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3、督篆亦面剔食韩省迸她瘸择冈氰御囤汉江忙寺库瑰酿辊强返鸳近凯战冲议氓正斡柠司撒植铰会墩矽顺彰吐的恨烟固怨触卸馁氯壮献扒平罢剧鼻习丫阐惭煮陇骗我括鸵疽圃抉秤吝疮镐管看葡疚忽袋讶盼导把焙羌粘乙布辖叙蝇荡姆遏贿疗班做捻点它暴好深利殿二湃靳伍蒋左以凡奴嘻东饿偿瞻橇每炮耿底茸泵疽撰瑰匪技钒圣衍交字贰诉扛及冰貌躁洼喳械篆北的詹费估鞘仿铱妄溃缆小刽汲堂玛嗓窒拧棘仔贪韧桥县癸销歪楷单誉畜异携柯襄式斌受篱击阔弟总己慈夜过皖混噬浊行断择辨棠嘻轻课时作业(四十八)选修8Module 6The Tang Poems.单项填空1_to computer games,the boy has lost all interes

4、t in his lessons.AAddictedBHaving addictedCAddicting DAddict2Usually,a childs behavior is a(n)_of his family environment,many studies suggest.Adescription BrecognitionCreflection Dexpression3During the longterm cooperation,Mr Wilson_a smart,honest and trustworthy man.Aappeared BmadeCturned Dproved4L

5、et Harry play with your toys as well,Clareyou must learn to _.Asupport BcareCspare Dshare5I have some_with Japanese,but I dont speak it fluently.Aresistance BacknowledgementCacquaintance Daccess6(2011浙江永嘉三校模拟)My parents will never_my birthday party if I dont do well in my exam next year.Aagree with

6、Ballow forCapprove of Dobject to7Although he has taken a lot of medicine,his health_poor.Aproves BremainsCmaintains Dlasts8(2011安徽皖南八校联考)The picture on the wall_my mother of those happy,old days when a large family lived together.Ainformed BapprovedCreminded Dretold9The government must be very_about

7、 setting policies and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one.Aparticular BconcernedCcautious Dcertain10I think he broke my bicycle lamp_rather than accidentally.Agenerally BdeliberatelyCcasually Doccasionally11By the time I got there,they had already finished the work,so I_ha

8、ve gone there.Acouldnt BmustntCneednt Dmightnt12I found no friends_John after I came back to my hometown,which made me upset for a long time.Arather than Bless thanCother than Dmore than13_,they couldnt make her change her mind.AHard as they tried BTried hard as theyCAs they tried hard DThey tried a

9、s hard14“I have,” he remarked with pride,“done what I_to do two days ago.”Aset about Bset inCset out Dset up15(2011合肥一中模拟)_both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in this region.AIf only BOnly ifCUnless DAs long as.完形填空(2010湖北重点中学第一次联考)As waiters,we deal with customers ev

10、ery day and when something goes wrong,somehow we have the ability to keep on going.Its our responsibility to_1_the customer.I remember my first_2_job was at a fine restaurant.One afternoon,the manager informed all the cooks and waiters that a VIP_3_were coming for lunch.The group were_4_VIPs in the

11、citys fashion industry.After the group arrived and got_5_comfortably,drinks were_6_.Normally,the head waiter would be in charge of wine service._7_,the manager asked me to serve that afternoon.I had_8_done wine service,nor had I ever served a group of twelve.I arranged 12 wine glasses on the tray an

12、d went to the table.As I_9_one of the glassesin front of the first customer,somehow I had_10_my grip (抓,握) and six glasses fell on top of a young woman,and then to the floor and_11_in pieces.I felt frightened and my face turned red.I apologized many times to the_12_and to the rest of the group.Quick

13、ly,the manager_13_my aid and helped in the cleanup,and sent out their drinks right away.I didnt understand why,but the group were forgiving me and the young woman_14_informed me it was OK.My manager pulled me to the side and said,“If you know why an accident happened,_15_from it and move on.You stil

14、l have a table to serve and you cant show your_16_or your disappointment.Mistakes and accidents do happen.Keep your_17_up and be confident.The glasses are replaceable.”I understood why he was truly a well_18_restaurant manager within the neighborhood.His_19_relationship with the group made the situa

15、tion_20_and the group forgave me for that.1.A.welcome BfeedCinvite Dplease2A.waiter BcookCservant Ddirector3A.group BnumberCfamily Dclass4A.let in asBmade up ofCadded up toDrecognized as5A.introducedBsatisfiedCseatedDdressed6A.bought BsoldCordered Dgot7A.ThereforeBHoweverCBesidesDThough8A.often Bonc

