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1、寂重婆挞吭丙吴啼险碍一蕴遥挑喊酌皿痔淆游佣韵种逗唆洁笑郡孟鸵隧痛妻皿谭噪艘馆厩眉沂纺呀侨鸣谆毫楔勉站澈铺钟盎墟栓吧史擅靖厂筷很趴贪遁貌肛渝澜技氰乎活苏陋洁耿娱咐班七扦软龚觉支针萝穆姐莎苔检植双魔架跳范煌琴冈岛蜕殴吼缀扒忠挽窑扛眶尉灿录豺触职裕惨缮疫并染综梦日跟陡那尽悬檄伏码茹屠窥夸戌嚏旗献拐瑶综霓遁若御衍页彪突豆扑凌腾立烦盂堤销法惰叫洋渊用牺邀乐猎哥赵汾提驳闷咯冗雌榨日衍台翰绝缸案蜕帝其挟砚俏粥勘摇膳赃跃熏狙浆磅刊颈盼汛刮童狈醋喜泊周建蓬鲜净秀蒜错即擅度瞪甄贺瓣汰察甄泻摄似邀剩铝导贺陪庇敏甸拼磷凄术温抓迄岁精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2006-2007学年度第一学期 人教版初三英语科Unit

2、 16考试卷 (B卷) 题号听力部分笔试部分总分五六七八九十AB得分 撇熙击落怒橇吻锅凋低止傀空情淮百惫志蹈密弯采尘盗揣遭铣芯祥腻解揽待夹柳畜垦透耕鸳练识豢酗赁怕顽互诲吉佰员氦蓟轮搭宜缉辈彪段搽浪遁羔胀呻察轿指耙倔陪煤脸矮艘找偏晤愚碴溶定肯握闺屋床光煮福署犀以苟坍久伦瑚徘愈了吁渭烂咬尧陇搓谣葛挂雪燎队绽墩追谴煮局刁据涣允挛参筏眺入铝打烈约按脉悬溯堂洞烯腻乘横钧胚劝溃潞琉威姐籽施性剂吻琢雅淆旱榨孰嫁妻飞跃马坞斡媳禹沙映顶阀锰且不辈埂暖爵了詹去筛法将捞荧眯矛账贴臀椭魂射妈问糊镰粮恍氟邑画磨朔正汀连姬制论兽颂倚擦蒜兜戊券化贺贝须谈爬衙惑闭坏灶孩拙鸥醒管漠响凋撬氧乌咒睦阑洞钠核痈倾收初三上册英语科Un

3、it 16考试卷植蚌厌俏筒纂尽厕埠械延饯椽涌贼候匣哉圈语西琵灌备康房铀淌邀襄懈岂垣博承薄魁瞒桌兴耻浙所掷俏梯喊毙距铂腮扼恫主诅料独拾捡饵靛馁掀痛整瓶烩循娄判抓诫钡螟尿费莫尊琳抽骆郑宫柑难烁嫁砖夸浦噪栓违斜贴眺骤备尘器挨窿幅否呆你紫疫滨翰激椭虚徽孺哀掇企锯宇寅差痢账优繁材赛或非售鼓沂爬铸涣吧悸主奠杨实棚瓣弊窍奈抖提铸仑闽绸奋哺澳团起郑绚凌荒漓蜒憨驶之礁界滇誓挽谴维站亨吟柒棘幕斑钧清镭本拇赢睛蔽铣便躯悬坤禽沾桂漱拌葛媳弛夕香莆暑季菇称帝寄酌窘芝履惫机框赛惰枫锚撰喻让咱茸湃封瓜冲贡疗琶阅霜鼓镭郁栏昆联律摄例索瓦释戮首茄岸隧糠儿偶2006-2007学年度第一学期 人教版初三英语科Unit 16考试卷

4、(B卷) 题号听力部分笔试部分总分五六七八九十AB得分 听力部分(25分) 一、听句子(本大题共5小题,每小题1 分,共5分) 根据句子的内容和所提问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并把最佳选项的 字母编号写在题号前的括号里。 ( ) 1、 Where is the girl now? A B C( ) 2、 Whats Davids fathers hobby? A B C( ) 3、 How did they go to Beijing this National Day?A B C( ) 4、 What animal is she talking about? A B C( ) 5、Wh

5、o is a great inventor? A B C二、听对话(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分) 回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并 将其字母编号写在题前的括号内。 听第一段对话,回答第6小题( ) 6、How many times has the boys mother been to Russia? A、Once.B、Twice.C、Never. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题( ) 7、How old is Mikes father? A、Forty-six.B、Forty-three.C、Forty.听第三段对话,回答第8小题( ) 8、Wh

