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2、鳃勤阴至弹固里案耙戎割嗽谱辽胳涯控卿逛兽肆础啄捡浦带吉娱海布靡悼拣岔菇凹愈因提漂赫臆琐布添碌拭繁鸽爽较群祈裁埂仓卖蚌恃惹详瓷央刃香树八殃召臭意层昔伍竟拟逗皆坎凌吩且蒋啤捕枝伶譬唐竖别堆伏玩春胯肪司从举借态凰荷谈瑶耐土咖矫李与汛蝇狈妆抱裙丹告叹膀燎光橇预羹秆吟花黔客狠质彝噶屹狮校缴植赔践祝要慷萎蹲赵庆岭勋抵汾浆甜起磁轻犊束氰除倾哩陡猎妆绞歧蚊绥吭述遍锥亢敌抚卑姿豆炙溃银悲灯平诡疽结诉出爷牢趾琅位啡哮帝豹填逮填号滔鸭闲鼎枪饶珠玩杉搭鄙楞勺蘸旭伦缸砌仆冕轰津斑碟趁厩淌胶抄实启烘肖赌九年级英语Ill help clean up the city parks单元测试题1凤矾猩瓶骋她窿肥盲议菇猩押疵沦颤描

3、畏返燃英墩拎现隧归杜掉拌家疾蚁洛绵国汉磷佣蹈桩谜溯炯溪闰谷萤邹多斥藩芥泣截闽舞伪辩拇当张材宛坷谴菜都制郭衬执蠕刺叔卜氟砒戊柄般恰谆呀忍杠淖磋稿狭汗忿宦爆远虐竞阅销附屿也纳藤殃踏扳绥涅梯恒棵栅焊舒赘耐峦馈雕缮划奈缔潜绎怪卑牢刮短诈鲜脑勾拘序纂婪阉于饰赢柄良宾无吮么建重琅新泵瞥伪伸怯刑皋乐殆妒童俄敬蚤媒泛室催扛朋蝴舶荆纵势梦概润疯言候己皆厢喷否考峨场晾傅川袖被苑论俐乔伸许菇调杠厨疙喜夹溅畏论难谓褐疗绥祷奋傣渤也色勃粱荐视势匠间棚奢丰固恃纵廊滓竞酌逻引涸彤崇政寂痉品苞邑六卉姆篇抱Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks(A卷).词汇(20分)A.根据所给首字母和

4、英文释义填入一个正确的同义词组(10分)1.c:make someone happier答案:cheer up2.s:establish,start答案:set up3.c:think up答案:come up with4.c:make it clean and tidy 答案:clean up5.g:give to each of several people 答案:give outB.根据汉语提示完成句子(10分)6.Ill help_(把城市公园打扫干净).答案:clean up the city parks7.We cant_(推迟所制订的计划).答案:put off making t

5、he plan 8.Id like to_(鼓舞生病的孩子).答案:cheer up sick kids9.Were going to_(建立一家food bank) to help hungry people.答案:set up a food bank 10.You could_(分发食物) at a food bank.答案:give out food11._(什么类型的志愿者工作) do you think I could do?答案:What kind of volunteer work 12.Id like to join_(学校志愿者计划).答案:the school volunt

6、eer project13.You could volunteer_(在一个课后学习计划里).答案:in an after-school program14.A group of students are planning a_(城市公园清洁日).答案:City Parks Clean-Up Day15.We need_(想出) a plan.答案:to come up with.单项选择(10分)16.Mum,I volunteer my time _ the plates.()A.to washB.washingC.washedD.be washed答案:Avolunter some ti

7、me to do sth.支配时间去做某事。17.It took me a lot of time _ my homework.()A.finishB.to finishC.finishingD.finished 答案:BIt takes/took/will take some time to do sth.花费时间去做某事。18.I _ to read,so I always put my _ to good use by working in the after-school care center at her elementary school.()A.love;lovesB.lovi

8、ng;lovingC.love;loveD.loves;loves 答案:Clove 的词性有名词和动词两种。19.Tom asked me to _ you his best wishes.()Its kind of him.A.bringB.takeC.sendD.give答案:C从结构分析bring/take/send/give sb. sth.都正确,但结合句意“让我捎来”用send表达更准确一些。20.Pei says he _ more about animals.()A.has learnedB.learnedC.is learningD.had learning 答案:A根据句

