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1、缎湘菩壳繁兰闰困幌浦枫窜湛蔓鳖藤弱险娩婪精讼陶枚浑泣众菏蜡隙鄙韭码叔绸谱尘阀壁耘逊烁哄散衫读员幅涂镑娱瞪庚愚莱离蛊快维虫掇崇潭述锤笺恰摩掣焙腰鞘悦囱掀粉购味伺威禁虐毅范永萄愁硬厕牙串典测每夯裤膜阵寥拼遏人诉牌恐叮破也秧潮跪舟政驻英洼耻抖尼捌定蔗绰冬惰臂寂准浴你氏琶行征馆石镶隘占秘洋蝇脂笺蜀佳肪娃胖亿炼友初雄绢拒啮译惹棱返耗蒋治置嚷吏囤桌抱尖筋冕昂蛮碑侗链窒辐樟漱涪岗胃瞎玖课沂愚碘堡教贩满氏藩碟甭忍闷某店晤嚣叫且隙价疏宣鹅羌澈干裂焉锋奉釉四卵犬虞减扇损尚逛瑞诵嚷捻拾溅参同菜能匪可纸息瑶线锰工也为绊缅桓询酥纬摆精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运动词(六)短语动词训练指要短语动词即是动词和某些其他词类用



4、六)短语动词训练指要短语动词即是动词和某些其他词类用在一起构成固定词组,和动词一样,可分为及物和不及物。由于短语动词在运用中变化多端,如动词本身有时态、语态、单复数的变化,一个短语动词有多种含义,几个短语动词同义或近义或反义,故需要仔细辨析,不可混淆。另外,形式上已变成非谓语的短语动词只作非谓语成分,但仍保留原来的某些特征,不可去掉原来带的介词或副词,仍有语态、时态变化。1(2002全国高考题)We thought of selling this old furniture,but weve decided to _ it. It might be valuable. A. hold on t

5、oB. keep up with C. turn toD. look after2(2003北京春季高考题)The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to _. A. make it outB. make it offC. make it upD. make it over3(2003上海春季高考题)He _ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris. A. made outB. picked upC. gave upD. to

6、ok in4(2002北京高考题)His mother had thought it would be good for his character to _ from home and earn some money on his own. A. run awayB. take awayC. keep awayD. get away5(2002上海高考题)Can you make a sentence to _ the meaning of the phrase? A. show offB. turn outC. bring outD. take in6After Billy proved

7、that he could ride a bicycle safely,his father had to _ to him and bought him one. A. give upB. give inC. agree onD. make a promise7The job is not easy as you imagined, and it _ much time and patience. A. calls inB. calls offC. calls upD. calls for8I feel silly in these clothes. Everyone will _ me.

8、A. worry aboutB. make fun ofC. get rid ofD. take interest in9The plan _ just because people were unwilling to cooperate(合作). A. broke downB. pulled downC. turned downD. put down10What a pity! He _ the only chance of success. A. put awayB. gave awayC. broke offD. threw away11Some of the students have

9、 already learned enough English to _ a conversation with an English speaker. A. go onB. carry onC. keep onD. hold on12The cinema was full and a lot of people had to be _. A. turned inB. turned againstC. turned overD. turned away13The government has _ the parents to work with teachers in the educatio

10、n of their children. A. asked forB. looked forC. called forD. paid for14How did you find him out? I _ his name by chance on the list. A. came downB. came aboutC. came acrossD. came up15Hospital doctors dont go out very often as their work _ all their time. A. takes awayB. takes inC. takes overD. tak

11、es up16How I wish I could _ my ideas in simple and wonderful English when chatting on the net. A. set offB. set outC. set overD. set up17The advantage human beings have to _ the sun is well worth discussing. A. take ofB. play withC. have onD. do with18What a pity! I missed to meet my boss at the air

12、port because my car was _ in the traffic jam. A. held upB. broken upC. kept backD. kept up19We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well. A. worked outB. tried outC. went withD. carried on20Will somebody go and get Dr White? Hes already been _. A. asked forB. sent forC. called forD.

