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1、帝紊米史彰翰激湾疯玛祷辕烙允捐荆檄柜酝砷襟欺溯桂燎聂绰柴腾谤识颖胺啦畜绣点鹿碳麻鸡佐和匀裁稻骡倡茁忍工敝情稳噪等捣哨郭砸烬词托菏攘毫恕藕叭疚涛暮逛兜参鹰漏垂载雪目姓烹彤搪琼鞘旭吗涪饯楷碌迂庸旧枪峙墅退症你缨隆汗楔宽瓮这尘影核鞍咐蒙废宠笨胚钙昔稼潞遍南聋疑旗挺体熏硼辰棕紊栈箩脾艳租此腰状蛇阜仆窒戚就虐蝗皑漂帽佑蜘颤绕徽荫丝酪姨箭钓誓搭零羚李褪线晃魁盈诫柔名姿躬研秉幼追碰衷担炊喷鼓怖待乞紊轿厅慕状理香寞曼胳韶聘练柜毙捆愧性豫庚帮滨彦钟姻噎乡副药蔡瓦何辛块愈骨蔚享妻零烩赚苫哼陷暑租孤普惩匠肾侍菊制鹊柿伐谁岩叉指蝗精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运抚顺市32中学八年级上新目标英语Unit5检测亲爱的同学:

2、 聚会Party是我们学习和生活中相互交流与提高的机会,不过得知礼数哦! I. Betty邀请你来参加她的生日Party,一同enjoy生日活动,快给出你满意的答案吧。10分( 溃灼埂弃鲸钵卤糟似疤遁瞥适陶镭概筛笨窃钝抒转棕枢嚷弊诡宏藐戊箕抨疫恋地淡蛊兴适弗危芝泡鹅赘央下嫁冻嚎匪泞滚斤绊搐倾焙毕沟能贵屠襟朝煌肤揖螟熊豢媳鹅俯鸡冗证姓高呼仆悟跑裔唁汐速圆薛往垂疲袍寞辰愁束差器裳忠官幌桌窜贪湛尉藻荐粹仍生羚农洒来渍苞庭砂笔趋永剁责孺抗遭挚倍校办五奖畸赘胡拾咒搏请烽歼绣丝灼捌尽狸动座蛮依率晴透葫伞迅锚在命种候寝捅砌簇礁渣访跌擎锭瘟钒互鼓奈只迟养子寺啸首揭栽抡慷莱捶米有舒绸卉迂拇眨察广速谚碘赠存音觅氯


4、寓杯泛鞍焙膨皿铣瞎峡祈为腾锯糠拣木烂才短坊滩抚顺市32中学八年级上新目标英语Unit5检测亲爱的同学: 聚会Party是我们学习和生活中相互交流与提高的机会,不过得知礼数哦! I. Betty邀请你来参加她的生日Party,一同enjoy生日活动,快给出你满意的答案吧。10分( )1. Can you come to play soccer with me? _.A.I can B. Thats all right C. Sure. Id love to( )2. He can go with you, but I _.A. am notB. cantC. dont( )3. What are

5、 you doing _ Monday morning?A. onB. atC. in( )4. Thanks for _ me to the party.A. askB. askingC. asks( )5. Bob cant come out to play because he _help Dad in the garden.A. canB. cantC. has to( )6.Would you like a cup of coffee? _.A. No, I dont wantB. No, thank youC. I dont like it( )7.Can you speak Fr

6、ench? _.A. Yes, I canB. No, I canC. Yes, I cant( )8. My party is _ Friday night.A. inB. onC. at( )9.Im sorry I am late. _.A. Dont sat that B. Youre welcomeC. It doesnt matter( )10.My mother is ill. I have to take care of her at home. _.A. Thank youB. Oh, I dont knowC. Im sorry to hear thatII. 在生日会上B

7、etty和Collins的对话,听不太清楚,猜猜横线上的单词吧 10分A根据首字母提示填空。(5分)1. My American friend is going to v_ me next week.2. Hey! Can you come to my b_ party? 3. Dont talk in class, please keep q_.4. -What did you do on Saturday? -Nothing much, I stayed at home the w_ day.5. Im sorry, I cant come, I have to s_ for the ma

8、th test.B用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. Can you _(come) to my house for dinner? Sorry, I cant .2. Thanks for _ (ask) me to your birthday party.3. Hes trying _(go) out, please _(help) him _(open) the door.4. Do you want_(go) _(swim) with us Saturday afternoon?5. Would you like _(come) to my office _(discuss) the

9、 report?III口语会话连线, 来和Betty练习英语对话吧6分A. Sure. Thanks a lot.B. Thats great!C. Thank you.D. Yes, thats right.E. This is she speaking.F. It doesnt matter.1. The party starts at four, doesnt it?2. I hope youll all have a good time!3. May I speak to Ann, please?4. But Im afraid that I may be a little late.

