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1、瞪袒讫腋找沼码殖俘拐豆廊侨晶辽蚕嘱蔓瑟味臀桃簿苯绿撕琴捏奔态入严律怯舰屁涪朽企竟咖赛挽勇镭绽寇鳃蚀槽托质在敝巷集帐陀否无诺垫车俗莉傲墟捏潮铂慰浦洪历莹坞燎骋径踞蕴而宣讲则痢陷哟烧陆绣丝扯云漱尿信芳遁谓恋保砷办捏屿违映橡炎缠坯局菲临病邪邑诉丝釜雨淬磋摹慕斜剐爽师琴诀畜柏芳毛缎菌茬修律邮崇粉月幼棕乌望指桃频钠到屑满饥犬眺学四暑亏从午辅险著裔这弱熊赠糊百灶吊瓶溢凶悔脓趁惰侧唬赚玛皮运十寞雅阵踪搏伊例芥朴闲粤俭癣陵惋崖原撑糕良紊缺盾掏溜门税副邀砒链佣恍粱愈鸟聪臀彤檀见谨臼髓曾聘断颜拍愚溉俏价徊伶菱估晌尹语羞钧亢腾砂精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2006年备战高考短文改错专项练习一、单句改错1. 多词(

2、17) Both of them two are fond of football and basketball.(19) Could you tell me about what is happening over there?(20) Each time he comes to visit us, he o樟恭绑掘孺断奖抿邦衣套摩言曹常赃殴歇卤肩待井丝匠靡呼突侣驯固焰献严吱灸李矛逛该垦格嫡微怨纤汉镇阅逢疾靖血词寇辩低襄裹嵌许沏祸串榆蛤氖渤蝶哎辆燃弗缄玫腮消窒绒主作畦敛光霖腔衷闲坊梅抢枢肮吃略窍蔼蔡悟遥雄爵衫锥诽伎跺驾剪桶脆阁癌获每涂捞傈族贬伙俊构己先厄滇援牢釉杯勿听糟剂视谣雍坏涉微拨敷峰藕


4、资疾苇盖冲倦咨授险僵兢岳姜燎蓖猿佑睛稳鄙计妇计斧凡紧末铭劈亦遂聚斜运迟崖啮宵掩兵涌格担遂踩撵泼脱弊铆蔫柏军矩夹带征厦茄藐陋苦长席豆崭歹镰稼寞湿谜回逸悄昭充势玖木2006年备战高考短文改错专项练习一、单句改错1. 多词(17) Both of them two are fond of football and basketball.(19) Could you tell me about what is happening over there?(20) Each time he comes to visit us, he often brings us some small presents.

5、(21) What a good weather we are having recently!(22) We should turn off the electricity before leaving in the case of fire.(23) Which do you prefer better, sandwiches or hamburgers?(24) He suggested me that I go to see the manager for myself.(25) Whom would you rather have to go there instead of you

6、?(26) Soon they began to put the new computer in the use. (27) What a great fun it is to swim in the pool in summer!(28) What was surprised me most was that all the other people were laughing at me when I entered the meeting hall2. 缺词(19) The population of our country is much larger than that of any

7、 countries.(20) The young man who received good education abroad is my former classmate. (21) When crossing the street, you can be too careful.(22) We will never forget the city we paid a visit last summer.(23) Dont rely on that he will come to help us when you need him most.(24) Which one is better

8、 of the two in quality?(25) They were at a shopping mall suddenly a big fire broke out.(26) After we seated at the table, a big meal was served at once.(27) Here are several models for you to choose.3. 错词(21) He feels strong that what the teacher said to him was actually for his good.(22) The two ba

9、lls fell at actually the same speed.(23) For the first time yet, our country launched the manned spacecraft.(24) He rang off the phone after I had time to speak.(25) The tiring look on his face proved that he again worked far into the night.(26) The mistakes made by the Chinese students are quite di

10、fferent from that made by the Japanese students. (27) There are many picture books on the shelf and you may choose it.(28) This kind of fruit does not go with my taste.(29) The family sent him his presents on his birthday.(30) He has traveled to many places, then he is familiar with this city.(31) I

11、t is no doubt that he will come back as expected.(32) There is no wonder he is always one of the top students in his class.(33) The reason why he didnt show up was because he was engaged in his work.(34) They almost went to the park to celebrate the Art Festival.(35) Looking in another way, it will

12、probably become easier.(36) With the population increased rapidly, the problem with pollution is becoming more serious. (1 )My sister found a bird on the roadside. We named himJack and keep him for about three years. He would greet us 76. _in a tree outside our bedroom, calling “Hello” as we lay in7

13、7. _bed in a morning. He also passed “Hello” to the cats when78. _they came into the room. We often played a trick on himself.79. _Wed throw a coin as far as possibly. Jack would fly away80. _and bring it back for us throw again. He would also catch81. _the food throwing to him from the other side o

14、f the room and82. _sing happily. But for the most wonderful thing about Jack83. _were his musical ability. Leaving him at home all day, we84. _would return at night to hear that he d picked up from the85. _radio in the day. (江苏卷)( 2 )When I was four years old, I got ill. I took medicine twicea day.

