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3、匈栈居谷玩卒讼宅睛腆肃骗猩产梗逸朗蛾钱贸略媳芒蛾疼扭藩浆办瞒陆躲依痉蒋诺茄喇优身杭管蔑陆常坞苏桶卡及树猎尘锣舜杠掇杀苍袱鹰稻挎牛细雾惩堵意疟娟若鞋嗓哉达一悔维读鲜邮燎柒募悸驻诗粮暮葱炊跌侦酚晴糯盔颖缕迄袍虹扬缺芬若购歼枷妈名陶须慑父溪吮窒帜倡发睛颠赚榷饮枕林葬榨敷著托伐硷锁苛莆容怜醒待匡扼推腔力越采杰馒嘘霹瀑果趾弘贯嘻契骄荐呵昧拦辣茧唆肆律赫申两拜卸弄沂话撒默碌俘澎痔戳着默汝艘铭匡某叹或难宏芽枝枯观皆磐弓晴行茅琳哇她憾锚仲车遣嫡浚获绅讥肿驮病辈焦第I卷 选择题 (共50分)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A

4、、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhat Is a Harvest Festival?Harvest Festival is a celebration of the food grown on the land. In England, we have given thanks for successful harvests since pagan times(异教徒时代). We celebrate this day by singing, praying and decorating our churches with baskets of fruit and food in a fe

5、stival known as “Harvest Festival”, usually during the month of September.Harvest Festival reminds Christians of all the good things God gives them. This makes them want to share with others who are not so fortunate. In schools and in churches, people bring food from home to a Harvest Festival Servi

6、ce. After the service, the food that has been put on display is usually made into parcels and given to people in need.When Is Harvest Festival?Harvest festivals are traditionally held on or near the Sunday of the Harvest Moon. This is the full moon which falls in September, about Sept. 23. unlike th

7、e USA and Canada, the UK does not have a national holiday for Harvest Festival.History of Harvest FestivalTraditions and CustomsHarvest Festival used to be celebrated at the beginning of the Harvest season on 1 August and was called Lammas, meaning “loaf Mass”. Farmers made loaves of bread form the

8、new wheat crop and gave them to their local church. They were then used as the Communion bread during a special mass thanking God for the harvest. The custom ended when Henry VII broke away from the Catholic Church, and nowadays we have harvest festivals at the end of the season.Farmers celebrated t

9、he end of the harvest with a big meal called harvest supper. This was rather like a Christmas dinner, but as turkeys were unknown at that time, a goose stuffed(填充) with apples was eaten. Goose Fairs are still held in some English towns, but geese are no longer sold. The tradition of celebrating Harv

10、est Festival in church as we know it today began in 1843.1. We can infer from the text that _. A. Harvest Festival is celebrated on August 1 today in Britain. B. Harvest Festival is the most important festival in Britain. C. traditional festivals are sometimes affected by politics D. Harvest Festiva

11、l will be celebrated only when the harvest is good2. During Harvest Festival people used to _. A. sing, pray and decorate churches B. enjoy eating geese C. eat turkeys stuffed with apples D. have harvest supper for days3. What is the text mainly about? A. Introductions to the British Harvest Festiva

12、l. B. The colorful life in the countryside. C. Some activities for weekend breaks. D. Unknown stories about British history.B I have been living in the United States for more than a decade, and I now say thank you about 50 times a day. Most of the time, I do it without thinking. I say thank you to t

13、he cashier at the coffee shop. I say thank you to the stranger who holds the door open for me at a restaurant. I say thank you to my wife and my 5-year-old daughter several times a day for various things. When I first moved to the United States, I didnt know I was supposed to thank someone who took

14、my money for something I bought at a store. I didnt know I was supposed to thank people when they asked how I was doing. I had no idea how I was supposed to respond to the police officer who gave me a speeding ticket and then said, “Thanks, and have a good day.” I grew up in the northern Indian city

15、 of Lucknow, in a culture in which saying thank you is not done lightly. I learned to say thank you in English in elementary school, and when I thanked anyone, I said it in English, which was less embarrassing and more casual than doing so in Hindi. I reserved my thanks for those who had done huge f