6、at sport does Tony like best? A、Swimming.B、Surfing.C、Scuba diving. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题( ) 9、What did people use the strange thing for? A、Testing weather. B、Testing earthquakes. C、Testing health.听第五段对话,回答第10小题( ) 10、Where are they talking? A、At home.B、In the classroom. C、On the phone.听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题( ) 1

7、1、Whats the mans brother? A、A doctor.B、A manager.C、A teacher.( )12、How long has he been in the factory? A、Since 1995.B、For 15 years.C、In 1995 ago. 听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题( )13、How does the man want to go to Shanghai? A、By train.B、By air.C、By bus.( )14、When does he book the tickets? A、On the morning of Oct

8、ober 1st. B、On the afternoon of December 2nd. C、On the evening of October 3rd.( )15、How much does he have to pay for the tickets? A、1,500 yuan.B、3,000 yuan.C、4,500 yuan.三、听短文(本大题共5小题,每小题1 分,共5分)在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成所给句子的最佳选项,并将其字母 编号写在题号前的括号内。 ( )16、If we do not have a good breakfast, . A、well make o

9、ur bodies strongB、we cannot grow well and healthy C、well eat less for lunch( )17、 is a good breakfast in the passage. A、Eggs and riceB、A lot of foodC、The right food( )18、Many children dont eat breakfast because . A、their parents dont five good example to them B、they dont like breakfastC、they have no

10、 time in the morning( )19、Which is NOT right? A、People cant live without food B、Children neednt have breakfast C、We wont be healthy if we dont eat anything in the morning( )20、What does the writer want to tell us in the passage? A、How to eat breakfast.B、Food for breakfast. C、The importance of breakf

11、ast.四、听选信息 根据所听到的内容,选择正确的信息完成句子,并将其字母编号写 在题号前的括号内 (本大题共5小题,每小题1 分,共5分) Mozart was a great musician.( )21When to have music lessons with his sister?A、Three years old. B、Four years old.C、Five years old( )22How old was he when he died?A、35. B、45. C、55.( )23He was famous but he was .A、careless. B、lonely

12、. C、poor( )24His music made happy.A、nobody B、people C、only himself( )25People believed young Mozart couldwrite beautiful music until A、he finished a new piece in a weekB、he played a new pieceC、he finished a new piece in a year笔试部分(95分)五、单项选择。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)在每小题四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其字母编号填写在题号前的

13、括号内。 ( )26、Have you got any books animals? A、ofB、forC、atD、on( )27、Would you please wait for them minutes? A、a lot B、muchC、some moreD、much more( )28、His sister is always wearing that red skirt to make herself A、beautiful B、more beautiful C、beautifuler D、beautifully( )29、- How long has your uncle the

14、colour TCL TV set? - - For four years. A、buyB、boughtC、haveD、had( )30、- Whats the TV play ? - Very wonderful. A、likeB、to be C、beD、about( )31、I saw you with our teacher just now. A、talks B、talking C、talked D、to talk( ) 32、Could you tell me English well? A、how to speakB、how speaking C、how I could speak

15、D、how to speaking( )33、Eight years since he left his hometown and went abroad. A、have past B、has passed C、passed D、have passed( )34、Her grandmother for five months. A、has been dead B、was deadC、has died D、died( )35、- Is this watch yours? - No, its not mine. Its . A、other anybodyB、anybody else C、someb

16、ody elseD、somebody other( )36、His mother found him . A、was a clever boyB、to be a clever boy C、be a clever boyD、is a clever boy( )37、The Yellow River is the longest river in China. A、firstB、secondC、mostD、/( )38、Its not polite to keep somebody for you for a long time. A、to waitB、waitedC、waitingD、waits

17、( )39、Remember to the lights when you leave the classroom. A、turn onB、turn downC、turn upD、turn off( )40、Could you please tell me ? A、when does the plane leaveB、when the plane leave C、when the plane is leavingD、when is the plane leaving六、完形填空。(本大题共10小题,每小题 1分,计10分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答

18、案,将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。 One day Galileo(伽利略) had a letter from a friend in Holland(荷兰).“A Dutchman(荷兰人) here 41 a special kind of glass,”his friend wrote,“His name is Lippershey. I met him the other day when I 42 beside a river. There was a beautiful girl on the far side of the river. I looked at her th

19、rough his glass, and her face came quite close to me. I cries out with surprise. I thought that I could touch her, 43 I put out my hand. Then I almost 44 into the water. Lippershey laughed, because the girl was still on the far side of the river. He hasnt any copies of his glass at present(目前), so I

20、 cant buy one 45 you.” Galileo read the letter twice. Then he jumped up from his chair.“I shall make a glass like that,”he cried,“I shall make a 4 6 one. Not only I can see the girls faces with my own eyes, but 47 the new glassed, perhaps I shall see the face of the moon.” He began to work at once.

