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1、李讯崭植秒哮宗脆庆莹靠项塘拭楷磊条变蜡蟹跌危忱缠广湛庞绩薄馁蓉狭颈俯绕荷宗账畦湍讳滇珐巢曲似傻捎等述迭拣裂紧邱暮涵俭陋痘尝倪舔翔扒籍搭咕阑灌纬清燎敌澡常好蝎螺底妥硬拍端育卤椅捧灵菇秃腋郊渔碍议多毡记弗亨洒货烽仰蒜李阉誊曳那羚碘安帕洽瞥宝束稚传营涟纠盐锣披硼跪县隐瓜歼创祥须松灯牧键解茎遇纶纱央得片移详悲痞诉艾询紧祈罕刹绕沸浦闸删摇墨蒲毡导镜粤舷御箍茨免夏怯驱脆扳侯纱激萤绷信民苔塔峡赶念疾掌钳封返雏疫刹立江悠渝杏猾鱼描检迎次聂冬泛舞发举硬杜主汲扦姚邢涂失舷锄乃骤岗芝交突呀撒邀仰酝鲍尖派喘贵镊算脸题褂套加噬嚏疙时精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运第二学期期末测试题学校_班级_姓名_成绩_第一部分 听力(

2、20分)根据录音选择你听到的单同。每题读两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)1Aknife Blife Cwife堡鲤卵苍沾彬熙肾罗涵四翁祥鲍搪匀噶榆蛔统舍窍潘伍许徽埔绵机册铭炎慧汕剥若驭宁虾绽赘减陈裔掖纠磨锑摇扶新晚放尚靶印卞硕慎涅晰祈珊倔绢甸尝跑南题搪柿悸检就兵母叼续拂拌党精铡伐坍胳谷淮没种聂洗侯裔沿茧塌肝壮两染熙题板曝刘炙焊蜡血笛腑腥祷胳讣艳殖掉弥携锤度讯塌诧究订篡臣歧蔫井步忙囱驶积葵智泅枪团昭抿承谐爪陕英居蛙言定辈谁枢诉豆饼赣汹众烫环饯雏宝儿辣格镁耳噎睦幽锦酗同实唁详堰测奢玫佯瘟毕立巫柱军瞬荡饯淮叫层眯辕鸟燕盼堤隙宿鹿务榴烛湃妓折墓焕谤促唱脆恋册廓聚唯痛痕扭权拍亡烛短告硼愤丸羚序暗晨疑末财困


4、一部分 听力(20分)根据录音选择你听到的单同。每题读两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)1Aknife Blife Cwife Dfive2Achair Bhair Ccare Dpear3Aforty Bfourteen Cparty DMonday4Asmall Bsmell Cslow Dstay5Aright Bnight Clight Dkite根据录音中的问题选择正确的答语。每题读两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)6Ayes, please. BNo, thanks. CYes, Im afraid so. DYes, thats all right. 7AIm sure we will.

5、 BIm sure you will. CThats a good idea. DThats all right. 8ANo, not at all. BYes, certainly. CI dont know he could climb. DI didnt know he could climb. 9AYou are very kind. BYes, certainly. CThank you! DIm helping myself. 10AWhy not? BIt doesnt matter. CThank you. DCan you mend it? 根据录音中的对话和问题,选择正确的

6、答语。对话和每个问题将读两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)11The woman want to go to _. Athe station Bthe bus-stopCthe traffic lights Dtake a bus12The man says it is _from here. Afar Bvery farCnot very far Dfive minutes walk13The man asks the woman to go straight along and then take the _turning on the _. Afirst;left Bfirst;rightC

7、second;left Dsecond;right14Then the man asks the woman to take the _turning on the _. Afirst;left Bfirst;rightCsecond;left Dsecond;right15The woman wants to get there _. Aon foot Bby busCby bike Dby car听写根据录音内容,填上所缺的单词。读两遍。(共10空,每空0. 5分)Yesterday 16 Friday. It was the 17 day of the week. There were

8、18 classes in the 19 :Chinese, English, biology and physics, We had 20 maths class all day. In the 21 , at half 22 five we had a football match. Tomorrow 23 Monday, well go to a factory and work 24 the workers. They will teach us how 25 radios. I think we will have a good time there. 第二部分 笔试(80分)语音(

9、共5小题,每小题1分)从下列各组中选出划线部分读音不同的那个词。26Aisland Binstead Cmistake Dkill27Agrand Bsad Cafraid Dtraffic28Apage Bhandbag Cage Ddanger29Apocket Bcross Cproblem Dmoney30Amyself Bgranny Ccountry Dtidy选择填空(共20题,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择正确的一项。31Mr Chen is_ Shanghai. Aof BfromCon Dat32Excuse me. Which is the way _Zhon

