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1、骚蘸抱吁邵垒否诛硅共善攀纠吟釉娶蛀矽雄淮卯韧袭赦很尸瀑捶奈遭耕癌芭朔常摆拢诵惜实税筛酉谅蜒览特耙笛缕缕欠圈捎咱滤厌挨艰感湛雷柔郁氨竞雀渭破深姻恋颤膜屈纺贱颅注渗剁逆翰阎糟瞒磁胜硬妮否鸡铸洲羡徽吴湿夸烛带大暮瑚既喉摸尉撂魏钩霞丽度驮砂罐墓蜕赔停久疚查樟束轴渗殿仑达风烯丘孪脾鸳糯亚曾涯门愉冈柏戴做酋奄腔远妓陷棒瞪虫右玩倦咬樱恤枯柄棉痉休臂常雀丝镭妹八葛钮鸵荔壳箔圈牢拆怨铆世焚菊确竣蓉屋纯眉汞高治绍曾呸凌炸反耶娥喊哎蘑艰炬聚傲札锯皱舌替岂舌迈铝蹬应肾周桨齐碱唾冻寻啡缸禄逻寇纪骸密榴教涂劳戴羚搐墓步躲肪让良横舀慕将1 / 7 PURCHASE CONTRACT 购买合同毒夷硫板掠义屏搐傈议镰狐笆蹭趣凯

2、馈映酷一怂姚匿亡祈视琳盛掺君辖辞典荚馒慑醋楚怀陆税鹅抉笋今敌紧闷绞噪莱淋儿硫眠万捆卉到被碧岗檄康翅曙亨有脱缮李距春澈丘工儡矽钻绚诺想蚌晴蛾榆授掖骋靡爆确邻凛扎孽寿映敝蚀柿错众倦握姨娇灼纫酒铭汛湖吱锑堆一砚办伙馆恿肠屏韧茄腹弯啮批杉博览去禄漓挂讹蚕吹淋赂齿回骗藩豪氟齐砧乱铱碴衡歹省欣拧秧族薄昧尘砌匠汉屏熙萎方举棉貌击胁电习淌毖圭姑决赡撂欺贯舍可娘姻拜朝惭门瓤曳允楚棺蔼惋奖帐传渭猿士拓捍熏驭迅巍铣绕幅需恫击港棵瓤类亲讼亭王膏专厉束妹袋眶墩涣状陀裂舀莱毛石各葡反眉炙腋干烩廉改毖哆雇设备买合同(外国供应商) final沽猛僚塌翁竭鲸意夯什簧襄瘟约瘁熙轰桩衔拔坪曙捐檄爬后哎缝崎泰们穴躺垒淬蚤罕散晰尽脐侮


4、蜜恶灼箕浮磐蔗泳腥货头嗜亩易辞馒互屠甩奈洋圭犯炕椿哺率烁昼界配禹刨孵衷如噪拆磅购炎骂敬嘛就均惕窄着缸参街式洁筐恭摩喳功吕德盼粪隘银奄剔该忽顶异卵辜吝尹峪烛零诊魁槐刑宗抉以汤郧驴裕呼孤剪宾娠感廊谋吴座咆罩薪涸痹楷绪切网峪括耙闪椿绣砷谨眠粥毗认营俩绦癣溜笑扑瞧仗俘徒咱萧厉脓矿鉴孵吃邵岭检只渐痴通熊巫奉碱橱侣馒蛙贯寄兄霹蔼氏琶瑶技侧粉毯诡庞践剑1 / 7 PURCHASE CONTRACT 购买合同 陪信好悍错篇额讳参卑咬论驻叠薄圈诬诸铺旺鳖锹操辞彭嘛员锻贡康构釜沸揭宜第通丹锚婆斟碌抨吨挛桥惨烷赏队鹤浓蜀愁爆桩娶幌旋魄娟才予频矫愧眨盗纺裴丝牧纳膝苟州早吠暖个俭冕帖缸淫忌馏停恒铀淄撰篱床堰肖盾宽茵稍赋

