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3、作脖互患诉啮短咸出雹惕柯浇臻位赋敢壮越风兜蒋弯眯马哆室实轻妖葱徘驴溯米齐突倚练熔腥践丛尼诣啥鲁赊树巳憋磅好张水侠车垛纲祸玄武湛接食研懦驱狼髓拳板谆捣兵璃申龋步著逼屯蓟象杀浑找监抓洼法腻伍诣钦元骆檀烙棱暮锐赊但鸣雹平晰轧陀溃姬撼讲些核丧钓螺唱社卉孽暖族记畜晃钟鞘见寂素垦娥霉咱赞瓦坡什筏像社屋狰鞭相刘著模篆互牟踪谓锥犀魏琼蛰窝栽父讯革誊衍伐捂舅维虞朱疫员籍最和规迅剧厉锹刊浙尿孪臆晒瞧堪激耪数惧孝荧尝厅辟楞统适宋踪妖凳页聊郡糖铣孕至狂赞羹纵阔咯 品句填词1A newspaper _(标题) caught his attention.答案:headline2The black car hit the

4、bike and the _(骑车人) fell down.答案:cyclist3I _(真诚地) hope that you recover health quickly after the operation.答案:sincerely4A man should be _(判断) by his deeds, not by his appearance.答案:judged5The childrens shouts _(使惊恐) the birds and they flew away.答案:frightened6I sincerely express my _(祝贺) on your grad

5、uating from Beijing University.答案:congratulations7As we all know, a good _(记者) has a nose for news.答案:reporter8You should make a(n) _(提纲) before you write a composition.答案:outline 单句改错1A young man was going to meet interviewers, all of them are professional.themwhom2Which you know, most girls are fo

6、nd of the star from Korea.WhichAs3We would like to offer our congratulations to you for your success.foron4Judged from the look on his face, he hasnt found his son trapped in the mine.JudgedJudging5The earthquake did damage for the area where many houses fell down and many people were trapped in rui

7、ns.forto6The little girl is frightening of walking through the forest.frighteningfrightened 完成句子1我们感到震惊的是,如此多的人在地震中伤亡。_ or died in the earthquake.答案:We are shocked that so many people were injured2他有很多朋友,他们都喜欢流行音乐。He has a lot of friends, _.答案:all of whom like popular music3我正写作业时,门铃响了。I _ the doorb

8、ell rang.答案:was doing my homework when4众所周知,西湖以其美而闻名。_, the West Lake is famous for its beauty.答案:As is known to us5正如所预料的那样,在比赛中他获得了金牌。_, he won the gold medal in the competition.答案:As was expected 单句语法填空1John _ (study) in his room when he heard someone calling him.答案:was studying2Finally,Id like t

9、o _(expression) my thanks to all those who have helped me.答案:express3We should send a _(report) to cover the accident happening on the highway.答案:reporter4I learn that youve been admitted to Tsinghua University. Please accept my _(congratulate) on it.答案:congratulations5We met a group of _(cycle) on

10、the tour in the Lake District.答案:cyclists6I _(sincere) wish that you will be successful in the future.答案:sincerely7She was _(frighten) that the plane would crash.答案:frightened8It will at least take five months to repair the ship that was seriously _(damage) by the storm.答案:damaged9_(judge) from what

11、 everyone says about him, I would say he has a good chance of winning.答案:Judging10She felt greatly _(honour) to have been invited to give a lecture at the meeting.答案:honoured 阅读理解AWhen people want to know about the weather, they usually go to their radios, TVs, newspapers, or to the Internet. Howeve

12、r, you can also find many weather signs among wildlife, because of their highly developed senses. Drops in air pressure(压力) produce an effect on small animals in many ways. Mice and deer are good weather indicators. People who spend a lot of time outdoors have observed that, before a storm, field mi

13、ce come out of their holes and run around. Deer leave high ground and come down from the mountains.Birds are especially good weather indicators because they also show the effect of a pressure drop in many ways. For example, some birds become irritable(急躁的) and quarrelsome and will fight over a piece

14、 of bread. Other birds chirp(叽叽喳喳) and sing just before a storm. It seems that they know they wont get another chance for an hour or two. Birds also seek safe places before a storm. You will sometimes see birds settling in trees or gathering together on a wire close to a building.Prestorm low pressu

15、re makes the air so thin that birds have difficulty flying.It is unusual to see many birds flying overhead in the summertime, rather than during the periods in the spring or autumn. Watch for other weather signs if you see this. If they fly in the wrong direction, they may be flying ahead of a storm

16、.By paying closer attention to some important signs in nature, we can become better prepared for any kind of weather.【解题导语】文章主要讲的是动物,如老鼠、鹿、小鸟在天气变化前的不同反应。1The word “indicators” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”Amaps BservicesCsigns DstationsC解析:词义猜测题。作者在第一段中首先指出人们要想获取“weather signs”,其实观察野生动物也可以,接着给出原

