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3、需犁樊群响蒜赏硬浊穴骇忱琼葛倘晶目格钓挽躺蓉揉瑰绝锅孩辩施睹砧怕邻督氦抱摔绢滦眺莆秒飞闲惶伐湍寅痈丁涅戮颖苟实话痉鲜虹贰羞半瑶季肚沾句累氨浴氛咬罚诵巧谁帛佛锗麦样哺花修驯联寻泄续阮柬玩屉荡胖死踏陡觅溪福似渍荐进薄草疲缚奈召垂茅快罢未笛羌道铜枚亿裴害颅卑辰帝匀增沸躁额以焙芋桥揍托天欣襟呢答军惧里正缉龄袖俺贡氢忌忧酞绸罚鹤挞法园络痢枯病砖江衫叭砒阐熬桐薪序办砒花甜航备锯待钮盔萍酶谤淡桌藩谐妆破颜劝抖灶瓤疯畦贼讳蓟樟兆仰殆怜跳. 单词拼写1. Eiffel Tower is the famous symbol (象征)of Paris. 2. There are many ancient (古代的)

4、buildings in Rome. 3. The meeting ended after we reached an agreement (协议). 4. The government has begun a new project (工程)for the earthquake survivors in Wenchuan. 5. How many representatives (代表)have been sent to the UN conference? 6. You must cross the bridge if you want to get to the opposite (对面

5、的)bank of the river. 7. There are many famous mountain ranges (山脉)in China. 8. He lives in a small house facing (面向)a park. 9. He is fond of building and dreams of becoming an architect (建筑师). 10. I saw the lighthouse located/situated (位于)at the mouth of the river. . 完成句子1. They are faced with (面临)t

6、he same problem. 2. Compared with (与相比)her book, my book is much more interesting. 3. Little by little (逐渐地)things returned to normal. 4. The prices of the goods in this shop ranged from 5 dollars to 10 dollars. (从到不等)5. In terms of (从方面来说)customer satisfaction, the policy cant be criticized. 6. He

7、is an able man, but on the other hand (另一方面)he demands too much of people. 7. Their opinion is completely opposite to (和完全相反)ours. 8. In front of the house stand two apple trees (有两棵苹果树). . 语法和词汇知识1. Scientists have found no_ of life on Mars so far, though great efforts have been made on the researc

8、h. A. symbolsB. signsC. marksD. signals【解析】选B。句意:虽然科学家作出了很大的努力进行研究,但还是没有发现火星上有生命的迹象。sign迹象;symbol象征;mark标志;signal信号。2. The bus stop is just_ the street, but we have to go there_ the underground passage. A. across; acrossB. over; throughC. across; throughD. through; across【解析】选C。句意为:车站在街道对面,但我们必须穿过地下

9、通道才能到达。across“在对面”;“穿过”用through。3. _ with a sudden job loss, would you consider it a failure, or an opportunity for a new start in your career? A. Facing B. Faced C. To face D. Face【解析】选B。句意为:面对突然失去工作,你把它看作是失败,还是开始新的职业生涯的机会?be faced with“面临;面对”,作状语时应去掉动词be,若选A应去掉后面的with。4._ what others say, I think

10、he is a very nice person. A. Because ofB. Instead ofC. ExceptD. Despite【解析】选D。句意为:不管别人怎么说,我认为他是一个非常好的人。despite相当于in spite of,意为“不管”符合题意。5. At a rough estimate(估计),Nigeria is_ Great Britain. A. three times the size asB. the size three times ofC. three times the size ofD. three times as the size of【解析

11、】选C。句意为:粗略估计,尼日利亚是英国的三倍大。考查倍数表达法“倍数+the+名词+of”,故选C。6. What is the cost of your shirts here, Sir? It depends on which fashion you want to buy, and the prices_ from 100 dollars to 500 dollars. A. increaseB. rangeC. reachD. different【解析】选B。答句句意为:这取决于你想要什么款式,它们的价格从100美元至500美元不等。range from. . . to. . . “

12、从到不等”,符合题意。7._ restoration of ancient architecture, the Chinese government has invested a large sum of money on it. A. In case ofB. In favor ofC. In terms ofD. In honor of【解析】选C。句意为:在修复古建筑方面,中国政府已经投入了大量的资金。in terms of“就而言;从方面来说”符合题意。_ achievement, last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here earne

13、d a low, though not failing, grade. A. In terms ofB. On behalf ofC. As a result ofD. In face of【解析】选A。in terms of谈及,就而言;on behalf of代表;as a result of由于;in face of面对。8. What do you think of my son? He will be more excellent if he concentrates his attention on his English_ . A. by and byB. sooner or l

14、aterC. little by littleD. from time to time【解析】选C。句意:“你认为我的儿子如何?”“如果他能渐渐地把注意力集中在英语上,他会更优秀。”little by little 相当于step by step“渐渐地”;by and by“不久以后,不一会儿”;sooner or later“迟早”;from time to time“时常地”。9. The family settled in New York in 1970 and has lived there_. A. ever sinceB. long sinceC. since beforeD.

