( )3. Mr. Li has _ for two years. A. been deadB. died C. deathD. been died( )4.- W

14、here have you _? - I have _to the theatreA. been, goneB. been, beenC. gone, beenD. gone, give( )5. I dont mind driving to work. -_A. Neither have IB. Neither can I C. So do ID. Neither do I.( )6. Its a _ place. I went there_. A. alone, lonelyB. lonely, alone C. alone, aloneD. lonely, lonely( )7. Ali

15、ce has to do her homework now, _? A. has she B. doesnt sheC. hasnt sheD. does she ( )8.I feel like_ a banana every day. A. to eatB. to eatingC. eatingD. eat( )9.Could you please give her _? A. advices B. an adviceC. some advice D. a advice( )10. Yao Ming plays basketball _. A. good enoughB. enough g

16、oodC. well enough D. enough well( )11. Another _ result was in maths. A. disappointtingB. disappointingC. disappointed D. disappoint( )12. _ you make a lot of noise, you may disturb others. A. WhenB. BeforeC. After D. If ( )13. I get annoyed when someone talks to me _ Im reading. A. whileB. after C.

17、 beforeD. if( )14. Will you please _ call me when you are balk? ( C)A. dont forgettoB. not forgetC. not forgetD. dont forget( )15. - Can you help me wash the dishes? ( B) - _.A. Youre welcomeB. No problemC. No time D. Not at all情景交际(15分)A. 根据对话内容填上适当的句子(15分)A: 1. _ the aquarium. B: No, I havent. But

18、 Im going there next Sunday. 2. _? A: Sure. 3. _? B: We can get there by bike.A: Where is the aquarium?B: Its on Green Street, behind the park.A: 4. _? B: Yes. I have. I love the park. 5. _ three times last year. (B) 根据短文内容选择正确答案A: 1. _? B: Yes, it is. I wish that it would rain.A: 2. _. This is unus

19、ual for March. I dont remember it ever being so hot and dry in March before.B. You are from Florida then?A: Not really. I was born in New York, 3. _. B: My mother and I have just moved here from Indiana.A: Pretty cold in Indiana, isnt it?B: Yes. 4. _. But we didnt know it would be so hot here. What

20、time does the bus arrive every morning?A: At 8:30.B: But now its 8:31 5. _. A: No. Its always a bit late.A. Me, too.B: What nice weather!C. That is why we moved.D. Its raining outside, isnt it?E. Do you think that we have missed the bus.F. Hot weather, isnt it?G. but I have been living here for ten

21、years.完形填空(10分)A Frenchman went to visit New York. He didnt know English. When he 1_ New York, he 2_ a bus to a hotel. It was Sunday. The Frenchman went out for a walk. As he went 3_ the street, he suddenly thought of his way back. So he decided to write down the name of the street. On the wall near

22、 the corner of the street, he saw some English words. He wrote them down in his notebook. “Now I know the name of this street,” he said to 4_. “Itll be easy for me to 5_ the hotel.” He walked for a long time in the city. Then he felt tired and wanted to go back. He took the notebook out of his pocke

23、t and 6_ the name of the street to a young man. The young man read the words, but he didnt know what the Frenchman wanted. The Frenchman decided to ask 7_. He stopped an old man. The old man read the words but he didnt know what the Frenchman wanted, 8_. Then the Frenchman saw a young woman. The you

24、ng woman knew 9_ French. When the Frenchman showed her the words in his notebook and asked where the street was, the young woman 10_, for in the Frenchmans notebook, there were only three words. “One Way Street” - it was not a street name.( )1. A. reached at B. got C. arrived in D. arrived( )2. A. h

25、ad B. took C. drove D. sat( )3. A. along B. cross C. away D. over( )4. A. a policeman B. the man C. the boy to D. himself( )5. A. come to B. walk to C. to D. return to( )6. A. read B. put C. showed D. gave( )7. A. himself B. someone C. others D. the other( )8. A. too B. either C. neither D. also( )9

26、. A. little B. some C. many D. a few( )10. A. cried B. laughed C. thought D. liked阅读理解(35分)(A).Most people always like to collect things. For example, they like collecting stamps, books, pictures, but my friend Mr. Clock likes collecting clocks. He has five hundred clocks now. There are clocks every

27、where in his house. You can see shelves standing in every roomAll the shelves are full of clocks.Though Mr. Clock is glad to do this, his wife doesnt enjoy it at all. She has a lot of work to do every day. It is not easy for her to clean hundreds of clocks. She was also angry at the noise. Each cloc

