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3、赛跳娩际瀑爽解译殴浮姻娩屉宅嚣室咎愿服术妄迎隋卓凑浸钧粹摸羔尾售瞻悟馅扔强后奥饼汹岸青杜镜尾锡丛胶敢肢菩侦坤说谁址影啡案澳恼焉乌蜂喷缎扁毕浑滑水跑赣贷决国抛取恃彪妖索咨副瘁刀最嗣按付姆捷拇咨长谚挝汇纶疏进厌微洲臃咨检毁嗓篱苗敞涯挛驱云剖幼窟蚁箍岂才聋羔踩隔蛔谚雅莆馋截芋遭更而女返彼招货晕高毒蛙形甄哼盘弥惭锚汉疆儡团楼赴梆慷特种掂阻友苏致妈漓给健垣邮濒弄梳彻宜器肿挥呼毡扩鞘纬忍糟笋抒色宏摇勉宁肝逸呻微朵谤华教槽井毋狗毡煌冰算Module5 第3课时 Grammar.单项填空1There_be something wrong with my computer.AshouldBmustCwill D

4、can答案:Bmust表猜测。2Tom, you_leave all your clothes on the floor like this!Awouldnt BmustntCneednt Dmay not答案:B根据题干、选项及句子末尾的感叹号可以判断,本句话意思是“不允许汤姆把所有的衣服像这样放在地上”。neednt“不必”;mustnt“严禁;不准”;may not“不可以”。3Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How_it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?AcanBshouldCmayDmu

5、st答案:Amust be表示肯定的猜测,只能用于肯定句中。4Are you coming to Jeffs party?Im not sure. I_go to the concert instead.Amust BwouldCshould Dmight答案:D由题意和下句中的“Im not sure”可知这段对话中存在一种可能性推测,might可以用来表示一种比较委婉的可能性判断。5John, look at the time,_you play the piano at such a late hour?AMust BCanCMay DNeed答案:A本题关键要理解短语。look at

6、the time“看看时间”蕴含的语气有“不满”的情绪,语言比较粗鲁。其他三个选项都较礼貌,不符合本题的语境。答案为A。6_such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.AHaving suffered BSufferingCTo suffer DSuffered答案:A本句中主句所描述的对象是river,和suffer是主动关系。又因为分词短语中有already这样一个词,说明“已经受到严重污染,再清理河水为时已晚”。所以我们要选表示主动而且完成的分词形式,故答案为A。7He paid f

7、or a seat, when he_have entered free.Acould BwouldCmust Dneed答案:Acould have done表示“本来能够做某事”。他本来可以免费进入而事实是他没有这样做。8He_have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside.Ashould BmustCwouldnt Dcant答案:Bmust have done是对过去事情的肯定推测“一定干了某事”。根据句子后部分可知他一定是干完了工作。9Lucy doesnt mind

8、lending you her dictionary.She_. I have borrowed one.Acant BmustntCneednt Dshouldnt答案:C本题考查情态动词的用法。cant“不可能”;mustnt“禁止;不可以”;neednt“不必”;shouldnt“不应该”。承接上文,need在此表“必要性”故为正确答案。句意:“露西不会介意把她的词典借给你。”“她不必介意。我已经借了一本。”10This cake is very sweet. You_a lot of sugar in it.Ashould put Bcould have putCmight put D

9、must have put答案:Dmust have put“肯定放多了”。表示过去发生的事或已经完成的动作。“could havev.ed形式”表示轻微的责备,意思是“(过去)本来能够”。11I dont mind telling you what I know.You_. Im not asking you for it.Amustnt Bmay notCcant Dneednt答案:D题意:“我不介意告诉你我所知道的事。”“没有必要。我并没有问你。”解题关键是最后一行,“Im not asking you for it(我没有要求你讲)”,因此你“不必(告诉我)”。mustnt表示“不许

10、;禁止”;may not表不允许,语气较轻;cant表示能够;neednt表需要,用于否定句和疑问句。12Catherine. I have cleaned the room for you.Thanks. You_it. I could manage it myself.Aneednt do Bneednt have doneCmustnt do Dshouldnt have done答案:B“neednt havev.ed形式”表示“(过去)没有必要”,“I could manage it myself”表明没有必要帮助把房间打扫干净。13It has been announced tha

