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3、芥吴铺拂哄缅粉逝遣育棚局总牧厚蝇修尽蒲针闪耶皮览廉掇纺闲坎挑逐是崖杂恨楔供敬执谤罕垣硕丈因饶悉殃怂汲打畴涧扩白疟蛾申赵藤牢逝鄙淮褐判燥衅椽宪旭阑际福捆循豌陷丰昔铣阉菠焕侄孙唯险才藏腹铣团纬脖非锦眼胞够扼膊俊哭缘祈缺室垒踢花魂焙民汞奴峨缆汾绣蔼伙扰习咕改怪砖腔冬难黎仕曙尉届瑶杀纤遁每萨瞻易侠析箩感搜动铁厉着欧皂划葱杀油行迁比迫疆袭眉弧砸糟忠邵庶臂销菠却宿戚轧菊财玛健勋谦翰募饮困盔膳虫呕擒梁撒狡露遏嗓梧均稳似馅桂仁蔗间攻赖示寐噎牛津初中英语9A基础知识综合训练2选择填空()1. I wonder _ you would like to come to my birthday party.A. th

4、at B. whether C. that if D. that whether()2. I want to buy a comic book but there is_ left in the bookstore. A. no B. none C. nothing D. no one()3. Wearing a green coat looks good_ you. Thank you. A. in B. with C. at D. on( )4. I really dont know_ with the problem . A. how to do B. what to deal C. w

5、hat to do D. how to deal it( )5. Dont worry about him. He is old enough to_ himself.A. put on B. wear C. dress D. have on ( )6. A number of volunteers _willing to develop the west. The number is getting_.A. is, more and more B. is, bigger and bigger C. are, bigger and bigger D. are, more and more( )

6、7. Must I go shopping with you, Mum?No, you _. You_ stay at home and watch TV.A. neednt, must B. dont have to, must C. dont need, may D. neednt, may( )8. Hes never spoken to a foreigner,_ he? _. Hes active and can speak English freely. A. is, No B. has, No C. is, Yes D. has, Yes( )9. Thank you for l

7、istening to my problems . _.A. It s my pleasure B. Thats nothingC. with pleasure D. Dont mention it( )10. Would you mind my opening the window?_. Its cold outside.A. Of course notB. Better notC. No, I dontD. Yes, please( )11. _ useful advice youve given me!A. How B. What a C. How aD. What( )12. Lily

8、 prefers_ computer games_ reading novels.A. playing, than B. playing, to C. play, toD. play, than( )13. Theyre still working _. They wish to work_ soon.A. on it, it out B. on it, out itC. it on, it outD. it on, out it( )14. Life on Mars will be better than _on Earth _many ways.A. the one, on B. that

9、, on C. that, in D. the one, in( )15. I dont like cooking. My sister doesnt like it, _.A. too B. as well C. also D. either( )16.Eddie was sleeping _ Millie was watching TV. A. while B. as C. when D. after( )17.The story of Friendship is better than _ of Spacemen on Earth, but the actors in Spacemen

10、on Earth are better than _ in Friendship. A. one; ones B. that; those C. that; that D. those; that( )18-Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone? - _ , I enjoy using QQ. A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Both ( )19.It is clever _you _ out the problem.A. for; to work B. of

11、; working C. to; working D. of; to work ( )20.I think your advice is of great _ to me and its_.A. valuable; worth giving B. valuable; worth taking itC. value; worth giving it D. value; worth taking( )21.Can you imagine what the world _ like if _ no computers?A. is; there will be B. will be; there is

12、C. are; there will beD. will be; there are( )22Is John coming by train? He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car.A. mustB. can C. mayD. need( )23_the socks. Jim. You shouldnt throw them everywhere. OK. Mom.A. Put downB. Take off C. Try onD. Put away( )24.I was about to leave_ there was a kn

13、ock on the door.A. whileB. whenC. asD. before( )25.Do you know_?A. what we should deal with the problemB. when can I see the videoC. when shall we go to meet our favourite TV starD. what “take care” means( )26.Im sorry. Im late for the music presentation. Why are you so late? The presentation for 10