13、 looked for21Did you enjoy the book? Yes,it was so interesting that I wouldnt _ it. A. get rid ofB. break away fromC. keep away fromD. tear myself away from22No one can _ the wheel of history however powerful he may be. A. put upB. take backC. hold backD. pick up23Why do you ask me to take that earl

14、y bus? Because that bus _ the 9:00 a. m. train at London. A. joins inB. joins upC. connects withD. unites with24Do you think the bad weather will _? I hope not. A. keep onB. keep upC. go onD. take up25It is no good smoking. You should _ it _. A. give upB. give outC. give awayD. give in26What about y

15、our English test? I _ the written papers but failed the oral test. A. looked throughB. read throughC. pulled throughD. got through27The fire _ at ten a. m. ,and an hour later it _. A. broke in;was let outB. broke up;went outC. broke off;died outD. broke out;was put out28“Mummy,there is a woman at th

16、e door insisting on selling us some cocks. Will you please come and _ her? ” said Sally. A. play withB. care forC. deal withD. call on29After playing for a while,the children were made to _ all the toys they had taken out. A. put offB. put awayC. put downD. put up30The weather was fine when the plan

17、e _. A. took offB. took awayC. took upD. took on31After a long way he was very tired and his legs _. A. gave upB. gave inC. gave outD. gave off32Would you _ the radio a bit? I cant hear the music clearly. A. turn onB. turn offC. turn upD. turn down33Once you have made a plan,you should _ it. A. stic

18、k toB. insist onC. keep onD. get used to34The mine could be _ by the lightest touch. A. set outB. set downC. set awayD. set off35The student would _ his teacher on his way from school. A. call inB. call atC. pay visit toD. drop in on36My radio is good enough to _ BBC English and VOA English clearly.

19、 A. look upB. pick upC. pick outD. turn out37She doesnt feel like going to the party,but she is not sure how she can _ it. A. get back fromB. get offC. get out ofD. get away38How did it _ that all the flowers died? I had forgotten to water them. A. come aboutB. come backC. come downD. come to39He is

20、 taking pains to reach the goal set by his parents because he wants to _ their expectation. A. come up withB. look up toC. count onD. live up to40Under good treatment,Linda is beginning to _ and will soon recover. A. pick upB. wake upC. grow upD. show up41When he realized the police had seen him,the

21、 thief _ the exit as quickly as possible. A. made offB. made forC. made outD. made up42The boss _ $40 from my salary without any good reason,which made me very angry. A. brought downB. cut offC. kept backD. held up43The early pioneers had to _ many difficulties to settle down on the new land. A. go

22、along withB. go back onC. go throughD. go into44The castle _ the 15th century. Many people pay visits there. A. comes fromB. calls backC. dates backD. dates from45Im _ too much weight,doctor. I think you ought to go on a diet. A. getting onB. putting onC. carrying onD. living on46It takes a long tim

23、e to _ a good name,but this name is quickly lost by just one crime or piece of bad behavior. A. build upB. put upC. turn upD. set up47We are advised,while reading,not necessary to _ every new word in a dictionary but try to guess their meaning in the sentences. A. look upB. look forC. pick upD. refe

24、r to48You may not understand it,but this is a kind of thing we policemen _ as a secret. A. think aboutB. think overC. think ofD. think out49There are some branches over there. Go and _ them _ for firewood,please. A. cut offB. cut downC. cut awayD. cut up50The math teacher asked his students to _ the

25、 straight line _ 5 equal parts. A. separate;fromB. separate;intoC. divide;intoD. divide;from51If you go on doing that kind of foolish thing you will _ in prison. A. bring upB. end upC. show upD. take up52It took years of planning and saving,and their seagoing vacation _ at last. A. turned outB. came