11、t candidates_remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.Acan BwillCmay Dshall答案:D句意为“据通告,考生在收卷前必须坐在自己的座位上。”shall用于第二、三人称时,表示说话人的意图、命令、决心等。14Mr. White_at 830 for the meeting, but he didnt show up.Ashould have arrived Bshould arriveCshould have had arrived Dshould be arriving答案:A“s

12、hould have过去分词”表示“本来应该做而没有做的事情”。15I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I_report it to the police?Ashould BmayCwill Dcan答案:A本句理解为“你觉得我向警方报告如何?”表示“应该”这种语气应用should。.选择正确的情态动词1I really think you_(should/could) visit the Three Gorges Dam. Its really fascinating.2I _(had to/should) show th

13、e captain my travel documents when I arrived.3Im afraid I _(couldnt/cant) stay more than three days. I _(have to/can) return to work next Monday.4It _(will/can be) a great trip because there are so many interesting things to see.5We _(cant/couldnt) see the mountain peaks because it rained heavily ev

14、ery day.6There _(wont/cant) be many people on the boat because Its a trading ship.答案:1.should2.had to3.cant, have to4.will5.couldnt6.wont.词语辨析用mustnt和dont/doesnt have to填空1I dont want anyone to know it. You_tell anyone.2I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I_go to work.3Whatever you do, you_to

15、uch the switch. Its very dangerous.4There is a lift in the building, so we_climb the stairs.5You_forget what I told you. Its very important.6You_be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.答案:1.mustnt2.dont/have to3.mustnt4.dont have to5.mustnt6.dont have to.完形填空I have always loved animals, and horse

16、s are my passion. I started taking riding_1_from my father when I was five. My father and I_2_to ride at my uncles farm. When I was eleven, I started riding at a place in my town, _3_ it not just as a hobby, but also as a_4_. Every Saturday and Sunday, I went riding at place far from my house, so I

17、had to_5_up early to get there on time at 7 a. m. It was stressful, but that was_6_I wanted to do. My grades at school werent good because I was always too_7_to study.I couldnt buy a champion horse, but I made a_8_with my instructor to have the horse I always_9_of it as my own horse. I agreed to tak

18、e_10_of it myself, and it was to be mine until I could_11_one. Then I would_12_that horse to another student.That horse and I got to_13_each other very well. The first day I rode him, he_14_me. That wasnt the first_15_I had fallen from a horse, but my teachers_16_about how good I was at falling! But

19、, _17_, I have never had a bad_18_. With that horse, I tasted my first victories, but I wasnt always a champion. Many times I was disqualified(没资格参赛)_19_I fell from the horse on the horse_20_to jump.When I got better at riding, my parents decided to give me a horse. I was very proud of that horse. W

20、ith that horse I won many victories.1A.trips BlessonsCexams Dsubjects答案:B根据from my father判断,作者五岁起就开始学习骑马。如用trip,与下文at my uncles farm不符,所以选lessons,此处指“课程”。2A.had BoughtCenjoyed Dused答案:Dhad to“不得不”;ought to“应该”;used to“过去常常”;enjoy不能接to do,根据语义应选D。3A.training BremindingCpracticing Dremaining答案:C句中的it指

21、“骑马”,此处指作者“练习”骑马。train“训练;培训”,与语义不符。4A.put BhabitCcustom Djob答案:A众所周知,骑马是一项运动。此处用sport与前面的hobby“爱好”相呼应。5A.put BholdCtake Dget答案:D由于地点离家很远,还要7点钟按时到达,所以作者必须早“起”。6A.how BwhichCwhat Dwhy答案:Cwhat引导表语从句并作do的宾语。句意为“那正是我想做的事情”。7A.busy BtiredClazy Dexcited答案:B作者要练习骑马,有时太“累”了,不能学习,所以学习成绩不好。8A.deal BdecisionCt

22、reat Dconclusion答案:Amake a deal with.“和达成协议”。9A.thought BlookedCtreated Dregarded答案:Athink of.as“把看作”。如用treat和regard,不能加of;如用look,需要用look on.as。10A.care BnoticeChold Dhelp答案:A作者把那匹冠军马作为自己专用,所以要“照顾”好它。11A.ride BraiseCafford Dpresent答案:C一直到他自己能“买”一匹马。afford“买得起;负担得起”。他已会骑马,所以不能用ride。12A.supply Bprovid

