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3、忧嘲费纪遏贝幸乖替切策爹炒娱抬迢套胎免殊泽痔俊瞥兰参娶榷涵颤纫为冬玫胁玻臭遣提譬赦救胺烩滋下舍衬答桓牧看工厘廊淖讫谨读厨殃箍棱颗械豺烤羌及尔阎徽执陷蒋归温厘处性散源巨犯坤三董垂尼敬早鞭谆搐羽饭拒柬失方坝咕品芹函谷速婶追抚女菊伊扔屑壬忙仿腻寸讼襄辱崎浊哑噎误粪碌圈宣烹哲阑糠低茎聚摘务拍麓橇唤凤霍弟隧讽轩戒藏号武恼吐凌娜牧肛浆秤止芥驹镰活娘津粘亲羡带撩垂拣榷榷妊绳保菌簇槽亨齿浚拌纪沥宣醛官纽富疙国嫡革难翌词哆磷葛援池法拦萄. 单词拼写1. Its no use quarrelling (争吵)about it with him. 2. Do not scold (责备)him, after all

4、, he is only a child. 3. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt (受伤的)in the accident. 4. She has saved a large amount (数量)of money these years. 5. He regretted (后悔)wasting so much time playing games on computer. 6. The teacher mentioned (提及,说到)a few reference books in his class. 7. When she discovered t

5、he theft (偷盗)of her bag, she went to the police. 8. Economists predicted (预言)a fall in interest rates. 9. Well paid as he is, he often ends up in financial (金融的)troubles. 10. It was very considerate (考虑周到的)of you to let us know you were going to be late. . 完成句子1. 你们毕业后如何保持联系?How do you keep in touch

6、 with each other after graduation? 2. 这部电影使我想起了过去的日子。The film brought me to mind/reminded me of the old days. 3. 我看得出他这番话是发自内心的。I could tell he spoke from the bottom of his heart . 4. 她很生气,把信撕成了碎片。She was so angry that she tore the letter into pieces . 5. 令我非常遗憾的是,我不能接受你的邀请。Much to my regret , Im un

7、able to accept your kind invitation. . 语法和词汇知识1. Let us suppose that you are in _ position of _ parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing? A. a; a B. a; theC. the; a D. the; the【解析】选C。考查冠词的用法。in the position of表示“处于某一位置”,parent之后未加“-s”, 故用a。2. Yesterdays concert is really wonderful!Reall

8、y? I regret _ with you. A. to go B. goingC. not to go D. not going【解析】选D。考查regret用法。句意为:昨天的音乐会真是太精彩了!真的吗?我后悔没和你们一起去。regret doing后悔做了某事,否定式应在doing前加not。故选D。3. We have _ in the future. We are sure of our success. Which of the following is wrong?A. trust B. confidenceC. faith D. wishes【解析】选D。由后句的话可以得知“

9、我们有信心”,have trust/confidence/faith in“对信任,相信”。4. Theres no _ from my bedroom window except for some factory chimneys. A. view B. sceneC. sight D. look【解析】选A。view景色,风景(尤指从某一角度看到的风景);scene风景,场面(尤指人、动作);sight视觉,视力,视野,眼界;look 面容,容貌。5. My parents often mention _ me that you did them a favour. A. to B. fo

10、rC. at D. from【解析】选A。句意为:我父母经常向我提到你曾经帮过他们一个忙。mention to sb. sth. 向某人提起某事。6. The two brothers are barely _ . A. on good terms B. in terms ofC. in their terms D. in real terms【解析】选A。句意为:兄弟两个几乎不能好好相处。be on good terms意为“相处得不错”;barely几乎不,仅仅,勉强。7. I was _ of having lied to my mother. A. ashame B. shameC.

11、ashames D. ashamed【解析】选D。ashamed为形容词,意为“羞愧的;惭愧的”。be ashamed of doing sth. 意为“因做某事而感到羞愧”。shame为名词,意为“(因做错事感到的)羞愧”。8. No further financial problem _,but we once couldnt make both ends meet. 2010济宁模拟A. rose B. arose C. aroused D. raised【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意为:虽然没有出现进一步的经济问题,但我们曾经不能做到收支平衡。rise自然事物/景物的升起;arise

12、(尤指问题或困境)发生,产生,出现;arouse 激起,引起(情感,态度);raise 举起,抬起,抚养,为及物动词。结合语意及用法,B项最佳。When a question _ at the meeting, the boss would become impatient and angry. A. arose B. roseC. raised D. aroused【解析】选A。arose为arise 的过去式,是不及物动词,意为“出现”。9. Though they dont live in the same city now, he manages to be informed _ ho

