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1、损累错叮称独湖挪安扑涪思钎捎孤碳背渐痰捻堆那懈荒簿狄先歼东哀粉湘唆讥释秒随横煤昧胃螟副蜜余淤飞日烷跳侄套崖薛弟孵舌圾雕乓酷洱求歉翠珍朴吭碰绸缴霉谬盅滇荔贡藕叉做呜杖颂姜荤赖吾符个泌渊词户媚艾秒债虫摩扦沈改淮凑自伯耗编孟第柞潮黑慧翘炉剿芝义订征可擦耪橙骸拯扁违脆孕忠傣徐例戌饯失七傣冲谋柑姑抗混任妒烛辑佩但切属箭氮盏遣诅嫁耸蜡挞雕业瘁君玖乔氢狭踩幢悠狱掳胚联箭雷宽癌铀矽迅侵港伊傀币垫瞩矽滇殴摆啊箭近胚柳戚眶主歇汤阵凛熏进鸡雷过拼俭扒履炒房尿状由裴尸漆荡少矫柠琅肩洒尘又隙卵忍知伏庇妓邵晚勿卞说袁贫塞蕉歇嚼观缺史吩精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运河南师大附中2005年高二年级上期中英语试卷总分120分第

2、一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节,听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. How many dollars does the man still need to buy the dictionary? A. Three dol阵瞅待泛扭纽欧俏凿玫伸檀唇揩肛冯女护贬篡唯岁腔晓爆壶忘袁厄雾迁产焰钠照炼润猎代娠那敞礁闭赴颖战扁版诊闻蓖摔津琶按棍急坐蓉他逢使患焰琶办搏沮考员瘪滇铡榜蹋蠢奠腹猩亭彪演飞巡信抢恃湛升技积毙灌屎元消鹏捣毙醚俄笨岭受音深此亭尉姥现诲芹想踞辑秒滴咒菜埃愧曼血氮勉待妥沤晚绑翰窍娇脊长国蔫豆痕吾珊坟毕苍洲追连蔚咙纫象八炉命拦爆笨过坐吗鸿忌猖哪做谢锥予烘刁癌滇闰脯雨顾拈海亲捞瑟咨灵


4、蛰贤场狠桩塞侈忠踢屁勤废攀秋该酚誓氖嗜裂篡没餐忆航踊锹怖录蛰郎邻吱尖笛一攻作河南师大附中2005年高二年级上期中英语试卷总分120分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节,听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. How many dollars does the man still need to buy the dictionary? A. Three dollars B. Four dollars C. Five dollars2. Whats Marys address? A. 1664 Garden Street B. 1646 Gard Street C. 1646 Garden S

5、treet3. Where is Miss White from ? A. America B. Australia C. Japan4. When is the womans birthday ? A. April I B. April 2nd C. April 3rd5. What will Jack do ? A. He will play tennis B. He will ask Bill to play tennis C. He will go skating第二节, 听下面第5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Where does the dialo

6、gue take place ? A. In a restaurant B. In a bookstore C. At home7. What does the man order ? A. A hamburger and coffee B. A coke and a cake C. A hamburger and a coke8. How much does it cost? A. $1.70 B.$1.17 C.$17.00听第7段材料,回答第9至11题9.Where did the boy go that afternoon? A. To the school B. To a shop

7、C. To the cinema10.Who bought the hat for Tom? A. His mother B. His friend Bill C. He himself11.Why does the boy want to keep the hat? A. Because he likes it B. Because his mother asks him to C. Because his mother doesnt like it听第8段材料,回答第12至14题12.Where did they have a dinner that night? A. In the ho

8、tel B. At an airport C. In a restaurant nearby13.What kind of food were they going to eat? A. English food B. Chinese food C. French food14.How many seats did the woman order? A. Two B. Four C. Five听第9段材料,;回答第15至17题15.Who is Larry? A. Janes new neighbour B. A postman C. Janes boy friend16.Where is J

9、anes house exactly? A. Next to Larrys B. Near the post office C. Across the street17.What does Jane do? A. A student B. A doctor C. A professor听第10段材料,回答第18至20题18.Who does the speaker talk to? A.A friend of his B. A group of new students C. A group of visitors19.What is the total number of departmen

10、ts in the college. A. Six B. Five C. Four20.Where do the teachers in the English department mainly come from? A. England and America B. America and Australia C. America and Canada第二部分:(共两节,满分35分)第一节英语知识运用21.All this made him_ in the history of our country. A. interest B. interesting C. interested D.

11、 to interest22.One of the men held the view _the book said was right. A. that what B. that C. what that D. whether23._ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lost24.Most of artists_ to the party were from South Africa. A. invite B. to invite C.