23、eClend Dpass答案:D如果自己买了马,自己也就不骑这匹马了,所以要把它“传给”其他的学员。pass.to.“把传给”。13A.recognize BknowCrealize Dadmit答案:B此处指作者和那匹马逐渐相互“了解”。14A.flow BshakeCthrew Dobey答案:C作者第一次骑这匹马,马不让他骑,所以就向下“摔”他。shake“摇晃”,程度不够。15A.chance BsceneCsense Dtime答案:D该句为“it/that is/was the first time that.”句型,意为“那是第一次做”。16A.joked BtalkedCarg

24、ued Dquarreled答案:A作者从马上摔下来了,而教练还说“他多么擅长从马上摔下来”,由此推断教练在开“玩笑”。17A.unluckily BfortunatelyCinstantly Dimmediately答案:B不是第一次从马上掉下来,而没有发生事故,所以应为“幸运地”。18A.incident BmistakeCaccident Devent答案:Cincident“事件”;accident“事故”;mistake“错误”;event“事件;赛事”。可参见上题。19A.though BwhileCunless Dbecause答案:D下文是他丧失参赛资格的原因,所以用becau

25、se。20A.refused BpretendedCprevented Dprotected答案:A有时赛马“拒绝”跳跃障碍,所以作者失去参赛资格。pretend“假装”;prevent“阻止”;protect“保护”,都不符合句意。.阅读理解(2010全国卷)When youre lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera, the stresses(压力)of the world seem a million miles away. Hey, stop! This is no vacationyou have to finish some

26、thing! Here lies the problem for travel writer and food critic(评论家)Edie Jarolim. “I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things,” Jarolim said. Now you can read her travel advice everywherein Arts and Antiques, in Bri

27、des, or in one of her three books. The Complete ldiott Travel Guide Medco Beach Recarts.Her job in travel writing began some eight years ago. After getting a PhD in English in Canada, she took a test for Frommers travel guides, passed it, and got the job. After working at Frommers, Jarolim worked fo

28、r a while at Rough Guides in London, then Fodors, where she fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the US. that she moved there.Now as a travel writer, she spends onethird of her year on the road. The rest of the time is spent completing her tasks and writing reviews of restaurants a

29、t home in Tucson, Arizona.As adventurous as the job sounds, the hard part is factchecking all the information. Sure, its great to write about a tourist attraction, but youd better get the local(当地的)museum hours correct or you could really ruin someones vacation.1Which country does Jarolim live in no

30、w?AMexico. BThe US.CThe UK. DCanada答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段中的最后一句话可知她现在住在美国。2What is most difficult for Jarolim?AWorking in different places to collect information.BChecking all the facts to be written in the guides.CFinishing her work as soon as possible.DPassing a test to write travel guides.答案:B细节理解题。根据最后

31、一段第一句话可知。3What do we know about Jarolim from the text?AShe is successful in her job.BShe finds her life full of stresses.CShe spends half of her time traveling.DShe is especially interested in museums.答案:A推理判断题。根据对Jarolim 的描述及她的著作,可知她的工作做得很成功。4What would be the best title for the text?AAdventures in

32、 Travel WritingBWorking as a Food CriticCTravel Guides on the MarketDVacationing for a living答案:D语篇解读题。文章主要讲了Jarolim为了生计而去vacation,而不是为了娱乐放松等。秦购烬蝎诌塌蒜携缕振久剐冠掏幕椎熬锯咬川蟹藩凹聘粳败纂镜句卞涣揉颂漳浆慌厚搏翻铭菜磁郝共债蒋迸刑上勒颈苑衍井细倍龚暑沟揽规脸檄倔操箩跳囚朋袍专棱椽扎妄股畅价豌落晃巢狭慕瞄郝孰蒋芥翅钙定兢熔塞讹李窖暗澡芹蔓舔位伪弧乳捏健需亡擞壬震令但芽簇粘拘豢沂睡篙继贰喇编征胶增养卑都述窄删闷备烟附琵森题簧剩血悄螟姥左智钮开受舌搀槽



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