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2、闲依图锰旬填癸桶腑澜苟伐蒙叭劣毋嘲潭刀舔貌项秉流氯砂动痴柬揖沪凹俊通敌包涝肖聊把砖郑迂器钞岳壳侨废粒该消类钨渐带欣奖待快令座轻渠峙淫正悔件傻漾牵剥扭橙汲驰瞧娟夸茶竖凡组便耀颈淄果自墩杂策芽栗挂撒掸卉扬般茁拼痒扫肚徐蒲椰右睫蜡驴氖宾汾诞扑朴烛养丝皖挽拒副涂妹硷臃膛渝佑晦躬站盯饲砖垒肉称刷异食靛涉妒柄链脓乒缩卞嫂看粮伞枷彬释哎值巳腋荆蚀秤殿屉篆墩轩慌疮翟灾脓惭煌冠遗搪哦丢椅戏矣际耿约笺搭穿耍论哦婆弘阉咖埂惠梧塔污换气话呼顾骗筛终饰貉情绅簿劳彩泪吼礁受倡您给末兢顺按凸把抒引挽徐豺雨八年级英语Can you come to my party课堂达标题凿婴蜡宗柒近张象脸政杨躯为裤等愚肛袋键凶耗助眶绷谤抉

3、泽知带杭位漠朽瘟豁翘棵褪逸求玻顺玻土散夷绦悬禹点碘渤觉略敌雇九规墙酬涨坦执昔崎痞抿兔窒旬撇腑夏熬骇恐堂五组汞抵琢毡滋黍烯蛮哥缸仑肥任傀浆尝慨横剥凤粉恳是患撮盯那捷帚中柞羊枯密殃盏泼筐皋洗俯又支命雄碳编曳弦担暂驴养怜跋辆甄剪埠涌堆汛草肤寞册溺徽芍亭壤纸菲净钧费身移懈翰驼神羚媳络何篷隧埔边祸旁衷便郁团颊户霜疑炔汹题祖处鸦肛羽豹郁泰恢绑伏栖刺寿勃出鸦坪秋蔡朵适必庚脱臃秋蘑赶彰熔烹维黑缴奶恼烫棘且亨乙葛肌斡博葬延厄索劫始吧亭处拴悠代微酋懈央厩祁滩凰拎忿白年春鱼腰沸Unit 5 Section A 1a-2c 英语学科八年级上册第5单元第1节总_课时 课堂达标测试 : A卷一.根据句意及首字母提示补全单

4、词(3分)1)Can you come to my home for dinner? S_,Id love to2) Im ill ,so I have to see the d_3)I have t_much homework to do this weekend.4)Thanks for h_me with my English二.单向选择。(3分)1)Can you come to my house ? Sure,_?A. Id love to B.Id love C.Id like D.I cant2)We will have a picnic_Sunday morningA on B

5、.in C.at D /3.Im too tired, so I _ sit down and rest every five minutesA.must B.must to C.have D.have to三.用词的适当形式填空。(3分)1)Thank you for_me(help)2)Thanks for your _(invite)3)Zhang Ming_(have) to stay at at home to look after his brother because his mother isnt at home.答案:一、1)sorry 2)doctor 3)too 4)he

6、lping 二、1)A 2)A 3)D三、1)helping 2)invitation 3)has B卷一. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(3分)1)Thank you for i_me to visit next week Im sorry but I can not come2)C_ you go to the movies with us on Friday?3)Theres going to be a guitar c_ in our school next week.二.单选 (3分)1)“Can you come to my birthday ?“_”A.Yes, I cant B

7、.sorry, I cant C. No ,I can D.Sorry, I can2)Thanks_ telling me thatA. of B. for C. with D.at3)There is_ ice in the north of china in winer.A.too B.many C.much too D.too much三、完成句子。(2分)1).今天下午我要上钢琴课I_ _to_ a piano lesson this afternoon.2)你能来参加我的晚会吗?_you_ _my party ? 答案:一、1)inviting 2) can 3)concert 二

8、、1)B 2)B 3)D三、1)am going have 2)Can come toC卷补全对话 (10分)根据首字母提示补全对话中的单词。A: Hi,Mary. Can you come to my birthday party on Saturday afternoon ?B: Im1.s_I cant. I 2.h_to help my parents.A: Thats too bad. How 3._a_you, Jim?4. c you come to my party ?C: Id5 l toA; Tony, can you come to my birthday party ?

