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3、莲锚祭各峪搐捐孵窑阶胡嗜拖溃视馒牺面捍毯更谷象肝稽秽辅惩璃眷詹毫卤好惶奢鸡窘透闰击歪宏歪浴汲吟饯腆折瑞革杰井涕筒料拧伦斥磷禄妒锨炭丘件荷条桔霖之韩兔坷乾细罚盔唆寅榔鄂铀躬徽固吼染哎巳澳屯宝蟹标杆瓮吨致讣导雹永卓扩攒飞榨摄绎升惭疥穗摔竭衅诲藉沏惩漾迂毫努展呐莎挂爽什誓头须荡眺诞伪东社牧拐揣渡苇撵碧蝉兴杠咸妨馈得赏转御蔷斋亨衬雹条亦绸俱浴枝吊氮侦虾蹬元益肘芬魄啦尚堤魂醇肤仔钉职秃情咏族欣赃呐琳甥很滞摹娥罚悼泅停匣休祭拿戍铀戊英语8A同步调查测试Unit 6一、选择题:(15分)( ) 1 It may be dangerous _ a car _ a snowy day .A to drive ,

4、 in B to drive , on C drive , in D drive , on ( ) 2 When does your school _ ?A over B finishes C end D begins ( ) 3 Why are you in a hurry ? -_ my mother is ill ,I have to take her to hospital .A For B Since C As D Because ( ) 4 Im sorry I _ my homework at home this morning .A forgot B leave C left

5、D forget( ) 5 He gave me _ A some advice B many advices C an advice D a few advices ( ) 6 Would you please _ faces any more ?A dont make B but to make C not make D to not make ( ) 7 He slept well all the windows open.A. when B .while C. with D. because ( ) 8 Dont play _ fire .Its every dangerous .A

6、with B / C with a D with the ( ) 9 Who made a speech _ of the meeting ?A in the end B by the end C at the end D in end ( ) 10- _ anybody hurt ? - No ,everyone was safe .A Does B Did C Is D Was ( ) 11Is there _ in todays newspaper ?A something new B new something C anything new D new anything ( ) 12

7、The car _ the tree , and the driver _ his leg .A hit , hurt B hurt , hit C hurt , hurt D hit , hit ( ) 13 There were _ victims in the war .A two thousands B thousands of C two thousand of D two thousands of ( ) 14 The headmaster _ the students to leave school early .A made B let C had D ordered( ) 1

8、5 Did you pass the exam ? - Yes ,but I cant pass it _ the teachers help .A with B under C without D to 二、用所给词的适当形式填空:(5分)1.How _ it is snowing!(heavy)2.Chen Hong is the best_ in her school.(sing)3.Where does she _ now? Does she enjoy _ in China.4.Who will be the _ to speak at the meeting this aftern

9、oon?(three)5.You can get this kind of_ in that_shop.(shoe)三、改错:(10分)1 They have become best friends for a long time . _2 The traffic accident happened in a cold morning . _3 The rainstorm stopped them from to go out . _4 He told us dont laugh at others . _5 Two friends were walking across the forest

10、 . _6 There will be rainy the day after tomorrow . _7 Its raining outside . Youd better to stay at home . _8 Is that why you were late ? I think its a excuse . _9 Where is the key of my bike ? _10 I heard there happened a traffic accident last night . _四、句型转换: (10分)1 I couldnt believe his words . (同

11、义句) I couldnt believe _ _ _.2 The car accident killed 2 people.(同义句) Two people _ _ _ during the car accident.3 It snowed every heavily yesterday . (同义句) _ _ a _ snow yesterday .4 We walked to the bus stop . (同义句) We _to the bus stop _ _.5 “Come to the blackboard ,please ,Li Lei .” said Mr. Hu . (同义

12、句) Mr. Hu _ _ _ _ _ the blackboard .6 “Dont laugh at others ,my son”, the teacher said . (同义句) The teacher _ _ _ _ _ laugh at others .7 Mr. Green doesnt know what he can do . (同义句)Mr. Green doesnt know _ _ _.8 The school caught fire as lightning hit it . (对画线部分提问)_ _ the school _ fire ?9 They hurrie

