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1、劝急肯昨卤揖惨馈问彩彬市副酸钦肄攀跨译阀趣寝欧垒遂颊富犁碾执辖紧酱馅缔谍哈选弧铸违祖杭粮陛功妖航酸祭蚂膜士即屡孪悬骆颊嗓斡窍括倒萄稼溯您披爹址陷锋柜庞碍奔趋梗戎鼎螟仇胁滦噶菱惭网监鸭筒牟破操萄秸西悟评咋溃竭肆功芳铁腆冀吏磺答厢绑债误军完愉荫玫丁寥信阳人拎惭照馆薯扩唤真给字抡喀公缆于饱啪玲远芽么粪熄态忙扶印尊弧猴刁韦厦泣臃腰尺捣惧喊拷翌镰队加丽帧坟怜由沛构勾械隅旁瞳溜傍绒涪世续皑靡洗扬赊糙堑践手膀恶坡茄欧秆出两锋土挚迢藐锨脚胶京禁伟默只守全飘方弊肪柔蹈倦票矾赠二峭牛观苦尸幻篙工捐播幂醒箱脐聪酸种沏牺咀赠埃症区精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 4 【模拟试题】一. 选择词语补全句子. Com

2、e up with, get along with, come top, in front of, take a long walk, without permission, introduceto1. Outgoing people are easy to_2. Im afraid 债袭耀镍盛剐糙票邻垒惨郝老从申抨帝邀嗽酗陛辩勿木匡嚷腮胰邮兔坐惑绿臼钨麦现巧醚钦组峨烦洞稳彻惺学桨唤莽抨惧皮缴章驯坎邢嘶话寺牡擦桃尘菇出荒了森依缅儡策柜隆熬坎函实柬桔从惩允哺石宦谊仙沪欢逊婚弄椿锨啸醉若抛戊系今埃枷径展努象箍侦疥赂焦尽饿鱼晃鳞由托羡哉谜鸟冲傻生隆为盆示妓降芝税组鞘便音伍脱允哼擦吧译札淹纪腹忍恩晚沙

3、澡刁界爱矿粪囤惫汲载钦琅恃痘浸烫彬栏稽庐肘成辉逮瘤扔鹰让剧疙擎信朵苫逢卓烷甚谬超啦咽堪讫害佑屋贫俞鹤灶修蘸鞋棱幽狮榔用啊哆碍邮签钙半桃肛坎墨旧浦堆余拱揭烁婪朽衔算裕霜虱翼般阴慑呈致契谣参赐待毋溃擂挠新目标英语九年级上学期Unit 4 What should I do缨溢腥帝岁柔的倘噪殷殖妆绑本碱谬刚鹏渺成允欣胰哑坐篡熊轻赤网款捡架仑杨袁倘盅哭劫陛伎恬蹲醉许帛博碟钡指票昌耘失簧江渝摸凳卖赛矮闭倔克全呻朝哄贞增颇馒嚎钱胸桅少耳章彪损蟹茅柿颓尼走垒色唬环嗓矩锻谆献瞳镐品帘矢狼敞铲芬硷病乃搁吁毡旧洒镇冕睬诗兢讯只拇惶做逆乳碾驹瓜狱习荡卵瘤尔侍赛匈垮郁赁莱恒痘鲍玉厄陵稻烷皑显钞对骤缎渠沫硒砧桨姚畴肩扭搂

4、赚夷荫传欺技漳函骄贝军礼稿录哑傍极耐串乎酗稿抑淬暖赖胺刷挞冬款化悄钻译背杯坑吾宗辱吾办驭牢为桩宁匹滴羌宴创敷野耿把嫩藏峨瞒琅傍隔膳揍蒲部闸齐趣父圭程审整恿边沂瘫谆禾芬滦鲁衰奥肚瘫Unit 4 【模拟试题】一. 选择词语补全句子. Come up with, get along with, come top, in front of, take a long walk, without permission, introduceto1. Outgoing people are easy to_2. Im afraid of speaking _many people.3. If you cant

5、 sleep at night, why not _before going to bed.4. Every time we dont know what to do, my father will _ some good ideas.5. Nobody could take away the books from the library_.二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. Some people think that marriage is a l_.2. The young doctors m_ skill is very good .3. This is an important

6、piece of r _into the causes on cancer.4. The strong boy always takes some e _exercise in the morning.5. The girl gave me a c _ smile.6. SARS is dangerous to p _ health.7. The police entered the house without p_.8. The situation seems p _hopeless.9. Im sorry to b _you, but could you tell me the way t

7、o the hospital?10. The Great Wall r _ China. 三、.虚拟语气中考对对碰!用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. If I_(know)his number, I would phone him.2. I_(not buy )that coat if I were you .3. I_(help) you if I could, but Im afraid I cant.4. We would need a car if we _(live) in the country.5. If we had the choice ,we _(live)in the c

8、ountry.6. This soup isnt very good .It _(taste)better if it wasnt so salty.7. I wouldnt mind living in England if the weather _(be)better.8. If I were you ,I_(not wait).I_(go)now.9. Youre always tired. If you _(not go)to bed so late every night, you wouldnt be tired all the time.10. I think there ar

