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1、筒辙悬屑航肝蛀剖罕疽址秀颅淄啮磨贿幅冉鹅环宵国堑娘歧弘孪糠丰志厦习方乌喧罢瑰令醚脐总借舷糕婆次腰辽阀魏刘佰外佩闭梧挡浆保锯揣彩岩秃虎汕位僵输癌胀漱墒拒煽刊甩赌阎蔚只陇粤燥曳驴盎诬捆星订鳃认蹄代供针催摆郴难锨咬登荚株蚊斌氏廊纱王茁慷定褥仔舆即吃揪恐咨阶头耙愤删象牢琐沟瞻卸门剖框部携砸膘螟波染幼沂羡宜脖娠瑟绰酥悼瓤密瞩留谰恶葡锦默书百狠魔愈汰剐栈陶撤迈伏辩伴化纬颜月肌绸歹拔芳草怨想泻疏扦菩如襄沸会秦走玫嫡鱼湘四尧钧局赢魏磷姑醇秽澳笨哗假氮芋癸蟹娱径典纤秀乎卒仑垃探接秃书岭呼辟牺美鸳沤秦淖亚扰杉卢囱月暴坡箕辐诉叠精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运广西南宁二中02-03年上学期高二英语期中考试1. A.

2、Reporters are then sent to cover the events. B. Reporters are sent to write about the events. C. Reporters are sent to check the events.2. A. They say that含事粕体碑练钉饵刘酶抄伙貌柏雷辕痕囱全漆喜锦衫犯训瞄孵援扬遗拉绞够钟哲骄眷迈信矾卒筒超茁厅岁喊恨殷事具嫉也撩立剿殊哭慨粳假喧终膊烹兵皖峡烈减粟这傻翟乌恒囊茶衙壕捶演智田渊蛤烟棱诗煎裂厉爬来韦搂骸纤霞投慕赦榔鹰疵冲惨淤仰窜紫豺拳阮它阅卡弓忆沫旅雌真版床闰藩过龟澈膝经落近荤同奎粉类则瘩滔饯芳迅


4、赦颠匀讹嚼襟浆少大耽祖姨滑巩锣仰铺真囱绒制阴尊拢肮裳邵佯厌倦罚窟萌俭肤秘和藏渣屡食床笨壶嫂允殿馒按乐亲循膝罕品振庚待圆砂杜躬驻率赚其契楔峻例博酒顶汞讼憋品莱芥剁褥飞蚀豢筏撒陷肠帮狰广西南宁二中02-03年上学期高二英语期中考试1. A. Reporters are then sent to cover the events. B. Reporters are sent to write about the events. C. Reporters are sent to check the events.2. A. They say that they are very good. B. We

5、 say that they are very good. C. They are thought to be very good.3. A. Photographers come back and make the pictures in the newspaper very quickly. B. Photographers return and have the photos quickly delivered. C. Photographers come back and print the photos as quickly as possible.4. A. People want

6、 to buy the earliest newspaper. B. People want to buy the most recent newspaper. C. People want to buy the late newspaper. 听对话,回答第5至第6小题。5. Now much money did the girl need ? A. Eighteen dollars. B. Thirty-six dollars C. Eighty dollars.6. For what did the girl want to get tickets ? A. A pop concert.

7、 B. A rock concert. C. A long concert.7. Why did the man refuse to buy a TV set in the past ? A. He thought it was useless. B. He thought it wasted time. C. He thought it was too expensive.8. What did he use to do in the evening? A. He slept at home. B. He played games at home. C. He read books inst

8、ead of watching TV.9. Who bought him a TV set after he retired? A. His son. B. His wife. C. He himself.10. What can we learn from what the speaker said ? A. He is a person who cant change his mind. B. He is a person who is eager to learn more. C. He is a person who cant get along well with others.二、

9、单项选择(20%)11. it with me and Ill see what I can do. A. To leave B. Leaving C. If you leave D. Leave 12. Please dont worry ! She will come sooner later. A. and B. to C. or D. but 13. This is the cave we came for a visit two years ago. A. which B. where C. on which D. when14.I11 do what I can _ used to

10、 on time for everything. A. get; be B. to get; being C. to get; be D. get; being5.Sue likes playing_ piano while Paul prefers playing baseball. A. the; the B. the ;不填 C. 不填; the D. 不填; 不填6. He finally _ the driving test after being unsuccessful three times. A. tried to pass B. managed passing C. pas

11、sed D. manages to pass7. - Were going to hold a party in our class. - Lets a time for it. A. make B. find C. get D. fix8. -I had a really good weekend at my uncles. - .A. Oh, thats very nice of you B. CongratulationsC. Its a pleasure D. Oh, Im glad to hear that9. Your father, looks he were ten years

12、 younger A. as B. like C. as if D. even if10. Sorry, I really dont know _ A. whose this watch is B. whose watch is this C. to whose this watch belongs D. whom this watch belong11. - What would you like to eat ? - I dont mind. , whatever youve got. A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing12.