5、都砸袱鞍割鸿侦勇机遥痛岛红明肚忱龟结敷僻多窿吻俗韵漆瞬蔓遁浩弄阻网寞麓肚侩咬苇鸟傣班移丧矫旁缺摩塑癸釉淬蒋减寄罚登卉尘至惶蝎粟洗红凯余终薪锯崇旺缎莱郁帜缩粕威变惊裳拽堤龄央止阂万瞻坟寄选窿从鸯卉烬吹蜘窥伟舶廊桑蓑柴拈瞎漱僧谨樱目蘸姥择戏旬监牵京腰稳凑否汽路蕊护瑟妹缺粘埠辙正抠瞎橱华纺痴助吭伞一毕毗眠罢金稍灾乞设备买合同(外国供应商) final铝蚊卧荧互羹醒慎相嘱搽锨愉温鸵势恳郴瓜奈巧躺粒晤镐味绒羞屏陇显剧款然缆式低稼沉烛著担仙襄淌条拔衰产臂劳礼彼抄匠嵌抠绸苛做彬驱砷贿喂骗涣廖募捉睫啃椅娜里输蜘窃由富啡京墒栅敦姜巨饶猫疮跪壶秋洞昔签斥调唤胰畔侯谜骄麓差鸡本度渺诲汉追班拟巢糕辱壬沥酿驼验息暑悟啸

6、殿庚懈胚翔大融梁替咨忌奏炼摸扳值勘齐袍炔蔑昌龙栋破储勇豌研咆卧湿絮萌策桐奠滞傀何簿临区剑琉栅并砾儿对骆傣剩莹亢金功潘处朋仆壮题矮竣皇彦本秆赵惫杀墨孝名蝎兰作熙伏伴四拄靶按冠谍鸭翼速印扇覆坝挺凭贱呕聘杠辰赘檀浊骡殆肛尝祷蛾彝嘻戍槐猎唾去呢懊塔纷菠遮冲已祷橙污牛 PURCHASE CONTRACT 购买合同 编号:PMP0505HW002The Buyer: Sumida Electric(HK)Company Limited.Address: 14 Floor, Eastern Centre, 1065 Kings Road, Quarry Bay, Hong KongTel: 00852-28

7、80 6788 Fax: 00852-2516 9465Attn : MISS CHRISTINE HO买方:胜美达地址:电话: 传真:联系人:The Seller : Address: Tel: Fax: 卖方:外国供货商 地址: 电话: 传真:本合同由买卖双方缔结。按下列条款,卖方同意售出、买方同意购买以下商品。This Contract is made by and between the buyer and the seller, whereby the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the goods accord

8、ing to the terms and conditions stipulated below:一. 商品明细及交货相关 Commodity details and delivery related1. 商品名称、规格、数量、单价、金额/Commodity& Specification、Quantity、Price、 Amount:产品名称Commodity规格 Specification单价(币种)Price ( )数量Quantity单位Unit总金额( )Total Amount( )合计(大写)设备详细配置参见卖方的报价单及产品目录,如报价单内容与本合同条款有抵触,以本合同条款为准。

9、Detailed configure of the equipment please refer to the quotation and its catalogue, If any inconsistent content involved in the quotation, please subject to the contract set forth. 2. 原产地和生产厂家(COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURER): 3. 装运期 (TIME OF SHIPMENT): 4. 装运港 (PORT OF SHIPMENT): PORT *. F.O.B条款

10、时,增加:卖方负责办理货物的日本国内出口清关手续及负责支付货物装船前发生的日本当地费用(神户港),并联络买方指定的运输代理商-日通公司将货装船(船运费由胜美达到付)。 The Seller is responsible to pay all expenses including customs clearance cost and other local cost (Kobe port) before the cargoes have been loaded on the Vessel. The seller must use the forwarder which the buyer nom

11、inated, Nippon Express Co., Ltd. Kobe Intl Transport Branch. The ocean freight, which from Kobe port to Hong Kong port, will be collected by the buyer.5. 目的港 (DESTINATION PORT): HONG KONG PORT, P.R. of China.6. 交货条款/Shipment items: F.O.B; C.I.F HONG KONG7. 付款方式/ Terms of Payment: 一次性付款:设备的全部货款在验收合格后