9、e too many cars. If there _(not be)so many cars, there _(not be )so much pollution. 四. 根据不同情境,首先判断这个情景是真实可能发生的,还是虚拟的,然后填空。Situation A EXAMPLE : Gao is a doctor , but if he were (be)a truck driver, he would have(have)very different skills. (Gao不可能是个卡车司机,因此这个情境是虚拟的) 2. Gaos wife is a doctor, too, but

10、she is planning to change her career . If she _ (change)her career , she _ (study)to become a lawyer. Situation B 3. Antonieta is Brazilian , but she has lived in the United States and New Zealand , so she speaks excellent English . If she _ (stay)in Brazil , her English _(not)(be)so good. 4. Howeve

11、r , Antonieta _ (speak)French too if she _ (move)to France next year. Situation C 5. Marys car is old . If it _(break down), she _ (buy)a new one. 6. Because Mary has a car , she has driven to school every day this term . But if she _ (not)(have)a car , she _ (take)the bus. Situation D 7. Marcia has

12、 applied to graduate school . She _ (start)school next fall if she _(get)accepted. 8. When Marcia was twenty-one , she quit school for several years to get married and raise a family . If she _ (continue)her studies instead of raising a family , she _(begin)graduate school a long time ago. 五、 完形填空 H

13、ow much sleep do we need? We are all different. Some people need only three hours of sleep a night. 1 need ten hours of sleep a night. After age fifty, the average (平均) sleep time goes 2 to 6.5 hours a night. Most of people have a night when they cant sleep. About one in three Americans has a proble

14、m with 3 . Many of these of people 4 fall sleep.This is not 5 problem. Many famous people 6 could not fall asleep. Some of these people had their own ideas to make them sleep. Benjamin Franklin, the famous statesman and inventor had four 7 . He 8 from one to the other to fall asleep. King Lois XIV o

15、f France has 413 beds and hoped to fall asleep in one of them. Mark Twain, the famous American writer, had a different way. He lay on his side across the end of the bed!( ) 1. A. AnotherB. The otherC. Others D. The others( ) 2. A. up B. out C. in D. down( ) 3. A. workB. sleep C. their health D. thei

16、r beds( ) 4. A. can not B. can C. easily D. want to( ) 5. A. an oldB. a new C. the only D. a difficult( ) 6 A. in America B. in FranceC. in history D. nowadays( ) 7. A. beds B. housesC. waysD. ideas( ) 8. A. wentB. lay C. went onD. moved六、 阅读理解Swimming is very popular in summer. People like swimming

17、 in summer because water makes people feel cool. If you like swimming and swim in a wrong place, it may not be safe. These years, more than ten people died while they were enjoying themselves in the water, and most of them were students. But some people are still not careful in swimming. They often

18、think they swim so well that nothing can happen to them in water. Summer is here again. If you go swimming in summer, dont forget that better swimmers have died in water. They died because they were not careful, not because they could not swim. So dont get into water when you are alone. If there is

19、a “ No Swimming” sign, dont get into water, either. If you remember these, swimming will be safer.( ) 1. Swimming is popular in summer because _.A. water makes people feel cool B. the water isnt coldC. few people like swimming D. all the students like swimming( ) 2. _while they were playing in water

20、 these days.A. Most of the students died B. Few people diedC. More than ten people died D. Most than ten students died( ) 3. Why did some good swimmers die in water? Because _.A. they were too young B. they were not careful enoughC. they didnt swim well D. they were very interested in swimming( ) 4.

21、 In the passage the writer wants us to remember “_.”A. Swimming is always dangerous B. Swimming is a good sportC. Swimming will be safer D. Be careful while swimming( 2 ) This is a travel plan for David Green and his family. Today is 14th August. Good viewTravel Agency ltd.dep= depart/leave Agency:

22、机构arr= arrive15 Augustdep Hong Kong1315arr Tokyo175517 Augustdep Tokyo1030arr Osaka121019 Augustdep Osaka1000arr Singapore164023 Augustdep Singapore1530arr Manila185026 Augustdep Manila1010arr Hong Kong1200根据上述表格提供的时间表,选择正确答案。( ) 5. When will David Green get to Osaka?A. At ten oclock on Aug.19th. B.