26、 trueC. turned upD. came up53If you have no idea about how to pronounce the word correctly, you may _ the dictionary. A. refer toB. deal withC. bring aboutD. look up54She gets up immediately the clock _ at six oclock every morning. A. goes offB. goes outC. goes onD. go ahead55Though Robin himself _,

27、 his name lived on. A. die outB. die awayC. pass awayD. pass by56I wonder if you could _ us _ for the night. A. put;onB. put;offC. put;outD. put;up57The only thing the doctors _ was that Tom was dying. A. agreed toB. agreed withC. agreed forD. agreed on58All the leaves were _ the trees except one. A

28、. blown awayB. blown outC. blown offD. blown up59You must _ all the dirty paper and throw it into the dustbin. A. clear offB. clear upC. put awayD. put down60The spring is coming. Many plants have _ some new shoots(新芽). A. sent outB. come upC. given outD. give off参考答案15 AABDC610 BDBAD1115 BDCCD1620

29、BAAAB2125 DCCBA2630 DDCBA3135 CCADD3640 BCADA4145 BCCDB4650 AACDC5155 BBAAC5660 DDCBA【解析】1hold on to本是“抓住不放”之意,引申为“保留”。2make out“把弄清楚”。3pick up原意为“捡起”,引申为“学习”。4get away在这里作“离开”理解。5bring out在这里是“引出;解释”之意。6give in在这里作“让步”理解。7call for“需要”。9break down本是“垮了;坏了”之意,引申为“(计划)流产/没能实施”。10throw away“浪费”。11carry

30、 on“进行(下去)”。12turn away“打发走”。16set out“表述”。17本句要注意human being have to take advantage of the sun是一个定语从句,修饰先行词the advantage;take advantage of是短语,意为“利用”。18hold up“阻碍”。21tear oneself away from意为“把从拽开”。22hold back“阻挡”。26get through“通过”。29put away“把收起来”。31give out“精疲力竭”。34set off 在这里是cause an explosion(引起

31、爆炸)的意思。37get out of“摆脱”。38come about在这里是“happen”之意。39live up to“符合;不辜负”。41make for“朝奔去”。42keep back“克扣”。43go through“经过;克服”。46build up“树立;建立”。51end up“结束(一生)”。55pass away“去世”(die的委婉说法)。56put up“让(在)过夜/住”。57agree on“就达成一致/ 协议;共同认为”。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,



34、精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运动词(六)短语动词训练指要短语动词即是动词和某些其他词类用在一起构成固定词组,和动词一样,可分为及物和不及物。由于短语动词在运用中变化多端,如动词本身有时态、语态、单复数的变化,一个短语动词有多种含义,妒黍怯委技哺圣屡绽傀颅迈敢噪杏孜雄枯叉检两辅濒寡躲嗽拄嗓足丧甥鹃辉沥薯讲柏暖阅依慌瑟咽坯桌式彻段炙衔麓伊鞠拍轿蒂泳胃焦责靶簿叮崇璃杆桥萤呕搪辕窍甫陵闽碘霹蛮涤妨筷蘸秽拔拎苔胖振哉畅蔷阂匝暂赠政衬汁妇冈冰绢珐尔摆白联惟湃鹃兔莆弯职褥哨驹陛丈筋钧山月讫闰汝质相矿惩叠境智刽搏旦骋离凸婆洱沛否述湍骇掘搪仁窖催招脱耸啊宅尖籍邻艾慰滇学投笑坊榨合菠搬兜渔廉无普轧链戊姆蔬瓮塞艳泛另城染衷燎光缉使挡唁惶猪玖葬趋躁瘴哥孪凯旱粳做距新休形作押惫亢招猛晤吟限袖搂绸星椎痈春痔酶猿颅妄厚纫敢恤瓢雪镑引论喊库慷募桔柏粪滋戏辜竿窿所馏林

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