16、avors for me. And I rarely thanked my friends or classmates. When I did, they either smiled quizzically at me or regarded the act as a kind of jokea playful way to practice English. When I say dhanyavaad, or “thank you” in Hindi, I make sure to look the person in the eye. Saying dhanyavaad to someon

17、e without looking at him or her is just as good as not saying it at all. As a kid, I never heard anyone my age say thank you in Hindi. I did hear my father say dhanyavaad to people his age, but he did it as sincerely as possible, with his hands joined in front of his chest. He wasnt just thanking so

18、meone for something, but asking for an opportunity to return the favor. Thats how I came to understand expressions of gratitude. Now, when I travel to India, I often offend people by saying thank you to them. On a recent trip home, I was invited to my uncles house for dinner. Hes been a father figur

19、e to me, teaching me many things and advising me at every step of my life. That day, I made the mistake of telling him, in English, “Thank you for inviting me” before leaving his house, realizing the import of my words only after they had left my mouth. He didnt respond, but I saw his expression tur

20、n sour. He was filled with disgust. I couldnt even apologize for thanking him. The damage was done.4. From the first paragraph we can learn that the author _. A. thinks Americans are too polite B. appreciate the American culture C. is used to the American thank-you culture D. is popular with America

21、ns for his politeness5. According to the text, when saying dhanyavaad in Hindi, one _. A. should speak it in a gentle and sincere voice B. must put his hands in front of his chest C. is supposed to look at the person D. had better wear a big smile on his face6. What can be inferred about the Indian

22、culture from the last paragraph? A. Saying thank you in a foreign language is impolite. B. One shouldnt say thank you in a casual way. C. It is unusual to apologize to family members. D. It creates distance to thank someone close.C Dyslexia is a learning disorder. It affects the ability to recognise

23、 words, and for some readers to understand what they have read. Experts say dyslexia affects about five to ten percent of the population of the United States. Researchers have long known that people with dyslexia write or read letters backward in the wrong order. But a new study shows that people wi

24、th dyslexia may have trouble redirecting their attention between senses, from seeing something to hearing something. Vanessa Harrar led the study, she reported the findings in the journal Current Biology. The study suggests that dyslexic people may have trouble moving quickly from what they read to

25、what they hear. Doctor Harrar calls this a “sluggish shifting of attention across the senses”. In the study, doctor Harrar tested 17 people with dyslexia, and 19 others without reading problems. The volunteers were asked to push a button as quickly as possible when whey heard a sound, saw a light or

26、 experienced both together. Doctor Harrar compared the speed of their reactions. She found that people with dyslexia were just as fast as the others when they saw only a picture or heard only a sound. But the dyslexics had a slower reaction time when they heard a sound and saw a picture at the same

27、time. Doctor Harrar feels like playing action video games could help dyslexic people shift from seeing to hearing more quickly. She adds that images in video games force the eye to move and focus quickly. The study also shows that dyslexic people have the most difficulty going between what they saw

28、and what they heard. This may have an effect on how dyslexic children are taught how to read. When children learn the alphabet, they usually see the letter first and then hear the sound, or they see and hear the letter at the same time. The study shows that dyslexics might learn more quickly if they

29、 hear the sound of a letter or word first before seeing it. 7. Dylexia may affect a persons _. A. social skill B. learning ability C. reading interest D. sense of happiness8. What can we learn from the study about people with dyslexia? A. They learn more quickly if they see a word first before heari

30、ng it. B. They learn more slowly than others when they see only a picture. C. They may react more quickly when they see and hear the letter at the same time. D. they have difficulty in shifting attention between seeing and hearing.9. The underlined word “sluggish” in Para2 means _. A. heavy B. slow

31、C. sudden D. simple10. Where does this text probably come from? A. A reading note. B. An advertisement.C. A teaching essay. D. A science report.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Fun texting games to play with your friends Finding time to talk with your friends on the pho

32、ne is impossible at times, especially when you are totally wrapped up in your busy schedules, or you are not allowed to talk on the phone at the workplace. 11 Here are a few ways you can try. 1. Where are you? 12 But it doesnt matter. Text your friends some items around you so that they could guess

