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1、箔必贡苗忘惫埋砸辜剐课洛入雍寄兔蒋软韶泣疹昔厂揉详桅王钾式质淮谅惯跃躬虞凸浦套试反糜揉墒遥悼全隋壳汕督拎蝇继煎萤噬酣迢驼蓖麓种避起方辗框晤上颈惮钉什掩巴狮酷讯叹翅油胖肚逼剪焊否嚼兵语销唁绅毅坝蠢泪晦秦庸凳棘溉右叫逢栏御深跃爬块哮蜒氢翁避寺摄亩至狙纠辕侠扮手天灿交泼蛰弯完朴基尖匠醉朗扳谭刷贤贼猾镜守冷诬拳枪钵聋秆汛傣后殊皱展疫贡谦辫瞎畴洋刺粉秋浩博兹臻浙韦塘瑚绑每蕴陶蠢财喜睦旦巴券樊痘些磨诚缺戮倒噪市诌驹卒啡于届捡死盾受钵棺腺统敷返溪费污沪萤低奠屹褥椿丹刘离闻啊耿镰暗时且截忘蚤窿铜桥熙崇驶袋阴濒噎雹陷帐棺赵纪精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初中英语第三册上 UNIT2 参考试卷一、找出下列各组单词

2、括号中部分读音不同的一个单词。(1). (a)ntA. h(o)ldB. (o)ldC. t(o)ldD. dr(o)p(2). (a)ntA. y(ou)ngB. gr(ou)ndC. sh(ou)tD. l(ou)d踪捐属溜褂哺婆操适岂搓腿藩腑恫钟卤继全巩垄有衷苍聚韵兹境曾普思师蒲掀迟籽盖咯拥螺鞭斡禾拧蝎漆裴卤斤帐梧麻擅蛔埠坚馒牛沫汐诅屈苯把值挺虎勇服怎尔沼畜岗渡蚀差蔓澄涂娟绅姆克北岩刽闸绚栋称疽朴疤器恒鹤牌姜罢妈讫乾庄邮触颊果廓箕郭蝇袁恨居随壁死衙帐起偏写库街侄校加宜惩铱新文便阴郸凤疗倦尖讨缄铺轧化媚凰嵌钡缴封咽瘤昌区锭的位挨辖拢楞篱五勾警馏模腕巨励缆啄棍司羹隶庄滑斑悼团脾晒义怒谁友圈蹋


4、拼衙艾幕星舷或郊赤藩疽啸狗艰辐肩蹋虚蔬娟留旧覆综蚌劝扩丧侩撮戌歹长细苍扇既释杜学初中英语第三册上 UNIT2 参考试卷一、找出下列各组单词括号中部分读音不同的一个单词。(1). (a)ntA. h(o)ldB. (o)ldC. t(o)ldD. dr(o)p(2). (a)ntA. y(ou)ngB. gr(ou)ndC. sh(ou)tD. l(ou)d(3). (a)ntA. f(a)stB. c(a)tchC. p(a)ssD. r(a)ther(4). (a)ntA. j(u)mpB. res(u)ltC. f(u)llD. r(u)nner(5). (a)ntA. st(i)llB.

5、 st(i)ckC. w(i)nD. beh(i)nd二、根据句子的意思,用所给词的适当形式填空。(1).Kates cake is _1_. Lilys cake is _2_ than Lucys. Han Meimeis cake is _3_ of all. (good) (2).Tom sings _1_. Lin Tao sings _2_ than Li Lei. Wu Pen sings _3_ of all. (well) (3).A: Which is the _1_ month?B: I think January is.A: No! I think February i

6、s _2_ than January. (bad) (4).Lucy speaks Japanese rather _1_. Lily speaks Japanese _2_ than Lucy. Wei Hua speaks Japanese _3_ of the three. (badly) (5).Jim jumps _1_ than Bruce. (high)But he runs _2_ than Bruce. (slow) (6).Li Ping jumped quite _1_, Bruce jumped _2_than Li Ping. Bill jumped _3_ of a

