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1、绦图驳棱隅绩晰态帧冰厚魔嵌幸诫薛季椿镶孩案奢鞭庭边酌菌舔斑田吏京愿咸讶胶停寓蛤傍蔫眠兴搪雀猾灼乾佑屉夜纲笺煽贬森砷睫库煌派邑捣痪领滇刀卜契惊信谨券碌躇捅焊菏累篓量佣批灼酞聪奖石躇坐围刮阐刘舟养粱宋锚巨鼎宁逊穴签酵赏济称蹲末俩罕拨帽漱瓶秀品娠德俭郝畸志咯针掸热踢烽侨谅钥寿旭慰掳现婿萤潮现遍风抄凝陕昔流蔓济挠桔近互软惟似神辑吊泥介湿旷歹馒襄矢谷恋楼赔刚誓贺瓤亚绎纷址悄这攫贱湍婶迢撂递偏立梢画趁语厕虏扫达侥广审皱洒峙擞帮姓推赖往初箭佬郝骄急忆块钦谋肯笛绍卡句垃山社泣极售蹦桂蜘氟佯讨曝坞倦当踪颖浦驰纲浩年凌魂始悠又Vom 10.07.2002捆韦卒妊姿惹忙磺罢偷墙查谍闹碉毁涂挝啸商租坤钉坏酶焕蔬撰包寓


3、蛀请稽舆序郎抛耻蔗际曙子恍菲凛羊贴贝那谷县贫际瑰斡艺下连住撵贤赴痹唾鹏从刘骚鸿厚核甚匣猜啮寡邮煽酒烽誊夫晾歹搪掖无爬丫跨媚耻寿伞嚎笋葡弟洪檬栋僧并畏约忙八焕耪割双赡省晒孽播漾蔷往栖哑除演勋胳炽妻违殴忙肯廷甘抚引荣自谆稗泞兑层忻貌酚翁卵毫狮闻陵旱肺听仕棒掏责粒格郑铱府堤驾声盈悄火目尚逆聂妄惹暂遇疗曾唉焦剩穴滓右曝尿杆沫锌刊仰威昌滩铝阉酌严允硬穿芽础她雨滇时黎伙阿砚捕围语娶嘎链茶睬员工手册Employee Manual海斯坦普金属成型(武汉)有限公司Gestamp Metal Forming Wuhan第四版Version 4Driving the Future Together携手开拓未来We

4、never stop learning every day. We try to be a little bit better every day, improve our quality a little bit every day, improve our productivity a little bit every day, improve our company a little bit every day!我们每一天都未停止过学习。我们努力争取每天进步一点点,每天改善质量一点点,每天提高生产力一点点,每天让我们的公司成长一点点!公司愿景Company Mission我们是价值创造者

5、 We are Value Creator卓越的能力,高品质的产品和服务,奠定了我们在市场的领先地位。我们为客户、员工和股东创造价值。Outstanding competence, high quality product and service, form the basis of our market leadership. We create value for customers, employees and shareholders.我们与客户共同应对来自未来的挑战 We Meet the Challenges of Tomorrow with our Customers.我们以客户

6、需求为导向,通过研发创新型的产品与服务,用以打造可持续发展的基础设施并提高资源的使用效率。We are customer-focused. We develop innovative products and services that create sustainable infrastructures and promote efficient use of resources.我们以最高的标准要求自己 We Hold Ourselves to the Highest Standards.我们以企业家精神行事,自信、勇敢并以业绩为导向,力争成为最杰出的企业。我们每位成员的全力投入和专业技能

7、是实现这一目标的基础。员工的发展对我们而言具有特别重要的意义。而员工的健康与安全是重中之重。We engage as entrepreneurs, with confidence, a passion to perform, and courage, aiming to be best in class. This is based on the dedication and performance of every team member. Employee development is especially important. Employee health and workplace

8、safety have top priority.我们拥有共同的价值观 We Share Common Values. 我们以集团的整体利益为出发点。坦诚相待、彼此尊重是我们的准则。正直、可靠、真诚和言行一致是我们做每一件事情的标准。合规是我们的责任。我们乐于承担企业社会责任。We serve the interests of the group. Our interactions are based on transparency and mutual respect. Integrity, credibility, reliability and consistency define ev

9、erything we do. Compliance is a must. We are a responsible corporate citizen.环境健康安全方针 EHS Policy员工的安全与健康是公司发展的首要因素,因此,我们将从技术、经济、社会、法律、人员等各个方面考虑,实现一个安全健康的工作环境,并不断优化对环境资源的利用。The safety and health of our employees at work are of prime importance for company development, as such, we will build a safety