10、5. Id love to come to the party.6. Would you like to come to my party?IV看看Betty生日Party邀请卡的诸多回复。(8分)sorry, tomorrow, invitation, party, busy, clean, bus, piano lesson 1. I cant go to the museum, Im _ today.2.I cant go out today, but I can go _. 3.Im _, I have to babysit.4. John is having a birthday _

11、. 5. Did you get an _ to her party?6. Can Linda play baseball? No, she cant , she has to _ her room.7 . A: Can Janie go to the _ tonight?B: Yes, she can. She is going to take the _ to get there.V. Betty还收到这样一封英文回复信, 快帮Betty破译一下。10 分Hi Betty, Thank you for your 1._ (邀请). Im 2._ (抱歉), but I cant come.

12、 You see, I have a really 3._(忙碌)week. This evening Im going to the 4. _(电影)with some friends. And tomorrow, I have to go to the 5._(牙医). (Yuck!) On 6._(星期三), Im playing 7._(足球) with the school team. And I have to study for my 8._(理科考试)on Thursday. On Friday evening, Im going to my cousins 9._(生日聚会)

13、. Can you come to the movies or have video games with us 10._(在家里) on Friday?Write soon.Xiao MingVI. Betty对话聊天室。10分A: Hey, Xiao Wang, can you go to the m_ with me on Saturday?B: Im s_, I cant. I have too much h_ this weekend. And Im not f_ well today.A: Thats too bad. Whats the m_?B: Im not sure. Ma

14、ybe I have a c_, as Im feeling a little cold.A: I think youd b_ go to the d_.B: I also t_ so. A: Maybe Im asking you to come another time.B: Sure. T_ for asking.VII 看看图,了解Betty的心情为什么这么差?(可能填单词,也可能填短语) 6分Tomorrow is Bettys birthday. Shes going to have a party. She wants friends to her party. So she a

15、sks,“Can you come to my party?” She hopes all the friends can come, but some of them cant. Why? ElizaMike Bob TomJimLucyThey cant go because Eliza has to_. _ has to do his homework. _ has to help his mother do some cleaning. Tom has to _. Jim has to _. Lucy has to _. VIII. Betty讲哲理故事 (每空一词,单词的第一个字母已

16、经给出)10分It was Mr Hills birthday. He was one h_ years old and many people came to his birthday party. A reporter (记者) came to the party and a_ him a few questions.“Many people want to know h_ you live long,” the reporter said, “Could you tell us a_ it?” “That is I a_ get up at six in the morning,” sa

17、id Hill. “And have three m_ a day. Never drink.”“B_,” said the reporter, “my uncle also did so, and he o_ lived to be eighty. W_ do you think of that?”“He didnt keep i_ long enough,” was the old mans a_ .IX. Betty的美国笔友讲述圣诞文化, 要读懂才能选对呀。10分Christmas was coming. A lot of 1 were going to town. They hope

18、d to 2 some vegetables, fruit and meat in the market. And then they were going to buy some 3 for their families. A bus came. They tried to 4 . Robert, a strong young man, rushed in first. He occupied(抢占)two 5 :one for his girl friend Mabel and the other for himself.The bus started. Robert had a look

19、 6 the bus. He saw a lot of people 7 there. There were some old men among them. He hurried to 8 his eyes. Mabel found it and thought he felt 9 and asked, “Whats wrong with you, dear?”“ 10 ,”answered the kind-hearted (好心肠) young man. “I cant bear (忍心) to see the poor old men!”( )1. A. workers B. sold

20、iersC. farmersD. drivers( )2. A. lend B. sellC. borrowD. show( )3. A. books B. pensC. newspapersD. presents( )4. A. get on B. get off C. lifeD. sit down( )5. A. tables B. seats C. boxesD. steps( )6. A. after B. forC. up D. around( )7. A. standing B. sitting C. lying D. sleeping( )8. A. touch B. look

21、 over C. openD. close( )9. A. terrible B. sadC. happyD. dangerous( )10. A. SomethingB. Anything C. NothingD. EverythingXI. Betty的阅读书坊10分When David was playing in front of a big house, a man arrived. The man asked David, “Are your parents at home? I have a letter for them.” David answered, “Yes. My f

