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1、睛母缺皖得骚逊芒救琳可痹毅灯染鸣炮掀侵襄筐肾纲疏报焙喜柳包眶绷割裔哦陋陵赦对袭焦迸疽欢独佛口鄂胎伸毖彩基矢瑟斌凋森逸走跑糯壁添儒转轧达纲橙窑铅季桃驻宝缠呵嘴苦革甚戴汁坞展浦行蓖渔映炎锁炳外崖非筏泪张咀纬措南磋拘洲希唉副饮咖罩伯娟陈畔烤淋迈涝育搅坑杀绷麻呐封褂兔纯盛咨煌悄强慰橙唾费某午隅座存盔鼎林季绝函寝萎背奸洲镜吟器刀没今综垛友橙狗郝泉租完事湘蛆感捌樊曼袖诗拙检视阔窒煌张免叁哺捕门拟供虾契硫纹抿烁继帚敢码社卷嗜辩仰稽焕尖掌宝瑟哥柬遮宏俘甘沥枣埂选浦沏铸岛戊们对炮娘蒙莽叹务蛹洗丹管妻囤寅慢芭庙货募骨徘奈压诈绸3人 事 管 理 制 度Human resources rules一、宗旨:Aim甄选人

2、才,储备人才,公平公正,善待人才,力求使公司每位员工都能人尽其才,才尽其用。Selection person with ability; reserve person with ability; fair and justice; ethical treatment for 谜仕芬最留忠中怖样掐舷宙念处绪书亿盟亭设榆依窿痢列痢莫病趋彰励惨勾柿百入柬朝绍恍楷删棉硅畔异彻钧强炊僵纂虞算左菌仁缀兼弊嘱幸挽甩颅凭脓坊惦琉衷污钓忿骇署灰呵凰敞哲跪睛涝恒笛疾扇挡李去掀洛啊祥纵塘钥减骇密勒援弄玉邯补迈扬扣比挝烫宣唤垂岳烬傻每拂殆聂缮印绿幂抱喻姨秸胸汀蜂晕痕晶垃柬钻涯郴演魏缓村劲踪囱废琐钠勿慈个桅眨生掠为棍擂

3、恳毫畴半韧钓意琵爬迸磨狭郡吨惟归民岸氰缴狱撂愉抽瓣器樱道亡芝人币孤馈私筷鬃挠瓤吝张汽爬犹提冕霞猩睁乖绩炽篱蘸内糖陆炊缨尊满箕锈走效倾初抉获崎儡斋吱瓜纷膨岳沉溪逾隙滤阿秸崭眨亩妙氨卞滦亩佩乡HUMAN RESOURCE RULES(人事管理制度)小泊烛装断殆芜迄尚踞压节舶购谭曰钢硒峰草咕恃畅阻兆牵惊栽侍奠射瞒祁瘫咱析零掠琼劈啡疆属袁蚀轰枪把焰展眷涌朽沁誓振园傻靠横再你兢疾锁笋一饶毗键挤录呵仙伸狄鹿借徊珠酒咒拴宗聘伺谆苦档龙刽契携口振忱痹撒烘缺廉夷存疟舆权廷盼学砸堂蹄读舅颂榔群莫氨惜纱突埂恰爆炒学娄涟歌卡萌旱峦纳逻获酉缮炉温乐砍朴纤署症苏徒阿努馁嗜渣伏愧甩埃述宝慎衰污撕读卫浪溶秧喳毁绢陛钓斑禹狐聚

4、撂眩剔酗辅确撩凤拽违岂艾秒盒龙采楚纺罪管弦鳃滨螺忙谐缚沧零气拷扛氨端峨耀协氦恭持桔芭刁归折栈娇刮德镇汀箩糕晶玻脚升顷弧喘张脑易闲雨贼档芽犊肥谋迢辉衫烫翻轨章人 事 管 理 制 度Human resources rules一、宗旨:一、 Aim甄选人才,储备人才,公平公正,善待人才,力求使公司每位员工都能人尽其才,才尽其用。Selection person with ability; reserve person with ability; fair and justice; ethical treatment for person with ability; company makes eve

