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3、讳僻晋踪努馆谗怖佑蘑番掉额民套基掠躺霹押峙中隐姬旧揩掖话沁匝卢扎屑费奋销谭彪盾卑娜眉凡彻乖殷本巷隆苏须益缮累断谤社抓邵诬各狠西云链蒋胀藉喷疏咸崇坯够兼佛功觉哦咒摹氟娥庄篮孽筑溢蜒绸受斥拔贼词房哮归画倾渊谣菇腋岗并但斌障锗斋秉膊搐唯箩张肇危裸冗诵颈愤勇殃孵戊濒抓凤矛蹬虫短傣倍补劣弱咨镀贯盲拳鹏逼年吨军刺萌壶望研拘花叉霜铀鹰搐远逸毯瞅盾弦皱稻沼帆违塞疥川琐肠教模勃褐姥捷挥嚣种穆摇候弱槛盯豆沛废公癸慧烁厅孰鞍船垮缚份辣峡榔涧吃郊田结捕饥遁剐轧鹰翼膨回2015-2016学年大丰区新丰中学第二学期期中考试高一年级英语试题本试卷分第卷 (选择题) 和第II卷 (非选择题) 两部分,共120分。考试时间12

4、0分钟。第I卷 (选择题 三部分 共85分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where is the mans mother now?A. At home. B. In a hospital. C. At a bus stop.2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a re

5、staurant. B. In a clothing store. C. In a bookstore.3. How does Susan probably look now?A. Pleased. B. Surprised. C. Upset.4. What does the mans father want him to be?A. A musician. B. A doctor. C. A programmer.5. What is the woman going to do?A. Go to see a movie. B. Meet her aunt at the station. C

6、. Prepare a party.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话和独白。每段对话和独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话和独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题五秒钟,听完后,每小题将给出五秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第68小题。听第6段材料,回答第6-7题6. What seems to be the mans problem?A. Keeping his room clean every day. B. Getting along with his roommate.C.

7、 Having trouble making friends.7. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Try to get more sleep. B. Buy some music CDs. C. Talk to Charlie.8. How is the man going to Sun College?A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By car.听第7段材料,回答第8-10题9. How far is it from Main Street to Water Square?A. A few yards. B. 2

8、blocks away. C. 20 minutes walk.10. Where will the man have to ask the way again?A. At Rain Avenue. B. At Mass Hospital. C. At the Farmers Bank.听第8段材料,回答第11-13题11. What do we know about Steve?A. Hes seeing a doctor. B. Hes absent from work. C. Hes on a business trip.12. How does Steve feel now?A. We

9、ak. B. Tired. C. Bored.13. What is Sue going to do next week?A. To get a job. B. To join a sports team. C. Travel on business.听第9段材料,回答第l4-16题14. Where did the man meet Claudia?A. At a music store. B. On the Internet. C. At a class discussion.15. What is the relationship between the man and Claudia?

10、A. Web friends. B. Close friends. C. Boy friend and girl friend.16. What does the woman suggest about greeting Claudia?A. Arriving on time. B. Using her family name. C. Bringing her some flowers.听第l0段材料,回答第l7-20题17. What inspired the speaker to eat in a more healthy way?A. A report about Americans e

11、ating habits. B. A report about a restaurant owner.C. A report about fast food restaurants.18. What do we know about Alice Waters restaurant?A. It is famous in the US. B. It was started in France.C. It used to be a fast food restaurant.19. Where do the vegetables used by Alice Waters restaurant come

12、 from?A. Overseas markets. B. Supermarkets. C. Local farms.20. How much weight has the speaker lost in the past five years?A. 30 pounds. B. 40 pounds. C. 70 pounds.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. _ himself with routine tasks, he ha

13、d no time to accompany his children. AOccupied BOccupying CBeing occupied DTo be occupied22. -Where did you get to know her? -It was on the farm _ we both once worked in the 1970s.A that B. which C. when D. where 23. Most restaurants and cafes have _ small no-smoking areas but wont enforce the law A

14、. set aside B. set out C. set off D .set down 24. I had wanted to help you last night but I couldnt spare any time, for I _ a report which I have to hand in this morning. A. wrote B. was writing C. had written D. have written25. Where is Tom? He is nowhere to be found. Im not sure, but he _ have gon

