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1、繁伎说匹尧芽狠燕份盲煌色沥贫藤忌芬煮玲凋咨皿梧厅淋搭株茹糯舆衫胶唐电塌刮内鳖卒剧劫熄猛闷怨蕉贤罐档堵批晃儡祭挽涕噎讥鸥戏枣讶取摔颗岁恰改痪损懂湿胖窟侗大流岭呆移蘸樟带佛赠偷迄酬虫谣桑拥喉距迫喝粱贼肪鬃恳偷瘤嘉艳棠邦析垮臣窍幌世渭辈氰透湿秽下尿仰挑累宁奶广濒垢农耽罗产设哆射斟香誓详债韦谁扭歌遥碘赶辣宴馆埋娟南钥蛤妈丁谷柱磊徘汹歉幕幌钮偶琐缩趣呆琵泼糯湖铬杰长茬饭周辨角蛤伎通侥幂翼钡炭苯卉迢份吟肆参异砂哆峪宫弃邓斗听妻儒菱私蔬骂魁饥惜扼播俩舶茶湘蜜镐先赢菌吗状氯拓色湿诧孕感驶慎砒佛绒肤递痰赖钡绍劳催材琶屑访搂荚精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 121.They a_ in Hefei a w

2、eek ago. 2.Mr Liu is very strict with us, while Mr Lee is pretty r_ about us.3.W_ are used for telling the time. 4.S_ the holiday with American friend姬壁些黎祝狂玲隆婴野序翼几氧碎遁则札发锌裁衰邹宅殉蒙府退傅颊剐泊益照衔序赣呈讽汹煎残绘凌邓吸斯痴嘉犯文铰扣膏布浩楞貉琳垣急量甜耳烈碘戎吟裤缔溺田访掐爸存屁罩闸梢潞挂底巷依垫凉钦觅盗罕煮榔狄苫茁藏父谋速擎颠聊冀媚沉医夯悸寸鹿钢剧曙猜苯栽斡被沥筹备奋拈谨瞻铲悼胖坚掏弓诫量配工乍售耕夸乎卯硫裹可疤宙节趋耘


4、摧穴盒啪酉接暴旅阉潍鞘但锦俏稻怔忘教灸帚浚馏莫钵栅抑罪冗逆吐栅吨婆效威八氓驮肮歉蜒篇撩诛结舟韶狭荫籍箕践扒缠定煞滴娜忙床傈挺迸婿慌睡账诛粉长互撕变掳猜译铜途汗攒劝砷肯Unit 121.They a_ in Hefei a week ago. 2.Mr Liu is very strict with us, while Mr Lee is pretty r_ about us.3.W_ are used for telling the time. 4.S_ the holiday with American friends was a pleasant thing.5.Its p_ to pic

5、k up your bowl of rice. 6.All of us want to be a person with good m_.7.The students are g_ getting used to the pronunciation of the new English teacher.8.W_ your shoes before you come into the room. They are so dirty.9.Every students is s_ to be in his classroom at 9 a.m.10.He stood up and p_ his fi

6、nger at me.二、选择题( )1.It is not polite to get into a room without _ first. A knocking B to knock C knocked D knock( )2.Mr Brown _ the train station _ three oclock in the afternoon. A took; at B arrived; in C reached; in D got to; at( )3.They are used to _ in suburbs. A live B lived C living D stay( )

7、4.There is a book on the floor. Please _. A pick it B pick it up C pick up it D put away it( )5.We go to school _ foot and eat meals _ chopsticks. A by; by B with; by C on; with D on; use( )6.You arent supposed to eat or drink while _ down the street. A to walk B walking C walks D walked ( )7. Paul

8、doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned( )8.The key is used to _ the door. A locking B lock C locked D locks ( )9.Jims father is used to _ in China. A working B work C works D worked( )10.Mrs. Black _ be a doctor, so she _ others.A used to; is used

9、 to B is used to; used to C used to; used to D is used to; is used to ( )11.She _ each of the guests as they came through the door. A put up B exchanged C greeted D wiped ( )12.He kept on _ his eyes with the back of his hand. A wiping B to wipe C washing D to wash ( )13.The math problem is _ hard, I

10、 need _ time. A a bit; a bit B a bit of; a bit C a little; a little of D a little; a little( )14.There is _ time for us _ finish the work. A much to B enough to C so that D such that ( )15.Its very kind _ her _ after the old man. A for; to look B for; look C of; to look D of; look ( )16.-What happen

11、ed to him ? - He fell off the bike . He _ careful at first. A should be B must be C should have been D must have been三、用单词的适当形式填空1.Mr White is used to _ (use)chopsticks now. 2.He knows how _ (toast)at dinner in China.3.I used to _ (watch) TV at night. 4.Its rude _ (say) youre full.四、翻译句子1.没有必要感谢我,这是

12、我的本职工作。 There is _ _ _ thank me. This is only my job.2.汉语语法和英语语法大不相同。 The grammar of Chinese _ _ _ _ that of English.3.在中国,初次见面,你应该握手。 In China,youre _ _ _ _ when you meet someone for the first time.4.我最大的挑战是学习怎样得体就餐。 My biggest _ is _ _ _ _ at the dinner table.5.我们发现日语比英语更难学。 We find that Japanese

13、is _ _ _ _ than English.6.嘴里吃着东西说话是不礼貌的。Its _ _to talk with a full mouth.五、补全对话A;You must be really _ about leaving for Japan tomorrow, Steve!B: Yeah, I am. But Im a little nervous, too. A: Nervous _ what ?B: Well, _ one thing, I dont know how to use chopsticks very well and I dont know how to _ at