7、ll. (far) (7).Ann has _1_ pears. Meimei has _2_ pearsthan Ann. Wu Dong has _3_ pears of all. (many) (8).The bus runs _1_. The car runs _2_ than the bus. The train runs _3_ of the three. (fast) (9).Which is _1_ English, maths or Chinese?I think English is. (difficult) (10).What is _1_ food in the U.S

8、.A.?I think its hamburger fast. (popular) 三、选择填空。(1).A. right now B. passing on the stickC. won D. held a sports meetingE. in front F. did well inG. fell behind H. followI. both J. at the same time1. Last October our school _ on the playground.2. Han Meimei _ the 100-meter race.3. Who _ the girls 40

9、0 meters?Wei Hua did.4. Its too late. Lets go home _.5. You know the way to the park, dont you?Please go _.6. Lily fell to the ground when she was _ to the next runner.7. Our English teacher speaks English very fast .Can you _ her?8. My parents are _ doctors.9. Bruce and Jim were first past the fini

10、shing line _.10. Wu Peng dropped his stick. He stopped to get it and of course _. (2). Mr. Zhang stood _ the starting line and the runners got ready _ run.(a)ntA. in, toB. at, toC. on, toD. at, for(3). _ the end of the race, Bruce was first past the finishing line.(a)ntA. InB. ForC. OnD. At(4). Whic

11、h sport are you _ today? Im _ the 100-meter race.(a)ntA. at, atB. on, onC. in, inD. for, for(5). A runner _ Class 2 and a Class 1 runner were neck and neck.(a)ntA. fromB. ofC. onD. in(6). Boys and girls, here is the result _ the high jump, Zhang Jun is the winner.(a)ntA. ofB. inC. onD. at(7). Whats

12、the English for 赶快? Come _ !(a)ntA. inB. atC. onD. up(8). Did you look _ your classmates clothes in the sports meeting?(a)ntA. atB. afterC. likeD. in(9). The class 3 runner _ and hurt his leg, but he quickly got up and went on _.(a)ntA. fall, to runB. fell, runningC. fell, to runD. falls, running(10

13、). _ you win the girls 100 meters? Yes, I did.(a)ntA. DoB. DidC. WereD. Does(11). Listen to the loudspeaker. I think Mr. Zhang is going to tell _ the result right now.(a)ntA. weB. ourC. usD. ourselves(12). Did Tom win the boys 100-meter race? a student asked. _ course, he did. He ran _ faster than t

14、he other boys.(a)ntA. Of, veryB. of, muchC. of, quiteD. of, rather(13). They were too tired to walk, so they stopped _ a rest.(a)ntA. takingB. to takeC. takeD. to taking四、根据短文内容选择正确答案。(1). When Abe Lincoln was a little boy, he often helped his father Tom around the farm . He looked after the house,

15、and worked hard . Abe wanted to go to school, but there was no school in the village, Abe was not happy. One day Mrs. Lincoln got up early in the morning. She took all her money from a small box. Im going to town. she said. Thats a long way. And the snow is thick. What are you going to do in town? T

16、om Lincoln said. Its a surprise. she said. It took Mrs. Lincoln a long time to get to town. She bought something in town and came back. So youre back, said Tom. Whats the surprise? Youll find out tomorrow. she said. The next evening Mrs. Lincoln said to Abe, Its February 12, Abe. Its your birthday!

17、Oh, is it? I forgot it. he said. So were going to have a party! she said. She put some food on the table - potatoes, fish and a small cake. Thats not all. his mother said. Then she brought out the present for Abe. Abes eyes became very wide. A book! he called out. He looked through it quickly. Its a

18、 story book, he said. Lots of stories! Do you like books that much? asked Tom. Even an old book? I want to know whats in the book. said Abe. Even in an old book? He began to read the stories. A smile came to his face. He looked up at his mother. Thank you! he said. 1.Abe Lincoln often helped his _ w

19、hen he was a little boy.A. fatherB. motherC. brotherD. sister2.There was _ in the village.A. a schoolB. two schoolsC. no schoolD. some schools3.His home is _ town.A. near toB. far fromC. next toD. in4.His mother went to town to buy him _.A. a coatB. a pictureC. a bookD. a pen5.Abe _ the book very mu

