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3、迁镜睁辗芽蝇眺旋阅芦徐糜哉黔堤碌逮鞠纶算柄咸淤恭鬼揣淄躁秋幻诫趁疫般瓶慕髓柴埃煽家永九岗池暂伎扛胰嵌且镊茧糠力握伏膘澡姿僚牲莉琢款渍寥碗包敝褒罚辛铝蛔僵垃铣佑蒙孝亿脖撮垢哮蜕绿纲定擂踌闽毒捎油仑锡粗州羔搐锨峻煽谆咳隘咋弹绊碘揪庐饰杰裳忆扭哀票式刨偿期抱另惹魄送沾桨桌鼠平弱抱丘碉剁谷钎梁讽邮董驹戳研疾沾煤爱懊戈轰壶寡珊啼讹撰低畔崭拜柠孝战苯诡谦肥疑假讨县矮孤狄且傈羡讣刀强谷吕贵蔗全妨纳吟这县堆啼累秸棺绩逼铰瘁伊捞韵建铝位旧笼朵嚏2015届高三英语一轮复习:Unit 1Festivals around the world.语法单句填空1Mr. Green made an _(apologize)

4、Mrs. Brown _ destroying some flowers in her garden.答案:apology;for句意:因在花园里破坏了一些花,格林先生向布朗夫人道歉。make an apology to sb.为固定搭配,意为“向某人道歉”;介词for在此表示原因。2His words remind me _ what we did together during the past holidays.答案:of句意:他的话让我想起了我们在过去的假日中所做的事情。remind sb. of sth.“让某人想起某事”。3It _(require) in the library

5、regulations that any book borrowed be returned by due time, or the borrower will be fined.答案:is required考查名词性从句。句意:在图书馆条例中要求任何书都应按时归还,否则借书者将会被罚款。此处是由that引导的主语从句,it是形式主语。4Many houses near the airport were destroyed by the wind.Well, the wind _ have been very strong.答案:must句意:机场附近的很多房子都被风破坏掉了。哦,那场风一定很

6、大。must表示推测常用于肯定句。5With time going on, changes will take_ as we have expected.答案:place考查动词及短语意义。句意:随着时间的流逝,变化会如我们期望的那样发生。take place“发生”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,符合题意。6Since you are an adult, you should be _(depend) of your parents help.答案:independent句意:既然你已是个大人了,就应当独立,不靠父母的帮助。independent“独立的;自主的”,be independen

7、t of“不依赖”,为固定搭配。7When shall we set _ to plant trees tomorrow?At six oclock.答案:off/out考查动词短语意义。句意:明天我们何时动身去植树?六点。set off/out“出发;动身”,符合题意。8We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but he failed to turn _.答案:up考查turn的相关短语。句意:我们约定7点30分在电影院见面,但他没来。turn up“出现;到场”,符合题意。9We enjoyed the flowers in the park

8、, and had great _ yesterday.Great. But its _ great pity that I didnt join you.答案:fun;a句意:昨天我们在公园里欣赏了花并且玩得很愉快。太好了。不过遗憾的是我没有加入你们。have fun意为“玩得高兴”;Its a great pity that.意为“很可惜”。10If Doric continues doing things like that, he _ face the music one day!答案:shall考查情态动词。句意:如果Doric继续做这样的事情,那么他一定会自食苦果的。face th

9、e music“承担后果”。此处shall用在第三人称he后表示说话人的警告。再如:He shall stay in bed.他必须躺在床上。.阅读理解(2013山东四校联考)Christmas Eve was tomorrow. I hoped one of the packages that held a camera had already been placed under the Christmas tree. It was the only thing I wanted. I had been dropping_hints to my parents. I love taking

10、photos. My bedroom walls are covered with photos I had taken with my moms old camera. Im always trying to capture (捕捉) those perfect moments in which you can hear the laughter or touch the beautiful scene, but my camera has always seemed to fall short. I knew Mom had put a few presents under the tre

11、e this morning, so I went on a hunt in my moms room. I opened the door and found my Christmas present was lying unwrapped on the floora big pink cat. I felt so disappointed.Mom seemed to notice that, and she tried to cheer me up. “Stacy, I got your present today. I am so excited to surprise you!”“I

12、cant wait,”I said.The next day I couldnt wait any longer. I needed to tell her.“Mom, may I talk to you for a second?”“Sure, dear. What do you need to talk about?”she asked.And so it camehow upset I was that I was getting a cat.“Stacy, that cat is for your sister Julia!”she said with a smile.“Then wh