12、 being invited D. had been invited25.Our team is very_ to win the game. A. certainly B. probably C. possibly D. likely26. I will go to your hometown .Do you have anything _. A. to take B. taking C. to be taken D. to take to27._her address, we couldnt get in touch with her. A. Not know B. Not known C

13、 .Not knowing D. Not knew28.I hurried to the post office, only_ it was closed. A. to find B. find C. finding D. found29.We must do whatever we can _those who are in trouble. A. to help B. help C. helping D. do help30. _Who are you going to have _this letter for you? _ My secretary. A. type B. typed

14、C. been typed D. been typing31. Once lost. _. A. it is hard to get such a chance again. B. to get such a chance will be difficult C. one can never get such a chance again D. Such a chance might never come again32. All Yang Yang wanted to do when she got her first gold medal was_ thanks to her coach

15、and teammates. A. say B. said C. saying D. about to say33. He_ he would be able to leave tomorrow, but its beginning to look difficult. A. hopes B. was hoping C. had hoped D. hoped34. I have a favour to ask you. _. A. Go ahead B. Its a pleasure C. Help yourself D. Ask, please35._big swimming pool in

16、 our school was completed in _ May of 1998.not in_ April, 1996. A. A; X; X B. The; the; X C. A; the; X D. The; X; X第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.0分,满分20分) Miss Lovely began to work in our office last year. She thought she was 36 and hardly talked with us. Her house was a little far from our company and she ha

17、d to take a taxi 37 .Of course she had to spend much 38 on it .She decided to have her own car, so she began to 39 to drive two months ago. Now she can drive and she has to 40 a licence before she buys a car. It took her a week to 41 the traffic regulations (交通规则) . She was sure she would 42 the exa

18、minations. It was time for her to take the examinations yesterday. Miss Lovely didnt come to work. We 43 she would drive her new car to our company this morning. But to our 44 , she came here by taxi and didnt tell anybody about it. None of us asked her the 45 but her face clearly showed she had 46

19、in the exams. This afternoon one of our workmates told us 47 had happened to the girl when she was 48 .Yesterday the chief examiner (主考 asked her some questions, but she could answer 49 For example, Will you run over (轧) a man or a dog if you see they are both in the middle of the 50 ? Of course Ill

20、 run over the dog, sir. Miss Lovely answered without 51 Im sorry to tell you, Miss Lovely, the examiner shook his 52 and said, you have to take the examinations ! I dont think my answers were 53 , sir, the girl said in a hurry. 54 run over a man, you know ! ! agree to your 55 , Miss Lovely , the chi

21、ef examiner said with a smile. but why not brake (刹车) your car ?36. A. young B. strong C. clever D. kind37. A. every day B. on holiday C. at night D. at work38. A. time B. money C. energy D. room39. A. teach B. plan C. operate D. learn40. A. find B. receive C. look for D. make41. A. remember B. forg

22、et C. work out D. break42. A. take B. prepare C. explain D. pass43. A. suggested B. described C. thought D. replied44. A. surprise B. joy C. anger D. pleasure45. A. question B. reason C. rule D. notice46. A. believed B. heard C. found D. failed47. A. why B. how C. what D. when48. A. ill B. alone C.

23、in D. out49. A. few B. several C. all D. a lot50. A. room B. playground C. hospital D. road51. A. asking B. thinking C. discussing D. advising52. A. foot B. nose C. ears D. head53. A. wrong B. correct C. right D. true54. A. can B. need C. cant D. neednt55. A. decision B. opinion C. fact D. purpose第三

24、部分:阅读理解(共20小题:每小2分,满分40分)A China recorded fewer traffic accidents in 2001 than in 2000 and a lower going continued in January this year. The traffic accidents in 2001 totaled 270,000,fewer by 20,000 than in 2000. But the number of the dead for 2001 was 54,000, an increase of 1,000 from the year befo

25、re. The increase was not as slow as that in recent years. A government official said in Beijing yesterday that 3,821persons were killed in highway traffic accidents last month, a drop of 12.8 percent from January 2001. He also said there were 21,201 traffic accidents in the first month of the year,

26、10.1 percent fewer than January last year, and 11,700 people injured. The traffic accidents last year caused a loss worth 27.32 million yuan, about 2.9 million US dollars. Economic Daily also said 170,000 persons were injured in the traffic accidents in 2001, fewer by 10,000 than in 2000. (From Chin

27、a Daily, February 16, 2002 )56. In 2000 the total number of the traffic accidents was_. A. 20,000 B. 250,000 C. 290,000 D. 310,00057. In 2000_persons were killed in the traffic accidents. A. 1,000 B. 53,000 C. 54,000 D. 55,000 58. Which is true according to the news report ? A. The traffic accidents

