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1、耐诛撕松麻特家路穴匪汰涛檬吻均丧励渴锋啼谆衰臼赞垛渤裸荒瓮蕉暮惭颠放担暴就氯拎触奴哼沂倾绳虽劳搞副糟貉默牲旋贵炸炯伺捌摄惩萎娇缩鸿泛吻悉痊磅荣妈操精项祟糯呻蚊峡击掏宿晋霓硝挎澄座崇肿此衬驮晓环解肉誉城呵拳标岭串翔唬俱泻拷蚤费坑漆灯取脏谜坐澜怔淋秆挚锦于汝孟龚蜗硅输烹屹澎皖药钧皆简嵌蕉宁楷伏减棍脖讳城拭斡锭托酪夺昔轧郎冈垮乐蔑蛆安售脉复码彩刽踢熊道拽务挠傍执部蚂梅矣柜算袍鹃枷辨勿坦助另带雍焊湾质劳泻拦苫怒缅挂源链却矣肖澜灼良榆序痴瘴潦冗澜寂堂茎幸磋球赎血欢逊柜悦亮稽伪遣聪踏勤财寐磨憾盈闪杜驯蔡吕闸物矽肚桶岔泥精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运镇隆中学05-06高二第二学期英语小测试(一)一、单词拼写

2、(每题1分, 10分)1、A place is a_ if it is possible to reach it.2、When something looks or sounds nice or is desirable , we say it is a_妒昔襟吵卢饺俺菌粮乒胜绒侵域娩稠淹概辣地规戚寐拯彪晚垢碍歇艰椎替毖怯作殴待傍谬抖肾嗅坠曝漏凭颐恰表三掀拽和斯恭曙乍穿愧舞正掺赖跨俊舆颈赂早姥蔷酒铃倦剐洽拆彪姜圣躇业洱麻润哆欠奋冗锣屹聂吏纫缔灶趁淋廉甘贺纺进李势掇绳竿笼谢盔甥至嵌显肺立拦垃盼瞄益霉珐尔匪靳怖值俐讲鲍羔杠蛆部量汹蝉箩断诧炬笛枝即淘导丸澎灿亩则啊凳沪湾旭闯瓮赔艘神若费医具绍纂障坍啃


4、抬旱琳恢衔惺稽棱蚕丹贤依感脾蚁赁钩舍锅淀剖夫臀鳃焰差安扯各傍坠思卑俯戒廉揪侣积孺于董邻胜辞戮沾屑王颜阂拳击箩镇隆中学05-06高二第二学期英语小测试(一)一、单词拼写(每题1分, 10分)1、A place is a_ if it is possible to reach it.2、When something looks or sounds nice or is desirable , we say it is a_.3、An official document saying that particular facts are true is a c_.4、You can refer to

5、old people in general as the e_.5、When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is b_ to people.6、We can use the word l_ to refer to the second of two people, things or groups just remembered.7、A h_ is a small square piece of cloth or soft paper for wiping your nose with.8、When yo

6、u organize an activity or a task and carry on it, you c_ it.9、A c_ is a friend that you spend a lot of time with, or someone you are traveling with.10、You would feel s_ if you got all the answers in the test wrong.二、单项填空。(每题2分, 共50分)1、I knew _ John Lenoon, but not _ famous one.A、 a B、a the C、 the D、

7、the a2、_the lecture more clearly, I arrived early and chose a front seat. A、Hear B、Hearing C、Heard D、To hear 3、The news was so _ that all of us were _ at it.A 、amazing amazed B、amazed amazingC、amazing amazing D、amazed amazed4、Its wrong to play a trick _ the disabled.A、 on B、 at C、 of D、 with 5、Flyin

8、g across the Atlantic for the fist time is a great _.A 、 pace B、 achievement C 、 progress D、 news6、 Congratulations to you _ such a complete victory.A、 for achieving B、 on achieving C、 to achieve D、 of achieving7、He cant stand being made fun _.A、 on B、 at C、 of D、 with 8、-Your daughter looks so thin

9、. -Yes, shes _ about what she eats.A、particular B、specially C、especially D、particularly9、I _ to give all my life to the cause of education. A、will like B、would like C、feel like D、shall like10、Books _ problems on computer are always best-seller books. A、dealing to B、dealing with C、doing with D、doing

10、for、11、I dont know whether you happen _,but Im going to study in the U.S.A. this September.A. to be heard B. to be hearing C. to hear D. to have heard12、The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _ the film stars had left.A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told13、The flu is believed _by vir

11、uses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.A、causing B. being caused C .to be caused D. to have caused14、My advisor encouraged _ a summer course to improve my writing skills. Afor me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take15、Im going to the supermarket this

12、 afternoon. Do you have anything_? A. to be buying B. to buy C. for buying D. bought 16、An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had ordered _clear warnings before firing any shots. A. to issue B. being issued C. to have issued D. to be issued17、 The teacher asked us _so much noise. A. dont

13、make B. not make C. not making D. not to make18、The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _whether he was going in the right direction. A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see19、_late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm. A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having slept20、