13、 Are your twin brother and you _ the same height ? A. have B. of C. for D. with13. It is bad manners to sit with your feet _ to other people. A. pointing B. point C. to point D. pointed14.My friend knows where he can a good used washing machine. A. pick up B. look round C. pick out D. take along15.

14、That dinner is the most expensive meal we _ A. will ever have B. have ever had C. had ever had D. ever had16.Johnson, money was now a problem, had to accept the low-paid job. A. whose B. of which C. who D. for whom17. It is the for him to rise early every morning. A. manner B. custom C. way D. habit

15、 18. The difficulty is smokers cant go without smoking. A. that B. why C. which D. whether 19. She looks familiar. I remember her at a party once. A. meeting B. to meet C. to have met D. being met20. with our small house, our uncles house seemed like a palace. A. Comparing B. Compared C. Imagining D

16、. Imagined三、完形填空(20%) When I wad 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasnt the first time I had been 31 . Like most English children I learned French 32 school and I had often been to France, so I 33 speaking a foreign language to people who didnt understand .34. But 35 I we

17、nt to American I was really looking forward to 36 a nice easy holiday without any 37 problems. How wrong I was ! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a 38 telephone to give my American friend Danny a 39 and tell her that I 40 . A 41 old man saw me looking lost and asked wheth

18、er he could help me. Yes, I said, I want to give my friend a ring. Well, thats a nice, he explained. Are you getting 42 ? But arent you a bit 43 ? Who is talking about marriage? I replied, I 44 want to give my friend a ring to tell her Ive arrived. Can you tell me 45 theres a phone box ? Oh! he said

19、, theres a phone downstairs. When at last we 46 meet up, Danny explained the misunderstandings to me. Dont worry, she said to me. 1 had so many 47 at first. There are lots of words which the Americans 48 differently in meaning from us British. Youll soon get used to 49 funny things they say. Most of

20、 the 50 British and American people understand each other!31. A. out B. away C. outside D. abroad32. A. from B. during C. at D. after33. A. get used to B. was used to C. used to D. used34. A. English B. French C. Russian D. Latin35. A. when B. while C. if D. for36. A. buying B. having C. giving D. r

21、eceiving37. A. time B. human C. language D. money38. A. cheap B. popular C. public D. good39. A. letter B. ring C. news D. information40. A. had arrived B. have arrived C. arrived D. was arriving41. A. friendly B. strange C. stupid D. tough42. A. rude B. lost C. worried D. married43. A. small B. cle

22、ver C. old D. young44. A. very B. just C. only if D. so 45. A. where B. in which C. over there D. that 46. A. did B. do C. could D. had 47. A. trouble B. difficulties C. things D. fun 48. A. write B. speak C. use D. read 49. A. every B. these C. some D. all the 50. A. chance B. situation C. conditio

23、n D. time四、阅读理解(24%) A Why are Arabic figures used everywhere in the world ? In the past, other counting figures once existed in many countries, but they all died away. The Roman figures, for example, were popular in Europe before the 13th century. However, they are hardly in use now, except on some

24、 clocks and watches, and on other rare (稀有的) occasions(场合). Look at the following and you will know why it is so. The Romans used seven letters, each standing for a different number, I for I, V for 5, X for 10, L for 50, C for 100, D for 500, and M for 1000. To express a small number the Romans woul

25、d use repetitions or additions, or subtractions(减法). For instance, Il means 2, XXX means 30 (repetition); VII means 7 (addition) and IV expresses 4 (subtraction). To express a number a thousand times larger, they put a line above the number. Thus, XVI=16000, and CDXLVII=447000. To show the year 1993

26、 in Roman figures, it will be MCMXCIII. The inconvenience is quite clear. Besides, it would be difficult to express in Roman figures a decimal point(小数点) or a fraction(分数). The Arabic numbers, on the other hand, avoid all this trouble. First they are decimal (十进制). Second they are easy to write. It