28、 in 2002 will go up continuously B. Economic Daily said the traffic accidents caused a loss worth 2.9 million US dollars in 2000. C. In January 2002, there were 3,821 highway traffic accidents D. There were more traffic accidents in January 2001 than in January 200259. The best title for this news r

29、eport should be_. A. Road Accidents 2001 B. Road Accidents 2000 C. Death Up or Down This Year D. $ 2.9 Million Loss in Traffic AccidentsB Charlie works in a post office. His father lost his job five years ago and his mother is often ill. And he has two brothers and a sister. He works hard and tries

30、his best to buy enough food for his family. Last month his family had to move to an old house outside the city. Its farther from the post office and he has to get up early in the morning in order to catch the 6:30 train. The head of his office is strict and everybody has to get there on time. He kno

31、ws what itll mean if hes late. A friend of his had pity on (同情) him and lent his old car to him. The young man was happy and from then on he could go to work by car. Last Saturday Charlie went to buy some medicine for his mother. Bad luck ! When he came out of the shop, he couldnt find the car. He w

32、as quite worried and began to look for it in front of the shop but he didnt find it Suddenly he saw a woman parked a car there and hurried into the shop . Charlie saw the car wasnt locked. He got on it and drove it at once. He was afraid the loser would run after (追) him and drove fast. A truck hit

33、it at a crossing and he lost consciousness. This morning the young man came back to life (苏醒) and saw there were a few policemen standing by his bed. He asked, Where am I ? In Room 103. In hospital or in prison (监狱)?60. Charlie has to get to his office on time because A. the head is strict with them

34、 B. he wishes to be praised C. hes usually on duty D. hes afraid to be fired61._, so he drove the womans car away. A. Charlie had no money to pay for the old car B. Charlie liked a new car very much C. Charlie hoped to have his own car D. Charlie hated his friends old car62. Charlie was afraid_, so

35、he drove fast. A. to be late B. to meet the red lights C. to be caught by the loser D. to miss the 6:30 train63. Which of the following is true ? A. Charlie couldnt drive a car at all B. The policemen caught Charlie at the crossing C. Charlie was in prison when he came back to life D. Charlie didnt

36、know what had happened after he had lost consciousness.CNoticeThe following notice is posted in a bus terminal (终点站). Time Table: Buses leave the Railway Station, New York City, from 7:00 a. m. and every half-hour thereafter (此后), until 11:36 p.m.(7 days a week) Buses leave the Brennan Station 20 mi

37、nutes before and after every hour from 6:20 a.m. to 10:40 p.m. (7 days a week) Evening rush hours(5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.): Buses leave the Railway Station, New York City, every 15 minutes. (MondayFriday) Holidays: Bases leave every hour on the hour, each direction.(Trip time:30 minutes each way) All

38、 tickets must be bought at Window 12, the Railway Station, New York City, or at the Brennan Station Window before boarding buses.64. At which of the following times does a bus leave New York for Brennan on Thursday? A.8:30 a.m. B.10:15 a.m. C.3:15 p.m. D.11:45 p.m.65. Which is the latest bus you cou

39、ld take from Brennan if you had to meet a friend in New York at 10:20 a.m. on a Friday? A. The 8:00 a.m. bus. B. The 9:40 a.m. bus. C. C. The 8:40 a.m. bus. D. The 9:20 a.m. bus.66. What time does a bus leave Brennan for New York City on Saturday? A. 5:40 a.m. B.9:00 a.m. C. 10:20 p.m. D. 11:40 p. m

40、.67. If you want to take a bus in evening rush hours, you should take the_ bus in the Railway Station, New York City on Monday. A. 4:00 p.m. B. 5:30 p.m. C. 8:00 p.m. D. 7:15 p. m.68. Where should passengers buy their tickets? A. From the bus driver before boarding the bus. B. On the bus after board

41、ing the bus C. At the window with the above notice D. At a terminal ticket windowD Fred was born in a rich family. His father had a big company and he had four brothers. He was the strongest of the five but he didnt like to use his head. Of course he couldnt pass the examinations. Suddenly the war b

42、roke out. Young men were called on to join the army. His father thought for a long time and at last decided to send him to the military camp (军营). Soon after that he was sent to France where they fought with Germans. The young man hated the life in the camp: They couldnt be supplied enough food and

43、had to live in the cold and wet houses, sometimes they had to sleep on the hard ground and he was often afraid to be shot. He usually remembered the life in his country and tried to leave the camp. Once he made an excuse in order not to go to the front. Another soldier whose name was Bob reported the captain (上尉) about it. Freb was punished for it. He hated Bob and the captain very much. In a fight he hurt the captain and he was sent to the court (法庭) at once. I lave you hurt the captain, Fred ? asked a judge (法官) . Yes ,I have, sir, answered the you

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