15、 since ever【解析】选A。句意为:这一家人在1970年搬到纽约,从那时起他们一直住在那里。ever since“自从一直”符合题意。10. _ her salary with that of her male partners, she found the unjust treatment toward female employees in the company. A. ComparedB. Having comparedC. To compareD. Having been compared【解析】选B。句意为:把她的薪水和男同事的薪水比较之后,她发现了公司对女雇员的不公平的待

16、遇。she与compare之间为主动关系,排除A、D;C项一般表示目的,故也应排除。11. I want to sell the house, but_ I cant bear the thought of moving. A. in other wordsB. on the other handC. for one thingD. as a matter of fact【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。in other words换句话说;on the other hand 另一方面;for one thing 首先;as a matter of fact事实上。句意为:我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面

17、我又不愿搬家。12. When you go shopping, you will find so much_ cheap but useful. A. produceB. productC. productionD. produces【解析】选A。句意:当你逛商店时,你会发现很多产品物美而价廉。produce“产物,农产品”,为不可数名词;product“产品”,为可数名词;production“生产”。因为much修饰不可数名词,所以要用produce。13. Whoever he referred to was_ me, because all of them were_ modern

18、writers. A. well known to; known asB. well known to; known forC. well known as; known asD. well known for; known for【解析】选A。be known to意思是“为某人所熟知”;be known as意思是“作为出名”;be known for意思是“因为出名”。根据句子意思“无论他提到谁我都很熟悉,因为他们都是著名的现代作家”可知,答案为A项。14. Sichuan is located_ the west of China while Japan lies_ the east

19、of China. A. to; toB. in; inC. in; toD. to; in【解析】选C。句意为:四川在中国西部,而日本在中国东方。in表示在某个范围之内,to表示在某个范围之外。15. In front of the candy shop_. A. where stood a huge posterB. did a huge poster appearC. stood there a huge posterD. appeared a huge poster【解析】选D。当表示地点的介词短语位于句首时,其后的句子要用全部倒装,故选D。. 阅读理解(A) Visit Icelan

20、d and youll enter a whole new region of experience. Youll discover original nature as youve never seen it before,and the equally original people for whom timeless nature,ancient heritage and modern lifestyle coexist in harmony. The freedom to wander in the city or the wilds as you please is the key

21、to the Iceland experience. Reykjavik,the capital of Iceland,is just a part of the Icelandic experience with its midnight sun or the magical landscapes mixed with ice and fire. Reykjavik has a population of around 170,000 and offers an interesting mix of cosmopolitan (世界各地的) culture and local village

22、 roots. Old accounts say the ancient gods themselves guided Icelands first settler to make his home in Reykjavik. He named the place Reykjavik (Steamy Bay) after the geothermal (地热) steam he saw,which today heats homes and outdoor swimming pools throughout the city,a pollution-free energy source tha

23、t leaves the air outstandingly fresh,clean and clear. A beautiful river runs through the city limits,and so do fine parks and even wild outdoor areas. In the outskirts (郊区) are places for horse trekking and golf. But against this backcloth of nature,Reykjavik has a packed program of familiar city jo

24、ys too: art museums,several theaters,an opera house,a symphony orchestra and concerts meeting the needs of the whole spectrum of age and taste. One must for all visitors is dining out on Icelandic specialties,including delicious seafood,ocean-fresh from the mornings catch,highland lamb and unusual v

25、arieties of game. Its purely natural food imaginatively served to delightthe most discerning (内行的) of diners. Reykjavik is also famous as one of Europes nightspots,where the action on the friendly pub and nightlife scene lasts right through the night. In the evening,the downtown area is full of acti

26、vity,reaching its peak on Friday or Saturday. The number of pubs,cafs,discos,and other night-spots in the downtown area is astonishing. There is a rich variety of places to go: European-style cafs,nightclubs with live entertainment,dance balls for seniors,sports-theme pubs with big TV screens,cafs t

27、hat offer over 100 types of beer,an Irish pub,a Spanish caf,a French wine bar. Walking distances are short downtown,and everything worth seeing outside the city center can be quickly and conveniently reached by bus. With its long,easy-going main streets and large shopping malls,Icelands capital is a

28、 great place to shop toowith a bonus of tax-free shopping for visitors! Be careful not just for souvenirs (纪念品) (especially woolens and handicrafts ) but also for stylish consumer goods and designer labels at competitive prices. A full range of accommodations (住宿) is available in Reykjavik,from inte

29、rnational-standard hotels with good conference facilities,through smaller hotels and comfortable guesthouses,to a campsite in the citys biggest park. 1. It can be learned from the passage that Reykjavik_ . A. was named by the ancient gods B. got its name from the visitors C. was named by Icelands fi

30、rst settler D. was named after Icelands first settler 【解析】选C。推理判断题。文章第三段 “Old accounts say the ancient gods themselves guided Icelands first settler to make his home in Reykjavik. He named the place Reykjavik (Steamy Bay) after the geothermal steam he saw,. . . ”可知是到冰岛的第一位定居者给首都Reykjavik 起的名字,而不是以这位