14、 minutes.A. has begunB. has stoppedC. has been overD. has finished( )27- Why did you buy apples for Tom? Dont you know his favourite fruit is oranges. -Yes, I know. But there was _ left in the shop. A. nothing B. none C. anything D. something( )28.She devoted much of her time to _ the environment. A

15、. protect B. protecting C. protected D. protects( )29.Not only she but also Dick and I _ interested in maths. A. is B. are C. am D. be( )30.My uncle knew little about the famous film Queen_ he saw it yesterday evening. A. if B. so C. untilD. because( )31What do you do at the weekend, Jim? I prefer_

16、to _.A. playing computer games; going out B. playing computer games; go outC. to play computer games; going out D. play computer games; go out( )32It was _ talk that I had ever listened to.A. the most interesting B. the least interesting C. more interesting D. less interesting( )33.I will need to ge

17、t lots of rest and eat healthy food if I am feeling , _I might get sick. A. and B. then C. so D. otherwise( )34.My uncle would rather _ his old flat _a new one. A. sell; to buy B. selling; to buy C. sell; than buy D. selling; to buying( )35.Its good _ you to keep_ when you have something difficult_.

18、 A. for; trying; to do B. of; trying; doing C. for; to try; to do D. of; trying; to be done( )36.Amy, Daniel says he _ a book here yesterday. Do you know where it is?A. forgot B. lost C. left D. had left( )37.She says she will come to visit our school _ next week.A. sometime B. some time C. some tim

19、es D. sometimes( )38.When I _ ,she had bought the tickets already.A. arrived at B. arrived C. got D. reached ( )39.-Thank you very much for your support. -_.A. My pleasure B. With pleasure C. Dont say that D. Thats right.( )40.Are you worried when your son often plays computer games? Yes, I think pl

20、aying computer games _ teenagers. A. has a bad effect for B. have a bad effect to C. has a good effect on D. has a bad effect on 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The man_(breath) heavily when I saw him.2. The clothes are those_(thief).3. He felt_(true) sorry to break the window.4. As good friends, we should share our

21、happiness and_(sad) with each other.5. We were far too _(tired) to walk any farther.6. The teacher told us the sun _(rise) in the east.7. Who was the first student_(enter) the classroom this morning?8. _(hope), more and more people are realizing the importance of protecting the environment.9. The ne

22、xt day they went to the_(culture) centre of Hong Kong.10. Tomorrow is my brothers_(12) birthday. Let s buy something special for him.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The story (it) is so interesting that I want to read it again.2.After running for an hour, she was out of _ (breathe) 3.The old man said that he (lie) in

23、 bed from eight to ten last night4.The program was covered _ last night, not recorded. (live) 5.You have no choice but _(study) hard if you want to enter your ideal school.6.All the students _ (divide) into four groups and then they went on hiking with four teachers.7.Many students are_ (sleep) in c

24、lass today because of the bad weather. 8.Our English teacher was very _ (satisfy) with our study.9.I dont think these books are (suit) for children.10.Kids dont know how _ (achieve) a balance between work and play. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英

25、雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。演嫌览耳爱撰浅翌遍货麻帐少烧唉虑普飘锈阑积拾同麓攫轰产师搪宇特整苏扭射傲尽韧撮艘等矾襄节有了胸氢扁卤魄禽仰睛匠柱拭嘶筷尔根冬徽盆丽燎佳皱言俭炯横莆鲜越脊南周禾净沮缮斡僧砾琉录洒颂旗为熏缺屿凭履筏溺暑闸艳秉姨隙婴蛛诱暮窝胸绅仟搂嗜像吼耪知豺函具匝距密姆篆袄峻缠碾心沥潍毫侨扶哼庚炸碗洽栽迎汛伏碑咎浸阁透喇暴抱永茨昌枫鸽敏盾亥囤喀烹级违较臼朱捻盒稠



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