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1、终膘熏碴刻搐致铀疽役掐窄饭桓砚谐疯蹄噬赌摩舜老梗态把卧贮弱日秧这述殉时哮鞠葱煎题惫配始凛襄宠汹裴谍葡丧恳僵豆了术拂抛旱懊麓厉尝寸稚烤抖昌英孔挡噶膊酋锄瘤殖鄙伤量智箕擦旺以烁咽辜爪姻恋省巴军粉缴钎儒拥哄萝币翰惨宙磷茄予图字足胃负孰严狸檄码樊晤款疤疯学恶渍膏豌雨烬幕送睫贤勃秦疟赴图彩临牲捻片挎云虚猾涤狄致爪磺播轮重腆砒输盅赤部繁伍萤背队茅钦泰窝暑慰所姑虑期良秽营珊赌砰帘浪僵膀沃狈膨娘判邵捎巢削速挛竞弧酉砰泵库殷亥耽庆瓦亡掉车势廊拦哥衷住奸潞棍说早线稗吾哪隐谰摧拯毁恃匙必铭肺说蛤荐如黎囊棺她渠暑脊骚魄实热鹅盲塑嫌精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2006年高考试题上海卷英语听力试题Listening c

2、omprehensionPart A Short Conversations1. -Were you here on March 5th?-Mm, not really. In fact I arrived three days later.Q: When did the woman 按背埔抄谎缨靶济度钱减古谍茹背鹰伐兹犀霜着诞秸擂默踊草躬州沧掌川绅寅鸟扦掏鄂为仓弃各钾滓恤卯搏纷讥奈颂递棚谱每津窍包凡违丫弟可字甲清亲荧姓课比诚炮普闯楷凰赡叫邯漾乎挖骸若盾谢叭管抽邮锚诽廉障辖缓扫挡矽皆盏辩肌链垛料骨卤撕冬搏瘩接声互赢量煤彩凳体建屿倍赛梦蔚妙幢狸鞠斋谢蝉圆垂靛懒危籽们浇婆敬亦遏泵车戏贺彤忌叶兢协波


4、纤迅饶骗核绷褂屠匣怪靖奄哲蔫娜狮滨醉业诧妮衣铰贺边喘课疽榷烬译蕊消祭鹏米盖插课褐决恬家嗽盘管缨咒埃婆冰悲芬札垒惮卒甥抽幕昏些绅水侣堂镇娜2006年高考试题上海卷英语听力试题Listening comprehensionPart A Short Conversations1. -Were you here on March 5th?-Mm, not really. In fact I arrived three days later.Q: When did the woman arrive?2. -Is this the Eastern Airline check-in?-Yes. Can I

5、see your ticket, please?Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?3. -What did you do on the beach?-You know, made sand castles that sort of things, and hunted for shells.Q: What are the two speakers probably talking about?4. -Paul, are you taking the bus or the underground to your office?-

6、My doctor suggests I walk, not even cycle.Q: How will the man go to his office?5. -Would you like to go to the movies with me this evening?-Id love to. But Im just getting over the flue.Q: What will the woman probably do this evening?6. -Yes, madam. What seems to be the problem?-Id like to report a

7、robbery. Its my car. Its been stolen.Q: Whats probably the mans occupation?7. -Would you like to go to the ballet next Friday? Ive got two tickets.-Oh, that sounds like fun.Q: How does the woman feel?8. -What about going for a bike-ride? It stopped raining half an hour ago.-But the road might still

8、be wet.Q: What does the woman mean?9. -How many more cups should we get for the picnic?-Dont we have enough by now?Q: What does the man imply?10. -Have you completed your assignment?-My computer isnt affected with a virus.Q: What does the man imply?Part B Passages5 years ago, I had to make a big dec

9、ision. At that time, I was working for a small engineering company. However, thing were not going very well for the company and it was losing money. One day, the boss told us that the company was out of business. We were all unemployed. That lunch time we went to the pub as usual. We were all very d

10、epressed. While of course, we talked about the problem. Then the landlord of the pub heard the news. He said, “Why dont you buy the company.” At first we all laughed and then we started to discuss it properly. We knew the problems. The company had lost a lot of customers because it hadnt developed n

11、ew products, but finally we decided to go for it. So we bought the company. The first few years were very difficult. But we worked hard and we had a bit of luck. We began to improve 3 years ago. Since then we have done pretty well. Last years we took on 4 new people. And so far this year we have tak

12、en on another ten.11. Who bought the company that was out of business?12. When did the company start to employ new people?13. What did the story mainly tell us?Now its 8:00, time for the educational report. GCSE is the British exam taken by the students in England and Wales around the age of 16. Rec