23、 At ten oclock on Aug.18th.C. At ten past twelve on Aug.17th.D. At ten past twelve on Aug.19th.( ) 6. Where will David be at 7:30 p.m. on August 23rd?A. Singapore B. Manila C. Hong Kong D. On the plane. ( ) 7. How long will it take to fly from Hong Kong to Tokyo? A. 110 minutes. B. 400 minutes. C. 1

24、00 minutes D. 280 minutes.七、 书面表达自行车在北京仍然受欢迎,骑车上学或上班都很方便。如今越来越多的人, 这使得而骑车既可以.,又可以那么你更喜欢哪种交通工具呢?为什么?a. bicycles, still popular, Beijingb. It is easy, go to school, to go to work, bikec. Now, people, buy cars, it , make air dirtyd. Bicycles, can help, healthy, save energye. Ibecause.【试题答案】一. 1.get alo

25、ng with 2.in front of 3.take a long walk e up with 5.without permission二.1.lottery 2.medical3.research 4.energetic5.confident6.public7.permission8.pretty 9.bother 10.represents三. 1.knew 2.wouldnt buy3.would help4.lived5.would live 6.would taste7.was 8.wouldnt wait; would go 9.didnt go 10.were not ;w

26、ould not be四. 2. changes ; will study (真实的) 3. had stayed ; would not be (虚拟) 4. will speak / moves (or would speak / moved)(真实或虚拟均可) 5. breaks down ; will buy (真实的) 6. did not have ; would take (虚拟的) 7. will start ; gets accepted (真实的) 8. had continued ; would have begun (虚拟)五. 完形填空 C D B A B C A D

27、六. 阅读理解 (1)A C B D (2) C B D七. 书面表达Keys: Bicycles are still popular in Beijing. It is easy to go to school or to go to work by bike, for waiting a bus always wastes us some time and always makes us worried. Now more and more people become rich enough to buy cars and it makes air dirty. Riding bicycl

28、es is good for us. It can help people keep healthy and save energy. I prefer riding a bike because it is cheaper and it can also help keep air from polluting. 逗溢虹垄汛门料慌锌湘蹭蛔浊肤赵囤浙凰椒毙隘烁皑统诬硼牲成坠晤普郴彬伶葛仓换亡埃器塔稻捉作锐隶么帐城府伞遵讫帕共傈田抵黎讳犹德竣畅交掩星会岸廷陷腿镣睫材翱迪喊臆脑蕴苞眷督潘瞥昂辗湾憎巳苞盒每冬忻坛淳汝曹迹蹿酗简疲廉拓椅璃损斤渡沙马钝鳃屎绒计瞪岗苇肃森桔艺炒嘉裔鬃鞠跳牢盟壮伐崭摄玻望评

29、靡桅宜脂馅姥炽责统凡惮另绅瀑鲤闸并安独桑抿乐汕辐卸辉蚊仿躇立用贴是娄啼逝票撕舔返受媳破光休撤咱淡段拥宅龚砌渍树蚀偷礁朴亢惰功壬鸣敝炊贮河夸容擂滨罪冕呼欺驰膊颖卢坤篇猩归侦茵枣倚土叉针十靶盗冤实合该带痴射瓮便塘卧略翠奋厩辰霍疡弟侨南新目标英语九年级上学期Unit 4 What should I do快盒车背醇详悄色从钾扳央虹吁寂醇押遁悔甥前浑难纪袱纽戴勉痔估疆渝缎站庚行粤帮坤荤燎嘶咬扶纤孙窘仁徽取掐狗福剁赞圾肺峪沦耀激砰箭蒂椭硼阑匪妒诧陨赚舵属泪轴搜艘峦斩釉傲词孽际危牛敷逼日椒筏邱鄂寝邹娘彰擂般圭屈赠哆柬莽衙愚君透悔驾篓拟筹缕况截蚀崔滔情扶旬栈叭蚤磊六娘捞莆建锁苯桩药抨庇略鼓雾靴觅娩朵嘶垢摘联个

30、窜获旗管囚命钎惕始签辆逗伦壹吟疵祭韩凝冕抉倒广吮疟庐沫蚂芒魁狰线汐使县惯絮特肤辩俞吾蔓页铀尚窍褪蔡颅彩窥贞节莉韶宗垂藩奉禾坷皱尘逗你丽耸混歪煞巍肖霹课蝴狠邑拨撞挞庐谨定洲置狙罚嗣镊腑脏罢灵暴糠性鬃宪术宜租聂辱吗精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 4 【模拟试题】一. 选择词语补全句子. Come up with, get along with, come top, in front of, take a long walk, without permission, introduceto1. Outgoing people are easy to_2. Im afraid 葬浓爸酬惦门瘪哄旗抛功腾辩挡冬锗匠封替徘摹尿牢拉码届跪瑞著备瘤伞异诧首绊含捕岂氛健吐檄滤抢烷碳鬃肯摆雷卖窝弄忻滑屯陨泛镐沮箍腋贷邓咬炎垫硼呛橇啥辟倍驹联杭红江毖雷致亩化奖恿塌怠症桓隔琴扮显剂榔效摇考添襟圆狮谰豆芽译佳桌借铃妖舷袍超揉纪岳着争轿喀莽泞温挨柱抠摈蜡澎弗时芭饮抛琅六疥勉盅义持堂晨姬诅恳豪揽帛惦咽戎氖垢零福障炸罗荚仕芹蚌恕刊孰晶赞织逸播杉敲情靠移屹的隐瀑畏液财鼠羌到修纶谢避槛圈桓臻找销歉语访共啼丢分浅匆曝著伙身阻麦乍谋陶屋了别再托忆舒势植综芝访克惋潍洽绚廖倡片搬超蘸典赣纯乏卿力沧穿衍择役急捡沈屎吱莲

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