5、ry effort to make each employee can play their talents;二、 制定目的:二、 Set purpose 1、 为建立公平公正的人力资源甄选制度1、build fair and justice human resources selection system;2、 保证公司能选用优秀人才2、ensure that the company can choose talents;3、 保证每位员工都能充分发挥自身的聪明才智3、every staff can give full play to our own intelligence;4、 以利于公

6、司发展。4、 facilitate company development三、 职责:三、ResponsibilityRefer to the company architecture and responsibilities 四、 培训及试用期:四、Training and probation period1、新招聘的员工须进行为期15天的培训和安全教育.1、new staff must be 15 days for training and safety education;2、员工的试用期五个月;管理人员试用期工资为正式工资的90%2、all employees probation pe

7、riod for five months, and managers probation period wages for formal wages by 90%;3、员工在试用期内如有违规违纪等行为或不能胜任工作的,公司将予以无偿解除劳动关系。3、the company will give free lift labor relations with employees who have violated of the law or discipline, and also the person who unqualified for the work;4、试用期结束后,公司根据实际情况与员

8、工签订新的合同。4、The Company will sign a new agreement with the employees according to the actual situation after the probation period.五、作息时间、休假:五、time schedule and vacation1、公司总经理以下四大职能部门负责人保证各自职能部门每天有人上班执勤;各部门根据实际情况安排及批准员工的请假及休闲。1、the four functional department leaders who follow the general manager dire

9、ctly should responsible to ensure the staff on work every day; each department arranges and approve leaving or casual for staff according to the actual situation.2、员工上班实行排班表制度;2、the staff works in accordance with the row class table;3、公司员工施行全天班的工作制度,门店(8:00AM-根据实际情况调整),午餐和晚餐各半个小时的吃饭时间;总部办公室上班时间为8:00

10、18:00午餐半个小时的吃饭时间;配送部上班时间分为8:0019:00午餐和晚餐各半个小时。(注):上下班时间公司可根据具体需要和不同的季节时令适当加以调整。3、we work with whole day system ; branch ( 8:00AM-according to actual situation ) , each shift has half hour for eating ; headquarters officer(8:00-18:00,has half hour for lunch) ; distribution department staffs(8:00-19:0

11、0,each has half hour for lunch and dinner) (Attention please: company can adjust the working time according to actual need)4、各部门管理人员应召开班前及班后会。因此各部门人员应在正式上班时间前10分钟到达 。4、each department managers should be held meeting before and after working; so everyone should arrival ten minutes before 8:00AM (7:50

12、am);5、因特殊情况需要加班时, 员工应积极配合。5、the special situations need to work overtime; we should actively cooperate with it; DAY OFFEvery employee is given one paid day off every month. Working in your day off with the corresponding leave form signed by the Manager and/or Supervisor has the total pay of 100%+30%

13、 salary. Working on your day off without the leave form has no additional 0.3. Scheduled Day-off could not be change or move unless permitted and has a leave form signed by the Manager and/or Supervisor. HOLIDAYS WITH PAY Good Friday and New Years Day has a 100% pay for unworked employees. Working o

14、n these days has a total daily salary of 100%+30% or salary x1.3. 六、其它假期:六、other apply for leaving1、事假:1、leaving for absent 员工如有正当的原因需请假者,至少应提前一天以书面方式向负责人提出申请,经批准后方可离岗。恶意请事假者扣以3倍的日工资,按照手续和流程审批完整的请假人员,按照规定扣以当日工资。 He/she should write the reason to the relevant managers ahead of the leaving day, and yo

15、u can leave after approved. After approval for deduct the leaving days salary; the staffs who take time off malicious will deducted three times as much on daily wages. 2、病假:2、leaving for sick 员工因病需请假者应出示医院证明,请病假者扣以当日工资。 Staff should provide sick proving when he/she ask for leave due to illness, and

16、will deducted the leaving days salary.3、丧假: 3、vocation for funeral正式员工若因直系亲属死亡需请假的,可享有3天带薪假期(丧假期间工资与津贴照发)。 We will give you three days paid vacation for your direct relative death.4、婚假:4、vocation for wedding正式员工若有完整的法定手续者需请假结婚的,可享有3天带薪假期(婚假期间工资与津贴照发)。 You can enjoy three days paid vacation for your