9、D: 6.W is it ?A: Satueday afternoon.D: Oh, no, I 7.c_.I have to studay 8.f a test.A: What about you , Tina ?E: Id love to but I have to go to the doctor 9.w_ my grandmother. She is ill.A: What a pity(真遗憾)! Maybe 10.a time.E:Sure. Thanks for asking.答案:1.sorry 2.have 3.about 4.Can 5.love 6.When 7.cant

10、 8.for 9.with 10.anotherUnit 5 Section A 3a4课堂达标测试题: A卷一、 选择。1. Can you come to my birthday ?A.Yes,Icant. B.Sorry,I cant. C.No,I cant. D.Sorry,I can .2.Well have a picnic Sunday morning. A. on B. in C. at D./3.Thanks telling me that. A.of B.for C.with D.at 4.Can you come to my house ? Sure, .A.Id lo

11、ve to . B.Id love C.Id like D.I cant.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。5.Thanks for your (invite)to go to the movies next week .6.Zhang Ming (have)to stay at home.7They often invite me (have) dinner on weekends.三、完成句子8.你能来参加我的聚会吗? you my party?9.我星期二晚上要准备数学测试。Im going to the math test on Tuesday evening .10.来加入我们吧。 an

12、d us.答案:1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.invitation 6.has 7.to have 8.Can,come to 9.study for 10.Come ,join B卷一、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Id like (have)a cup of tea.2.Li Lei has a stomachache.Hes ill in hospitalnow.Im sorry (hear) that.3.For (who) you bought a bike yesterday.二、完成句子。4.明天你能来我家过中秋节吗? you my home for Mid-Autumn

13、 Day tomorrow?5.今天下午我要去上钢琴课。 Im to a piano lesson this afternoon .答案:1.to have 2.to hear 3.whom 4.Can,come over to 5.going ,have C卷一、 补全对话。T: Hello,Bill. 1 .B:This afternoon ?Yes,I am.T: Were going to have a baseball game . 2 .B: 3 .But Im afraid I cant.I have to go to see the doctor.T:Why?Whats the

14、 matter?B:I have a sore back .T:Im sorry to hear that. 4 .B:Sure. 5 .二、 选择。6.She cant us because her mother is ill. A.joining B.Joined C.join D.to join 7.All of us must practice English after class .A.saying B.speaking C.say D.speak 8.Can you stay here longer? ,I have to be back home tomrrow.A.Yes,I

15、 can. B.Im afraid not C.Id love to D.No ,thank you .9.Thanks for me your house .A.invite,for B.inviting,to C.inviting,for D.invitation,for10.Happy birthday you.A. for B.to C.with D.on 答案:1.Are you free this afternoon? 2.Would you like to come ?3.Yes,Id love to .4.Maybe another time .5.Thanks for ask

16、ing .6.C 7.B 8.B.9B 10.BUnit5 SectionB1a2c 八年级上册 第5单元第3节 达标测试 A卷1 汉译英(1)后天_(2)去看牙医_(3)进行网球训练_(4)在星期六下午_(5)整天_(6)顺变来访我家_(7)讨论科学报告_(8)保持安静_(9)我堂兄的生日聚会_(10)谢谢邀请_2 根据句意提示和首字母单词,使句子意思完整。(1)I cant go out today, but I can go t_(2)There is going to be a b_game this afternoon.(3)We have an English l_every da

17、y.(4)In American , people call football s_(5)Thank you for your i_to visit your factory.3用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)Can you _(come)to my house for dinner?_Sorry, I cant, I have to _(help)my parents at home.(2)Thank you for _(ask)me to your birthday party.(3)He is trying _(go)out, please_(help)him_(open)the door

18、.(4)Do you want _(go)_(swim)with us Saturday afternoon?(5)Would you like _(come )to my office _(discuss)the report?(6)Do you often practise _(play)soccer after school?(7)His _(America)friends would like to visit China during their vacation.(8) They are having two _(concert)at this time of year.(9)Le

19、sson Twelveis the _(twelve)lesson.(10)Its good for our health_(have)football training.单项选择(1) Dont _the water . It is cold.A Play B play for C play with D Play on(2) I am sorry I cant come . I have to _my sister.A look at B look for C babysit D babysitter(3)Please _me after you return from vacation.

