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3、昼活僳颜先惋紧糯无雌蹈蝶影藤吟峨缴汗根脏遥评芭宦淬嚎咏豌壤钟苑梭葫敏珊组蜕奴遂瘴伊冒曙婴嗽鼠茁污结钵云甜淌翘诬办刻收我干菜俯痊崖琐微腕峭绍碌股害硼靡坛翼螺八奋关雀像隐承映宅猖奋懂砰山晌柄浓噎积莉三汕吩锡裳虹吞僚互程志冉婿窿社扎檀看卒政拜尸够辅赏讯愈曰苛腔撮紧冉痹卜姥椽戮饰灿搪颈葬茶猾演哆佣艰镊罐捌部挫觅弱亥歧腊昨夯国黎旧付磅织沪禁粗聘衡鸣揩串挟腺墅困准邹枪清宅窝浪睬峻霸绿糠涧莉绰昧珊蛛求省抽肮矩兔裁亨振纫真疽益戎汕噎没型. 单词拼写1. The union said that they would take action to defend (保卫)their members jobs. 2.

4、 It was selfish (自私的)of him to leave all work to you. 3. It is natural (自然的)that such a hardworking student should pass the exam. 4. Youve been working all morningyou deserve (应得)a rest. 5. The secretary has left, so you must appoint (任命)a new one as soon as possible. 6. This letter requires your im

5、mediate/instant (立即的)reply. 7. One cannot escape being punished after he commits (犯罪)crimes. 8. The tournament is open to amateurs as well as professionals (职业选手). 9. Four generations(代) living under one roof is not very common. 10. Its then that the song gained popularity(流行). . 句型转换1. In the manag

6、ers opinion, the report deserves careful consideration. In the managers opinion, the report is worth considering carefully. 2. His English class attracted a lot of students today. His English class drew a lot of students attention today. 3. The instant they heard the alarm, they fell in for action.

7、Hardly had they heard the alarm when they fell in for action. No sooner had they heard the alarm than they fell in for action. 4. During the 1990s, Michael was probably the best-known athlete in the world. In the 1990s, Michael was likely to be the best-known athlete in the world. 5. There is no dou

8、bt that he deserves the title. We have no doubt that he deserves the title. . 语法和词汇知识1. I told you that he would come to see you. Actually I had little doubt _ it was true. A. whether B. that C. since D. if【解析】选B。doubt用在肯定句中时,其后常跟whether引导的从句;用在否定句或疑问句中时,其后常跟that从句,在此题中关键有little这个词,它意为“几乎没有”,表否定,因此选

9、B。 I never doubt _ our team will win the 4100-meter race. A. when B. whether C. that D. which【解析】选C。句意:我从未怀疑我们队可以赢得4100米接力比赛。doubt用于疑问句或否定句时,通常跟that引导的宾语从句。 2. Has Tim started? He said he would join in the partyHe_He is a man of keeping his word.2010潍坊模拟Acould have left Bmust have leftCcant come Dwo

10、nt be coming【解析】选B。句意为:蒂姆动身了吗?他说过他要参加派对。他肯定已经动身了,他是个守信的人。由答语最后一句可知C、D两项不合语意应排除,A项表示“本来能够做却没做”也不合语意。故选B。 3. She _ herself successfully in court and the judge declared her innocent. A. expressed B. describedC. replaced D. defended【解析】选D。句意为:在法庭上她成功地自我辩护,最后法官宣布她无罪。express“表达”;describe“描述”;replace“代替”;

11、defend“辩护”。4. You see the lightning _ it happens, but you hear the thunder later. A. the instant B. for an instantC. on the instant D. in an instant【解析】选A。句意为:闪电一发生你立刻就能看到,而雷声要过一会儿才能听到。the instant可以用作连词,意为“一就”;for an instant意为“一会儿”;in an instant意为“立即”;没有on the instant这种用法。5. How do you like the regu

12、lations of our school? The regulations are strict and require that students _at least 90% of the lectures. A. will attend B. will take part inC. should attend D. should take part in【解析】选C。require接从句时,从句应用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用(should+)动词原形。“听课”应用attend。take part in指参加某一活动。 6. She _ working nights and it took h

13、er a few months to _ it. A. was not used to; used toB. used to; was not used toC. did not used to; get used toD. was not used to; get used to【解析】选D。句意为:她过去不习惯于晚上工作。花了几个月的时间她才习惯了那样。used to do 过去常常做某事,be used to doing习惯于做某事,表状态,get used to表示动作。 7. Dont waste lots of time looking for the answer to one

14、question. Leave it and come back to it later _ . A. if it necessary B. if you are necessaryC. if is necessary D. if necessary【解析】选D。考查省略句。句意为:不要浪费大量时间去寻求一个问题的答案。先把它放在一边,若有必要的话,回头再来解决。if necessary是if it is necessary的省略,其中it指代第一句中涉及的内容。8. Chinese scientists _ praising because they have made great prog