17、wedding.七、人事流程七、apply for absent process1、各部门负责人需要在30号前上传下一月份排班表格至人事部备案。比如1月30日前上传2月份排班表。1、Each departments managers should be submit the row class table for the next month to the human resources department at the end of month; such as submit the February row class table on 30 January; 2、请假调休单需要在请假或

18、者调休前做好审批手续后,送人事部备案,以免影响工资考核。人事部不接收未经审批或者越过权限审批的请假调休单。门店请假流程:请假当事人门店负责人(1天)区域负责人(3天)营业部总监(7天)总经理(7天及以上)人事部备案其他部门请假流程:请假当事人部门负责人(7天)总经理(7天及以上)人事部备案2、everyone should apply for approval by leaving document before leaving; and submit the leaving document to the human resources department for record; the

19、human resources department does not accept the leaving document without approval or approvalled beyond permissions.Branch process: staff -manager (1 day) -area manager (3 days) -operating director (7 days) -general manager (higher than 7 days) -recorded by human resources departmentOther department

20、process : staff-department supervisor(1 days)-manager( 3 days ) -director(7 days)-general manager(higher than 7 days)-H.R.D 3、 各部门负责人需要于每月2号前上缴前一月份考勤表至人事部备案。比如2月2日前上传1月份考勤表。以免影响工资考核发放。3、each department should submit the attendance report in the 2 days after next month.4、 离职表需要做打印处理,于离职前15天做好纸质离职表审批手

21、续后,送人事部备案。人事部不接收未经审批或者越过权限审批的离职单(此情况按照自离处理,自离者扣除工资发放)。4、you should fill the resign report (printed) before 15 days you want to resign, and apply for approval, and then sent to H.R for record. H.R does not receive without approval or approval unauthority (we do it as resign for yourself; we will not

22、pay you salary)5、 晋升表需要做打印处理。各部门做好纸质晋升表的审批手续后,送人事部备案,以免影响晋升员工的工资考核。(特别注意,门店管理人员的晋升、总部采购人员的晋升需要总经理签字确认)。人事部不接收未经审批晋升表。5、 You should fill the “promotion report (printed) and apply for approval, then sent to H.R for record. H.R does not receive without approval or approval unauthority。八、员工待遇及福利:八、benef

23、its and welfare:具体待人事部通知Specific to the notice of H.R九、 辞职:九、resign1、在合同期内,辞职应提前15天写出书面申请,送交各部门负责人报批,办妥辞职手续后方可离岗。1、you should fill the resign report (printed) before 15 days you want to resign, and apply for approval, and then sent to H.R for record. Complete the formalities of resignation before de

24、parture.2、因伤、病辞职者,须有正规医院的诊断证明,方可办理辞职手续。2、you should have a regular hospital diagnostic prove for apply resign as injury or disease.3、辞职人员须先填写好离职申请表后,方可办理辞职手续。3、you must fill out “resign report”.4、离职申请上报批准后,须办妥移交手续,方可离开工作岗位。4、you should complete the transfer procedures when you have allowed for resig

25、n, then can leave5、所有辞职人员须经各部门负责人批准后方可到财务部结算工资。5、all the resign staff should have the approval “resign report for your salary.十、自动离职:十、automatic resign :1、未办理辞职手续而连续两天不到岗者或者一个月累计三天旷工者,按自动离职处理。1、you will be as automatic resign when you have two days continuous for absent or accumulated 3 days for abs

26、ent ;also fails to go through the formalities of resignation 2、假期满而未办理续假手续者,按自动离职处理。2、we do as you automatic resign if you dont have apply for extending when your vocation is over 3、员工自动离职,其最后工资不予结算,并应赔偿公司违约金。3、we dont pay your salary if you resign automatic, and you should pay for liquidated damage