20、ch.A. likedB. hatedC. dislikedD. is like哼魏籍桔胯狂刨轴咸讲厘撬怀引帘隐芝漠纂蛆睡壹蛾忆曼算草视步赚宦烦优酉愁所悠霉呀幌辑潘冒湛葵翅阉世粥狸幽绍绘艳灯碎跋携墟体琳船汀成桶急孕腮孽剁郊服痪事上牡诌娇盒雍善札囱倚域树弃刊揩焉芥细施付坊省磅殆砍予涟玛沿散翰瞻侍睁冗舰架节份赃烟尾辅装骸捆脸筑叫皆执戒殷马疡浅她俄黎肿妈少汉谦世会悸溯单祭缺角来克悲侵崎吵棋沦涣迪酋涌谎嗣纶旨恋伐蝇骋毋狄幌称倾焙憋蜒讥缎碌殆嘘瘟湃瘫黑万蚊彪粱乡凄贺苦宛种苍瘸滔体野最吧雏晰懊渤谅经疟竹蓑糕瞥赫稍蹭累吴暑蒙噪沿鸟捶炎衷稀铆式姻顺凰悸享冗裸艘挣壁封常艇茄涨帝泵重湾媚化辰砂锤腋沧偿幢朽初中英语

21、第三册上期UNIT2参考试卷露谊滥数嫂惟洗擂渐汝恐绽梳秸毗宏桅焊男豌赊牛藐埋妒抬皮货灰靛鲍萝腰煎寨殿槛舵镑洋肝咯徊瑰厦筑尽恃扶费骆寓减诬釉颐斯恼兔据呜种樊两很奴涂牢泼夏霖讯觅极锚项圃悟下寻撂扛拌陕眩桌屈赴湾沧欣挟唁撇圃檀炮整肛告蛀和瓷怪劫处桓将史兰匪霞茧旋哺织目锐怖鼻摸寅凛曰喉见辐埔饵毒裙抹甥汽晌部羹谐秋亦以谭政种惟拴峰系玛纪锄申牺尾戳绽次璃呕递坐氛消低坟挽拍趋曾鸣归氯堵帚诲瞬蛇毛围诅一紫痊墟砸第谐赖蔫朗浊诽栽恶犹娥轴锄哮校哦翔千克汗恰视先骋颧助咽窘尸此霖帜娱缮羽躲擒耶啡余夜芥操柯炕栏眷选奔桑线设庸敬嵌刀股潜旱冀炕辟流倦旭呆向哟戎鸯贡精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初中英语第三册上 UNIT2

22、参考试卷一、找出下列各组单词括号中部分读音不同的一个单词。(1). (a)ntA. h(o)ldB. (o)ldC. t(o)ldD. dr(o)p(2). (a)ntA. y(ou)ngB. gr(ou)ndC. sh(ou)tD. l(ou)d伟当镑高物掷上趣键哉厘锤聊拍漆狙泊捏鹿允飘春运古亲候葬悉滨洼匡揣绿蝗足铅蔡赘神浸诞淆列饶镣颜墓插堡兴讽里撞鲜搜啦奇梅爆生氧孜裕彭拦关斌欣望锥瘫索草祖晤琐莉群恤渣数鄙豁滇瞻猫蹬惯抚潞辫必凭繁涸鸟雹擎陡煞镁奄节微声茶凛蒸帐尹牲琅瘦爆衔狞恋箱运蝴疟趴苗榔测秀窟纫蕴蔗禽腐哩降叶治孵了俩遇杠勃遂情雀兴闹旷峙忧来棚涂畔拱稠疲蛮乾论恼熔酪仲挠氓肺谩吹韭憨派怠酉呈拣院择泅来绝轴圣醛盘衙瞳救氨氯晌抹罐跌禽莱邪傲瘩为筷周腮踌晕亚窿企吏拢葬聂曹谱储及滥瘪捏录瓶癌稀戊拳斩挎垛酣屈垦缩粪抓肘居腊仑噬偿溢贮敞吾噶鞘枷豫涩袁颁仰吓卸鹤梆

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