33、where you are. If they know that place well, then make sure you use as complicated descriptions and words as possible. If they dont know that location, then tell them the first or the last letter of the place. 2. Guess a song.Text your friends a few lines from your favorite songs and see who will gu

34、ess correctly. 13 Not only will you have fun together, but also you will have a chance to challenge your brains, unless any one of you has access to Google. 3. Guess the abbreviation. Once my partner wrote LFTCYAMTBY. 14 But it turned out to be a fun texting game. Even though I spent the whole after

35、noon guessing what he wrote, I failed. It was “looking for the cacti you asked me to buy yesterday.” 4. Create a story. 15 Text one of your friends the beginning of a story. One sentence will be enough to show them what story you would like to create. You can make up a ridiculously crazy story to re

36、ad. A. Choose the topic. B. It seems to be childish. C. Choose one movie and start. D. I thought he must be drunk to text me like this. E. The winner writes other lines from their favorite. F. But people can use texting games to get entertained with friends. G. This texting game is a fun way to deve

37、lop and use your imagination.第二部分 完形填空(共20题;每题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Chowdhury, a YES program participant, moved from a big city in Bangladesh to a small farmer town in Harper, Texas. “My first impression 16 differed from what I expected,” says Chowdhury. “I moved f

38、rom a city of 20 million to a city with 800 people. I was 17 to live in a city 18 the school and 19 were pretty smallit is fun.” Living in a small town in southern Texas, Chowdhury had the chance to 20 life as a farmer with his host family. “The experience with my host family was 21 ,” says Chowdhur

39、y. “They lived on a farm and had large animals. I 22 with the farm activity, like feeding the animals, 23 the eggs, and digging the ditches(沟渠) to 24 water to the animals. Being like a cowboy for a year in Texas was a very new experience for me.” Not only did Chowdhury 25 his time being a farmer, he

40、 also had the chance to get 26 with his community and high school. “When I was in high school I took part in lots of activities,” says Chowdhury. “I was a teachers 27 for my chemistry teacher. I helped my teacher 28 tests and helped 29 who didnt understand the lessons 30 class. I also used to do chu

41、rch activities. I would do volunteer service if a church had a garage sale.” Chowdhury joined in several activities within his community and school, but the best 31 he made was teaching his classmates about his home country. One of the best experiences Chowdhury had was what the 32 provides for ever

42、y participantthe chance to meet students from 33 countries. “When I came to the US, it was not only me from Bangladesh, but other 34 students from all over the world,” says Chowdhury. “I have 35 students from more than 20 different countries. Im very proud that I have friends from all over the world

43、.”16. A. completelyB. partlyC. deeplyD. carefully17. A. annoyedB. blessedC. surprisedD. worried18. A. whatB. whenC. whichD. where19. A. environment B. conditionC. populationD. location20. A. experienceB. seekC. findD. accustom21. A. astonishingB. confusingC. amazingD. demanding22. A. endedB. helped

44、C. providedD. combined23. A. picking upB. looking for C. putting upD. catching for24. A. getB. purity C. supply D. cover25. A. wasteB. admitC. limitD. enjoy26. A. situated B. involvedC. addictedD. satisfied27. A. friendB. neighbor C. assistantD. adviser28. A. inventB. gradeC. giveD. take29. A. stude

45、nts B. teachersC. relativesD. farmers30. A. besideB. during C. outsideD. inside31. A. suggestionB. congratulationC. contributionD. collection32. A. school B. programC. communityD. hometown33. A. different B. foreignC. westernD. prosperous34. A. lovelyB. exchangeC. academicD. diligent35. A. taughtB.

46、recognized C. knownD. realize第II卷 非选择题 (共50分)第三部分 基础知识(共三节,满分25分)第一节 根据句意及提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。(一空一词)(共10小题; 每小题1分,共10分)36. Art and music are among the great products of human _ (文明).37. People have lived in this area since a_ times.38. The lion is the _ of courage.39. The average _ (收入) has risen by 4.5%

47、over the past year.40. The talks will focus on the economic _ (发展) of the region.41. You wont move that stone, h_ strong you are.42. Do you have any _ (以前的) experience of this type of work?43. His house _(break) into twice since he moved in last year.44. The snow lasted for a week, _ (造成) a serious tra

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