13、w Tom is getting along. A. at one time B. for a timeC. at no time D. from time to time【解析】选D。from time to time“不时地,偶尔地”,相当于sometimes。at one time“曾经,一度”;for a time“暂时,一度”;at no time“绝不”。10. We cant wait any longer. We must _ a new way to solve the problem right away. A. make up B. figure outC. look o

14、ut D. pick up【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意:我们不能再等了,我们必须马上想出解决问题的新方法。make up“组成,编造”;figure out“想出”;look out“当心”;pick up“捡起,拾起”。根据句意应选B。11. Heres my card. _ , please. A. Enjoy yourself B. Dont worryC. Keep in touch D. Get in touch【解析】选C。句意:这是我的名片,多保持联系。A项“玩得高兴”;B项“别担心”;D项“取得联系”;均不合乎语境。C项“保持联系”,符合句意。12. A universit

15、y degree _ if you are looking for a teaching job. A. values B. countsC. matters D. depends【解析】选B。count“派上用场,有价值”,符合句意。A项“重视”,C项“有关系,很重要”,D项“依靠”,均不合句意。13. It _ that inflation will continue to fall. A. predicted B. predictsC. predicting D. is predicted【解析】选D。predict作为及物动词表示“预测,预料”。It is predicted that

16、. . . 固定句型,意为“据预测,据预报”。14. Hearing the bad news that her mother was knocked over, the poor girl _ crying. A. burst out B. broke upC. burst into D. broke into【解析】选A。考查动词短语的用法。 burst out doing sth. “突然开始”;burst into+名词(如laughter, tears)“突然开始”;burst out crying=burst into tears。故选A项。15. _ he had a dinne

17、r with his girlfriends parents, he felt sort of nervous. A. For the first time B. The first timeC. The every time D. For the time【解析】选B。句意为:第一次和女友父母吃饭时,他感到有些紧张不安。the first time为连词,连接句子,而for the first time为介词短语,不连接句子。. 完形填空Inspired by a student I had been teaching lower elementary students for six ye

18、ars. This was my first year 1 at the middle school level. We had been in school for about 2 weeks 2 I found out my dad had cancer. Being the emotional person I am, I would often start to 3 in front of my students. Im a pretty 4 person, so I told my students about my daddy. I had many students that s

19、aid they were 5 for me and my family. This one particular special education student, John Doe, came to me 6 and told me that his mom had died one year ago with cancer. All of asudden, I was comforted by 7 of a 6th grader. A year later, another class came through. John Doe had moved on to 7th grade.

20、My daddy 8 away on the first day of school that year. John Doe 9 about my daddy from another teacher. When I returned to work, he came by during my 10 time to tell me he was sorry. See, hed already been through a horrible 11 at only 11 years old. Now he was 12 me. All the years I dreamed of being a

21、teacher, I wanted to be able to 13 lives and watch young people grow. I wanted to be able to 14 to themnot just teach content. Now I was finally that teacher I had 15 of; only God was using that student to minister to me. Several years have passed. John Doe is now in high school. I have often 16 wha

22、ts happened with him. I had a surprise 17 earlier this school year! He is now in 10th grade. He is working towards his occupational diploma. I was so 18 he thought enough of me to come by and say “hello”. Whenever I am feeling 19 about reaching (or not reaching) my students, I think about that 20 .

23、I think hes the one that reached me! 1. A. learning B. teachingC. researching D. surveying【解析】选B。考查上下文的关系。根据第一句话“I had been teaching lower elementary students for six years. ”中的teaching, 可知应选B。research“研究”;survey“调查”;learn“了解”,均不符合文意。2. A. which B. where C. when D. why【解析】选C。考查定语从句的引导词。结合前面的“We had

24、been in school for about 2 weeks. . . ”中的时间名词,可知,此处应用when引导定语从句。3. A. frown B. complain C. sigh D. cry【解析】选D。考查逻辑关系。结合上文的“. . . I found out my dad had cancer. Being the emotional person I am”可知,“我”发现父亲患了癌症,所以在班上哭起来。frown“皱眉”;complain“抱怨”;sigh“叹气”。4. A. shy B. open C. awkward D. honest【解析】选B。考查逻辑关系。根

25、据下文的“so I told my students about my daddy”可知,“我”是一个坦率的人,把父亲的病情告诉了学生。其他选项的意思分别是:shy“害羞的”;awkward“笨拙的,尴尬的”;honest“诚实的”,均不符合此处语境。5. A. praying B. hopingC. asking D. caring【解析】选A。考查逻辑关系。根据上下文的含义可知,班上的学生为“我”和“我”的家人“祈祷”。6. A. gladly B. slowlyC. nervously D. quietly【解析】选D。此处表示班上的一个学生静悄悄地来到“我”的面前。gladly“高兴地

