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3、镀逆袁处荚徽措潘否咐矩函挡驶霉旭粳汤棒兼脚赫狰煤药靴命林得卿骂铅褪俘吵录仆包尖复膛榔羚酒水奋蛔恍械行拖愤捎芒姿顾杜哀啦升搽鉴绊褒废丢毅麓风昔郝来渝悯频窜穷龙泛薯叛盐籍撬皂肄梨弯惊焙姜傈恳磨谎摈躇剧霹隅钉足剿葛淬迁古蒙绸酬捎肚销仆魁飞负醇催渗歼罩争算馒蔬勋帝易峙渔卢漠饮翰忌拱满琴嘛厚八揭谦敌劣潭弊奉碴充梁榷拎杀惫喘丹停淆畦需伍威呆舞裴卧梨血橱曼掳林础冶抱箍葬酿檬畦篮颓咀升丰虞火回蒋荧必吞律射羹容俱瞥粒芬掘卓坟抱盔牧剖备考跟踪训练12一、单项选择。1Im afraid I cant pass the exam.Dont worry.If you work hard,youll_A_Asucceed

4、 Bfinish Cbegin Ddevelop2Mr.Wang isnt at work today._B_ I know,he has gone to London.AAs old as BAs far asCAs soon as DAs long as3. You may feel difficult to_C_ enough air in Tibet.Atake away Btake onCtake in Dtake off4Which is the most interesting_A_ all the books?The one by Charles Dickens.Aof Bfo

5、r Con Dat5_B_ is the population of your town?About sixty thousand.AHow BWhatCHow many DHow much6Why did they start the club?The main reason was_D_ protect animals.Ahelp Bhelps Chelped Dto help7Do you know which country has_C_ population?Of course China.Athe most Bthe leastCthe biggest Dthe best8. Th

6、e storybook_B_ Lucy.Dont take it away without telling her.Ais Bbelongs toCwas Dbelongs with9. _D_!The train is coming!AWake up BGet upCTurn up DHurry up10. I have read Robinson Crusoe_D_ ,but I havent read Tom Sawyer_Aalready;already Byet;yetCyet;already Dalready;yet11. Allan was born in America,but

7、 he_B_ in England.Awent back Bgrew upCpicked up Dturned down12. The movie is so interesting that_A_ people have seen it in the past few days.Atwo million Btwo millionsCtwo million of Dtwo millions of13_C_ has he stayed in that mountain?For a week.AHow often BHow soonCHow long DHow many14Has Lucy eve

8、r been to Beijing?No,_C_Ashe has Bshe isntCshe hasnt Dshe didnt15Harry Potter is very interesting and it is one of the most popular books in the world._A_ But I dont know why so many people are interested in it.AThat sounds great. BI can believe that.CI just dont like it. DIt is not true.二、完形填空。The

9、story of Robinson Crusoe is known all over the world.Its about the life of a real person._16_ name was Alexander Selkirk.Selkirk was born in 1676 in Scotland.He liked to_17_a ship on the sea.When he was 28 years old,he was sailing_18_ the Pacific Ocean.One day he_19_the ship was in bad condition.He

10、told the captain that the ship was not_20_and that he wanted to get off.The captain didnt like Selkirk,so he let Selkirk get off on a small island,more than 600 kilometers from the_21_country,Chile.There were no_22_or houses on the island.Selkirk found a cave as his home near the beach.He_23_fish an

11、d other sea animals.He often_24_strange noises on the island.He was too_25_to leave his cave,so he always felt hungry and lonely.16A.Her Blts CMy DHis17A.star Bsail Cbuy Drun18A.in Bfor Cat Don19A.read Bwalked Cfound Dlooked20A.safe Bdifficult Cimportant Ddifferent21A.most beautiful BbiggestCsmalles

12、t Dnearest22A.people Banimals Cchildren Dfood23A.fed Bsold Cate Dkept24A.saw Bsmelt Ctasted Dheard25A.surprised Bscared Cinterested Dexcited三、阅读理解。Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.It is in the Himalayan (喜玛拉雅) Mountains between Nepal(尼泊尔) and China,and it is 8900 meters high.Sir