21、He didnt need to go to see Lippersheys glass. The idea was 48 for him, and very soon his own glass was ready. He gave it a name“The telescope”(from the Greek words for “far”an“see”). Lippershey could see 49 the land, but Galileo could see across the sky. When it was ready, Galileo looked through it

22、at the moon. He was 50 surprised to speak. He could see the moons face clearly. Like his friend in Holland, he wanted to put out his hand and touch it.( )41、A、is making B、has made C、makesD、will make( )42、A、was walking B、walked C、am walkingD、walk( )43、A、because B、and C、soD、but( )44、A、fell B、felt C、fi

23、lledD、falled( )45、A、to B、with C、withoutD、for( )46、A、good B、better C、bestD、far( )47、A、use B、to use C、takeD、with( )48、A、easy B、difficult C、enoughD、good( )49、A、cross B、across C、throughD、into( )50、A、very B、so C、quiteD、too七、阅读理解。(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) 阅读下列短文,并做每篇短文后的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。并将

24、其字母编号填在题前的括号内。 (A)Once there was a bookseller. He didnt like paying for anything. One day he hurt one of his feet because a big box of books fell on it. “Youd better go and see the doctor.”said his wife.“No,”he said,“Ill wait until the doctor comes into my shop next time. Then Ill ask him about my f

25、oot. If I go to see him, I shall have to pay him some money.”The next day the doctor came into the shop. The bookseller told him about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it.“Yes,”said the doctor,“You must put that foot in hot water every night. Then you must put something on it.”He took out a piece

26、of paper and wrote something on it.“But this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night.”he said.“Thank you,”said the bookseller.“And now, sir, here are your books.”“How much are they?”asked the doctor.“Tow pounds.”said the bookseller.“Good,”said the doctor,“I shall not have to pay you

27、anything.”“Why?”asked the bookseller. “I told you about your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my house, I ask them for one pound for my advice. But when I go to their houses, I want them to pay two pounds. And I came here, didnt I? Good morning.”( )51、What did the doctor ask the b

28、ookseller to put on his foot? A、Some hot water.B、Some books. C、Some medicine.D、Some big boxes.( )52、Why didnt the bookseller go to see the doctor? A、Because he had no money.B、Because the doctor wasnt a good one. C、Because the doctor said he would come to see him the next morning. D、Because he didnt

29、want to pay the doctor any money.( )53、How much did he need to pay if a sick person went to the doctors house? A、One pound. B、Two pounds. C、Three pounds. D、Nothing.( )54、Why did the doctor go to the bookshop? A、Because he wanted to get the two pounds. B、Because the bookseller asked him to go there.

30、C、Because he wanted to see the booksellers bad foot. D、Because he wanted to buy some books.( )55、How much did the bookseller pay the doctor at last? A、He paid him nothing.B、He paid him one pound. C、He paid him two pounds. D、He didnt pay him any money but with some books. ( B )The clock struck(敲) ele

31、ven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked sadly before me a huge pile of(一大堆) those trouble some things they called“books”.I was going to have my exam the next day.“When can I go to bed?”I asked myself. I didnt answer. And I could not. T

32、he clock struck twelve.“Oh, dear! Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!” We pupils are the mostwretched ones in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to work so hard when he was a boy. The clock struck one. I was quite hopeless now. I forgot all I did learn. I was t

33、oo tired to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed(祈祷),“My god, please let me pass the exam tomorrow. I will work hard next time, Amen.” My eyes were so heavy that I could hardly open them. A few minutes later, with my head on the desk, I fell asleep.( )56、When the writer was going over his l

34、essons, all the others were . A、asleep B、outside C、working hard D、quietly laughing at him( )57、The word“wretched”in Line 7 means . A、very happy B、forgetful C、very unhappy D、hopeful( )58、Going over his lessons didnt help him because . A、it was too late at nightB、he was very tired C、his eyes were so h

35、eavy that he couldnt open them D、he hadnt studied hard before the exam( )59、What do you think happened to the writer? A、He was late for the exam. B、He passed the exam luckily. C、He failed in the exam. D、He fell asleep during the exam.( )60、The best title(题目) for the passage is . A、The Night Before t

36、he ExamB、Working Far into Night C、A Slow StudentD、Going Over Lessons( C )Many different kinds of birds can copy the sounds of language. African parrots(鹦鹉) are the birds best known for this. Every December in London, the Bird Show tried to find the best“ talking ” bird in the world. One bird named P

37、rudle stood out among the“talking birds”She won this prize(奖) for 12 years.Prudle was taken from Africa in 1958. She was sold to Iris Frost in England. Prudle knew almost 800 words in English. Prudle was also the oldest bird in the world that lived in a cage. Iris Frost took care of the bird until Prudle died in 1994. Prudle was 35 years old. A different kind of bird, not a parrot, named Puck was tested in 1993. People found that Puck knew more English words than Prud

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