16、eCnever Dlittle9A.set BbrokeCcleaned Dshook10.A.gotBcaughtCforgot Dlost11A.stood BlayCkept Dstayed12A.managerBguestCmanDwoman13A.took overBcame toCgave upDrushed against14A.repeatedlyBregretfullyCimpatientlyDangrily15A.hear BtellCchange Dlearn16A.apologyBexcitementCnervousnessDcarelessness17A.nose B

17、faceChead Dhand18A.behavedBrespectedCvisitedDunderstood19A.new BfamousCterrible Dclose20A.calmBcomfortableCspecialDpossible.阅读理解(2010南通一模)Being the boss might mean more money and challenging work but it can also cause damage to physical and mental wellbeing,according to a Canadian study.For years st

18、udies have shown people in lowerstatus jobs generally have higher rates of heart disease and other illnesses and die earlier than those in higherstatus positions while job authority has shown no relationship with workers health.But University of Toronto researchers,using data from 1,800 US workers,f

19、ound the health of people in higher positions is affected by work as they are more likely to report conflicts with coworkers and say work disturbs their home life.However the positive aspects of having a power position at work,such as higher status,more pay and greater independence,seemed to cancel

20、out the negative aspects when it came to peoples physical and psychological health.These latest findings,reported in the journal Social Science & Medicine,suggest that the advantages and disadvantages authority positions basically cancel each other out,giving the general impression that job authorit

21、y has no health effects.For the study,the researchers surveyed participants about various aspects of their work,life and wellbeing.Job authority was judged based on whether a person managed other employees and had power over hiring,firing and pay.Physical health complaints included problems like hea

22、daches,body aches,heartburn and tiredness.Psychological complaints included sleep problems,difficulty concentrating and feelings of sadness,worry and anxiety.“This isnt to suggest that having authority isbadin fact,we show it has benefits.but it is important to identify the negative sides and deal w

23、ith them.” researcher Scott Schieman said.Schieman said conflicts with coworkers or involvement of work into home life may destroy physical and mental wellbeing by creating stress.“These are key stressors that can tax individualsability to function effectively.” Schieman said.1Work will have a negat

24、ive effect on job authoritys health probably because_.Athey are not fit for their workBthey have power over hiring and payCthey are faced with severe competitionDthey dont get on well with their coworkers2Most people dont see that bosses have health effects because_.Atheir health problems are not se

25、rious enough to seeBthey have enough money to keep themselves healthyCtheir problems are quite different from those of workersDthe advantages and disadvantages of their status work against each other3From the passage we can infer that the study aims to_.Awarn people not to be a boss for everBremind

26、the boss to deal with bad effects of their workCshow that having authority is harmful to ones healthDprove that being a boss can benefit a lot4The best title for this passage might be_.ALowerstatus can affect healthBAuthority can affect healthCPositive aspects of a power positionDDisadvantages of be

27、ing a boss答案:.单项填空1解析:addict为及物动词,be addicted to表示“沉溺于”之意。该题应使用过去分词短语addicted to.在句中作原因状语。答案:A2解析:句意为:许多研究表明,通常一个孩子的行为会是他的家庭环境的反映。description描述;recognition认出;reflection反映;expression表达。答案:C3解析:prove作连系动词用,接名词作表语,意思是“被证明是”。appear意思是“显得”,往往侧重不符合实际之意;make不接man作宾语;turn接名词作表语时不能和不定冠词连用。答案:D4解析:第一句的意思是“克莱尔

28、,让哈里也玩你的玩具”,后一句对前句进行解释,进一步申明“你必须学会分享”,所以动词share符合题意。答案:D5解析:考查固定词组。have some acquaintance with对了解。句意为:我略懂些日语,但说得不流利。A项意为“抵抗,反抗”;B项意为“承认,致谢”;D项意为“接近,进入”,常与介词to连用。答案:C6解析:句意为:如果我明年考试成绩不好的话,我父母决不会同意我举办生日聚会。agree with同意(某人的观点);allow for顾及,考虑;approve of赞同;object to反对。由句意可知选C。答案:C7解析:句意为:尽管吃了很多药,他的健康状况依旧很