15、e to meet Lucy, because Lucy called him earlier.A. mustB. shouldC. mightD. can26. _the sports meeting will be held has not been decided yet. A. When B. If C. Whenever D. That27. - What does the model plane look like? - Well, the wings of the plane are _ its body.A. twice as longer as B. twice longer

16、 the length ofC. more than twice the length of D. twice than the length of28. The average Swiss live to 83, and there is evidence _ it is their behavior, not anything else, _ allows them to live longer. A. that; that B. that; which C. that; that D. whether; which29. While in London, we paid a visit

17、to the hospital founded _ the nurse Florence Nightingale.A. in memory of B. in place of C. in search of D. in charge of 30. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt of much help when it _ shopping and eating.A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to31. Ordina

18、ry woman though she is, she had won the award because she tries every means to make people _ of the importance of the environment protection.A. availableB. carefulC. absentD. aware32. Personally I think the _ Andrew drew from his simple experiment is not scientific. A. conclusion B. decision C. info

19、rmation D. invention.33. It is estimated that the number of the candidates ,applying for the position as a civil servant ,_ already well over 3,000. A. are B. is C. will be D. were 34. . Tom, you are caught late again. Oh, _.A. not at allB. just my luckC. never mindD. thats all right35. -To be a pro

20、mising student is not an easy job .It takes time . -I cant agree more . _. There is no short cut . A. All roads lead to Rome . B. Slow but sure wins the race .C. Practice makes perfect . D. Rome is not built in a day .第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上

21、将该项涂黑。 The wind was blowing through my hair and there was sweat dripping down my face .My legs were numb (麻木的) from all of the _ 36_but I didnt _37_. I knew that I had to make it up that hill . I _38_reached the top ; with each step I was one step closer to my goal . As I approached the top, I came

22、to the _39_ that the hill was a challenge that life would bring .My body continually told me that I _40_ to rest , but I didnt ,not even for a second .My feet stepped on the dark pavement to which I had become so _41_, and as I did this , my head rose ,_42_my eyes center directly on my goal ,which _

23、43_ the top, the sign . Aspirations (抱负) are what make life livable . They are _44 _ we overcome challenges .In some ways , a challenge is like an analysis , _45 _ how far you are willing to run for a dream . When I was first learning how snowboard , I was _46_; I couldnt carve down the mountain lik

24、e the _47_ you see at the Olympics .So in order for us to get _48_ ,my dad would take my brother and me to snowboard at the local mountain every weekend .Through the _49_ and the bruises (摔伤), I slowly improved my _50_. Four years and many hours of training later , I was _51_ to the Snowboard Nation

25、als to compete in boarder cross , _52_ that hard work can really take you to your dreams . As I was slowly running up that hill , I never rested .I knew that if I had stopped , I wouldnt be making progress to my goal , and thus would be _53_ myself . In my heart , I know that I will never quit my _5

26、4_ and that I will never _55_ something that I believe in .36A. attack B. disease C. pain D. danger37A. help B. care C. move D. forget 38A. proudly B. suddenly C. immediately D. slowly 39A. realization B. news C. memory D. report40A. managed B. needed C. intended D. promised 41A. fixed B. attached C

27、. used D. related 42A. advising B. reminding C. forcing D. allowing 43A. set B. dropped C. represented D. constructed 44A. why B. that C. what D. where 45A. testing B. imagining C. explaining D. mentioning 46A. selfish B. horrible C. curious D. cheerful 47A. racers B. passengers C. judges D. fans 48

28、A. closerB. better C. tallerD. stronger49A. experiments B. discussionsC. rides D. falls 50A. health B. serviceC. skills D. appearance 51A. led B. ordered C. persuaded D. invited 52A. predicting B. proving C. praying D. hoping 53A. annoying B. cheating C. refusing D. failing 54A. dreams B. journeys C

29、. businesses D. careers 55live up to B. get rid of C. give up on D. catch up with 第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe following are some important sights in New York. American Museum of Natural History Four floors of exhibition halls here include the world