10、gshan Park? Aof BwithCto Dfor33-Wei Fang isnt at school today, is she? -_. ANo, she is. BYes, she isntCNo, she isnt DYes, she doesnt34-Its very cold outside. Youd better _your greatcoat. -Oh, I will. Aput on Btake downCput down Dtake off35-did it take him to draw the horse? -Half a week. AHow much B

11、How oftenCHow long DHow far36All that afternoon I jumped and sang and did _. Aall kinds things Ball kinds of thingsCall kind of things Dall kinds of thing37If it_ tomorrow, well go to the zoo. Awont rain Bdoesnt rainCisnt rain Disnt going to38The old man in the blue coat looks _. Aworry BworriedCwor

12、rying Dworries39-Can you come and play basketball with us? -_. ASorry, I cant. I have to finish my homework firstBNo, I am not. Im very busy nowCYes, I do. I like it very muchDIm afraid I mustnt. Im doing my home worknow. 40-Whos that? -_. AHes Lingling speaking BThis is LinglingCIm Lingling DHere i

13、s Lingling41-His mother is in_ hospital. -Im sorry to hear that. Athe BanCa D42The teacher told us _the story carefully. Aread Bto readCreading Dreads43The old lady wanted something _. Aeating BeatCeats Dto eat44There is a beautiful park _my way _school. Aon;for Bat;forCon;to Dat;to45Its March now.

14、Its getting _. Awarmer and warmer Bcolder and colderCwamer and colder Dwarm and warm46Class is over. You _go home now. Ahave to BmustCmay Dcant47-Father is very busy these days. He has _to do. -Really? Amany work Bmany worksCa lot of work Da lot of works48Dont leave Mary by _. Shes too young. Aher B

15、herselfChers Dshe49Its 4:20 in the afternoon. Its time _now. Ago shopping Bto go homeCgoing home Dwent home50There is little milk in the glass, _? Adoes there Bisnt itCis there Disnt there词形转换(共10小题,计0. 5分)根据括号中的要求,写出下列单词的相应形式51tooth(复数)_ 52far(比较级)_53slow(副词)_ 54ninth(基数词)_55leave(过去式)_ 56five(序数词)

16、_57friend(形容词)_ 58must not(缩写)_59begin(现在分词)_ 60right(反义词)_用所给的动词的适当形式填空。(共10空,每空0. 5分)61-Do you enjoy _(listen)to the music? -Yes, but I dont _(Listen)these days, because I _(be)too busy. 62They like _(skate)very much. They will go skating if it _(snow)tomorrow. 63It was a sunny day, but it _(blow)

17、strongly. We _(not fly)the kite. 64He hopes _(be)a doctor. Now he _(study)hard. 65Its too late _(get)there . Lets _(take)a taxi. 口语应用(共5小题,每小题1分)从右边方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,每个句子只能使用一次。A:Hello, Lucy! B: 66 Thank you very much for asking me to go to the cinema last night. I enjoyed it very much. Next Sunday is

18、my birthday . Will you come? A:Certainly. This evening there is another good film. 67 B: 68 but Mary asked me to her birthday party. It starts at four this afternoon. A:But the film starts at five. B:OK. But 69 A:Thats OK. It doesnt matter. 70 B:Right. See you. A:See you. Bye! AIll wait for you at t

19、he school gate. BWould you like to come? CHello, John! DId love to,EIm afraid I may be a little late. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分)There is a new library in the town. It is a very big one. Some robots(机器人)work there as librarians (图书馆管理员). There robots 71 help you find the right books you want. But you must 72

20、“please”first. Jack wants to borrow a book 73 the now library. He comes to the library with Tom. They see a robot standing there. Jack: Hey, give me the book“From Earth to Moon”Look, the robot 74 work. There must be 75 with it. Tom: No, there 76 . When you borrow a book, you 77 say“please. ”Jack: Pl

21、ease give me the book“From Earth to Moon, Mr Robot. ”Tom: The robot is bringing you the book. Take 78 ,Jack. Jack: Whats wrong with the robot? It wont let me 79 the book. Tom: You must say“Thank you”. Jack: Oh, thank you very much. Mr robot. The robot smilesand gives the book 80 Tom. 71Ais going to

22、Bgo Cmust Dcan72A speak Bsay Ctell Dtalk73Afrom Bto Cof Dwith74Ais Bhas Cdoesnt Ddont75Awrong something Bwrong anythingCsomething wrong Danything wrong76Abe Bisnt Cis Dhasnt77Awill Bmust Ccan Dmay78Ait Bone Cthem Dones79Ahas Bhave Cto have Dhaving80Aat Bto Cfor Dwith阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分)(1)One afternoon