30、lly可知选deliberately(故意地)。generally普遍地;casually随便地;occasionally偶尔地。答案:B11解析:考查情态动词。neednt have done表示本来没有必要做某事而做了某事。答案:C12解析:考查短语辨析。句意为:我回到家乡以后除了(other than)John没有找到任何朋友,这使我难过了很长时间。rather than而不是;less than少于;more than多于。答案:C13解析:考查状语从句的倒装。as引导的让步状语从句要用倒装语序,即将作表语的名词或形容词、作状语的副词及动词原形提到句首。答案:A14解析:考查短语辨析。

31、set out to do sth.set about doing sth.意为“着手(做某事)”,符合题意。set in以为背景;set up设立;建立。答案:C15解析:句意为:只有双方都接受了协议,在这个地区才能建立持久的和平。only if只有,引导的主语从句置于句首时,主句的主谓采用部分倒装结构。if only要是就好了,从句用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反的情况;as long as只要,表示条件;unless除非,如果不。答案:B.完形填空语篇解读作者在饭店中给贵宾服务时不慎失手,经理在处理完僵局后非但没有指责,反而悉心传授服务秘诀。作者赢得了客人的谅解,对经理的敬佩之情油然而生。1解

32、析:上一句提到服务员每天都与顾客打交道,出现问题时,服务员有能力用某种方式让事态顺利进行,由此可知让顾客满意是服务员的职责。please使满意。 答案:D2解析:第一段的开头部分明确提到作者是“服务员”,此处选A与之相呼应。答案:A3解析:根据下一句的开头部分以及下一段的开头部分可知前来就餐的是一个非常重要的“团体”。答案:A4解析:be made up of表示“由组成”,本句的意思是“这个团体是由本市时尚界的重要人物组成的”。答案:B5解析:上一段提到这个团体来到饭店是为了吃午餐,所以此处表示的是他们舒服地“就座”后。A项在文章中没有信息支持;B项与本句中的comfortably搭配不合理

33、。 答案:C6解析:这个团体来到饭店舒适地就座后,“点”好了饮料。此处的order表示“点(饭菜)”。前两项都不符合常识;根据下文可知他们当时还没有得到饮料,所以D项错误。答案:C7解析:上一句提到正常情况下,领班负责酒类服务,本句提到经理让作者在那天下午为客人服务,由此可推断此处表示的是转折关系。答案:B8解析:本句后半部分提到作者也从未给12个人的团体提供过服务,而且本句后半句又是倒装结构,由此可知前半部分表示的同样是否定意义,所以作者“从未”进行过酒类服务。答案:C9解析:上一句提到作者把12个酒杯放在托盘上并朝餐桌走去,所以是把其中一个酒杯“摆放”在第一位顾客的面前。打破酒杯是后来发生

34、的事情,因此B项错误;C、D两项不符合常识。答案:A10解析:本句后半部分提到6个酒杯掉在了地上,由此可知作者当时没有握紧,所以使用lost,表示“失去”。答案:D11解析:根据常识可知酒杯打破后应该是“躺”在地上,碎片遍地。如果选择C项,需要使用被动形式;D项表示“停留”,语意不恰当。 答案:B12解析:本段中间部分提到6个酒杯掉在了一位年轻女士的头上,所以作者多次向这位“女士”道歉。答案:D13解析:经理闻讯迅速“赶来”帮助作者进行清理。take over表示“接管”,give up表示“放弃”,rush against表示“与碰撞”,都不符合语境。答案:B14解析:上一段最后一句提到作者


36、这个团体的其他人员宽恕了作者的失误,本段中提到饭店经理在附近地区颇受尊重,由此可推断经理和这个团体的关系十分“密切”。B项在文章中没有信息支持。答案:D20解析:经理的声望以及同团体之间的密切关系让事态“平静”下来,并为此赢得了团体对作者的宽恕。答案:A.阅读理解语篇解读公司老板和身处较高职位的人要正确处理高薪工作给自己带来的好处和弊端,如果不能正确处理,则会有损于自己的身体健康。1解析:细节理解题。由第三段“as they are more likely to report.life”可知D项正确。答案:D2解析:细节理解题。根据第五段“the advantages and disadvan

37、tages authority positions basically cancel each other out,giving the general impression that job authority has no health effects”可知答案应选D。cancel out取消,抵消。答案:D3解析:作者意图题。根据全文内容可知,文章的写作目的就是提醒做老板和身居高职的人要正确处理工作给他们带来的消极影响。答案:B4解析:主旨大意题。根据全文内容不难看出B项最符合,即位高权重影响健康。答案:B 投挟椰姑仪拨殿劫打拯价孪问鼓宋幕骏肠紫球肥设琉檀揩呼壁楷谓壳域誓娱湿突蓉沪像走馋



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