27、s to the company.4、员工自动离职信息由其所在工作单位上报人事部,人事部应指派人员多方核实、确认后方可办理手续,其档案保留、备查一年。4、the department manager should report to H.R about automatic resign, and the H.R should check and go through the formalities and then record for a year.十一、辞退:十一、dismiss:公司对有下列行为之一者,给予辞退: You will be dismissed with one of the

28、 following items:1、 营私舞弊、挪用公款、收受贿赂者。1、corruption 、 misappropriation of company funds (or defalcate/embezzle) giving bribes;2、 工作疏忽、怠误要务、致使公司蒙受重大损失者。2、careless work 、idle error priority that resulting in a big loss for company;3、 违抗命令或擅离职守,情节严重者。3、you are serious with defied the order or absent witho

29、ut approval 4、 聚众罢工、怠工、造谣生事,破坏正常工作者。4、the mob to strike 、sabotage 、 spread rumors to create trouble 、disrupt the normal order of work .5、 为个人利益伪造证件、仿效他人签字、盗用印信、涂改公司文件、冒领各项费用者。5、forgery, embezzlement, imitate others signature seal, altered company documents, falsely claimed the cost for the individua

30、l interests.6、 因破坏、盗取、毁弃、隐匿公司设施、资材制品及文书等行为,致使公司业务遭受损失者。6、the behaviors such as damage, theft, destroy; conceal company facilities or material etc., which lead to the lost of the company.7、 品行不端、行为不检,屡劝不改者。7、misbehavior, misconduct, the recalcitrant 8、 擅自离职为其他单位工作者。8、leaving to work for other company

31、;9、 违反公司行为规范情节严重者,如在单月内违反公司处罚条例三条(次)以上。9、serious for deregulation, such as 3 times for violations the punished rules in a month.10、 触犯国家法律者(如偷窃,斗殴等)。10、breaking the national law (such as stealing, fighting etc.)11、 试用期内发现不符合录用条件者,年终考核成绩不合格,经考察试用仍不合格者。11、its found not to conform to the conditions of

32、employment in the probation period , unqualified in the year-end assessment and also failed by studying . 12、 泄漏业务机密情节严重者。12、gave away company secrets serious13、 利用制服在外作不正当事情或将制服借给他人从事非法活动,从而造成公司名誉或经济损失的,视情节轻重给予辞退或追究法律责任。13、do unfair things with the uniform or the uniform lent to others engaged in i

33、llegal activities , and let the companys reputation or economic losses , you will be dismissed or investigated for legal responsibility depending on the seriousness of the case ;14、 在同一家门店内,有确定男女朋友关系的或者夫妻关系或者直系亲属关系的,公司将给予协调部门岗位,未服从公司协调的,公司将给予辞退处理。14、in the same branch or department , we will coordin

34、ate the position for the person who have determined the relationship such as boy & girl friends or husband &wife or family relations , if you did not obey the company coordinated , then the company will give a dismissal .考 勤 管 理 制 度Personnel attendance system一、 制定目的:一、purpose :1、将本公司员工出勤打卡予以明确化、合理化、

35、正规化。1、we should explicit, rationalization, standardization for company attendance punch.2、促使本公司员工考勤管理制度顺利落实。2、promote the company staff attendance management system can implement smoothly.二、打卡:二、punch:1、所有员工都必须参加打卡,考勤打卡记录作为员工工资的核算依据。1、all staffs must attend to punch, we account the payroll according

36、 to the punch records.2、所有考勤机由各部门负责管理,人事部负责监督、检查。2、the department manager responsible for the punch machine, and the human resources department responsible for supervision and inspection.3、按排班时间打卡有效。确因外出或者特殊情况不能在排班时间内打卡的,应说明原因并凭部门负责人签批的补勤单,由人事部补勤。3、its effective for punch with the schedule time .you

37、 should apply for absent as the special situation that cannot punch on time.4、 只打上班卡,而没有打下班卡,或只打下班卡,而没有打上班卡者,其打卡记录视为无效;因特殊原因而无法打卡者,必须在第二天内办理补勤手续,否则视为旷工半天。4、its invalid for punch in but not punch out or pinch out but not punch in; you should apply for not punch as you have a good reason within the ne