28、k keeps its own time, so she can hear clocks strike(敲响)almost any time during the day and night. She says, “There is something even worse. I am never able to know what time it is with so many clocks around.” 阅读短文,选择填空()1. Mr. Clock _.A. was a clock maker B. was a clock sellerC. was interested in clo

29、cks D. liked to collect stamps, books and pictures()2. Mr. Clocks wife _.A. liked all the clocks in her house B. helped her husband to collect clocksC. liked to listen to the sound of the clocksD. was busy keeping the clocks clean()3. Mr. Clocks wife could not tell the exact(确切的)time because _.A. sh

30、e could not hear the clockB. she did not know a wordC. all the clocks had stoppedD. she did not know which clock told the exact time()4. Which of the following sentences is right?A. All the clocks were perhaps different from each other.B. The sound of the clocks made the wife happy.C. All the clocks

31、 struck only in the daytime.D. All the clocks kept the same time.()5. From the passage we know _.A. most of the clocks kept good timeB. few of the clocks could keep the right timeC. something was wrong with each of the clocksD. every clock told the right time(B).阅读短文,判断正误 James,a boy of nine,couldnt

32、 sleep well last night. He went to a friends birthday party in a restaurantThe dishes were so delicious that he ate too much So he had a pain in the stomachHe still feels sick this morningSo he didnt go to schoolInstead,he had to go to a hospital and told the doctor what was wrong with himThe doctor

33、 looked him over and gave him a bottle of pills for digestion(消化)Look at the instructions on the bottle of the pills and then choose how much he should takeMedicine for DigestionRead the instructions carefully before use. Take it three times each day after meals.Dose(药量):Age:over 14 4 pills 8-13 2 p

34、ills 4-7 1 pillNot right for children below the age of three. Put it in a cold place. Use it before June 20th, 2006.( )1. James didnt sleep well last night because he had a lot of terrible dreams( )2. James didnt have anything for breakfast, so he doesnt go to school.( )3. James ate too much last ev

35、ening, so the doctor gave him some medicine for digestion.( )4. James should take 12 pills a day.( )5. James can put the bottle of pills anywhere (C). Whos Sick Fifteen years ago MrBeckman finished collegeHe returned to his home town and found a job in a psychiatric hospital(精神病院)He goes on studying

36、 when he was free though he,s healed a lot of patientsHe tries his best to help the patients It was Monday yesterday. There were many people in the waiting roomMrBeckman had no time to have a rest the whole afternoon and after they had left,he stood up and did some exerciseAt that moment he saw a ma

37、n about fortywandering(徘徊)outside his office “What0s the matter,sir?”MrBeckman went out and asked “I want to see Mr. Beckman,”said the man“Can you help me to find him?” Just a nurse was walking there and heard himShe began to laugh and said,“You,re talking just with MrBeckman!” “That,s wonderful!”th

38、e man called out and came in the office“I think shes a mental(精神病的)patient.” “Could you tell me all concretely(具体地),please?” “She always thinks she0s a ship” “Why not bring her here?I0II look her over carefully.” “Don0t you know it0s difficult to move a ship to your hospital,sir?”阅读短文,在横线上填入适当的单词1.

39、Mr. Beckman is a _.2. Mr. Beckman likes his _,so he tries to help the patients3. Mr. Beckman was _ yesterday afternoon4. The man wanted Mr. Beckman to _ his wife5. It was clear that something was also _ with the man(D). There was little rain in the countryThe farms were all dry and people could walk

40、 in some riversFood and vegetables were so expensive that only the rich could buy themSome factories and shops were closedMost workers lost their jobs. Strut(骚乱)happened in the cities,towns,and countryside. The police couldnt deal with the hungry people. They were in great need of so newcomers Heari

41、ng the police could be supplied(提供)enough food and meat,a lot young men were ready to join in themOf course,the strongest and tallest them could easily be chosenThere was a young man named Sam among them who had worked for a farmer by thenAn officer(警官)received them kindly,but he decided to use Sam

42、as soon as he saw them “Whats your name,please?”was the first question “Sam,Sam Smith,sir,” “Well,SamHow will, you prevent some people from robbing the owners the shops?” “To give them some money,sir.” “What a fool(傻瓜)!Where were you before you came here.” “In a toilet” “Answer:what had you done by

43、then?” “I had defecated(大便)there,sir”阅读短文,回答问题1Why could people walk in some rivers?_2What made the food and vegetables expensive?_3Why did people rob the owners of the shops?_4What did the police need newcomers for?_5What did Sam want to be a policeman for?_书面表达(10分) 初中三年的时间即将过去, 在这三年的时间里你都做了什么,学到了什么,自我的评价又是怎样呢?今后对自己又有什么希望呢?请以“My Study Life

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