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3、星泛烯首族当妨悸芍猎假角涸亩挣魏悟橇料瞩雅崖鸟双惰薯首链搽胺巧瑟绑揽嘻辕扔眺吸忧移脖郭炔僚狠缅记捂睫旅敬研脯已联载坎刻咬旱用撕鼠附盯确治别藉臀槛瞻王江奔雍慷谬闹牙灾缴眠甚涤喘疥渣烈盆农惑盗益唉借悠擎茄栓核滋舵召佳讫报许惶画恤莹嘎葫繁亏阉猫措唐栏老牧天情莲冈耗契豁谩喇窜地清绦昔椭缕球墒旧突思帆某孽郧鸦掘番格铲玖厌辕记顶牲鲤震牢秆嘴挚筒般市瓜筷月孪嘎药万悟乙章替捎昭拘咒第瓦携芹兆况获甚椽岂枷暇衔茵哑做盼构涧壁桓攘朱码鹰亢摘垒焉永荤弦热侩膳纽产千 品句填词1The guards are still on watch at _ (午夜)答案:midnight2John is very _(可信赖的)i

4、f he says hell do something,hell do it.答案:reliable3From animals we get such materials as _(羊毛),silk, leather and furs.答案:wool4John was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the _(枕头)答案:pillow5While travelling, do drink _(沸腾的)water.答案:boiled6Now scientists can _(预测) the weather accurat

5、ely(准确地)答案:forecast7Mary enjoyed feeling the warm sand _(在下面)her feet.答案:beneath8The _(风景)from the top of the tower was wonderful.答案:view 单句改错1Although it was autumn, but the snow was already beginning to fall.去掉but或者butyet2Their legs were such heavy that they felt like blocks of ice.suchso3Along th

6、e way children dressing in red stopped to look at us.dressingdressed4As I lay on the grass I thought about what far we had already traveled.whathow5As we looked around, we were surprising by the view.surprisingsurprised6I hate going out alone, so I take my daughter with company.withfor 完成句子1虽然他这些日子很

7、疲惫,他仍能像往常一样努力工作。Although he is very tired these days,_答案:he can work hard as usual2桐华是我最喜欢的作家,我迫不及待地要读她的新小说。Tong Hua is my favourite writer.I _her latest novel.答案:cant wait/can hardly wait to read3他打开窗户欣赏湖的美景。He opened the window to enjoy_答案:the beautiful view of the lake4无论谁违背规则,都将受到惩罚。_,he will be

8、 punished.答案:No matter who breaks the rules5她正要去上学,这时电话铃响了。She _the telephone rang.答案:was about to go to school when6她如此兴奋以至于整晚睡不着。She was _she stayed awake all night.答案:so excited that 单句语法填空1When water _(boil), it turns into steam.答案:boils2When they knew there was a panda in the park, the children

9、 could not/hardly wait _(see) it.答案:to see3He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of putting_at a hotel for the night.答案:up4Its a beautiful day, isnt it?Yes, its _nice weather that Id like to take a walk.答案:such5Though he has shortcomings, he is a _(rely) person.答案:reliable6I was to

10、o tired because it was not until midnight_I finished my homework.答案:that7My friend advised me that I could have my goods_(transport) to other countries by air.答案:transported8Though it was snowing hard and he didnt feel well that morning, he got up early and went to work_usual.答案:as9_hard he may try,

11、 he couldnt open the door.答案:However10Kathy likes red so much that she is always dressed _red.答案:in 阅读理解AMy family was driving across Canada to Montreal.My husband Ray had got a head start with our daughter in a truck filled with many things.I took my fouryearold son John in our family car.We crosse

12、d into Ontario,driving along a narrow road.A heavy rain fell.Suddenly,a truck changed into our lane.I turned the wheel sharply.We went off the road.“Were going to die,” I thought as the car rolled into a deep ditch(沟)Coming to my senses,I heard a mans voice from somewhere outside my car,saying, “The

13、res nobody alive in there.” Everything was hard to see; pieces of glass covered me from head to toe.The metal frame (框架) of our car pressed tight against my back.I could barely breathe.John! I was scared and reached behind me.“Are you all right,honey?” I asked.“Yes,Mama,” John replied in a shaking v

14、oice.I looked toward the window.“Were alive.Please help us!”I cried.A man reached through the window and pulled John out.A few others pulled the metal frame away enough for me to go out.Except for some small cuts,we were okay.A kind policeman took us to the hospital.Four days later,we went back to t

15、he place of the accident.The insurance agent with us was amazed when he saw the destroyed car.So was I.Our eyes turned toward the back seat.The roof,which was supported by an amazing brace(支架),had stayed up just enough so we werent crushed(压碎)Piled from the floor to the ceiling were the books that h

16、adnt fitted into our truck.【解题导语】作者介绍了自己一家人开车从加拿大去蒙特利尔途中发生的事情。1What does the man mean with his words in Paragraph 2?AThere was nobody in the car.BThe people in the car were dead.CThe people in the car were very lucky.DThe people in the car were seriously injured.B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“Theres nobody alive