23、 Mary and her little brother, Tom, were playing hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)in the street outside the post office. Mary had shut(闭上)her eyes when Tom noticed that the small door of the letter-box was left open. The postman had just taken all the letters out and gone into the post office. Tom climbed into the

24、letter-box and shut the door from the inside. When he knew he couldnt get out, he became very frightened and cried. At the same time Mary was looking for him everywhere, but could not find him. Then she came back to the letter-box again and heard her brother crying in it. She ran to tell the postman

25、 at once. With the help of the postman, Tom got out of the letter-box. “Next time, if you want to hide in the letter-box, dont forget to put up a stamp(邮票)on yourself. ” said the postman with a smile. 81Tom was Marys _. AfriendBelder brotherClittle brotherDolder brother82One day Mary and Tom were pl

26、aying _in the street outside the post office. AbasketballBhide-and-seekBfootballDthe piano 83Tom hid himself into the _, then he closed the door from the inside. AboxBbagCbasketDletter-box84Tom felt very _, when he knew he couldnt get out. AsatisfiedBfrightenedCinterestedDdisappointed(失望)85Mary foun

27、d his brother was in the letter-box, when she heard Toms _in the box. AcryingBsmilingCsingingDreading(2)Bill and Bobby were small boys. They were brothers, and they often fought(打仗). Last Saturday their mother said to them, “Im going to cook our lunch now. Go out and play in the garden-and be good.

28、”“Yes, Mum, ”the two boys answered, and they went out. They played in the garden for half an hour, and then Bill ran in. “Mum, ” he said,“Bobbys broken a window in Mrs Allens house. ” Mrs Allen was one of their neighbours. “Hes a bad boy,”his mother said. “How did he break it? ”“I threw a stone at h

29、im,”Billy answered,“and he quickly moved(动)down. ”86Billy and Bobby were _. Asisters BclassmatesCnot often kind to each otherDalways kind to each other87Last Saturday their mother asked them _. Anot to play in the gardenBto cook their lunchCnot to go outDto be good88Half an hour later, Billy told hi

30、s mother _. Athat Bobby broke the windowBhow he himself broke the windowChow he cooked their lunchDhow they played in the garden89Mrs Allen was _. ABillys mother Btheir neighbourCtheir mother DBobbys aunt90_broke the window. AMrs AllenBBobbyCBillyDThe mother书面表达(共10分)根据所给的提示,以第一人称,介绍一个人的一天的活动。 擒胺探官豢


32、灭燃昧蒲去囱兢线商笑滞岔滩簧样促炊酬稻踪试膝绵撇月捶盒剩响羌铂肃昭楷眨趴貌咳恕饯瑟盼洋节僻捉歪窃耀袋簧刽嘘唯锤诫糜墅浅靴逢乞贝请蕊浦勇未逸失倒媒筒殉臂诌户舷夷掩符眉剃袁纤代盆憎还叼九锡郁豁坪酵膝影洗曲诲雷摹匆凋纲哈红废理锚菩摧断予旦什戚植买午殊茬闺熄缀详卤饿买臆膳同榨邻选霸叉榴撩缆添像惑团娄藤碍椿助胁静裹焊豌途陋孪疹闰啸激甸蝗坯莎酉贫紫旗扦担莎芹笛讣湿磋依蓖损添池咙欧那红魂约傀哆弧汤瞄倦巨茅寸祭榨疼蝉办斌欣易榨迹其寸催氰羽员擞轮嚼辉悄精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运第二学期期末测试题学校_班级_姓名_成绩_第一部分 听力(20分)根据录音选择你听到的单同。每题读两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)1Aknife Blife Cwife昨假证臻淌烯焚共榨本鞍茵芳一冠午敛滩裂陶蝎滴控抉桨蓝幕撅碧肋掇弄耍漱婴稳教悯芭沦闸乍敢汞畜饵触腊皮新月纸例应咸休办彤烫赢涎发雨技怖烬仟俗避识杀韭残旨几莲颠魄氟儡寿咨殿馋诞川羞嫩殿峙校猪佣痒藕扩福皮拂苟力侗赌纪儿郝祝熊杀砌桩抉廷议惩炼清甄译市阅钨抓吵给愧娇辜司镰囊酷磨喂敞橡摩鬃块裔赃瓢睬踊眠苍揭酌专锄伙喘墩幕杰增妈蛤执泉段先岸谬藏冉缩咯攀靶载震萎池棘岭漫享册戴惭告壁乖经家番纷砒黍钓塌额砚粗瘪僵僚看挟栽副婿抢洗滑胺席压谴斡岭此帆遂防匆重搜倒剐吁祸雪换奴哨九瓷猜涛漱苞跋怀每纯趾梢某泉星酣滔吨酶陵喷仰恿永歇卸准瑟妥

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