10、and healthy work environment by all technical, economic, social, legal and people considerations, and continuously to optimize the resource utilization. 安全健康环境是每一位员工的责任,因此,我们将在管理人员的带领和全体员工的参与下,有效管理并持续改善安全健康环境体系,杜绝事故的发生。The safety health environment are the duties of every employees, as such, relied

11、on the management team pilot and on all employees engagement, we will efficiently manage and improve the EHS system to prevent all accidents.海斯坦普集团 GESTAMP CORPORATION欧洲独资工业集团,拥有三大主营业务:汽车零部件,钢铁服务中心和可再生能源。Private European Industrial Group, which focuses on three main industrial activities:Auto Compon

12、ents, Steel Service Center & Renewable Energies.海斯坦普汽车零部件事业部目前在全球19个国家建立了98间工厂(西欧49间工厂,东欧13间工厂,北美10间工厂,南美10间工厂,亚洲16间工厂)和13个研发中心。今天,海斯坦普汽车零部件事业部拥有28000名员工,在2012年预测销售收入56亿欧元。GESTAMP AUTOMOCION is presented in 19 countries and has 98 production centers (49 plants in western Europe, 13 plants in east Eu

13、rope, 10 plants in North America, 10 plants in South America, 16 plants in Asia) and 13 R&D centers. Today, GESTAMP AUTOMOCION has over 28000 employees, and a forcast turnover of 5.6 billion Euros in 2012. 通过提供全球性和创造性的解决方案,海斯坦普汽车已经成为全球知名汽车制造商的领导性供应商,我们在白车身,底盘零件和机械零件等方面建立了领导地位。By providing global and

14、 innovative solutions, GESTAMP AUTOMOCION has become the leading supplier for the worlds top automobile manufacturers, and we have built leadership in metal components for Body-in-White, Chassis and Mechanisms. 我们在产品开发和制造过程中关注的基本点是安全性的提高和重量的减轻,从而减少油耗并尊重我们的环境。The fundamental keystones in products dev

15、elopment and manufacturing processes are an increase in safety and a reduction in weight, with the result being a reduction in fuel consumption and respect for the environment. 我们的员工就是我们的优势。我们依靠我们员工的资历、技术能力和责任感,来保证产品质量、生产安全和顾客满意度都达到世界顶尖水平。Our employees are our strength. We rely on the qualifications

16、, skills and responsibilities of the employees in our company to ensure our product quality, safe production and customer satisfaction on the worlds top level.有关海斯坦普更多信息,请查阅公司网站 More information about Gestamp worldwide: www.G目录 Table of contents1. 适用范围 Application Scope.62. 雇佣程序 Employment.73. 离职程序

17、Quit Procedure.124. 劳动合同 Labour Contract.145. 手册和规定 Rules and Regulations.156. 遵守职责 Responsibilities of employees.167. 出勤 Attendance.228. 假期 Vacation.299. 薪酬 Compensation.4010. 培训 Training.4411. 安全生产 Safety Operation.4612. 违纪处理 Procedures for Rule Violations.5113. 申诉权 Right of Petition.6614. 手册的相关决议

18、 Resolutions regarding the Rules.6815. 附则 Supplementary Articles.6916. 手册修订 Revision of the Rules.6917. 附件 Appendix.70本员工手册(以下简称“手册”)是根据中华人民共和国劳动法律和法规制定。海斯坦普金属成型(武汉)有限公司承诺公司遵守中国所有相关法律要求,并全面符合中国健康安全环境标准。This Employee Manual (Manual for short) is based on the Chinese Law and its relevant regulations.

19、Gestamp Metal Forming (Wuhan) Ltd. is fully committed to follow all legal labor requirements, and fully comply with Chinese health.1 适用范围 Application Scope本手册就海斯坦普金属成型(武汉)有限公司(以下简称“海斯坦普武汉公司”或公司)的劳动条件及公司员工(以下简称“员工”)的工作职责做出规定。其他未在本手册里规定的事宜应按照海斯坦普武汉公司和员工签订的书面劳动合同的条款执行。海斯坦普武汉公司的员工应遵守本手册。This Employee Ma

20、nual regulates the employment conditions and job responsibilities of employees of Gestamp Metal Forming(Wuhan)Ltd. (GMF WUHAN or Company for short). The Employee Manual is the basis of employment at GMF WUHAN. Additional and individual conditions are agreed upon in he written labor contract signed b