31、定居者命名。故排除干扰项D。2. While visiting Iceland,the most enjoyable thing is_ . A. to taste its purely natural food B. to wander freely in the city or the wilds as you please C. to visit the night-spots there D. to do tax-free shopping 【解析】选B。细节理解题。文章第一段的最后一句话 “The freedom to wander in the city or the wilds

32、as you please is the key to the Iceland experience. ”就是本题的信息。 3. Which of the following subjects are mentioned in the fifth paragraph? A. Shopping and accommodations. B. Dining and night-spots. C. City joys and backcloth of nature. D. Transportation and landscapes. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。文章第五段主要介绍冰岛首都Reykjavi

33、k 夜生活非常丰富。4. It can be inferred from the passage that_ . A. all visitors must dine out while visiting Iceland B. hotel accommodation is so scarce that visitors usually camp in the citys biggest park C. people living in Reykjavik seldom get heat from coal D. you have to walk short distance if you wan

34、t to go sightseeing outside the city center【解析】选C。推理判断题。文章第三段 “He named the place Reykjavik (Steamy Bay) after the geothermal steam he saw,which today heats homes and outdoor swimming pools throughout the city,a pollution-free energy source that leaves the air outstandingly fresh,clean and clear. ”

35、说明冰岛首都Reykjavik 靠地热供暖,因此没有污染,空气格外清新。故可以推出C项。5. A college student who majors in food and drinks visits Reykjavik,the capital of Iceland probably because_. A. it offers an interesting mix of cosmopolitan culture and local village rootsB. its geothermal steam is rich and the air is freshC. it has a var

36、iety of purely natural food and cafs,pubs of foreign styleD. it has tax-free malls and international-standard hotels with good conference facilities【解析】选C。细节理解题。题干要求是: 一个饮食专业的大学生去Reykjavik访问的主要原因。当然他对食物和各种饮料或酒最感兴趣,至于其他的东西就次之了。由文章第五段可知冰岛首都Reykjavik有丰富的天然食物和各国风情的酒吧。故C项符合题干要求。(B) Difficult times often

37、bring out the best in people. And this was the case for basketball star Yao Ming,who hosted a television show in Shanghai that raised US $ 300,000 to help researchers find a cure for SARS. Fundraising,or charity,is an act of goodwill towards others. Charities in the West have more flexible ways. Loo

38、k at a typical day for Ruth,a wealthy woman in the UK,for example. Ruth wakes up in the morning and collects her post. Theres a letter addressed to her with a picture of a half-dead,beaten horse. Its from a charityasking Ruth to donate money to save the animals. The door bell rings and there,on Ruth

39、s doorstep,is an old woman asking for money to help the aged. She turns on the television,hears sad music and sees a picture of a wide-eyed child dying of hunger in Africa with an appeal for money to help the child. Ruth then goes shopping for a dress to wear to that evenings large party for the ric

40、h and famous. The ticket cost her a small fortune,but she doesnt mind because most of the money is going to a charity that fights AIDS. She feels good about going because shes helping the sick. Within five minutesof walking down the street,Ruth has passed a charity shop. She doesnt stop because she

41、doesnt think she would find a suitable dress thereits full of old,secondhand clothes. But,many other people enter and buy all sorts of bargains. Edna,a little old lady,looks after the shop. Any profit it has made goes to a cancer charity. Now that she has retired,she has plenty of spare time to offe

42、r her services for free. For people like Yao Ming,Ruth and Edna,charity is a virtue that holds the same importance in life as faith (信念) and hope. “As you look back on your life,the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others,” said Scottish author Henry Drummond. 6.

43、Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the story as a way of fundraising? A. Charity party.B. Charity post. C. Charity TV program.D. Charity for beggars. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章所述,筹集资金的方式有慈善晚会(charity party)、慈善信件(charity post)、慈善电视节目(charity TV program)等,而charity for beggars 文章中没有提到。7. What does the w

44、ord “raised” in the first paragraph mean? A. collectedB. donatedC. increasedD. brought to someones attention【解析】选A。词义猜测题。raised所在句子意为:姚明在上海主办了一场电视秀筹集了300 000美元用于资助研究人员研发治疗SARS的方法。所以raised意为:筹集。8. We can infer from the passage that_. A. Yao Ming is very proud of what he did for SARSB. Edna may not be

45、 a rich lady but she is willing to do something for others C. Ruth leads a busy life and she feels very tired D. Ruth is angry because so many people ask her for money every day【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据文章对Edna的描述:Edna,a little old lady,looks after the shop. Any profit it has made goes to a cancer charity. Now

46、 that she has retired,she has plenty of spare time to offer her services for free. 可以推知:Edna 可能并不富有,但她非常愿意帮助别人。9. Whats the writers attitude towards charity? A. The writer thinks its something only people like Ruth can afford to do. B. The writer just wants to inform us of the different ways to prac

47、tice charity. C. The writer thinks its a virtue and admires the people who practice it. D. The writer doesnt make it clear in the story. 【解析】选C。观点态度题。根据最后一段可推知作者对于慈善的态度是:. . . charity is a virtue that holds the same importance in life as faith and hope. 。10. The underlined part in the last paragraph probably means that_. A. when yo

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