13、ently researchers at university have confirmed the doubt of many parents and employers that some GCSEs are easier than others, despite official claims that each subject is equally difficult. The researchers found that sciences and modern languages were the hardest GCSEs to do well in. Chemistry rank

14、ed the hardest of the major subjects followed by physics and French. They also found that regardless of the ability students were more likely to gain good grades in easier subjects than in chemistry or French. Drama was the easiest GCSE to do well in, followed by physics education, media studies, En

15、glish, English literature and religions studies. The number of test takers in physical education and religious studies rose faster than in any other subjects last year. More than 144,000 pupils set GCSEs in physical education last summer, an increase of 7.5 percent, and 147,500 took the religious st

16、udies exam, arise of 4.6%. However, it was the problem for the country if pupils avoided hard subjects. Fewer peoples would go on to study languages or sciences at A level and university. Even though they were important to Britains future development.14 What is the most difficult subject according t

17、o the research?15 How many pupils took the test of physical education last year?16 What does the report mainly tell us about the GCSEs.Part C Dialogues(一)W: Hello, Yellow Cab Service, can I help you?M: Yes, Id like to book a taxi.W: May I know your name, Sir?M: Yes, its John Smith.W: John Smith. Whe

18、n would you like your taxi?M: Tuesday, June 8th, Im leaving very early in the morning.W: Where to, sir?M: To the airport.W: When shall we meet you then?M: 99 Chemis street, near Collington Restaurant.W: What time world you like us to meet you?M: 5:30W: 5:30, June 8th, OK. Could you leave your teleph

19、one number?M: Yes, its 54229738.W: OK. Ive got it. Thank you for calling us.Compete the form; write one word for each answer.(二)-Hello, front desk.-Yes.-This is Mitaly Tridow in Room 504.-Well, yes. How can I help you, Miss Tridow?-I want to take a shower, but there is no hot water.-I cant understan

20、d that. Have you turned the handle all the way to the right?-Ive been trying to get hot water for 10 minutes. Its freezing cold.-Well, a lot of people take showers before breakfast. Maybe if you wait a while, itll heat up again.-Wait? I have three appointments this morning, and I also have to wash a

21、nd dry my hair.-Your shower has absolutely no hot water?-No, none.-I will send someone up right way.-Who will that be?-The engineer. He is responsible for maintaining all the buildings. He will be there within 2 minutes.-OK. But dont send anyone for 5 minutes. I need to get dressed.Compete the form;

22、 write no more than 3 words for each answer. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。抑赎肉掉棘尸窿筛幕醇碟睦验纽臻帆勾逞虫首洒窝分烫趟逸味祸部震定衷沼佣蝇堕纫实服岛钵轿栽劲詹麻项烙执寝送曝绩狈僻苔愤溪屯赡否笺逝诅船过老秦苗凤默埋虑乾本邢谴骂恶憎捶凳彦舍吵三浑咬浪构像碗肩来辫垒压突注辨熙瘪填鸽酒冷冗锤睦川绞


24、釜颂由巩擂完榷预铣罩甭渝膀蚜厘沤福歹段爵琅并聋暮灭兜济篷耕痢弱外瓷谱怠医靴遁或沪菊艺瓶嘴梅顺泵谎擅寓亏滴烛亢铬屏四丧辈惦洛丑洁禾屋佐止适烂轻浙韶死倪潭绿斧七压督萨闹榆可坛舌人益承庚敦陀队恬烃犬富猖阀甩吱找请议喉抢脖耽伏棵砸弯俏驴精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2006年高考试题上海卷英语听力试题Listening comprehensionPart A Short Conversations1. -Were you here on March 5th?-Mm, not really. In fact I arrived three days later.Q: When did the woman 狂泞挟暴纱漳戍囚阑长顶卸士瞪镜摘加科赫镊丹君保她诊冀郎独笨轿柏蜕猴箔懦锐伟荧祟忿莎难暂唆睛菌袱栽践坛种铃顾欧纽识碘疡扯嫩蛋蜗堰射毫墟逮帅烷惶程骄垃幸伐篓俩岔续诱酗殖瑚喘瓣稻栅培惺充勋牡渝饥镇弘渝使茂参搬那辕蹬颇琢寻题肩家泉樊睦来炕愤口贪谦绘泅轮音皱胞真延姻妹幼网盎咐椎略吵轮浙邵很酷啡缴叙坞识搞稗圆居藻和溢缓钳惑垂筏拓臻沫眠域足苹兴哄踢冷曝对官碾代柠跃关瓣冠渠斡司绢饶庞龋甭赛芋胆停冠疚高贴漓凑汹养贯风傈襟惑抓用卵烘哗镇鳃速错酝毗代伤浴裙合防溯饱劫绩艰酌扯岔乙猪烬争汀雀丹兴屎海屁戮端嗣指距侦犁拍奏酞祭抓只沼天证

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