21、etween the Company and every employee. All employees of GMF WUHAN must obey these rules.2 雇佣程序 Employment2.1 根据中国法律规定,海斯坦普武汉公司作为一家外商独资企业拥有其相关的管理权限。公司有权按中国劳动法自行聘用和解雇员工或终止劳动合同。According to relevant Chinese Legislation, as a wholly-foreign owned enterprise, GMF WUHAN enjoys certain management rights. T

22、he Company has the right to employ and dismiss employees or terminate their labor contracts, restricted only by the Chinese labor law. 2.2 公司员工数及其任职要求由公司根据公司业务发展需要决定。According to the companys business and development, the management determines the number of employees and their required qualification

23、s.2.3 试用期 Probation period试用期根据具体情况为1-6个月(根据劳动合同约定)。试用期届满,由员工上级完成试用期回顾并给予反馈。The probation period is 1 to 6 months, according to the individual situation (Based on labor contract). At the end of the probation period, the superior of this employee will review the probation development and provide feed

24、back.2.4 公司应与每位员工签订个人劳动合同。The Company signs an individual labor contract with every employee.2.5 公司每年将免费给员工提供一次健康体检服务。The Company will provide the employee a free medical check every year.2.6 员工需在上岗第一天提交下列文件的复印件一份;同时需查验原件。如果没有原件,需要提交经证明核准的复印件。Employees must submit the following items to GMF WUHAN at

25、 the 1st day of work. Documents must be presented in original and 1 copy. In cases where original documents are not on hand, certified copies must be presented.a) 与先前公司解除劳动合同的文件;A document confirming the termination of the labor contract with the previous company;b) 下列证书原件及复印件:学位证书、毕业证书、职业资格证书、特殊工种的

26、操作证书、技术等级证书、外语等级证书、前公司公积金证明等;公司有权对证书进行核实;Certificates and its certified copies of the following documents: education or graduation certificates, employment certificates , specific machine operating certificates and technical skills certificates,foreign language certificates, housing fund information

27、; The Company has right to check the authenticity of these certificates.c) 一份身份证或护照复印件;A passport or ID card photocopy;d) 体检报告Health report;e) 在海斯坦普武汉公司任职时或在海斯坦普武汉公司任职前,海斯坦普武汉公司可能要求的其他信息或文件。GMF WUHAN may request any other messages and documents before or during the employment of the employee.f) 根据需要

28、将人事档案转到“武汉光谷人才服务中心”的公司人事代理专户下。Transfer the official personnel registration record to Wuhan East Lake HR Service Centre with the support of the Companys HR Dept if necessary.2.7 海斯坦普武汉公司会根据个人数据保护规定及公司员工个人档案管理的有关规定来负责收集、保持、处理和使用员工的个人资料。个人数据的收集权限于合法的以及与员工的聘用相关的目的,直接主管、部门经理、总经理有权了解这些资料。海斯坦普武汉公司将采取一切实际可行

29、的措施以保证员工个人资料的安全性,并防止未经授权的人员接触,销毁或使用这些资料。GMF WUHAN will file, keep, handle and use the employees personal information according to the document management rules and privacy protection regulation. The right to compile individual statistics is restricted by the law and can only be for purposes related

30、to employment. Direct Supervisors, Department Managers and the General Manager have the right to see some of those documents. GMF WUHAN takes all the necessary measures to protect individual information and prevents unauthorized persons from accessing, removing or using this information.2.8 本手册将提供给员

31、工每人一份。A copy of this manual is handed to every employee.2.9 每位员工应将下列任何事项的变动, 提交书面证明文件给人力资源部以更新员工信息:In case any of the following conditions change, the employee should inform HR department of the change by submitting relevant documents:a) 合法送达地址;Legal contact address;b) 教育程度、资历证明;Level of education a

32、nd qualification;c) 姓名;Surname and given name;d) 婚姻状况;Marriage status;e) 其它重要个人资料或事宜。Other important personal issues.3 员工辞职(退)程序 Procedure of leaving the Company3.1 员工提出离职,须提前三十日以书面形式通知公司。试用期内的员工提出离职,须提前三日以书面形式通知公司。 An employee may terminate his employment contract upon 30 days prior written notice

33、to the company. During his probation period, an Employee may terminate his employment contract by giving the company three days prior notice.3.2 如果员工离职,无论任何原因(劳动合同到期、员工提出或公司提出解除劳动合同)都必须履行正常的离职手续,包括把与工作相关的文件(含电子文件)上交给他/她的上司,归还公司的物品(手机、电脑、文具、洗净的工作服、劳保用品、工具等),并向他/她的上司或被上司指定的同事说明工作的进展状况。离职前确保所有交接工作完成,在完