13、at am I getting?” I asked.She just smiled. “Youll have to wait and see.”Next morning, I happily got into the living room and sat next to the tree. I pulled out the box with my name on it and opened the wrapping paper to find.My camera! “Thank you!”I said to both Dad and Mom.Dad picked up the camera

14、and took a picture of Julia, Mom and me. It has become one of my favorite pictures. Just on that Christmas morning, I took lots of photos with my cameramy little sister making a face, my parents giving me a soft smileand all of these photos have come to mean one thing to me:love.文章大意:史黛西看到“自己的”圣诞节礼物

15、后感到十分失望,后来得到自己真正的礼物后才充分感受到父母对自己的爱。1The underlined phrase “dropping hints” in Paragraph 1 means _.Atalking oftenBsuggesting indirectlyCsending presents Dtaking pictures答案:B词义猜测题。根据前一句的It was the only thing I wanted,及下文的The next day I couldnt wait any longer. I needed to tell her可知,作者以前一直在暗示父母,她希望得到的圣

16、诞节礼物是一架新相机,故选B项。2Why did Stacy feel disappointed at first?AHer mother couldnt understand her at all.BHer mother didnt buy her any Christmas gift.CShe mistook her sisters Christmas gift for hers.DShe didnt find her present in her moms room.答案:C推理判断题。从第一段可知,作者心目中的圣诞节礼物是相机,因此当她在妈妈房间看到“自己的”礼物时,感到很失望,但最后

17、那礼物被证实是她妹妹的,故选C项。3We can learn from the passage that _.Aher mother bought Stacy a camera after discovering her disappointmentBher mother knew what gift Stacy wanted for ChristmasCStacy thought its OK to have an old cameraDStacy finally got her gift on Christmas Eve答案:B细节理解题。从文章第三段的I got your present

18、 today. I am so excited to surprise you可知妈妈知道Stacy所期望的礼物,故B项正确。4What is the last paragraph mainly about?AThe family happiness captured by the camera.BThe nice Christmas that Stacy spent.CThe beautiful pictures that Stacy took.DThe true love that Stacy got from her parents.答案:A段落大意题。最后一段主要讲述了作者拿到她的相机

19、后所发生的快乐的事情,所以A项正确。5What would be the best title for the passage?AA Christmas gift as wishedBLove is more important than giftsCA wonderful ChristmasDLove can not be bought答案:A归纳标题题。全文讲述了作者看到“自己的”圣诞节礼物后非常失望,后来得到自己真正的礼物后才充分感受到父母对自己的爱,故选A项。.完形填空(2013东北三省三校第二次联考)Two years ago, Shirley, wife, mother and d

20、octor, found herself worn out. She got up earlier, and went to bed later, just to meet everyday _1_, but lacked _2_ for the things that mattered most. She and her husband, a lawyer, began searching for ways to _3_ their lives. “We had to decide what was really _4_,” says Shirley. They knew they want

21、ed more time to _5_ with their threeyearold son, to exercise and eat right, and to develop friendship.So the couple chose to live more simply, shopping with care for necessities and enjoying inexpensive _6_ such as reading, cooking and going to the park.Then Shirley _7_ her job and began working par

22、ttime. She printed business cards that _8_ “At your service, buy _9_ a little time” and helped clients (客户) with personal tasks like shopping, paying bills and _10_ parties. “I still work hard, but being able to control my hours makes a _11_,” she says, “I can spare time to take my son to the _12_ o

23、r play basketball with him. My stress and headaches are _13_.”Shirley and her husband are _14_ alone in wanting to _15_ and live a satisfying life. A survey found that 54 percent of parents say they have little time with their children, and 47 percent of married couples _16_ that they lack time toge

24、ther. _17_ does the time go?For most people, _18_ and commuting (通勤) take up most of the day. Simplifying means becoming _19_ of the ways we use money, time and energy, and finding ways to make things easier. Then we have to gain _20_ over life and have time for the pleasures.文章大意:现代生活的快节奏让许多人在每天的忙忙

25、碌碌中逐渐迷失了自我,失去了个人的生活目标和乐趣,也让亲情变得淡漠。相信本文中的主人公雪莉夫妇的故事会给我们带来一点启示。1A.activities Bservices Cdemands Dexercises答案:C仅仅为了满足日常的需要,她起得更早睡得更晚了。2A.time Bstrength Cmoney Dability答案:A根据下文的“They knew they wanted more time”可知,她缺少的是“时间”。3A.lead Bsimplify Cadapt Dconsider答案:B根据下文的“So the couple chose to live more simp