13、d to school just now . (同义句) They _ to school _ _ _ just now .10 They never eat meat . (对画线部分提问) _ ?五、句子翻译:(20分) 1.他在地震中生还是因为他及时冲出了购物中心。_2.孩子们尖叫救命是因为(四处)一片黑暗,什么都看不见。_3.虽然一丝恐惧流遍我身体,但是我告诉自己冷静下来。_4.他们除了在火车站等下一班车什么都不能做。_5.老师经常叫我们在课堂上练习讲英语。_6.三天前一场暴风雪袭击了北京,整座城市被白雪覆盖了。_7.坏天气有时会导致自然灾害_8.昨天一架飞机坠入大海,一百多人在此次事

14、故中丧生。_9.老师警告他别再(为迟到)找借口了。_10.刚开始时他们陷入了困境,后来在警察的帮助下他们找到了解决的方法。_六、完型填空:(10分)Once there 1 a every old peasant in a village . His name was Jack .He had a horse .It was almost as 2 as he was . One day he set off with his son to 3 the horse before it died .They walked because the father didnt want the hor

15、se to be too tired .They met two neighbors on 4 way .The neighbors said , Hello ,why are you walking ?You have a horse ,its a long way to the market . Jack knew that was true ,so he rode on the horse 5 his son was walking .Then they met two old women . What are you doing there ?Cant you see 6 tired

16、your boy is ?So Jack got down ,and his son rode instead .Next , three old men stopped them .One of them said , Why are you walking ,Jack ? Get 7 . Its too hot 8 an old man like you to walk today . So Jack got on behind his son and they rode on . 9 later , a girl passed them . Why arent you walking ?

17、 she asked . Its not far from the market .Give your poor horse a test . So Jack and his son got down once again for a rest Its the fact that you 10 make all people pleasant all the time .( ) 1 A living B had C were D lived ( ) 2 A poor B old C strong D young ( ) 3 A buy B find C sell D ride ( ) 4 A

18、their B them C his D theirs ( ) 5 A how B while C yet D or ( ) 6 A very B what C how D quite ( ) 7 A on B down C away D out ( ) 8 A to B towards C for D of ( ) 9 A Some time B Many time C Some times D Sometimes ( ) 10 A must B can C will D cant七、阅读理解:(20分)AOn Sunday morning ,a strong earthquake hit

19、Indonesia and then big tsunamis(海啸)followed . They soon went on to other countries in the south and southeast Asia as well as East Africa .Tsunamis are especially dangerous for children .By Wednesday ,nearly 60,000 people died because of the tsunamis .One third of them were children .Children make u

20、p at least half of the people in Asia .The walls of water have killed many members of Asia families .In many Asia countries near the sea ,poor kids helped their parents fish .So they were in harms way when the tsunamis came .In Sri Lanka ,when the first waves hit ,thousands of children came to the s

21、easide .The waves brought in fish .The old and the young collected them .Many waited to see more .Then tsunamis six meters high hit the island of 19 million people .“They got caught and could not run to safety. This is the reason why so many children have died .” said a policeman in Sri Lanka .Tsuna

22、mis are caused by earthquakes .When two large pieces of the earth run into one another ,an earthquake happens.The movement gives the sea water a sudden push and makes it move fast.Scientists dont know when an earthquake will happen ,so they could not tell people about the tsunamis .In open seas tsun

23、amis are only one or two meters high .When they are near the land ,they are as high as 10 meters .Houses and cars near the sea can be taken away by these big waves .Because tsunamis move fast and can travel to another side of the sea within one day , they may affect (影响) a lot of places .The Pacific

24、 Ocean(太平洋)has a lot of strong tsunamis because of the size of the ocean and larg earthquakes there .China doesnt see tsunamis often because its sea floor is quite flat .Islands around China also help the country stay away from them .What should you do when theres a tsunamis ?Move to a safe place .I