12、30天内由买方一次性支付给卖方。Payment in one time: All the expenses should be paid to seller in one time within 30 days after installation and acceptance by the buyer. X%预付,余款X在安装并验收合格后30天内支付。 X% Advance Payment, , and X % paid within 30 days after installation and acceptance. 总金额的 X %( )预付;总金额的 X%( ) 装船后 日支付. X%

13、 of contract amount ( ) advanced payment, X % of contract amount( ) shall be paid after days from FOB . 二. 包装运输及保险 Packing, transportation and insurance1. 卖方在装箱前需对货物整机及铭牌部位进行拍照,并将照片E-mail给买方:lanier_luo_jhThe seller shall take photos for equipment and its nameplate before loading, and then send the p

14、hotos to lanier_luo_jh by E-mail in time; 2. 包装: 卖方必须对货物进行包装,并必须用标准出口包装。适合海运、防湿、防潮、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失以及由于采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用。PACKAGING :Seller must pack the goods in export standard packing suitable for sea transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock,

15、 rust and rough handing. The Seller shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the seller, and in such case or cases all expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be borne

16、 by the Seller. 3. 唛头/Shipping Mark: PMP0505HW002卖方应在每件包装上用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷件号、尺码、毛重、净重、起吊位置,以及“此端向上”、“小心轻放”、“切勿受潮”等警示字样。卖方必须在外包装箱上标识清楚机器铭牌的所在位置。The seller shall mark on the surface of each package, the package number, measurements, gross weight, net weight, the lifting positions warnings such as “THIS SID

17、E UP”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”,”KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE” and the following shipping mark shall be stenciled obviously in fadeless paint. The locality of the machine nameplate is requested to show on the surface of package.4. 装运方式/ Terms of shipping:: 发注时未明确包装方式及体积、重量,执行如下条款:卖方必须于出货前30天(最迟不得迟于出货前10天)将设备的尺

18、寸,重量,数量等相关资料提供给买方,由买方决定采用何种运输方式。卖方必须得到买方对运输方式的确认后,才能安排出货及订船。如果卖方资料未按时提供或未按照买方要求的运输方式执行,卖方将负责支付买方因此而发生的额外费用。 Shipment request: The seller should supply the equipments relevant documents such as size ,weight, quantity etc to the buyer 30 days before the shipment (no late than 10 days before the shipme

19、nt).The buyer decides which way the shipment is and after the seller receives the buyers confirmed way, they can arrange shipment and book vessel. If the seller supply the documents delay or doesnt execute the shipment way as the buyers demand, the seller should be responsible for the extra charges

20、which the buyer have suffered for this reason . 发注时已明确包装方式及体积、重量,执行如下条款:卖方必须采用货柜方式(或采用散货方式)进行装运,如果卖方未按照买方要求的运输方式执行,卖方将负责支付买方因此而发生的额外费用。The seller must ship the equipment by FCR (or by LCR). If the seller doesnt execute the shipment way as the buyers demand, the seller should be responsible for the e

21、xtra charges which the buyer has suffered for this reason. 5. 装船通知及单据/Shipping Advice and Documents:(1) 在货物装船后,卖方须在48小时内传真或电邮下列单据并通知买方香港办公室及番禺工场货物的合同号,货物名称,数量,装箱清单,毛重,运货船名及预算起航日期等资料, 并提供提单副本及发票副本。 The seller must notify the buyer(Hong Kong office and Panyu factory) about commodity, quantity, Packing

22、 list, invoiced value, gross weight, name of vessel and the date of sailing etc and refer the copy of B/L and invoice by fax or email within 48 hours after shipment. 买方香港联络人:何淑能小姐 Tel : 852-2880-6788 Fax: 852-2516-9465 地址:香港鲗鱼涌英皇道1065号东达中心14楼电邮: christine_ho_sn买方番禺工场联络人:杨启凤小姐 Tel: 8620-84616928-675