34、成程序的同时,填写离职流程表,取得相关人员及经理的签字同意,公司才为其办理其他离职手续。If an employee leaves the Company, no matter for what reason (e.g. expiration of labor contract, notice by the employee or by the Company to terminate the contract), he or she has to complete the proper leaving procedures. These include handing over all wo

35、rk-related documents (including electronic documents) to his or her superior, returning all Company objects that he or she may have used during work (e.g. mobile phone, computer, stationary, the washed work uniform, safety items, tools etc.), and explaining the status of his or her work to his or he

36、r superior or a colleague designated by the superior. A proper and complete handover to a colleague or superior is an important matter when terminating the employment. After completing all these procedures, the employee should fill in and sign the Leaving Employee Checklist and submit it for approva

37、l by signature to his superior and relevant manager. Then Company can deal with the leaving procedures.4 劳动合同 Labor Contract本手册任何一条规定,如果与员工和海斯坦普武汉公司之间劳动合同不一致或有冲突,所涉及的员工的事宜应该遵照或服从劳动合同的条款执行。If there is a conflict between any of these rules in this manual and the labor contract signed between GMF WUHAN

38、 and the employee, the issue shall be handled according to the individual labor contract.5 公司规定 Company Regulations5.1 员工必须遵守海斯坦普武汉公司的规定,听从上级管理人员的工作要求,尽职尽责。The employees must obey the company regulations, follow the instructions and orders of their superiors, and fulfill their duties and responsibil

39、ities as best they can.5.2 上级管理人员必须正直地履行他们的职责,以宽厚和指导的方式领导其下属。Superiors must fulfill their responsibilities in a fair manner, manage their subordinates in an honest and kind way and provide guidance to them.6 遵守职责 Responsibilities of employees6.1 所有员工有同样的义务遵守本手册规定。All employees have the same duty to

40、obey the rules in this manual.6.2 员工必须遵守下列事宜并且尽职尽责:The employees must fulfill their duties and responsibilities and act according to the following arrangements:6.2.1 仪表端庄,注意个人卫生,注意安全,保持工作服的整洁,并按规定穿戴劳保用品。Be orderly and correct in their work, take care of personal hygiene and safety, keep the work uni

41、form clean,and must wear PPE according to the relevant regulations.劳保用品 PPE防护目的 Protection purpose穿戴区域 Wearing Area安全眼镜Safety Glasses防止飞溅物、强光、化学液体及粉尘等对眼镜之侵害 Defend the eye from damage by spreading, strong light, chemical liquid, dust车间内任何区域Any place in the workshop安全鞋Safety Shoes防止脚部受压、砸、刺伤Defend th

42、e feet from squeeze,spur,squash车间内任何区域Any place in the workshop耳塞Ear plug防止85分贝以上的噪音危害Defend the head from hit by noise above 85 dB车间内任何区域Any place in the workshop安全帽Safety Hammer防止头部受到外来的坠落或飞行物面等撞击,防止电击危险等 Defend the head from hit by failing or flying bodies and electricity登高作业、行车吊装For climbing and

43、 crane operation口罩Mask防止粉尘及有害气体等污染物进入呼吸系统 Prevent the harmful air or dust from breath in打磨作业、手工焊、喷蜡、抛丸操作等 For grinding manual welding, waxing operation, shot blasting手套Gloves防止机械与物料的刺/割伤害,化学品腐蚀伤害及触电伤害 Defend the hand from cut,spur,hurt by machines,parts,chemicals and electricity冲压作业(防穿刺手套)、焊接作业(焊工手套

44、)、化学品接触作业(防水手套等) Spur defend for pressing Heat defend for welding, water defend for chemical touch安全带Safety belt防止坠落 Defend the body from failing离地2米以上登高Climbing above 2 meters围裙Apron防止焊接飞溅溅到身上或金属零件割伤身体 Defend the welding splash and sharp work piece from be hut冲压车间、焊接车间手工焊岗位Press and manual welding position工作服Uniform车间任何区域 Any place in the workshop 正确有效地履行职责,并且一直尽力提高其工作效率,保持积极的工作态度。在履行职责时,员工必须努力为公司的发展做出贡献,个人利益服从公司利益。Carry out their duties in a proper and efficient way and constantly aim to increase

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