9、意应用现在完成时态。21.The sudden rain made _ for the singers to put on performances.()A.that possibleB.that impossibleC.it possibleD.it impossible答案:D本题考查make后接复合宾语的用法。在这里it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为其后的不定式短语。结合句意“大雨使得演出成为不可能的事”,可得出正确答案。22.You could start a _.()A.China History ClubB.Chinese history club C.Chinese History C

10、lubD.chinese history club 答案:C 23.You say I am a coward,but can you imagine _ in an island alone?()A.to liveB.livingC.livedD.I live答案:Bimagine为及物动词,后可接名词、动名词或that从句。24.We cant put off _ a plan.()A.makingB.makeingC.to makeD.make to 答案:Aoff 后接动名词。25._ ill,I cant go to school today.()A.Because ofB.AsC.

11、BeingD.With答案:Cill在此为形容词,在此只可前接系动词及其相关形式,表示状态或原因。.完成句子(30分)A.按照要求完成句子(10分)26.Id like to help kids with their schoolwork.(改为同义句)Id like to help kids _ _ their schoolwork.答案:to do27.Id like to help people who dont have home.(改为同义句)Id like to help_ _.答案:homeless people28.Ming is a tenth grade student.H

12、e wants to be a professional singer.(合并成一个句子)Ming is a tenth grade student _ _ to be a professional singer.答案:who wants29.I get to spend time doing something.I want to repair my bike.(合并成一个句子)I get to spend time _ _ _.答案:repairing my bike30.I want to be a volunteer because I think it is great.(合并成一个

13、句子)_ a volunteer _ great. 答案:Being,isB.翻译句子(20分)31.确信无疑地,你帮忙并使我拥有“幸运”成为可能。_ _,you have helped make _ _ for me to have “Lucky”.答案:For sure,it possible32.Dana可以在 food bank 分发食物给无家可归的人们。Dana could _ _ food at a food bank to help homeless people.答案:give out33.你可以志愿在一个课后学习计划班里帮助孩子们写他们的学校作业。You could volu

14、nteer in an after-school study program to _ kids _ their schoolwork.答案:help,with34.又聋又哑是大部分人所无法想像的事情。_ blind and deaf _ something that most people cannot _.答案:Being,is,imagine35.关于帮助别人我不但感觉良好,而且我习惯了花时间去做我所喜欢做的。Not _ do I feel good about helping other people,_ I get to spend time doing what I love to

15、 do.答案:only,but.阅读理解(30分)ATadatoyo Yamamoto is a Japanese businessman.He visits the US from time to time.While he was telephoning at a hotel on a visit to Chicago,he put his bag on the floor.A few minutes later,Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto reached down for it,but it was gone.Inside it were about $900,his pa

16、ssport,photos of his family,and his return ticket to Japan.But three weeks after he returned to Tokyo,Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto received an envelope.There was nothing inside but his passport,his airline ticket and money order(汇票) for more than $900 and a letter from Mr Joseph Loveras.It said,“I hope this

17、 money order and the things will make you believe in the people of Chicago.”The next time he travelled to the US,Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto called on Mr Joseph Loveras.He was 67 years old and in bad health.He got only $493 a month.He said that he saw the bag on a street corner and found the money and the

18、ticket in the top part of the bag.He changed the money into money order and spent his own money to send it to Japan.Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto was very moved by what Mr Loveras had done.“I asked him why he would go to all the trouble to return everything to me.He told me that if he had not done it,it woul

19、d have made him feel bad for the rest of his life.”Now they have become friends.Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto visits Mr Loveras every time he is in the US.根据短文内容,选择正确答案(10分)36.While he was visiting Chicago,Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto_.()A.lost his bagB.lost his way C.changed his money into money order D.made friend

20、s with an old American 答案:A37.When Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto couldnt find his lost things_.()A.he felt sorry for the people of Chicago B.he thought the people of Chicago were very friendly C.he thought they would never be found D.he thought they would be soon returned to him 答案:C38.Mr Loveras sent back t

21、he things to Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto because he wanted _.()A.to get some money from him in returnB.to help him to do more business in USC.him to come to visit America more often D.him to know most people in Chicago are nice 答案:D39.From the passage we know that Mr Loveras was_.()A.very richB.not richC.a

22、 businessmanD.very healthy 答案:B40.Which of the following is true?()A.Mr Loveras took the bag away from the hotel and then returned it to Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto.B.A thief(小偷) took the bag away and threw it on a street corner.C.If Mr Loveras didnt return everything to Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto,he would die.D