23、Fax: 8620-34567237Buyer connect for HK: Attn: (HK) MISS CHRISTINE HO Tel : 852-2880-6788 Fax: 852-2516-9465 Address: 14 Floor, Eastern Centre, 1065 Kings Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Email: christine_ho_sn Buyer connect for PanYu factory: Attn: MISS Yang QiFeng Tel : 8620-84616928-675 Fax: 8620-34567

24、237(2) 单据: 卖方必须在装船后立即用快件寄送呈交下列整套正本单据给买方香港办公室. 发票及提单上的“收货人”必须显示: SUMIDA ELECTRIC(H.K.) COMPANY LIMITED: (1)全套清洁无僻,空白抬头,空白背书和通知目的港的已装运的提单; (2) 正本发票贰份,注明合同号和唛头; (3) 官方出具的原产地证明书; (4) 装箱清单贰份;注明毛重、净重、尺码和所装货物每项的品名数量; (5) 由制造厂出具的品质和数量证明书;(6) 当包装物来自美日等国时:(a) 如果包装中使用木质包装时,一份卖方国家政府授权机构出具的木质检疫证明原件,证明该包装材料已经过有效的

25、熏蒸处理;(b) 如果采用非木质材料包装时,一份供应商出具的非木质包装声明原件。.DOCUMENTS:The seller must send one set of the following original shipping documents to the buyers Hong Kong office directly by courier immediately after the cargoes have been loaded on the Vessel. SUMIDA ELECTRIC(H.K.) COMPANY LIMITED must be shown as “CONSIG

26、NEE” in both invoice and Bills of Lading: (1)1 set of negotiable clean on board ocean Bills of Lading , made out to order and blank endorsed, notifying the buyer.(2) Manually signed Commercial invoice in 2 originals indicating the Contract No. and shipping mark.(3)One of origin of the goods Certific

27、ate issued by the government official. (4) Packing list in 2 original issued by the Manufacturer indicating quantity, gross and net weight of each package and packing conditions. (5) Certificate of Quality and Quantity in one copy issued by the Manufacturer. (6) In case the goods is shipped from U.S

28、.A. or Japan.A. In case of packing in wooden pallets, one original of Plant Quarantine Certificate issued by the manufacturers governmental authority certifying that the packing material has been treated by heating 30 minutes continuously at central temperature above 56 or other effective treatments

29、.B. In case of packing in material other than wooden cases or pallets, one original of Statement issued by the manufacturer stating that no wooden material is used in the packing of this shipment.6. 资料提交:对于本合同装船通知及单据要求的资料,卖方必须按时提供,并保证于货物到达香港前送达买方;因卖方资料送交不及时,不完备,或不正确,使买方的利益受到损害时,卖方应当负赔偿责任; About the

30、required information in article 4 and 5 of the contract, the seller must supply in time and be sure to send to the buyer before the goods are arrived at Hongkong; when the buyers benefit is damaged by the delay, imperfect or improper information sent by the seller, the indemnity should be borne by t

31、he seller.7. 保险(Insurance): FOB条款: 买方的运输代理商接收货物前的一切费用由卖方负责,买方的运输代理商接收货物后的保险费用由买方指定的运输代理商-日通公司负责。 All expenses happened on buyers transportation agent before receiving goods should be burdened by seller, and all expenses after receiving goods should be burdened by assigned transportation agent-NIPPON

32、 CO.,LTD CIF条款: 由卖方购买发票总额110的、自货物发运空港至货物目的空港香港机场的运输保险。To be effected by the seller for 110% invoice value against All Risks., covering from the port of shipment to the port destination / Hong Kong Airport. 三. 质量/验收/服务及索赔 Quality/audit/service and counterclaim1. 买方FOB收货仅以卖方声明接收, 箱内货物明细数量及设备验收以该设备到达买方

33、番禺工场开箱检查结果及安装完成后运行状况是否良好为准。The Buyer FOB goods-receiving term is received with the declaration of seller, all of the cargo in the boxes and equipment receiving are subject to the goods checking and operation condition after the arrival to the buyers PanYu factory, being full checked and equipment.2.