30、-famous fossil halls with their skeletons of enormous dinosaurs and other creatures; the culture halls, representing a variety of indigenous peoples; and mammal, bird and reptile halls. The renovated Milstein hall of Ocean Life showcases the profusion of life in Earths “last frontier”. Also here: Ro

31、se Center for Earth and space, with Hayden Planetarium and exhibits on Earth and our universe. Open: Sunday-Thursday, 10:00-17:45; Friday-Saturday: 10:00-20:45Empire State Building At 102 stories tall, the Empire State Building commands an inspiring view of Manhattan. Each year, over 3.5 million peo

32、ple come here for the view from the 86th-floor observatory, where they can take in the sights of the city from a glass-enclosed pavilion or the encircling open-air promenade. Observatory Hours: 8:00am to midnight daily. Last elevators go up at 11:15pm. Open daily 365 days a year.Metropolitan Museum

33、of Art (One of the greatest museums in the world) It is impossible to “do” the entire museum in one day or describe everything you can see here. Go to the museum & spend some time in the Great Hall where you will find all types of help in many languages for planning your visit. If you can, get a gui

34、de before your visit or look at their website where you can plan well & learn about their many special exhibitions & programs. Fee: $12 adults, $7 students & seniors, under 12 with adult free. Open: Tuesday-Thursday and Sunday. 9:30-17:15; Friday-Saturday, 9:30-20:45.Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) MoMA

35、 houses an outstanding collection of American & European paintings & sculptures from late 19th C. to present. Innovative in its definition of “art”, it was a pioneer in exhibiting film, photography, and industrial design. Its retrospectives can draw record-breaking attendance. A happy place to take

36、small children, as strollers are allowed. Open: Sunday-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10:30-17:45; Friday, 10:30-20:15.56. Varieties of ocean life are exhibited in _.A. American Museum of Natural HistoryB. Empire State BuildingC. Metropolitan Museum of Art D. Statue of liberty57. You can visit Muse

37、um of Modern Art at the following time EXCEPT _.A. at 14:30 on MondayB. at 7:00 pm on FridayC. at 10:40 on WednesdayD. at 12:00 on Sunday58. Suppose you are a high school student, who is going to visit Metropolitan Museum of Art with your parents, your 70-year-old Grandpa and your 6-year-old younger

38、 brother, how much will you have to pay in total? A. $42 B. $38 C. $45D. $50 BDriving a car is not just handling controls and judging speed and distance. It requires you to predict what other road users will do and get ready to react to something unexpected , When alcohol is consumed, it enters your

39、 bloodstream and acts as a depressant (抑制药),damaging eyesight, judgment and co-ordination (协调),slowing down reaction time and greatly increasing the risk of accidents. Even below the drink driving limt , driving will be affected.Alcohol may take a few minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream and

40、start action on the brain. Absorption rate is increased when drinking on an empty stomach or when consuming drinks mixed with fruit juice. To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process and it is not possible to speed it up with any measures like taking a shower or having a cup of tea or

41、 coffee.The present Road Traffic Ordinance states clearly that the limit of alcohol concentration is : 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of blood ;or 22 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath ;or 67 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of urine(尿液)Drivers who cause traffic accidents, or who commit a

42、moving traffic offence or are being suspected of drink driving will be tested.Any drive found drinking beyond the limit will be charged.The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum of HK25,000 and be sentenced to up to 3 years in prison and punished for 10 driving-offence points; or temporarily

43、 banned from driving.The same punishment applies to failing to provide specimens(样本) for breath, blood or urine tests without good excuse.Drink driving is a criminal offence. Be a responsible,driver,think before you drink. For the safety of yourself and other road users, never drive after consuming

44、alcohol.59.The first paragraph is mainly about_.A. the introduction of driving skills B. the danger of drinking to your bodyC. the effect of drinking on driving D. the process of alcohol being absorbed60.The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “_”. A. alcohol B. absorption C. bloo

45、d D. process61. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Drinking below the drink driving limit has no effect on driving. B. Alcohol is taken in more quickly when drunk with fruit juice. C. Having a cup of tea helps to get rid of alcohol from the body. D.50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of breath is below the drink limit62.A driver suspected of drink driving_.A. should pr

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