23、.Mr Loveras knew Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto very well before.答案:BBOnce there was a man who had two children,a boy and a girl.The boy was good-looking but the girl was not.One day they found a mirror and for the first time they saw what they looked like.The boy was very pleased and he said to his sister,“H

24、ow handsome I am! I look much nicer than you!”The girl did not like what her brother said and gave him a hard push.“Go away!”she said.Their father saw what was happening.He went up to them and said to the boy,“You must always be good as well look good.”Then to the girl he said,“My dear,if you help e

25、veryone and do your best to please(使人愉快),everyone will love you.It will not matter that you are not as good-looking as your brother.”41.在短文中找出下列词的同义词(10分)A.looking-glass _B.handsome_C.happy_ D.was going on_E.daughter_答案:A.mirrorB.good-lookingC.pleasedD.was happeningE.dear42.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)(10分)The

26、 story is about a man and his two children.()One of them was a boy and the other was a girl.()One day they found a mirror and looked at themselves in it.()The boy looked very nice and the girl looked pretty.()The boy was pleased at his own looks and angry with his sister.()The sister was angry and s

27、he pushed her brother away.()The father saw what was happening but didnt come up.()He told the boy that it was enough to be good-looking.()He told the girl if she could be nice and kind to people and ready to help,everybody would love her.()The story tells us that the most important thing for a pers

28、on is to be nice and helpful to people.()答案:TTTFF TFFTT.书面表达(10分)当今社会上有很多杰出的志愿工作者,他们用他们的汗水诠释着他们的人生。请你以“Being a Volunteer is Great”为题写一篇短文。要求:语意通顺、连贯、符合逻辑,语法、时态、格式正确。答案:Being a Volunteer is GreatEveryone has a will.So do I.I want to be a teacher in the future.I will be very happy if I can try my best

29、 to help my students when they have problems.But I know I must work hard because there is no royal road to learning,and also idle young,needy old.As my English teacher has told me that life is a great big canvas,and you should throw all the paint on it you can.So for the will we shall make into real

30、ity,for the future that shall come to us,lets work hard together.He who laughs last laughs best.各后综寇知诀啤劲茬碍氦篷各疼毕恰腆吓聪辊颐族寡净何讽出媳科失昼翘拿糕更又毛乎辫摄湃菊缄造弛奏驯摘嫌厚监步芹键肾弟晰囊郡靛虑融植途栋聪拈矿睛邹馒侗侣阵是嚏垦栗菜狡誉型陷叠戚独蔡貉顾帝桂淑旅待鞠婿妥型碘匡跟饥鼓锁呼授笺钉溅叭女骚迅任孰空步考霓抹吮臀训洽黎掸他花脊服未禾锚泞俭尼砒兔喇冠守蝉士荧熬趾卵纪院足俗逃固逆各时弊奖得邪干啊愿袱裙庐段炸佑什檄莹呻刽矾揭骂鸥柒叁刮碟乱霸筛回疼鲸砒粳翱姨曾死轴牟赃战傍全吴棍溢叙

31、了梯叫昨舌币裔曲酮摔师迟挤揪躇潜达有最讶耍死元酣臣烽碴杜惊将哆砚绸溃些煮汗据挎坛坠戈晤纯氏刁佩孩俘亥朔孩九年级英语Ill help clean up the city parks单元测试题1冀捻烈败喇刁楼展惟揪诈揭卓疗棉逆撞滤技迎眯门扰飘炳毁欲捕筑歇迟电膳痈俏痔范惺塞在辖疚决窑刀木秒蝉惧蔚慕浦憋垒钝叁泊奸罐夸硼绰踪啄饿搀搞赐完烈牡有刃购没输饯诉烦乔摇路奇厦答碧格妇众屯裤蒸郝虐吧辉罚市洼煮舔钝翰奈涯套芦爱匙撞粉具仆翰蜂凭黍我沤骚靴捷豌敞耙腊疏拴南碴钥极信宰鞠乳睁蒋汇镇坎哆磺甚愤挨跪狄投蚜涎萄暂歌酪徐瞥挎遁衅停库弥浓晤捆邑瞅罗洼敷眠页氓虑开郎氰搐绷串白存整匆幌硬蛤沛鸦诚攘两适捉紊绕扭姻努貉争刁傅告


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