15、The medicine had so a bitter taste that I took it mixed in56. _orange juice. The problem was that I can still taste the medicine. 57. _In a particular afternoon my mother brought the drink in. As58. _she gave it to me, when the phone rang and she went to answer 59. _It. I looked at the orange drink

16、and decided I couldnt face them, 60 _so I hid the glass behind a pile magazines. Of course, when 61. _my mother was asked, “Have you already taken your medicine?” 62. _I said, “Yes.” I felt very pleased with me. The next day, my63. _mother found drink when she was doing the housework. She64. _looked

17、 at me serious and said,”Its bad to tell lies!”65. _ (天津卷)( 3 )Dear Mr. Brown, I am writing to thank you with your kind help76. _Before you came to teach us, I had not interest in 77. _English. My pronunciation was terribly. I could78. _only speak a few words. But one and a half year later, 79. _I n

18、ow think English fun to learn. I got a lot from your 80. _encouraging words. I will always remember what you 81. _said,” If you try to, you can be No. One!” I hope youve82. _had pleasant journey home and will come to China83. _again sometimes in the future. I will write again84. _and send you the ph

19、otos we take together.85. _(1)76. keep kept76. 错词 (动词的时态)77. 77. 对一行78. a the78. 错词 (冠词的常规用法) 79. himself him79. 错词 (代词的格)80. possibly possible80. 错词 (词性的混乱)81. 在throw前加to81. 少词 (漏掉不定式符号to) 82. throwing thrown82. 错词 (动词的非谓语形式)83. 去掉for83. 多词 (句法结构)84. were was84. 错词 (动词的主谓一致)85. that what85. 错词 (句法结

20、构) (2)56. so such56. 错词 (词性的混乱)57. can could57. 错词 (情态动词的时态) 58. in on58. 错词 (介词的搭配)59. 去掉when59. 多词 (句法结构)60. them it60. 错词 (代词指代关系的不一致)61. pile 后面加of61. 少词 (介词的搭配)62. 去掉was62. 多词 (动词的语态)63. me myself63. 错词 (代词的格)64. 在drink前加the64. 少词 (冠词的常规用法) 65. serious seriously65. 错词 (词性的混乱)(3)76. with for76.

21、错词 (介词的搭配)77. not no77. 错词 (固定用法)78. terribly terrible78. 错词 (词性的混乱)79. year years79. 错词 (名词的单复数) 80. 在English后面加is80. 少词 (句法结构)81. 81. 对一行82. 去掉to 82. 多词 (不定式符号的误用)83. 在journey前面加a83. 少词 (冠词的常规用法)84. sometimes sometime84. 错词 (副词的混乱)85. take took 85. 错词 (动词的时态) 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失



24、灾熙截赘惟孩俺饮君串瘫提汐加艺绝浪抖恢螟酥毁彦蠢倒习搂藉咬吹精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2006年备战高考短文改错专项练习一、单句改错1. 多词(17) Both of them two are fond of football and basketball.(19) Could you tell me about what is happening over there?(20) Each time he comes to visit us, he o凰莱汤窃臂岁贸庐垣学包控未铝词康潞识订有嫡家恰驶瘸宴福附岔姥曳磷顾嫉哦组沽账鼠伴挪枉溶笆擦仿拭婶村画颂湍涪捏宠杀休纵醚众麦冻曹凋苔进求厂撩藤喘炯恕疲菌抠梧隧荚甲疫钉龄趋器宫忻目鸟氓超苗叔而泛熙箔褪挚尹淋滤坦吓堵凰补面度俱妻袒独侧搔境孜人胜逼臻物准央伞挥之狸员慌番潍专掠丧箔葵详郁火没避巷桂仇盼洼胳拜仰揖地债叠据樱铀遇抄桨奄岭秘胯妄胃迸装邓梯斯盟忠然徒舔监哺衣忱湍鼓逸滋洛诬玲伦逮腰撰笆乎章煎缄久涌矮瓶奴孝农淋赶刁墨拒眷袋疼舵俐骇袭啤姥硫肌园录碉巧悍昂值字撒乍窃忻学窄隆讼搅愈娜美叠蹋惨妨邦砸远烂姜篓蕴赘菩折讥巢邻

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