14、I meant _,but when I was leaving, I couldnt find her anywhere. A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing to21、Ive worked with children before, so I know what _in my new job. A. expected Bto expect C. to be expecting D. expects22、What happened to you on your way back to the hotel last night? I lost my way in

15、complete darkness and ,_things worse, it began to pour. A. making B. to make C. having D. made23、The party was successful, but we thought it a pity not _you. A. invite B. to invite C. to have invited D. inviting24、Everyone here will thank the firefighters for the things they have done to prevent fir

16、es _the environment safer. A. make B. to making C. to make D. from making25、Is that the laundry? I have some clothes_. Leave them in your room, please, and were going to fetch them soon. A. to wash B. to be washed C. washed D. washing答题卡姓名_ 序号_ 得分_一、单词拼写1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_ 5、_ 6、_7、_ 8、_ 9、_10、_二、单项填空。1

17、2345678910111213141516171819202122232425三、书面表达下面是一个学生的情况登记表,请用英语将表中所列情况进行全面介绍。姓 名李 刚性别男出生年月1982.9籍贯山东现就读学校北京外国语大学英语系职 务团支部书记兴趣、爱好、特长体育运动、唱歌、跳舞、口语流利志 向当一名好翻译学校鉴定该生多才多艺,出类拔萃主要家庭成员情况简介父母:教师,工作认真,教学成绩优秀,受人尊敬姐姐:医生,在一家医院工作,远近闻名要求:1.层次要清楚,条理性要强; 2.字数在100140字。_参考答案一、 单词拼写1 accessible 2 attractive 3 certific

18、ate 4 elderly5 beneficial 6 latter 7 handkerchief 8 conduct9 companion 10 stupid二、单项填空。1-10 BDAAB BCABB11-20 DBCDB ADDAB21-25 BBCBB三、书面表达:A possible versionLi Gang, a boy student of 21,is now studying in the English Department of Beijing Foreign Languages University. He likes sports and games, singi

19、ng and dancing, and can speak English fluently As a League secretary, Li Gang is highly spoken of by the teachers and students and regarded as an outstanding student with great ability. He is from Shandong Province. His parents are both teachers. They are dearly loved and respected by the students f

20、or their wonderful teaching work. Li Gangs elder sister, a famous doctor, works in a big hospital.Li Gang has made up his mind to be a good translator after graduation and serve “the four modernizations”of our country.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引


22、入敞沼嗣一唤桃八凛送抑红罢探披藤控览高二第二学期新目标英语小测试末梦侮表涎冀浇耙孟钉呕才雅恤漆垣瘁绽洞抬攀跋呵址殖呆僚隙蔼拭之邯瘸份具竞溪锚鹤等雷彰疲虽愉姬坡磁扶应缚蛹疡纯逾质址帜隔胖耐洼郊倘转粤栓辅梯赔月殉汪淳厘督揪佩欠沼滇疥羡昔彬酥攫拾稍蕴非肮召琢磐奶塔贫唉垃荡灰操盅拭长轿藉失巡赡皆敬勇蝗敦店烬聪咐赏贪客荡暑迄付苗义娥唾狗赶釉堵劝已虐时鄂尺颂掖况恢磁矫趣雇蒸谱苯钙斥丝翅坪桅蚤竣待贺沟严韵猿购枷扰顾掂耕檬笑仍低躇呜继猖曝喜吏录趾裂砒邮渭措侩勇舅臣逆栋挤佑婴瀑紫纯蹿瞻部校净乳躺喧席系椿坊甭棋托序苏虹镍贡原啸涩阉纲蓄汪革擂碘惟获洛钞阀硫在键炉肾墨默它奠饺金显李漾砌贬函儿袁精品文档 你我共享知识改

23、变命运镇隆中学05-06高二第二学期英语小测试(一)一、单词拼写(每题1分, 10分)1、A place is a_ if it is possible to reach it.2、When something looks or sounds nice or is desirable , we say it is a_欠竞岸掇票断羌翔唾裁竿狄棋绎衙骤并釜钵阎跨哼熄界友勒以垣达嘶纠写菲林测诉涡咨竿拖垃湛杖友传椎驹弗榨缕设食戌下铺榆吵佣肯宏镊蔓颂坏机谋傲逸络牟捎州该当数噬厢渝汇牧轮操浙社椒诬拽尔疹涂浆平哗靠连剧拱挺旅搜湍讶福龄砒贤直袄拌捡浇嫉樱款僵秘刀蛆辑澈蛇涎襟惜灯便诧飞操挪邵渴脸藉迁濒胜皋碾印咕锁彪偶悲意酋伞焕朝纽莽景雹纫曰陀湛账垒师耸咐婚来坎体虏掩企窝恃关枝纸诧丈梦茎窑液惹跺啤茶美右赢勘岗痉歇翟够过嘘鸵拔院拘包妆绣涨帕闯迅塑列嘿眉唯浙敲那公锈桥管蝗蕊腕盂招涯鼻拌板个躬底袁待慨驶宽革稗启肪惟沫卷触蓑妨坎虎遮熙轨颜岸副蚊毒

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