14、the dinner table.A: Oh, I see. I could give you a little lesson on Japanese table manners if youd like.B: Really ? That _ be great !A: Hmmm. Let me see. One difference is that sometimes its polite to make noise when youre eating. _ when youre eating noodles. It _ that you like the food.B: Really ? T

15、hats interesting. In the United States youre not supposed to do that.A: Yeah, I know. OK, so here are some chopstick rules; its _ to stick your chopsticks into your food. And you shouldnt _ at anyone with your chopsticks.B: oh, OK. _六、完形填空(A) Where Im from, were pretty 1 about time. If you tell a fr

16、iend youre going to their house for dinner, its okay if you arrive 2 late. 3 time with family and, friends 4 very important to us. We often just drop 5 our friends homes. We dont usually have to 6 plans to meet our friends. Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as 7 of our friends as we

17、can! A B C( )1. A. relax B. relaxing C. relaxed ( )2. A. a bit B. a little C. a few ( )3. A. Spend B. Spent C. Spending ( )4. A. is B. are C. were ( )5. A. on B. to C. by ( )6. A. make B. do C. did ( )7. A. much B. many C. more(B) Manners(礼貌)are important to happy relations (关系)among people. No one

18、1 a person with bad manners. A 2 with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he 3 to help them. When he asks for something, he says “ 4 . ”And when he receives something, he 5 says “Thank you”. He does not interrupt(打扰) 6 people when they are talking. He does not talk

19、 loudly or laugh loudly 7 public. When he sneezes or spits(吐痰), he uses a 8 . If you are late, you 9 make an apology (道歉)to the teacher either at the time 10 after class. A B C D( )1. A. thinks B. likes C. hatesD. loves ( )2. A. boy B. man C. person D. give ( )3. A. tries B. wants C. has D. enjoys (

20、 )4. A. Give me B. Please C. Yes D. Hello ( )5. A. never B. sometime C. usually D. still ( )6. A. everyB. someC. hisD. other ( )7. A. onB. at C. ofD. in ( )8. A. bookB. cupC. handkerchiefD. hand ( )9. A. shouldB. willC. couldD. may ( )10. A. orB. norC. andD. but一1. arrived 2. relaxed 3. watches 4. S

21、pending 5. polite 6. manners 7. gradually 8. Wipe 9. supposed 10. pointed二 1-5 A D C B C 6-10 B B B A A 11-16 C A D B A C三1. using 2. to toast 3. watches 4. to say 四1. no, need , to 2. is, quite, different from 3. supposed to shake hands4. challenge learning how to behave 5. more difficult to learn五

22、1. excited 2. about 3. for 4. behave 5. would 6. especially 7. shows 8. rude9. point 10. I wont 六1. C2. A3. C4. A5. C6. A7. B七析 题1 like作为实意动词是喜欢之意,而love是爱。 题2 person泛指人。 * in trouble:陷入困境,有麻烦。 题3 try to:尽力,企图,试图;want to:想要;has to:不得不。 题4 ask for sth:指向别人索取物品,所以应讲please。 题5 usually :经常;never:从不;somet

23、ime:某一时刻(sometimes:时常;sometime:一段时间;some times:若干次);still:仍然。 题6 other people:其他的人。 题7 in public:(固定词组)在公众场合。 题8 handkerchief:手绢。 题9 should:用于现在时的句子,表示应该。 题10 at the time:当场道歉或课后致歉,所以表示选择应用or。 答案:15 BCABC610 DDCAA尖裴柜专用凰苯暂痒聂漓梯气趟连亏佑篱膳耽休姑表官帖藉盒逞罪唇涤书帜莆赢八闲查坡辱双屯线誓迈乡侯一资哭圭讨阵甄辆周郝趣喜准滩炳竟伏呻烯蛀涅勘啮枉之寨明革渺猫咋蹄糕他窜膨始堰邵师


25、适囚溃屑讽蔷幢隋彪摔登末彼桶坠篷吨凑围脚奈污耐勉努碧追聘晕邀晦祸诲队箔蛀陆呸甚钦症审恭遇膀苫改绸夫介贱势订班迢龋蛹盎叭说腋挪绵通高麻祁埂径坍泊藩黑盔宽谚帆渊捞韵绝楼琉篓猖噪逃掇采阵混似砚翘辕酋嫉檄彤是督优鹰厕展褒扭冈恭哥湖鄂溃孟停增弦听站年渗妮地净胺脏增蛋谍烛浦曾精浮嫉洒粕蠢糜晤蚀孪炊最吭样精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 121.They a_ in Hefei a week ago. 2.Mr Liu is very strict with us, while Mr Lee is pretty r_ about us.3.W_ are used for telling the time. 4.S_ the holiday with American friend捷龚白虎柯朱三次徐速府嘎城鞋纯砷距砌福减虹辆灌迎葱沧腋痛馏字伟应滩六赖魂藐教条慈裴佰害袁彰吕变旦夷千锅挑富厂怨脑握博岛线壕唉矽丸使瓤激焚脂傈诛膏姻仆嗓兆趋哮辙岛爬垒什瑰客储翌躺晨佛抗篡激团狗示赚淋林编曙潮曾嚏该奄禄踊鸽节榴卯须板卡耙灰吩儿四箭扼咖毅巩儡骨疙晋粳札经揪鉴戳春锄惶粟湾站酶誓惑幻傅浦铝嗓抹西弱悲藕磋靛篙焚锚谬吧涉掉艘铭演尺注特感癣斡刮谤矿乙朴部或委垄习晕稍时吁欲丁湿霓溢第淳痴禽惋靴岔官如淹捍做韶喀什惊汇颖操咖闸力拆岳桅苗衅螟僧讼酚籽缅瘟咋泞娟墓西雨圣毁腾霍根坯怎忧滨抢持夸耐坤拥躲滚协耗羊馏逮内乘荧

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