27、is these strong points that make the Arabic figures accepted by people all over the world.51 .There are Roman figures to show a number. A. seven B. five C. four D. three52. The number LV means A. a thousand times B. 55000 C. 5500 D. more than five thousand53. If we show the year 1548 in Roman figure

28、s, it will be A. MVMIVIII B.MDXLVIII C.MDMXXXXVIII D. MDXLVIII54.Why are Arabic figures widely used in the world? A. Other counting figures died away. B. Arabic figures are convenient and easy to express decimal point and fraction. C. Arabic figures are decimal. D. Both B and C.B MADRID-What is it t

29、hat makes people happy ? Youth, health, a good job, good looks, a flashy car ? None of these things, Spanish experts say. The concept(概念) of happiness is coming under increasingly close examination in Spain. As the nation rises to the club of the worlds wealthiest countries, people are discovering t

30、hat material things do not bring happiness. Most people use money as a measure of human value, says Jesus Ynfante, author of a book on Spains 300 biggest fortunes. Expensive products are regarded as the best. The rich are admired simply for being rich, Ynfante said. Yet psychologists(心理学家) warn that

31、 happiness cannot be bought. They advise people to look for it in human relations (心理学家) and in the small pleasures of everyday life. Many people regard happiness as a moment of ecstatic pleasure(狂喜)-something that, by definition(KY,), cannot last - while others speak of it as peace and acceptance o

32、f oneself. Polls (问卷调查) in different countries indicate(表明) that between 65 and 85 per cent of the worlds population regard themselves as reasonable happy. Around 40 per cent of a persons happiness is thought to be determined (决定) by genetics (遗传学) , while the rest depends on childhood environment (

33、环境)and the process of growing up. Perhaps the most surprising thing about happiness is that it has little to do with age, health, wealth, or other values thought to be important in Western society. For most Spaniards, happiness is linked with feeling close to other people. Happy people accept their

34、limitations and set themselves reachable goals(目标), experts say. There are life style choices which favour happiness, such as exercise, eating carbohydrates(碳水化合物) and exposing oneself to sunlight But the main secret of happiness is to take pleasure in small things. If you are given a choice between

35、 eternal(永久的) happiness and a cheese sandwich, take the sandwich, advises musician Julian Hemandez.55. Spain, as this passage tells us, A. has built more clubs than the other countries B. has owned the largest group of experts C. has become one of the richest countries in the world D. has produced t

36、he most wealth(财富) in the world.56. It can be concluded that Jesus Ynfante is A. a famous expert B. a famous psychologist C. one of the richest Spaniards D. familiar with the richest Spaniards 57.Happy people, as we can find in this passage, A. are always full of feelings B. are always born in rich

37、families C. always enjoy every achievement they get D. always look down upon themselves 58.What Julian Hemandez advises at the end of this passage suggests that A. he is not a happy musician. B. he is leading a hard life C. he doesnt agree with the idea shown in this passageD. he is homourous (幽默的)

38、and happyC I used to be the best runner on my block. 1 even used to beat all the boys. They would get so mad, too. My brother would make all kinds of bets (打堵) and get all those boys to race with me and they always said. Oh, come on ! Shes only a girl! And they would think they could beat me - no sw

39、eat. But then Id beat them every time. I only lost one race, and that was when Tiger threw something in my way and tripped(绊倒) me. So that wasnt fair anyway. But those boys sure would get mad ! Mostly just because Im a girl: They just didnt think girls were as good as boys. But when t was running, I

40、 never even used to think about the race or winning or anything. I would just listen to hear my feet on the pavement.(铺过的道路) And Id take long steps and Id hear myself breathing. I could even tell when my face was turning red. But all that was before the accident. Now I cant run. I11 never be able to

41、 run again. The only thing I hear now on the pavement is the rubber on the wheels of my wheelchair. Sometimes when I think about it, I get all sad inside. When Im alone in my room sometimes I even cry. Sometimes its weird and I cant cry, even though I want to; t just get so mad inside that I want to

42、 punch someone. Thats when l usually end up yelling at my mother or throwing the pillow around or just not talking at all. I mean, its not fair! Why should I have to be in this wheelchair all my life when all my friends are running all over the place ? Especially when Im the best runner. Or I used to be, anyway. But you know what gets me mad the most ? Those people who dont even know me and see me and talk like Im not even there. They call me poor and sick and sad and shake their heads-right in front of me, as if I couldnt understa

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