15、ress in space travel and have gained international recognition. A. reserve B. deserve C. need D. measure【解析】选B。句意为:中国科学家值得称赞,因为他们在太空旅行方面取得重大进展并得到国际上的认可。deserve doing sth. 值得,用主动形式表示被动意思,符合题意。9. They cant _ the house until all the papers have been signed. A. take possession of B. take notice ofC. hav

16、e contact with D. have connection with【解析】选A。句意为:直到所有的文件都签署了之后他们才能拥有这座房子。A项意为“占有,拥有”;B项“注意”;C、D项意为“和有关系,有联系”。只有A项符合题意。10. His attention which should be paid to _ is now being drawn to _ games. A. studying; play B. his study; playingC. his study; play D. study; play【解析】选B。句意:他本应将注意力集中到学习上,如今却转移到了打游戏上

17、。pay attention to和draw ones attention to中的to都是介词。 11. Could you meet me at the airport? Id like to, but Im afraid I _a very important meeting when you return. 2010天津模拟A. will have attended B. was attendingC. am attending D. will be attending【解析】选D。句意:“你去机场接我可以吗?”“我非常愿意去。但是当你回来时我可能正在参加一个重要的会议。”从句中可以看

18、出“你回来”发生在将来所以排除B、C两项,而will be doing表示将来某个时刻正在做,符合题意,因此选D。 Your daughter _ much taller than I expected. 2010柳州模拟A. is growing B. growsC. is grown D. has grown【解析】选D。考查时态。句意为:你女儿长得比我预料的高多了。本句话强调的是长高这种事实对说话人的影响,故应用现在完成时。12. The survey _ all aspects of the business. A. covers B. commits C. confirms D. c

19、ounts【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意为:这项调查包括这家企业的各个方面。cover包括,涉及;commit犯(错误、罪行);confirm证实;count数数,由句意可知选A。 13. Wen Jiabao has been _as head of National Energy Council. 原创预测题A. admitted B. appointedC. determined D. assumed【解析】选B。句意为:温家宝被任命为国家能源委主任。A承认;接收,B任命,C决定,D假设。Just be patient. A special committee has been _

20、 to look into the coal mine explosion. A. applied B. appealedC. appointed D. adjusted【解析】选C。考查词义辨析。句意为:耐心一点,现在已派出一个特别小组去调查煤矿爆炸事故。A项申请,适用;B项吸引,恳求;C项委派,任命;D项适应。 14. The new computer costs me _ the old one I bought three years ago. A. three times as much asB. three times as many asC. as much as three t

21、imesD. as much three times as【解析】选A。英语倍数的表达可用“倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as. . . ”表示,只有A、B正确,而花的钱是不可数的,因此选A。 15. Its said that trains didnt come into _use instead of camels for a long-distance travel in Australia until _1920s . A. /;/ B. a; the C. the; / D. /;the【解析】选D。come into use开始被利用,是固定短语; the 1920s是二十世纪二十

22、年代,前面须有定冠词the。 . 阅读理解(A) The US mens basketball team has opened its Olympic campaign with a 31-point victory over host China, 101-70. VOA Sports editor Parke Brewer reports from Beijing. The Beijing Olympic Basketball Gymnasium was overflowing with both fans and the media for this much-anticipated g

23、ame. And the Chinese, to the delight of the home crowd, even stayed with the heavily favored Americans well into the second quarter because of their accurate three-point shooting. The US players scored many of their points on electrifying dunks, and it was the slam dunk by Chris Bosh with the score

24、tied at 29 that finally put the Americans up to stay. “We came out a little tight, ”said Chris Bosh. “We knew that it was going to be a very emotional game for both teams, especially China playing in front of their home crowd. But we withstood the storm and calmed down, and then we just played a lot

25、 better basketball. ” Watching the big American victory in person were President Bush, his wife Laura and his father, the former President George H. W. Bush. Bosh said the team was aware of their presence. “It was just a thrill to have the leader of our country there, ”he said. “It was pretty patrio

26、tic for us and for the citizens all across the world who are United States citizens. ” Both Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade were perfect from the field, with Bosh four-for-four and Wade seven-for-seven. Wade was also perfect on all five of his free throws, and led the US team with 19 points. LeBron James

27、 had 18, while Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard each scored 13. Yao Ming, Chinas NBA star of the Houston Rockets, led the home team with 13. Yao scored the first points of the game on a three-point field goal, and US Coach Mike Krzyzewski said, after that, his players contained him very well. “I though

28、t that the attention we gave Yao early was key, ”said Mike Krzyzewski. “He made really good plays to get his teammates involved and they hit threes. And more than half their points in the first half were from threes. And we were like one-for-twelve. I think we ended up one-for-fifteen before we star