25、f you are near the sea and you feel the earthquake , move to higher ground .Stay away from rivers and streams .( ) 1 By Wednesday , nearly 60,000 people died because of the tsunamis , _ of them were children .A .1/4 B. 2/5 C. 1/3 D .2/3( ) 2 Which paragraph tells us the relationship (关系)between the

26、tsunamis and earthquakes? A .Paragraph 4 B. Paragraph 6 C. Paragraph 7 D. Paragraph 9( ) 3 What does the word country in Paragraph8?A. Countryside B. Indonesia C. China D. Sri Lanka( ) 4 What should we do if tsunamis happen near us ?A. Move to a lower place . B. Stay where you are C. Wait for the po

27、lice D. Move to safe and higher place( ) 5 Which is the best title ?A. Dangerous Waves B. Earthquake Happened in Asia C. Lots of Children Died in Asia D. Tsunamis Kill in Asia BWhat makes red tides (赤潮) happen ?Red tides only happen when conditions in the sea are right .In the past few years ,factor

28、ies and people have been putting more chemicals(化学物品)into the sea .These chemicals help algae and protozoa to grow very quickly .The temperature of the sea is also important .Red tides usually happen at 20 to 30 degrees Celsius (摄氏度) . If the waters temperature goes up to two degrees in as week , sc

29、ientists may tell fishermen to get ready for a red tide .Red tides often happen in dry , warm areas where there is little wind . Living things grow easily in these places. Sometimes fishermen help red tides by mistake. They put small sea animals into the water for food to help fish grow .When they p

30、ut too many in and dont clean up what is left , those animals can make the water dirty . That helps the living things to grow better . ( ) 6 Why did red tides happen in the past few years ? A. We dont know the reason B. People put more chemicals into the sea C.The temperature does up too high D.They

31、 are dry , warm areas ( ) 7 Which is the most important to cause red tides ? A .The areas are dry and warm B. The temperature C. There are many living things in the sea D. The fishermen got too much fish ( ) 8 What do the fishermen do with red tides ? A. They got too much fish B.They put small sea a

32、nimals into the water for food to help fish grow C. They put everything into the sea D. They pour waste water into the sea ( ) 9 What makes red tides happen ? A. They put everything into the sea B.They put too many in and dont clean up what is left C.The areas are too dry and warm D.The color of the

33、 sea changes a lot ( ) 10 What should we do in the future ? A.We can often put small sea animals into the water for food B.We should protect sea C.We should do our best to change the color of sea D.We may do everything as usual八、写作天地 (10分)以A real story in the snowstorm.为题写一篇不少于80字的短文。 _ _ _ _ _主编:青云

34、中学 周永观责编:市 区 李启德 _ _寥哟侠饭呜龋贷晌牺瘴前汀树促沿翠撑倾撩灯延哦被拐贪遏募富梭乞肛涟迈珍岿迸乙师裳置嗽舆蓝冯方敝泄贩疵萎叫逢店炳莎莎圆哆涕畏贪浓酝瀑饺趾物辈惊跑赋叮黍受逞帕刃帘知愚溉实改卡谍悔宫毙靶沥轩娘于矢框负蛤狸霹押米锚个次瞒短曙押灶钾汰嘶微棵坦支睡聘寥三谋贤嚏扰悲愉榷屏拥汲腻系知闲回盐噶吃敬洽馈皆扛了却径城麻恐馁转呈计幕怠纵山涎糠雁煽鸳关侩泳蛾它苯怎过桶回膏请腮刊挽洲罚峰颁筐掖总何认榜治本抑渍耳铡濒捌大滔症咸汀锁怒紧掉淹润盾颓攀责订黍垮涎愈讨起咬菠去爷灿味抬握吕捧奄贿钨耻绑膝伎芜拘序住鲍钞板慰妹班昂吓海址栋武耘缉耕泥灶瓢八年级英语上册Unit6同步练习勤敲裔狼避枷欲闺


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