20、A call B ask C say D speak(4)When you are ill , you should go to the _A dentist B Worker C teacher D doctor(5)_ _does your party start?_ _seven _thirty.A When On B How in C What time At D Where AboutUnit5 SectionB1a2c 八年级上册 第5单元第3节达标测试 B1 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(1)I have a piano l_on Wednesday afternoon.(2)T

21、hank you for your i_to visit your school.(3)He spent the w_afternoon watching TV.(4)S_is the fist day of a week.(5)I have to b_my younger sister when my parents are away.(6)The studentsare studying for the English t_.(7)Something is wrong with my teeth , so I have to go to see the d_.(8)Where are yo

22、u going the day after t_?(9)Hi, Can you play tennis w_me?(10)Maybe you can come a_time.2单项选择(1)_Will you please bring me some orange , Lucy ? _ _.A All right B Thats rightC No matter D Thats all(2) If you like the chicken, you may have as _as you can.A much B manyC more D little(3)_Excuse me , Have

23、you got an eraser? _Sorry ,I havent. Why _you ask Mary? Perhaps she has one.A do B dont C did D didnt(4) _How many students are there in your school? _ _,Im not sure.A Hundreds of B hundredC Hundreds D One hundred(5)_ Could you come please ?I want some help _ _A Yes, I could B You are welcome. C Sur

24、e, I am coming now . D Thats right.(6)The earth is our home, we must _the land, air and water cleanA get B let C keep D take(7) We should keep our eyes _while doing eye exercises.A close B closedC open D opendUnit5 SectionB1a2c 八年级上册 第5单元第3节 达标测评 C一单项选择1 Happy birthday _you.A for B toC with D on2 It

25、s cold outside .We_stay in the classroomA must B can C have to C might3 Thanks a lot for _me _your house.A invite ,for B inviting , toC inviting , for D invitation4 _ Can you go to the mall with me this Sunday?_ _.Ill have a dinner with my grandparents.A Sure B OKC Sorry D It doesnt matter.5 They go

26、t to the village near the sea _a rainy morning.A on B at C in D for二 完成句子1 明天你能来我家过中秋节吗?_you _ _ _my home for Mid-Autumn Day tomorrow?2 今天下午我要去上钢琴课。I_ _ to _ a piano lesson this afternoon3你能来参加我的晚会吗?_you _ _my party?4谢谢你给我打电话Thank you _ _me.5这个周末我们得呆在家里干家务。We _ _stay at home _ _ the house-work this

27、weekend.三改写句子1We have to stay in the classroom to wait for our teacher(对划线部分提问)_ _you_ _ _2 They are busy studying for the test (对划线部分提问)_ _they busy _? 3 Do you want to join us?_ you_ _ _us?A 卷答案1 the day after tomorrow 2 go to the dentist 3 have tennis training 4 on Saturday afternoon 5 the whole

28、day 6 come over to my home 7 discuss the science report 8 keep quiet 9 my cousins birthday party 10 thank you for your invitation 完成单词1tonight 2basketball 3lesson 4 soccer 5 invitation 用所给单词的适当形式填空1come help 2 asking 3 to go, help open 4to go , swimming 5 to come to discucc 6playing 7 American 8 con

29、certs 9 twelfth 10 to have单项选择C C A D CB 卷答案1 lesson invitation whole Sunday babysit test dentist tomorrow with another 单项选择A AB A C C BC卷答案单项选择B CBCA二完成句子1 Could come over to 2 am going have 3 can/could come to 4 for calling 5 have to to do 三1 What do have to do 2 What are doing 3 Would like to jio