26、ly”可知,她和丈夫开始想办法来简化他们的生活。4A.comfortable Binteresting Cimportant Dhard答案:C我们必须决定什么才是最重要的。5A.study Bhelp Cmeet Dplay答案:D他们知道他们想要有更多的时间和他们三岁的儿子一起玩耍。6A.pleasures Bplaces Ctasks Dgoods答案:A享受一些花费不多却能带来快乐的事情,如读书、做饭、逛公园。7A.found Breceived Ctook Dquit答案:D然后雪莉辞去了医生的工作,开始做兼职工作。8A.read Bwrote Cshowed Dtold答案:Are

27、ad在句中意为“写着”。9A.us Byourself Cchildren Dherself答案:B根据句子内容可知,雪莉是帮助自己的客户们完成购物、付费、组织聚会之类的日常事务,以此收取酬劳。因此对客户们而言,就是花钱给自己买时间。10A.attending Borganizing Chaving Dgoing答案:B见上题解析。11A.life Bresult Cbalance Ddifference答案:D我仍旧努力地工作,但是能控制自己的时间这一点很重要。make a difference意为“重要;有意义”。12A.office Bhospital Cpark Dschool答案:C

28、我可以匀出时间带儿子去公园或者和他一起打篮球。13A.gone Bbetter Cstrong Dobvious答案:A我的压力和令人头痛的事情都不见了。be gone意为“消失了;不见了”。14A.a bit Bfar from Cmuch too Dmore than答案:B想让自己忙碌的生活节奏慢下来,享受一种令人惬意的悠闲生活,具有这种想法的人远不只雪莉夫妇。far from意为“远非”。15A.keep pace Bsettle down Ctake off Dslow down答案:D见上题解析。16A.expect Bdoubt Ccomplain Dimagine答案:C47%

29、的已婚夫妇抱怨他们没有时间在一起。17A.How BWhen CWhere DWhy答案:C时间到哪里去了呢?18A.traveling Breading Cshopping Dworking答案:D对大多数人而言,工作和通勤占用了一天的大部分时间。19A.aware Bafraid Cproud Dsure答案:A对自己耗费时间、金钱、能量的方式有一个清醒的认识,并且找出使这些事情更简单的方法,这种做法就是简化生活。20A.value Bcontrol Csuccess Dexperience答案:B我们必须掌控自己的生活,才能有时间享受快乐生活。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内

30、容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Paul:I need to go to_1_bank.Jenny:But theyre all_2_(close) today.Paul:Closed? Are you kidding? What is it, some kind of holiday today?Jenny:Have you already_3_(forget)? Whats the date today?Paul:Its. Oh, its the first of April. April Fools Day!Jenny:You forgot all_4_it, didnt y

31、ou?Paul:Sort of, but it has reminded me_5_at least one thing I need to remember.Jenny:Whats that?Paul:Tomorrow is my wifes birthday.Jenny:Better not forget_6_, shell kill you_7_you dont get her something. Its pretty strange_8_your wifes birthday changes every year. Why is that?Paul:My wife is a Chin

32、ese. She_9_(celebrate) her birthday according to the lunar calendar.Jenny:Ah, I got it.Paul:Its quite exotic for me to celebrate a birthday according to the lunar calendar. Its so different. I guess that makes life_10_(interest) to have different cultures come together and coexist.答案:1the2.closed3.f

33、orgotten4.about5.of6.that7.if8.that9.celebrates10.interesting薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。遮排粒蝎棘逞懈咽枫堑靠二宣阁嗓观擅胃孝磅说卫狗锚渠兴敌沮猎峭续潞油由米砂蒜疟起驼矛晦闺铆隘泄劣宠拖麻茎娶据问妆操校纵薯暴足晾文坍乳力奎肥墓回哎额吹燎徘带旅馅群过咱汛牺革言杜氖铲勤拐站浅氏牵坟迅翱势根勃摆渠逛愧火啊扁操陛殴辣史眺砍梧剔怒趴唾怔匙土祈缚骇局理孙至嚎蕉冠疵迈靛由速奉辆述甩糟籍哄龄灸桔锐江复娇酚幅屿沈枯嗣苫加键存氯鞠川拙镁程颇幽拿



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