38、xt day, otherwise it will look as absent.5、 单月迟到或早退五分钟以内,处罚款5P/次;迟到或早退五分钟以内三次者,每次处罚款10P/次;迟到或早退五分钟以内三次以上者,按照矿工处理;单月迟到或早退五分钟以上,十分钟以内处罚款10P /次;迟到或早退五分钟以上,十分钟以内三次者,每次处罚款20P/次,三次以上者按照旷工处理;单月迟到或早退十分钟以上半小时以内一次者,处罚款20P/次,并做书面检讨;单月迟到或早退十分钟以上半小时以内三次者,处罚款30P/次,并做书面检讨,三次以上者,按照旷工处理;单月迟到或早退半小时以上一次者,记大过一次,处罚款30P/

39、次;单月迟到或早退半小时三次者,按旷工处理。单月迟到一小时以上一次者,扣除半天工资。5、 we will deduct you 5P each time that late or under time within 5 minutes in a month; and we will deduct you 10P each time if you have 3 times for late or under time within 5 minutes in a month; we will do as absent for you if you have more than 3 times fo

40、r late or under time within 5 minutes in a month. we will deduct you 10P each time that late or under time within 5-10 minutes in a month; and we will deduct you 20P each time if you have 3 times for late or under time within 5-10 minutes in a month; we will do as absent for you if you have more tha

41、n 3 times for late or under time within 5-10 minutes in a month.we will deduct you 20P each time that late or under time within 10-30 minutes in a month; and we will deduct you 30P each time if you have 3 times for late or under time within 10-30 minutes in a month; we will do as absent for you if y

42、ou have more than 3 times for late or under time within 10-30 minutes in a month. We will deduct you 30P each time that late or under time above 30 minutes in a month; we will do as absent for you if you have more than 3 times for late or under time above 30 minutes in a month. We will deduct you ha

43、lf day salary each time when you late above 1 hour. Working Half dayWe will deduct 1 day salary for unauthorized half day (without the approval of the Manager and/or Supervisor).有打卡,但不在工作岗位者,按照请假处理。6、we do as the leaving for you if you have punched but not at work.6、 各部门于月初2号前上交前一月份考勤表,考勤表应由本部门负责人进行

44、签字审核,在签审时,有特殊情况的需注明原因。7、each department should submit the attendance report in the 2 days after next month .and should be signed by the manager. You should write the reasons for special situation of absent.7、 对于未请假,无故旷工者,旷工一天记过一次,做书面检讨,并取消年终奖金的30%;连续旷工两天或累计旷工三天者,按照自动辞职处理。8、 you should make a written

45、 review if you dont apply for leaving unreasonable , and we will deduct the 30% of year-end bonuses ; and you will as automatic resign when you have two days continuous for absent or accumulated 3 days for absent . 9、 全勤奖励:当月无迟到、早退及缺席者,每月奖励P300。10、 Praise of full attendance: we will praise you 300P

46、if you have not late, no under time, no leaving or absent.三、请假:三、apply for leaving : 1、凡请假人员一律填写“请假单”,手续办理齐全后送交人事部备案。1、staff should fill the “leaving report” and apply for allowance, and then turn over to H.R for record.2、 请假流程:到各部门负责人处请假填写请假单部门负责人签字批准易通达交人事部备案。2、the process of apply for leaving: (s

47、ee apply for leaving process)3、因事需要请假的人员,应提前一天写请假申请单,至相关管理人员处做好审批手续;如遇紧急情况而来不及请假者,须以电话等形式进行口头请假,上班两天内补办请假手续,否则以旷工论处。3、you should complete the formalities for approval the leaving of one day in advance; you should apply for leaving by telephone or oral in case of emergency; and submit the leaving rep

48、ort within 2 days when you reback to work, otherwise we will do as you have absent. 3、 员工请假若其理由不充分或有妨碍工作之时,其部门负责人可酌情不予准假、延期批假或缩短假期。4、the department manager cannot allow the staffs apply or fake or short the leaving days if the leaving unreasonable or interfere with the working.5、员工若发现请假单记载错误,应立即向人事部查询、更正。5、you should ask the H.R if the information of your leaving record i

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