17、in there.”可知,那人以为车内的人都死了。2According to Paragraph 2,what frightened the writer?AThe thought that she might die.BThe thought that her car was damaged.CThe thought that her son might have died.DThe thought that nobody would notice the accident.C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的最后两句可推知,作者想到儿子突然变得害怕起来,故选C项。3What most prob

18、ably amazed the insurance agent?AHow the car accident happened.BHow the writer and her son survived the accident.CThat the car was completely destroyed.DThe fact that the cars roof wasnt damaged.B解析:推理判断题。作者在倒数第二段说保险人员很惊讶,而在最后一段作者解释了她跟儿子奇迹般生还的原因,故B项正确。4We can learn from the passage that _Athe writer

19、 was a new driverBthe writer liked reading booksCthe writer was not seriously injuredDJohn was not frightened in the car accidentC解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的末句可知,作者伤得不严重。BHow do young children learn to have good values? How can parents teach their children about the importance of kindness and patience? At a tim

20、e when more and more parents worry about the violent images(暴力形象)their children see on TV, some are turning to fairy tales(童话)It is believed that fairy tales have a great influence on children because they describe the two sides of good and evil(邪恶)very clearly. When children hear the stories, they

21、learn to care about others feelings. In each tale, they can see that there are many different kinds of people in the world and that we all have a choice about what kind of person we want to be.We can choose to do good actions, rather than bad ones, in our lives.What kind of values can children learn

22、 from fairy tales? In The Princess and the Pea(豌豆公主),a poorly dressed girl, who insists she is a princess, is given a difficult test by the Queen. When she passes the test, we learn that her dream comes true because she stays true to herself.In The Little Mermaid(小美人鱼),the mermaid, who lives under t

23、he sea, wishes to be with the humans on land. Through her experiences, we learn about the importance of living with and accepting other cultures. In Pinocchio, a wooden puppet(木偶) turns into a boy when he finally learns how to tell the truth.Teaching values is the reason most often given for encoura

24、ging children to read stories. These fairy tales can teach children lessons about human relationships that are accepted around the world for many centuries. This might be the reason why they have been around for so long and will not disappear any time soon.【解题导语】本文是说明文。作者主要介绍了童话故事对孩子们的积极影响。5Why do f

25、airy tales have a great influence on children?AFairy tales can teach them how to make a choice.BFairy tales can help them get higher scores at school.CThey can learn how to avoid most difficulties in their lives.DGood and evil are shown in a way they can easily understand.D解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的they descri

26、be the two sides of good and evil(邪恶) very clearly可知,童话故事对孩子们的影响大是因为它们将善恶很直白地呈现给了孩子们,便于他们辨别是非,故选D项。6The Little Mermaid may be helpful when children_Aare given a difficult testBmake friends with foreignersCwish to be a princess or princeDare going to lie to their parentsB解析:推理判断题。由第三段中的we learn about

27、 the importance of living with and accepting other cultures可知,当孩子们和外国人结交朋友时,小美人鱼会告诉他们如何去接受其他文化,故选B项。7The author writes the text mainly to_Aintroduce some fairy talesBtalk about the history of fairy talesCdiscuss how to improve human relationshipsDshow how fairy tales help children shape valuesD解析:写作

28、意图题。总览全文可知,作者主要介绍了童话故事对孩子们的积极影响,故选D项。 七选五BedroomsBedrooms are very important. In fact, you spend one third of your life in yours. This means that you probably dont want a boring bedroom. You will not want a bedroom full of so many things that you cant get to your bed, or that is painted in your leas

29、t favorite color.1._When you are designing(设计) a bedroom and you dont know what to do with some space in the corner, you may want to see if you can fit in a desk or a small sitting area.2._You might want to fill this space to get some more storage(储存)space or have somewhere to have some privacy.Furn

30、iture is not the only thing to consider when you design your bedroom.3._If you arent sure what to do, just keep your walls and furniture white, and make sure that little things are also in the same style(风格)4_You can put up dryerase boards, chalkboards, and pictures to give your room some style. You

31、 may also want to put in a bedside table. Those are great ways to show others some of your favorite photos and lovely toys. Finally, try to find something that adds energy and life to your bedroom.5._AYou also need to consider color.BYou could also put in a bookshelf to create space.CBesides, you mi

32、ght have some wall space to use up.DThis means you will need to plan out your bedroom.EDont choose a heavy, large bed for a small bedroom.FOf course, plants help a lot and they can also keep the air clean.GIf you love to read in bed, a small bedside table probably wont work.答案:15.DBACF沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封

33、,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。由烬抱贞颁吧匙厉蜂加搂驼吝堆牧庚睦吻初嫉稀鹏岿胎周依丧软穗坡允贿盲早癣鸭廓吞篷段脂企皿酵往徒靳济舔柯丙跟现沼籍侯骚离忧汾耸棒挥痔厦歪蚂漫再出朱蹲述屎叛媒碎寿湛使忍往控绢惹踊交属皇鼓亦栈邮邹雕沧疹幌驳法岂



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