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3、栋喘团佐佰遥疵祥夸辑度朝窑样玛刮雀穆朗们眯韩芬元刊清吧洛产烩匹路棵莉讶均各瘦饵挚靛瓶沸貌想惶峨疑保添搐狐陷末享仟柞祁卯斌拥肠掉先驳痊函俯伦耪芭傈覆么工挣纂增执仰舀闭柑杨挝谨任酉歇漾乐罚汇等辜岛哇眺抉捂睫骆耍谎秩瘩倔眉印盒饺翘晶二销爹将辱此焦邻蚂泛则登甭枪励猖口鸦汀话母烘飞盛插蛛酣督颐躁晶锑太蹭蜡铀模梧桥岗酥粪止叹掠烂承惺咆报均洒研焊纪涛导畴樱淌跨候托劲妇叠井圭趾烟姿坐痒胳愧蒲迂粟随独陡薄戒逮绷汹犯瘤魏鳖徽却乌撮萝捕诚兼 九年级英语单元测试 Unit 4 Name _听力 (本题有15小题,满分25分。I. 听下面5段对话,作15小题。根据所听对话内容和问题,选出正确的图片。每段对话念两遍。(

4、)1. How is the weather today ? A B C( )2. Where does the man want to go ? A B C( )3. What day was yesterday ? A B C( )4. Whats the name of the film ? A B C( )5. What does the sign mean ? A B CII. 听两段较长对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。听第一段对话,回答第6-7小题( )6. A. Three. B. Seven. C. Four.( )7. A. In a q

5、uiet corner. B. By the window. C. Near the door.听第二段对话,回答第8-10小题( )8. A. She has a headache. B. Her back hurts. C. Her left leg is broken. ( )9. A. This morning. B. The day before yesterday. C. Yesterday.( )10. A. To eat some food she likes. B. To buy a warm coat. C. To have a good rest.III. 听独白, 请根

6、据独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。Report CardStudents nameLin JunSubject 11 Listening 12 Speakingnot very good, so 13 Readingknow 14 words, can read storiesWritingreally poor, so 15 ( )11. A. English B. Chinese C. Spanish( )12. A. really poor B. improved a lot C. just so-so( )13. A. tell stories B. joi

7、n a speaking club C. talk more with friends( )14. A. 1200 B. 1500 C. 1800( )15. A. write letters to pen pals B. do more grammar exercises C. keep a diary笔试部分 I. 完形填空:15% Fred and Ted were not very smart. They were always getting things _1_. The only work they could get was digging holes and painting

8、. They were easy jobs _2_ Fred and Ted still made mistakes. They dug holes in the wrong places, or painted things the wrong _3_. Once they painted a floor and then walked on it while the paint was still _4_.One day their boss asked them to paint a flagpole (旗杆) outside the office building. This shou

9、ldnt be too _5_ for them to do their boss thought. All they _6_ is paint and brushes.Their boss told them 7_ the paint and brushes were and then he went away. An hour later he came back. Fred and Ted were not painting the flagpole. They didnt even 8 the paint and brushes. Fred was standing 9 the fla

10、gpole and Ted was standing on his shoulders, trying to reach the 10 of it with a ruler.What are you two men doing? their boss asked.We have to find out how much 11 we need. Ted said. So were measuring (测量) the flagpole.Thats not the 12 to do it. their boss said. 13 the flagpole out of the ground, an

11、d place it down. Ha! Fred said, 14 not stupid. We cant measure how high it is that way. We can only measure 15 it is. ( )1. A. right B wrong C. well D., differently( )2. A. and B. so C. or D. but( )3. A. shape B. size C color D. height( )4. A. wet B. hot C dry D. cold( )5. A. dangerous B. difficult

12、C easy D. interesting( )6. A. lose B. like C need D. take( )7. A. what B. where C when D. how( )8. A. buy B. make C. have D. see ( )9.A. in B. on C through D. against( )10. A. foot B. back C. middle D. top( )11. A. paint B. time C. water D. money( )12. A. idea B. place C. way D. reason( )13. A. Pull

13、 B. Put C. Cut D. Carry( )14. A. Hes B. Were C Theyre D. Youre( )15. A. how far B. how tall C how deep D. how longIII. 阅读理解:40% A Nancys hobby is collecting sharpeners. She spends a lot of time on it after school. She has been collecting more than one hundred sharpeners from different countries. The

14、y are all different in color and size.Nancy likes sharpeners with animals on them. In this way, she learns the names of many animals. She also borrows books on animals from her school library. She learns a lot about them from books.Sometimes Nancy has many sharpeners of the same kind. She gives them

15、 to her friends. Then they give her other different sharpeners in return(回报) .Nancy has many pen pals in many countries. She sends them sharpeners of her country. In return, they send her sharpeners of their countries. Nancys father also gives her sharpeners. He brings them home from different place

16、s for her.Many of Nancys friends collect other things. Some collect coins and others collect matchboxes or stamps. But, all of them say that Nancys collection is the most interesting of all.( )1. Nancy spends a lot of time on her hobby . A. before schoolB. in class C. after schoolD. during her holid

17、ays( )2. Nancys sharpeners are different in color and size. A. All of B. Some of C. Many of D. Most of( )3. How does Nancy collect sharpeners? Which of the following is wrong?A. Her friends give her some. B. Her pen pals send her some.C. Her father buys her some. D. Her fathers friends give her some

18、.( )4. Sometimes Nancy has many sharpeners of the same kind. She then . A. keeps them B. throws them away C. sells them D. sends them to her friends.( )5. What do Nancys friends collect? A. SharpenersB. CoinsC. Matchboxes and stampsD. Both B and C ( B )As we know, there are differences between weste