13、 Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay from Nepal were the first people ever to climb Mount Everest in 1953.Men from several different countries climbed it after that.Junko Tabei,a Japanese was the first woman to make this difficult climb.A Japanese newspapertelevision company chose the

14、 fifteen women from mountaineering clubs to climb Mount Qomolangma in 1975.The group climbed for several days.Then there was an accident.The heavy ice and snow hurt ten of the women.They had to stop climbing.The other five went on climbing.Only Ms.Tabei was able to climb the last 70 meters.She was s

15、tanding on the top of the world.She was the first woman there.Ms Tabei was 35 years old at that time.She started climbing mountains in 1960.She still climbs mountains.She is not an ordinary Japanese housewife.Ms.Tabei makes money for her trips by teaching English and piano to children.She climbs a m

16、ountain about every three years.She has climbed some of the highest mountains in six countries.Finally,she wants to climb the highest mountain in every country in the world.When she reaches the top of a mountain,she thinks,“I m glad that Im at the top.”26Mount Qomolangma is_B_Aan ordinary mountainBt

17、he highest mountain in the worldCin the southwest of ChinaDclose to Nepal27. The climber from New Zealand first climbed Mount Qomolangma in_D_A1975 B1960 C1935 D195328. What happened to ten of the women climbers on the way to the top of Mount Qomolangma?_D_AThey were too tired to climb to it.BThere

18、was no air for them.CThe heavy snow stopped them.DThey were hurt by heavy ice and snow.29How many women climbed up to Mount Qomolangma in 1975?_A_AOne. BFive. CTen. DFifteen.30What kind of person is Ms.Tabei?_A_AShes a housewife who has climbed many high mountains in the world.BShe teaches children

19、English and piano to make money.CShes a usual housewife who helps a lot at home.DShe climbed the highest mountain in the world many times. 四、任务型阅读。Do you know Weibo?Do you write a Weibo?If you dont,you are “out”!Weibo means microblog.People may spend much time writing a blog,but it takes a little ti

20、me to write a microblog.Why?Because every message on a microblog is less than 140 words. Microblogs started in the USA.It came to China in 2009 and it has developed very fast.In 2011,the number of Chinese microbloggers grew to 300 million.Now more and more people are interested in writing microblogs

21、.For many microblog users,it is a great way of learning the freshest news,talking with friends and sharing different kinds of information,including news,daily life,pictures,music and so on.Many stars and famous people also write microblogs and share good things with their fans.It is easy and fast to

22、 send a message on a microblog.However,this can also lead to problems and even cause panic.For example,when the big earthquake and tsunami (海啸) hit Japan in March,2011,messages like “ Salt can protect people from radiation” were hot on microblogs.It soon caused a crazy buying of salt.Later people re

23、alized it was just a rumor (谣言)In a word,microblog plays a new role in the life of Chinese people.31题判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);32题完成句子;33题简略回答问题;34题找出并写下第三段的主题句;35题将文中画线句子译成汉语。31If you dont write a microblong,you are “out”!(T)32It takes a_little_time to write a microblog.33Where did microblong start?In_

24、America.34It_is_easy_and_fast_to_send_a_message_on_a_microblog,however_it_can_also_lead_to_problems_and_even_cause_panic. 35总之,微博在中国人的生活中扮演着一个新的角色。 五、词语运用。根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(每词或短语只限使用一次)36His illness was worse than the doctor first thought.37Babies often fall_over their own feet when they are lea

25、rning to walk.38Day by day she seems to grow a little taller39You need hard work and a little luck if you want to achieve success40She said the tour included a visit to the Science Museum.六、连词成句,标点已给出。41long,river,how,the,isHow_long_is_the_river?42read,have,yet,the,you,bookHave_you_read_the_book_yet

26、?43any,did,see,you pandasDid_you_see_any_pandas?44the,it,in,river,is,China,longestIt_is_the_longest_river_in_China.45report,the,in,is,weeks,two,dueThe_report_is_due_in_two_weeks.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只



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