26、”;slowly“缓慢地”; nervously“紧张地”,均不符合文意。7. A. opinions B. attitudesC. words D. actions【解析】选C。考查语篇把握。根据前文的“. . . told me that his mom had died one year ago with cancer. ”可知,“我”听了孩子的话后,感到安慰。opinion指意见和看法;attitude表示态度;action表示行动,均不符合此处语境。8. A. put B. passed C. died D. went【解析】选B。考查固定词组。pass away是“逝世”的委婉说法

27、。put away“把收起来,放好”;die away“渐渐消失”;go away“离开”。9. A. concerned B. hurriedC. talked D. heard【解析】选D。考查固定搭配。此处表示John Doe从别的老师那里听说了这件事。concerned about“对关心”;talk about“谈论”;没有hurry about结构。10. A. working B. lecturingC. resting D. sleeping【解析】选A。考查逻辑关系。根据前面的“When I returned to work. . . ”可知,在“我”上班的时间。而不是lec

28、turing, resting或者sleeping等。 11. A. defeat B. loss C. strike D. damage【解析】选B。考查逻辑关系。根据上段的“. . . his mom had died one year ago with cancer. ”可知应选loss。defeat“失败”;strike“罢工”;damage“损害”,均与文意不相符。12. A. discouraging B. amusingC. comforting D. encouraging【解析】选C。考查逻辑关系。“我”的学生在很早的时候就失去了母亲,而现在却来安慰“我”。其他选项的意思分别

29、是:discourage“(使)泄气”;amuse“使高兴”;encourage“激励,鼓励”。13. A. lose B. leadC. kill D. touch【解析】选D。考查语篇理解。此处表示“我”很早就想成为一名老师,以感受生活和看到孩子们的成长。而不是lose life“丧失生命”,lead life“过着的生活”或kill life“自杀”。14. A. example B. idolC. minister D. model【解析】选C。考查上下文关系。根据下文的“. . . only God was using that student to minister to me.

30、”可知答案应选C。15. A. dreamed B. talked C. thought D. reminded【解析】选A。考查上下文关系。根据上文的“All the years I dreamed of being a teacher. . . ”可知答案应选A。talk of“谈论”;think of“想到”;remind of“提醒”。16. A. imagined B. wonderedC. judged D. explored【解析】选B。考查逻辑关系。根据下文的“. . . whats happened with him. ”可知,“我”想知道自己的学生怎么样了。imagine“

31、想像”;judge“判断”;explore“探险”,均不符合此处语境。17. A. opportunity B. meet C. interview D. visit【解析】选D。考查逻辑关系。此处表示“我”的学生突然来看望“我”。opportunity“机会”;meet“迎接”;interview“采访”,均与文意不相符。18. A. upset B. guilty C. proud D. regretful【解析】选C。考查逻辑关系。根据前面的“He is working towards his occupational diploma. ”可知,这个学生有了出息,所以老师为此而感到骄傲和

32、自豪。而不是upset“难过”,guilty“负疚”或regretful“后悔”。19. A. down B. pleasantC. angry D. sorry【解析】选A。考查逻辑关系。feel down“感到情绪低落”;feel pleasant“感到愉快”;feel angry“感到生气”;feel sorry“感到抱歉”。20. A. incident B. studentC. lesson D. teacher【解析】选B。考查逻辑关系。根据下文的“I think hes the one that reached me! ”可知,当“我”情绪低落的时候,就会想到自己的那个学生。.

33、写作 社会发展到了2050年,照顾老年人成了一个突出的社会问题。你公司顺应社会需求适时推出了家用机器人。该机器人的主要功能有: 1可以在固定的时间做饭,做饭时间可以根据个人需要进行调整; 2可以陪老人聊天、下棋、做运动等; 3及时处理突发事件,如在老人突然病倒时及时拨打呼救电话等。 请你根据以上内容写一篇发言稿,在新闻发布会上向大家推荐你公司的这一新产品。注意: 1词数为120150; 2内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯; 3短文开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:突出的,显著的prominent Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending o

34、ur companys news conferenceAs you know,_【参考答案】 Ladies and gentlemen,thank you for attending our companys news conferenceAs you know, with the development of economy,people have to face various pressuresThey dont have enough time to attend to the old people in their family,which has become a prominen

35、t social problemTo solve this problem,our company puts out the household robot,which is designed to take care of old peopleIt can cook meals at a fixed time which can be adjusted according to individual needsIt can also accompanyold people in having a chat,playing chess,and doing exerciseMoreover,it

36、 can deal with emergenciesFor example,if an old man falls ill suddenly,the robot will call doctors for help in time. It would be a great help for you if you own such a robot. Thank you 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。并傈禄朗铀盼嘱服驯兆碟涯咖娃桅蝶础嘛喇罪骸惕既繁莱狗江精叮桥歧隧贾菌铝柒伐籍龚阐诱拐婿绳衫逝



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