19、rn culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used. Lets look at the words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese about dog, for example, a homeless dog, a mad dog and a dog catching a mouse, have negative meanings. But in western co

20、untries, dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans. In English, people use the dog to describe positive actions. For example, You are a lucky dog means you are a lucky person. And every dog has its day means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a persons serious illness, t

21、hey say sick as a dog. The word dog-tired means very tired. However, Chinese love cats very much. But in western culture, cat is often used to describe a woman who is cruel.The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries. People think the rose means love, peace, cou

22、rage and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries.The words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words used. ( )6. Every dog has

23、its day means _. A. Everybody in the world is lucky B. Each person lives his own way of life C. If one works hard, hes sure to succeed D. Everybody has a time in life to be lucky( )7. Western people usually use cat to refer to _.A. a tired person B. a brave man C. an unkind woman D. a homeless peres

24、on( )8. In which country is the rose regarded as a symbol of love? _A. China B. England C. America D. All of above( )9. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Words show differences in culture. B. Chinese people prefer dogs to cats.C. Western people think cats to be good friends

25、. D. Rose is the national flower of all western countries.( )10. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Negative or Positive. B. Different Countries Have Different Culture.C. Rose Means the Same in Chinese and English. D. What Dog and Cat Mean in Chinese and English. C If you travel to some towns i

26、n India, you will be lucky enough to be waited upon by guidesmonkeys. These monkeys are always ready to help you. When you are hungry, you only have to point at your own stomach and they will show you to a restaurant. If you are tired, you put your hands behind your head and the monkeys will take yo

27、u to a hotel. Do not feel surprised, however, when they stretch their hands out in front of you after they have helped you. They just hope you can give them a little money as a tip. After you have given them the money, they will wave their hands to say good bye. Believe it or not, these monkeys are

28、graduates of the School for Monkeys in India, where they were trained for one year. These monkey students are not the only ones in the world. Some monkeys are now being trained as nurses in an American medical college. These monkeys, after they have graduated from the school, are expected to look af

29、ter patients who are bed ridden and help get the things they need from their homes.( )11. What do the monkeys do in some towns in India?A. They speak English. B. They wait for your food.C. They work as guides. D. They welcome you.( )12. How can the monkeys tell where you want to go and what you want

30、 to do?A. They can talk to you. B. A guide tells them what to do.C. They know some English. D. They can guess from your body language.( )13. After they have done something for you, you must.A. give them some food or fruit B. give them some moneyC. thank them D. say goodbye to them( )14. Where are th

31、ese monkeys from? A. From a mountain. B. From a special school for monkeys. C. From desert. D. From a forest.( )15. What are some monkeys trained for in America? A. To help all the sick people in a hospital. B. To make the patients laugh. C. To take care of patients who cant get out of bed. D. To he

32、lp patients across the road. D. Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good friends. They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of the mountain. So they can help each other. But neither of them likes to use his head. Theyre both poor though they work hard. Most villagers have built new h

33、ouses, but they still live in the low and broken houses. They never find out why.Once Uncle Li went to town to buy some medicine for his wife. In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive. He told Uncle Wang about it as soon as he went back. They decided to carry some apples to the city.

34、 They borrowed some money from their friends and bought nearly 1,000 kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor. Bad luck! A lot of apples has already been carried there when they arrived. A few days later they had to sell them at a low price. They felt unhappy and

35、 returned to their village. I cant understand why we sustained (蒙受) losses in business while others always profit (盈利) Uncle Li asked one day. The tractor was too small Uncle Wang said without thinking. Well carry more apples on a truck next time! I agree! said Uncle Li. How foolish we were !( )16.

36、Uncle Li and Uncle Wang live in the low and broken houses because _.A. they hope to save money. B. theyre both poorC. their farms are at the foot of the mountain D. theyre not far from their farms ( )17. The two farmers carried the apples to the city to _.A. make a journey B. visit some places of in

37、terest C. meet their friends D. make a profit( )18.Which of the following is not true?A. theirs werent as good as the others B. theirs were much less than the othersC. a lot of apples had been already carried to the city D. they forgot to carry them on a truck( )19.The town farmers had to sell their

38、 apples at a low price because _.A. they had sustained losses in business B. they had lost some money in the cityC. something was wrong with the tractor D. other people profited in the city( )20. Which of the following is true? A. The two farmers found out why they were poor. B. The two farmers will

39、 soon get rich. C. Neither of the farmers is clever. D. The two farmers decided to buy a truck.III. 根据所给汉语和首字母,写出正确的英语单词,使其句意完整: 10%1. The film is _ (幽默的) and moving. 2. She needs to win this point to level the _ (得分). 3. Get the fall in the _ (背景), will you? 4. They _ (采访) people from all walks of

40、life. 5. Dont let me _ (影响) your decision. 6. Do you how to d_ with this problem?7. It is the first time that I speak in p_.8. She is never a_ from class.9. My parents are p_ of my studies. 10. We must keep s_ in the library. IV. 词汇运用:15% A. 阅读下面短文,根据括号内的汉语意思填写单词,使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一词。Its hard to imagine

41、life without the Internet. How greatly it has (变化)1. _ our lives in the past 15 years since it was widely used. At the same time, however, the Internet has also caused some traditions to fall away (消失). Email is (快速)2 _ and cheaper. Getting a handwritten letter from a friend has become a rare (稀有的)

42、pleasure.Who would like to pay 60 yuan for 12 songs in a plastic case if you can find music in the Internet for free?When almost any fact can be found within seconds through Google and Baidu, (私人的) 3_memory becomes less important. The Web can remember it for us.When was the last time you (看)4. _the world out of a window? When was the (最后的) 5._ time you read a favorite book once again? When was the last time you sat in the cinema with your family? More and more people lose (他们自己)6. _ in the

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