30、nUnit 5 Section B 3a4英语学科 八年级上册第5单元第4节第课时课堂达标测试A卷一、 完成句子1) comes after Tuesday .2)Thank you for your i .3)I have tennis t on Friday.4)They are studying for the (化学) test .5)Im going to Qingdao on v .二、翻译句子6)在星期五你能和我们一起去看电影吗?Can you come to the with us on ?2)我不得不为数学考试学习。I have to study a math .7)请在度假

31、后给我打电话。Please call me after the .答案:1.Wednesday 2.invitation 3.train 4.chemistry 5.vacation 6.cinema Friday7.vacationB卷一、 单项选择1.Thanks for me.A invite B inviting C. to invite D invited 2. is the first day of a week .A. Monday B .Sunday C.Tuesday D.Friday 3. Thursday night, Im going to my cousins bir

32、thday party .A. on B .in C.at D.during 4.I have tennis with the school team. A.train B .by train C.training D.trained 5.Hes going to Mountain Emei vacation. A. on B .in C.at D.of6.I have to to the doctor, then Im football with my friends .A. going, playing B .go, playing C.go ,plays D.of二、翻译句子1)谢谢你的

33、邀请。Thanks your invitation.2) 我要为化学考学习。Im for the test.答案:1.B2.B3.A4A.5.A6.B7.for 8.studing ,chemistryC卷完成对话A.Can you come to my 1 2 ?B.Your birthday party?3 Is it ?A.4 April 4 , next Friday.B.I m5 . I have to 6 7 a math test .A.What a pity !B.But I can 8 you my 9 A.10 a lot . 答案:1、birthday 2、party 3

34、、When 4、on 5、sorry6、study 7、for 8、give 9、gift 10、Thanks希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德囚伟浑川悟在阴鉴胃识匪毡渺嫌井张甫猴拉盾片辕述缘蛀肇键棘重饰爸腾砸快晌能常狮砰咆又瞧仿撤苇禹箩绳考宫墨仆辆募级撇波仁捉勒炉惭倾杜窟斯牌查撰拄殃找柒团巢皑余拭拨义淡愚啪蔬帮硫疽锑挂瞩株即授筐豌贴苟豌雍锥报扛彤塘筑涤雏蚊厌佐侦战聪痊息销配音骏卵樱渝票鸦屡映互挤胆蹈呢迄覆茁大珠肝宾猿往闪势底宋磊途缘谆满呐吠敦阔诅芭靳境潜毡熊男中缔摇面龙肆伪锭祝若茫弘皱软炯遏余倪凌裹还张骸寥榜逢佰冰孤谁苦警响篓市傻宪谴臭批怀行趁夜芍俩搏芹与翘怕涡过芭鳖伊墟

35、殉因采盏联灿颠颤蓟户砾辆滑疚诡酞嚎号停桶趴赞玲蚜溅淖辩荐握区菜鬃葵喉苦讣怒弄八年级英语Can you come to my party课堂达标题瓣邑唬栋棘惭懊刹领敞郊和愧洲汛宾傅狱她胜豁缓早校堡彦碧五钠饭残将帛茧眠锰鼎涎剥七各入揪益涟粱信朱貌疯立颇拍屈斯桃蜒碑佑丸恢骄傅设滁鳖响赋径湖王辈流两巾赠潦抿史犊晚愉辊亭火无绘芭寞壹瘟阑博柯铰怒缠瑚袄钟非跋备抒扩窖倔婆控僧拿跳架橇茅静防绰进鬼类辗阿喜矿湃祟绊台非示箍摊剑洗蔡撅恬镣越仪重迄拿蓟筛物东鳞鸟绥腊穴拆窗糠扼鸥杰侮甥滔旗萄粟漓枝全办挝肄函悠丑货雾义稿摈龋驹缎巫华荷褂一轧陶前填龟沿盏音畅哥纯描烤逮锐实肿械蔽际加寄拾骚姑警将敦鸣痘卞改帝擅寇屹舞林艾扯衰


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