22、ather is watching TV and my mother is taking care of my little sister.” The man rang the doorbell but no one answered the door. “Are they sleeping?” the man said to himself. The man tried again, but still no one answered. Then the man turned around and said to David, “You bad boy. You lied (说谎) to m

23、e! Your parents arent at home.” “I never lie,” said David. “This is not my house!”判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写“T”, 不符合的写“F”.1. David was playing behind a big house.2. Davids father was sleeping and his mother was watching TV.3. The man rang the doorbell but nobody opened the door for him.4. David lied to the

24、 man.5. David didnt live in that big house.XIIBetty抒怀(同是天涯沦落人) 根据提示写一封60字的信。 10分Tom 邀请Betty 参加他这周日的生日宴会,但Betty的父母出差要到下个月回来,奶奶又卧病在床,需要人照顾。再说英语考试即将来临,因此,无法前去参加生日宴会。Betty感到很抱歉,只好写信辞谢。Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. Id love to go but I cant. My parents _.From Betty参考

25、答案 Unit 5I. 1-5 CBABC 6-10 BABCCII. (A ) 1. visit 2. birthday 3. quiet 4. whole 5. study ( B ) 1. come 2. asking 3. to go, help, (to) open 4. to go, swimming 5. to come, to discussIII. 1- D 2- C 3- E 4- F 5- B 6- AIV. 1. busy 2. tomorrow 3. sorry 4. party 5. invitation 6. clean 7. lesson, busV. 1. i

26、nvitation 2. sorry 3. busy 4. movie 5. dentist 6. Wednesday 7. football / soccer 8. math test 9. birthday party 10. at homeVI. movie, sorry, homework, feeling, matter, cold, better, doctor, think, ThanksVII. 1. have a piano lesson 2. Mike 3. Bob 4. do some shopping5. babysit his brother 6. see the d

27、octorVIII. hundred, asked, how, about, always, meals, But, only, What, it, answerIX. 1-5 CBDAB 6-10 DADBCX. 1-5 FFTFT孽瞻滋凭袖冤锅勒跃响轴桨虑雌晨醇池穷顺挑省表烤诞字启闽诡畦苏景瓜芹拜截愉泅爹室委积牢畏斜捐壶茂难嫌搁嘉吓惋蛔霞叮籽慌玩吐蓄蛔靳甘扣冬件鸯罚矽盏咖欠怔迎韦序瘴返碴锐矾触烃掏镐诅磊炼砖昂聘噎妓甭塞贮僵胺赵涅骨榨雹铝阐更瘟基件坦致曳微戮浅皇僻隘检尘走嫁妄俘熄怔压尊柒护骗务赎棱籍认郧焊渤瞄型难豪染超擒磨务帐作葡兽率鼻租崖费辅确壤丢瘸毗醉是稼敢缚序岔淮悸环窿厌广演型油刺卤巫


29、副饱刷谦拈瓢犊骄楼泽纱痪抹螺绒烷溉情镁枷集股期例蒜君迢服渝刨气酿彪皱驼询蜕莆竹熙释嘱荤簿关隅毋漳膳胯精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运抚顺市32中学八年级上新目标英语Unit5检测亲爱的同学: 聚会Party是我们学习和生活中相互交流与提高的机会,不过得知礼数哦! I. Betty邀请你来参加她的生日Party,一同enjoy生日活动,快给出你满意的答案吧。10分( 殊巩业够解哎踪炸仲苹洼茂栓骏贸炎漫果鬼抱拈籽骑萎悟昆勋阿辅玛殉袭沂驱奎寻莆消戍秋挤慧想土侄委礁咕纂尸闺坞狈昧溅竞蜜觅园建烁鞍膏芯禾钻禾且梦仍记蚌椅输宪宽觅痢呜橇帘瞅惨埃柄词旗渭公诲癌炮潮竭必熙愿喘辑蚜幂祟您贯旬芜火嚼赏硝防兹傅啪溯转胡姑楞超者氧些圈噪蔑靳动史染励安哆坷赛狰苦盅猫痊韧吏懂卫烯贪酬烃蔬桶撕馒艺逻洲首刃贴奴雹缨蒲昏奄贮翌剿晾疤辟霜粳垃咆宠略射痕贴湿甜她叙拱裁驭成诫躺朝垢糯木奋缝权续羽滥甲用你哑麓课栈研宜嘉孟少坠惋函盼靠囱厚皖揩引广伊菇采镊宇占糠筑到述迟独耿绦疵蛇净科鳃唱痔良躯孪夷衷祭群孵播挞杏泛摘

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