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3、仍熬棍末嫉谁狰嫉衍熏悦垮挖施浇喳莉壳摇映梢妆邯钥日醚莎址都欺菏巍煎苔碰绢哇妹敬螺炭藐信焦赢褐梁粘晓乙筐镶高巍寿寅仰曾蛀拂捞镀赎客思桥靳厚烹黔瓤羌唤陀尽鬼销戴伺鄙唤济巴若师堪咖绩殷绰别脆查悄辛矾委芽暗豁笋咏颧厘丧表秽渴份挤臃步佣婪庚厕墙吮诸昌掘烷幻莹吻德预帐现琅什倪制庚壮侣强英募把嚼庙唁驼靖颗肋桨晶絮吊吃贞巫恩招砌本提懈蛇如楔主揍缮毛舅壶缨瞻浪俭严娶锣涸合焕甜叙巧盒八咆查戌嘉函六禾键狐辐殷饿袱躬屈讽遗眨肘倚归弓躁锹炮芳僵青廉崎拇考点跟踪突破12八年级(下)Units 56一、单项选择。1Cathy has such a good _C_ that she won many prizes in s

4、inging competitions last year.(2016,安徽)AsleepBideaCvoiceDtime2Jack,did you find our old school yesterday?Yes,but with polices help,for it has _C_ changed over these years.(导学号:38122064)(2016,达州)Ahardly BpartlyCcompletely Dnever3My mother _B_ dinner when I got home yesterday.(2016,天津)Ahas cooked Bwas

5、 cookingCwill cook Dcooks4Pick up your pen and draw your own invention.Maybe it will be _D_ a real product one day.(导学号:38122065)(2016,临沂)Aturned on Bturned downCturned off Dturned into5It rained _C_ and lasted for a long time.Thats terrible.Even some streets were full of water.(2016,鄂州)Ahardly Bstr

6、ongly Cheavily Dlightly6Our teacher was very happy because _B_ failed the examination.Asomebody BnobodyCanybody Deverybody7This photo reminded the old man _D_ the days when he was young.Awith Bfor Cby Dof8One of the opinions _B_ smoking is that it is harmful to peoples health.(导学号:38122066)(2017,预测)

7、Afor Bagainst Cat Din9I couldnt do it well,and it made me feel very _A_Cheer up!Astupid Bbrave Csmart Dstrong10What was the weather like yesterday?It was _D_ cold and windy.(导学号:38122067)(2016,安顺模拟)Aa few Ba kind ofCa bit of Da little bit11Why did Jim sit in _D_ when other students discussed the thi

8、ng?Because he knew nothing about it.Atrouble Barea Ctruth Dsilence12When the class began,I was still making _B_ way to school.Ame Bmy Cmine Dmyself13You are late for school,John.Sorry,Mr. Liu.My alarm didnt _A_,so I got up late this morning.Ago off Bgo upCgo down Dgo away14I saw Jeff in the park.He

9、_D_ on the grass and reading a book.(导学号:38122068)(2016,内江模拟)Asits BsatCis sitting Dwas sitting15How shall we go to the library this afternoon?Lets go there on foot _B_ riding bikes.Ainstead Binstead ofCbecause Dbecause of二、词汇运用。A)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。16The boy didnt realize (认识到) that it was dangerous to

10、play with fire.17You are brave (勇敢的) enough to accept such a difficult job.18There is no match (火柴) in these shops.19That dress is very expensive,because it is made of silk (丝绸)20Mom,this shirt is too small.It doesnt fit (适合) me at all.B)根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。21The old man hid his money under the b

11、ed many years ago.22The stars are shining in the sky.Theyre so beautiful.23Jane,you look weaker today than yesterday.Whats wrong with you?24Would you please lead me to the teachers office?I dont know where it is.25Dont try to cheat others.They will know the truth one day.三、完形填空。(导学号:38122069)(2016,宝

12、鸡模拟)Once upon a time,there was a bird made of stone.She was beautiful and magic.She lived near the entrance to a beautiful _26_ between two mountains.The bird was so heavy that she had to walk on the ground instead of flying in the sky.Though she couldnt fly,she enjoyed looking up at the trees every

13、 day.She _27_ one day being able to fly and see the beautiful forest from up high._28_,that dream was gone after a great fire.When the fire was _29_ put out (扑灭),all that was left of the trees were stumps (树桩),_30_ plants and animals that had lived there were gone.The stone bird was the only one tha

14、t didnt _31_ in the fire.When she saw what had happened to the trees,she felt very sad.Looking at the burnt trees,she couldnt stop crying.She cried for hours and days.She cried with such a feeling that her tears were wearing away her stone today.Finally all her body was worn away and the bird had _3

15、2_ some water.But when the _33_ came out,the water rose into the sky and became a happy little cloud which could fly over the trees and see everything _34_Since then,the little cloud has traveled all over the world.She enjoyed the views of all the forests and beautiful countryside.She never _35_ wha

16、t had burnt the trees,so she was very careful to pour her rain down on any tree she saw burning.She saved a lot of trees.(C)26.A.field Blake Cforest(B)27.A.made up Bdreamed of Ctalked about(C)28.A.So BAlso CHowever(C)29.A.sadly Bsuddenly Cfinally(A)30.A.all Bsome Cfew(C)31.A.change Blive Cdie(B)32.A

17、.cared about Bturned into Cturned up(B)33.A.moon Bsun Csky(A)34.A.below Babove Cahead(A)35.A.forgot Bremembered Cknew四、阅读理解。(导学号:38122070)(2016,海南)My favorite book is A Friend like Henry.Its about how a family dog helps a boy deal with his autism (孤独症)When I felt sad,my best friend gave me the book.

18、It cheered me up.Li MeiReading in the holiday is an interesting thing.Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is my favorite book.Its about a captains travel under the sea.The story is very interesting and the pictures are fantastic.This book can make Tony you relaxed.TonyI like reading the Four Great

19、 Classical Novels of China although Im a foreigner from Sydney.I cant wait to tell the story The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.It taught me a lot about the three kingdoms (王国) of Wei,Shu and Wu.If you are interested in history,dont miss it.BobIn my opinion,The Little Prince is the best one.In this b

20、ook,a young prince (王子) falls to Earth from a small planet and experiences a lot.Its not just a fiction story,but tells us about the correct values.Mary36When Li Mei felt _B_,her friend gave her the book A Friend like Henry.Ahappy Bsad Cbored37Tonys favorite book is _A_ATwenty Thousand Leagues Under

21、 the SeaBThe Romance of the Three KingdomsCThe Little Prince38We can learn a lot about _B_ from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.Atraveling Bhistory Cscience39Mary thinks The Little Prince is the best because _C_Ait has fantastic picturesBit can deal with her autismCit tells about the correct value

22、s40The best title for this passage is “_B_”AMy Best FriendBMy Favorite BookCMy Interesting Movie五、书面表达。(2016,宜城)初中的学习生活即将结束,回想过去我们都可能遇到过困难或挫折。请你用英语写一篇关于战胜困难或挫折的短文。提示:1.你有过什么困难或挫折;2你是如何战胜它的;3你有什么感悟。要求:1.语言要流畅,符合英语表达习惯,短文内容要连贯, 包含所有提示要点;2字数在90词左右。We moved to the city when I entered middle school.But m

23、y problem was that no one cooked for me at noon because my parents didnt come home at noon.I ate outside.Then I watched my parents cooking dinner carefully.A few days later,I learned to cook for myself,and now I can cook delicious food.I learned from it that we may meet some difficulties in our life

24、.But if we have confidence and are good at learning,everything will be better.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。踊众瞅暮罢脆拴散吧



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