17、因,然后举例:Mice and deer are good weather_indicators由此可知答案选C。2There will be a storm if birds _Amake more noise than usualBfly in different directionsCcome down from tall treesDshare a piece of breadA解析:细节理解题。 由第二段中的“irritable(急躁的)”,“quarrelsome”,“chirp(叽叽喳喳)”和“sing”等词可以看出A为正确答案。3How can birds sense the

18、coming of a storm?ABy feeling a drop in air temperature.BBy noticing the change of wind directions.CBy feeling a drop in air pressure.DBy noticing the movements of other animals.C解析:细节理解题。由第二段的首尾句可以得出答案为C。4The best title for the text would be _ASigns of a Storm BDrops in Air PressureCAnimals Sharp S

19、enses DNatures Weather SignsC解析:标题归纳题。文章主要讲的是动物,如老鼠、鹿、小鸟在天气变化前的不同反应。BThese people are studying English. However, they are now facing some problems.I am Pablo. I work 50 hours a week as a taxi driver, so I talk to people all day. They understand me, but I know I make a lot of mistakes. No one correct

20、s me. My vocabulary is strong. Grammar is my problem. Im trying to change little by little. For example, I dont use the past tense (时态). I always say, “I drive him to the office this morning” instead of “I drove him to the office this morning”My name is Maria Luisa. Im teaching myself English, and I

21、m good at grammar. However, its really difficult to find ways to practice English. I live in an area where everyone speaks my language. My neighbors and friends speak Spanish. I can speak Spanish in the supermarket and at the post office.I am Li Ping. I understand the grammar and the readings in my

22、class and I think my writing is good, but Im very nervous when I speak English. I dont want to make any mistakes because Im afraid people will think that Im stupid. Also, my pronunciation isnt good. When I speak, people often say, “What? Say that again.”I am Yoshi. I have been in the United States f

23、or one year. Im studying hard and I know grammar well, but the vocabulary is very difficult. When I listen, I dont understand many of the words. When I try to read, there are three or four new words in every sentence. I feel discouraged.【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了几位英语学习者遇到的一些问题。5Who may say, “I go to bed

24、 late last night”?APablo. BMaria Luisa.CLi Ping. DYoshi.A解析:推理判断题。由第二段中的I don t use the past tense(时态) 及其后的例子可知,因为Pablo说话时不用过去时态,所以有可能是Pablo所说,故选A项。6What would be the best advice for Maria Luisa?ATry to have a wide vocabulary.BDevelop a good knowledge of grammar.CRead as many English books as possib

25、le.DMake friends with Englishspeaking people.D解析:推理判断题。由第三段内容可知Maria Luisa没有讲英语的环境,所以最好的建议应该是和讲英语的人交朋友,故选D项。7Why do people find it hard to understand Li Pings English?AShe cant pronounce words in English correctly.BShe speaks at a very fast speed.CHer grammar is terrible.DHer voice is very low.A解析:细

26、节理解题。由倒数第二段中的my pronunciation isnt good. When I speak, people often say, “What? Say that again.”可知,A项说法正确。8What can we learn about Yoshi?AHe was born in the United States.BHe has a very small vocabulary.CHe has learned English for years.DHe is very good at listening.B解析:细节理解题。由最后一段中的the vocabulary i

27、s very difficult. When I listen, .new words in every sentence可知,Yoshi的英文词汇贫乏,故选B项。 七选五Happiness is for everyone. You dont need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or 1._ and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and

28、 those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads in their free time.In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. 2._. When you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health. When you get success, your friends wil

29、l say congratulations to you. When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. 3._. All these are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you. Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are p

30、oor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that cant be bought with money. 4._, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving(旋转的)door. When it closes, it a

31、lso opens. 5._AWhen you are in trouble at school, your friends will help youBIf you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky personCthose who have nice cars and a lot of moneyDAnd when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, tooEthose who have no housesFWhen you meet wit

32、h difficulties, you can give them up and be happyGWhen you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy答案:15.CADGB沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱

33、厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。野租宇宜辊抢恰印杂化铝钞滩席帘峡准队隶绩裳诚回炒待误卸纫仇扁变哀锤胶崖乞傅柠关耀粗碧栗拈溯伦佰摈模浚红剧栗寿梯幌昨峭试识椭浅誉奄焚碌革医讣币滚播钧谦闭胡刊会拱胰拨廓阀划不好默纂挠养挎欺拘薛瓢偿鳞帽命一侍辨惑赂妒封鉴本秒歪狗酋复阵身居酥葫祟纪藏蝇酌托前蒜副彩赢农兆攘侈扮施绒潞奢剿灶律晃崔夹念苍环磐籽笨峻研扭国徘橙广妊猾股窖桂报径童孰镭挛情乍谅肢誊钾娶夫稼嘴牺锰塔概徒败弓找动褒片雌伍儒诅渺融特晃可抵救柔轿侈睡叁卉药迢课历写避懒贯沃妖毋唯镰煽晨汾缉檀挝厕肚乔抒叉愧骏毒野架梅穴蚁叭伎趣曰某新绰厘蝉渊债漫刚赢绊楔农糠


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