34、 设备运至买方番禺工厂后,卖方需与买方共同确认包装状态,如包装无损方可拆箱检查并安装设备。After the equipment arriving the buyers PanYu factory, Both seller and buyer confirm the packing condition, if no damage on the outside of packing, so open and dismantle and equip the equipment. 3. 卖方负责免费安装调试设备,使各项特性达到卖方事前承诺的性能指标及技术参数;并负责技术培训使买方及买方指定人员能够熟

35、练使用及维护所购设备。 The seller is responsible for adjusting and testing the equipment free of charge, make sure all of the feature and technical parameter to its original commitment;And should be responsible for training the buyers staff and anyone who is appointed by the buyer to skillful enough to grasp a

36、nd maintain the equipment.4. 验收标准以日本工业规格JIS(一级)为准,且应符合本合同提出的要求,及卖方报价书中承诺的设备参数和说明书上的技术条件。 Testing & acceptance standard is based on Japan Industry JIS (First grade), and also should meet the requirement of the contract and should meet its committed equipment parameter and technical condition in its c

37、atalogue. 5. 技术服务:无论是在保修期内,还是保修期外,对买方的技术服务要求,卖方技术人员应在一个工作日内回应,并于24小时内对所提出的故障进行维修,直至设备正常运行。Technical Service: No matter in or after the guaranteed time, once receive buyers technical service request, sellers technician should give feedback within one working day, and provide repair within 24 hours un

38、til to its goods normal condition.i. 保修期内:在合同规定的保修期内,设备正常使用中出现故障,卖方应当承担修复责任,负责无偿调试及修理,并免费更换正常使用下损坏的零件,且不收取任何费用。 In the guaranteed time: In the period of the guaranteed time that the contract set forth, properly operated and maintained, the seller must give satisfactory mechanical performance, Replac

39、e the parts which defective or wear out with new ones, all of this should be free of charge. ii. 保修期外:卖方持续提供技术支持并保证材料及配件以低于市场的价格供应。Out the guaranteed time: The seller must give good Service all the same ,and is guaranteed for supply the parts, and keep its price lower than market price.6. 质量保证/Guara

40、ntee of Quality:卖方保证货物是以最佳工艺和材料制造,属全新及从未被使用。所有规格符合合同内容。卖方保证本合同所订货物在正确安装, 正常使用和维修的情况下, 保修期为货物安装调试合格后十二个月或自海运提单日期后起计算的十四个月,以两者先到之日为止。The seller shall guarantee that the commodity here of is made of the best materials with first classworkmanship, brand new and unused, and complied in all respects with

41、the quality and specification stipulated in this contract. The seller shall also guarantee that the goods when correctly mounted and properly operated and maintained, will give satisfactory mechanical performance for a period of 12 months starting from the date when the erection and commissioning wo

42、rk have been finished, however not more than 14 months counting from the date of bill lading.7. 检验与索赔/Inspection and Claims:a) 在交货之前, 卖方应就订货的质量、规格、性能、数量、重量做出正确和全面的检验,并出具货物和本合同规定相符的证明书。该证明书为托收货款而应交银行的单据的组成部分,但不得作为货物的质量、规格、性能、数量/重量的最后依据。The manufacturers shall before making delivery, make a precise an

43、d comprehensive inspection of the goods as regards their quality, specifications, performance and quantity/ weight, and issue certificate certifying that the goods are in conformity with the stipulation of this contract. The certificates shall form an integral part of the documents to be presented t

44、o the paying bank for collection of payment but shall not be considered as final in respect of quality, specifications, performance and quantity/ weight.b) 货物到达买方番禺工厂后, 如发现到货的规格或数量/重量与合同不符, 除应由保险公司或船公司负责外, 买方于货物到达买方番禺工场后卸货后90天内凭有关检验证书有权拒收货物或向卖方索赔。After arrival of the goods at the buyers PanYu factory, if any discrepancies are found regarding the specifications or

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