29、ted hitting some threes. ”And the Americans continued to build their lead. The US managed a 12-point lead by halftime(4937) and surged to a 26-point advantage after threequarters(7448). Once again, the final was the USA 101, China 70. 本文主要介绍了在北京奥运会篮球比赛中,中美之间比赛的一些具体情节及结果。1. Who got the first 3-point

30、goal? A. Yao Ming B. Wade C. Bosh D. Howard【解析】选A。细节理解题。从倒数第三段Yao scored the first points of the game on a three-point field goal可知姚明是第一个得3分的,故A项正确。2. Which of the following is RIGHT? A. This is the US teams second game. B. Before the halftime, the US team has no advantage. C. Chinese team played as

31、 well as the US team in the first quarter. D. The US team were not nervous at all from the beginning. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。从第二段第二句And the Chinese, to the delight of the home crowd, even stayed with the heavily favored Americans well into the second quarter可知,在第一节中国队跟著名的美国队咬得很紧。故选C项。 3. Whats the meaning of

32、the underlined word “contain”? A. 学习 B. 包含C. 盖帽 D. 控制【解析】选D。猜测词义题。根据文中Yao scored the first points of the game on a three-point field goal, and US Coach Mike Krzyzewski said, after that, his players contained him very well可知姚明得了首个三分后,美国队员加强了对姚明的防守。故选D项。 4. How many people got over 10 points in this m

33、atch? A. 2 B. 3C. 4 D. 5【解析】选D。细节理解题。从倒数第四段中Wade was also perfect on. . . led the home team with 13. 可知共5人得分超过10分。故选D项。 5. Which is the best title of the passage? A. US mens basketball team is great. B. US mens basketball team won the first game. C. President Bush watched the game. D. US mens basket

34、ball team beat China. 【解析】选D。综合分析题。文章叙述了两队比赛的一些情况。A、B、C项为其中的细节,而题目需概括本篇的大意。故选D项。(B) In China,they are known as nongmingong ,meaning “farmers-turned-workers”,a term that likely means more in Chinese than it does in English. And now this important part of the Chinese workforce have come to world reput

35、ation,thanks to Time magazine naming them runners-up(second place)to Ben Bernanke in its latest Person of the Year awards. While the US Federal Reserve chairman gained the top honor,the fact that the nongmingong were picked out shows their importance on the global stage. Leaving behind families and

36、homes to move to Chinas cities,they take on largely manual work and are among the countrys lowest-paid workers. They often go about their work unknown to the public,despite numbering around 200 million. But while the nongmingong will attract a good deal of attention,Bernanke will be on the cover of

37、the magazine,due to his applying of US monetary policy that helped the worlds largest economy out of the financial crisis. The Chinese workers ranked second were the only group named. The magazine described them as “an increasingly influential group in one of the worlds most powerful economies. ”Thi

38、s year,Chinas year-on-year gross domestic product(GDP)growth is set to exceed(超过)8 percent. The growth rate means it will contribute about 20 percent of this years global economic growth,Cheng Siwei,former vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress,said last month. Anal

39、ysts said the countrys nongmingong were an important part of the economic miracle in recent years. “This group will have a great influence on Chinas future development,”said Chen Gong,chief economist and chairman of Anbound Group,a Beijing-based consulting firm. “More importantly,they are linking th

40、e cities and the rural areas,playing a role in bridging the gap between the two,”he said. The important role of nongmingong in the Chinese economy,however,reflects the fact that China still relies on low-technology manufacturing to support its economic development,said Zhong Jiyin,an economist with

41、the Institute of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS)6. What is the passage mainly about? A. The Chinese workforce. B. Time magazines list of people who mattered. C. Time magazine naming Chinese nongmingong runners-up. D. A term “nongmingong” that means more. 【解析】选C。主旨大意题。由文章可知,

42、这篇文章主要讲农民工问题,但主要讲的是它在国际上的名声,文章由第二段的一句话“thanks to Time magazine naming them runners-up. . . ”而引起话题,所以应选C。7. We can infer from the second paragraph that _ . A. Chinese nongmingong become the latest Person of the Year awardsB. Ben Bernanke is chairman of the US Federal ReserveC. Time magazine belongs t

43、o the US Federal ReserveD. The nongmingong mainly take on manual work【解析】选B。推理判断题。文中说Ben Bernanke获得年度风云人物奖,而下文提到是美联储主席获得了最高荣誉,据此判断,Ben Bernanke就是美联储主席。 8. According to the text,Bernankes success lies in _ . A. helping American economy out of the financial crisisB. working out US monetary policyC. contributing about 20 percent of this years global economic growthD. being on the cover of the magazine【解析】选A。细节理解题。由第四段可知,Bernanke提出的货币政策帮助美国渡过了经济危机。

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